If. V 1 1 s .wpiisJii ; tner ui nP" 'tforgaa Tell 01 lattrnational- KO WATER IN STOCK, HE SAYS twtirti That Government Has ' Been Discourteous To Him In The Hearings. Chicago, .Inn-" Whin George TV. Pcrkin-, I.imiht partner of the late J. P. Mor,, i!i t W the utness stand for the lrii :-i in I hr International Harvr-t. r ( Miip.tn .mti trut hearing yeateni.iv lu w.i- w.ininl by Attorney O ro:, i. n r , r. , n -n-i IiiU t lie ( '.overii tnenl. 1 1 it . .-ii'liii-m- nu.Kr which he testified ilnl i. ' -'' him immunity Irur.. P --IM. ;! 'ti--:i V,,i: 1 i t I., .-n - i! .p..i nn.ie'! by Edir A. 1! ir.. - : tn. I -Harvester t ; " - i ;ij i i mai Xltor'lev Grosven. 'i . " l i (!. t, ri.i . I tut- mi VOU 1 Wl-!l to ! ! he? e ir-.n, .m i- et Y It ..f ilsi iin-. our t n ..lit ion .iiMiin ii i t y r" .iwyir. .i eminent i.i imjilms warmly. I'.uropean i the Inter- . :.. iv?" a:-ked : ' ' had a talk ..... v ,i- Lo the pos- : ' ,"ini held for tile !!( iiiuerjt and ilso i oi financing the i onnection with . -s Sled " ' i '-.. .i nit Alilwaukee he replied: u . p back "t his p'tr .! ..:e Neither Cyrus i:iv of tne"; M( ("or . i hint to qv.-with it ii.v-i- a teraWiry loan I t rii.i Tiei eM ; tc V.: w - on the n, the 3100,000, which he ,':! chase of the option il the company.'' In reft rem u to foreign sales Mr. Perkins .-ai l: "I was dealing in lag things in New York and 1 did not believe that the going into foreign fields with the Mc- C'oriniek concern alone was a big nough proposition to be worth my FudTroul)les;& PPWIIPlI when you useaM t f t i mWU)MK New Perfection X 5maSffim-- oil Cook: stovli 1 1 llWViilF 7 1 Justliftthenlil ill JHf II from the;craaiiiS i i uu uuij l nave lu wait iui u.vi.vUic w . . kindle. No coal or ashes to caxryy n6Bootig, smoke or dirt; no blackened ceilings, Note, the . new 5tiTriCTl?y ) Perfection"-tlic inost ; . complete cooldpg dexicc oa the market, with indicator cwi r, font, cabinet top, etc Smaller stoveMvith i; 2 OTi3,i St ANDAHD -OIL COMPANY Wastlagtcm, tt C, .(New Jcwy) OarloUR C c . .'.. tOcthr came to me. - 1 Kent w.- i the coherent Urr companies and my plan for a COaaolidatioA was cmhu - iasticafly received." , i . "Who aimed the International Hax-'city vtatcr Company?' "'J : C "1 wish yo would teQ why this name was chosen. : -,'-. ' " T1 unt wu a direct utrrovth of out iateniixt of developing an in-J ternaoonal business. My experience ia the New York Life Insurance pany had been that our agents abroad had found that if they were able to call their firm an "international life insurance' company the "international' carried more weight than 'New York.' This determined our choice of the word 'international' in the Harvester Com pany." "There was provision for three voting trustees. Why was that made?" "To make certain I could carry out the plan of tbe things 1 had in mind and which 1 have related. The di rectors were ehosen by myself with the same end in view." "Why did you acquire the Osborne plant and who acquired it?" "I did personally. It was so located as to make a good point for distribu tion to foreign markets." "Vou were in very close relation with Mr. Morgan?" "Ve, sir. I was in close touch with him on all points of the business." "D.d you ever know Cyrus Mc Cormick and Mr. Swift, an attorney, to vl.it Mr. Morgan?" "No, Mr, never. And if they had I would have been sure to have heard of it." ease si ne the basis on which the International Harvester Company was organized." I "It was strictly a cash basis. There was no watered stock. Everything J was dollar for dollar on actual value?, There was no syndicate in connection with the organization. "- I " 1 DELIGHTFUL SAIL LAST E MR. AVn MRS. D. SON HONOR E. HENDER THEIR HOUSE GUESTS. Complimentary to their house guests, Miss Lina Ivey of Lenoir and Miss Mamie Meeks who has been teaching in the New Bern Public Schools but who will' leave In a few tavs for Ridgecrest, where she will gpenrj the summer, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Henderson gave a delightful sail last evening on the yacht "Connor." The part left the city about 8:30 0'ciock and for more than two hours glided over the placid waters of the beautiful Neus "Neath the Light of when New mm rea 1 f TTTt7 TTTTT l;l:UI:-4 See your deajr, or write for full particulars to ' . jolly i' .. c i i . . v j asd j , r ,c . r i t . , one jut ihe gut. it ,ujui it; teats were Ukea along and tlrr c - t eatfy, enjoy! The party returned to the shortly after II o'clock and each lvoted Mr. and Mr. Henderson the BMt charming of hosts aad tostee. l ; f l inoac tqjojmr wr. ana jwrs. ricn- dersos Hospitality were: Misses Liaa Ivv of LMoir.v Mamie Jk'. k r V,l Wood, Sadie Wood, Nina I'i.ht,! Edith and Myra Berry, EVa Armstrong, Com-jLillie Tolaoa,' Jessie Ipock of Bc"dir and Edna Speight. - Mr. Ernest Wood, Mr. aad Mrs, L. M. Dick, Mr. W. H. -Manderaon, Stephen Fowler. Sul- tan Flowers. John Guion. T. C. Fth. eridge and Ed Meadows. " ' ".' . .1 - . " 1 1 "1 r ; r a coiiFESs:::i Honea ttr Sfarmr ? J. i . 3 utrtlc ,.', u C'ni3'- T-r ' ' - 7 'w tr undisturbed. . U is surmised 'tV "5T,lerT'oaea st"it1lat the 'stamps were what the yegg- :': v-y;' ' . .-'v I men" were; -alter but were frightened wr " . i. i i .-- I - ' -. . ' f . . Htaev-Ala.-"! roust confess- raw i.Mrs. EulaMaeReid, of this place '"thai' a rreai di-al S 3 aoneme appearance Jt looked to be a strong SzST '-I-- "'--'chr-.-wa Jn fact one of the cherper would soituo eventthins i ik.i J 5fand was Bred, alecpy feeling all the time, arid wa 1 ta'yeggmen did hard I V rincr fl rrt tn4 and wou!4 have severe headaches con- bnuouslyvii v. ;. i ?jncl.?a,dn Cardui; have enfireh qiutiprlting up what J ta.U Everything seems to aigest all right, and. rhavi gained; 10 pounds in Weight" -, nil you are a victim of any of the numer ous ills so corranon toujour sex, it is mong to suHers i f?T?,i ce"t".7- Cdul has been -Jievinjrjust such ills, as is proven by the thousapds of lettersrsimilar to the above which pour tuto our office, year by year! -Cardui js successful because it is com posed of ingredients which act specifically Sa ,ti,S. w0"13"1 constitution, and helps ana Slrengtn. - , f,- Cardui hashelbed others, and will tinln . youtoo. Get a. bottle loday.t You won't regret it. ,.Your druggist sells iL-J ; Write to : Chattanooga Mecine civ UdTw' Ad vlsory Dew., Chttanoog. Tennij-for Special Jn ttructumt on your case and 04-page book. Home Treatment tor Women,'? sent la -plain wrapper. C 120 s ' j . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE' . Having qualified ,aa administrtO.-t of the estate o Jesse Jl.. Stricknd, deceased, late of Craven County, NC,' this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said dexesaexl to exhibit them to the ' undersigned at wew Bern, n, on or bet ore the 31st day of May, 19144 or this notice -will be pleaded in , bar rof their -recovery All persons indebted Jo said estate will please make immediate payment. ,This 30th day of May,, 1913., , RANSOM STRICKLAND, Administrator of JESSE R. STRICK LAND, deceased. i :z, R. A. NUNN, Atty Fresh lot No. 16 RUBBER BANDS ust received.,, E. J. Land Printing Co. t Phone 8. . , V j. you use "a Perfectibn irreeular. I COUldT hardlv rlrt7 Dm,.. Iserteri ton mi rh ust litt the tanfc t . tfirt 1 f 1 V'..'''W-'t,i--?.'f iNewrenectionis For '-'. :asT---t .-'Khz VJj..,":...-' , - ''; Chricton,ac fr 1' 1 ka 0 I iLL J Lull ' . iu LLIE AS - TO MEN "WHO ROBBED THE- CHARLOTTE ' POSTOFFTCE, 3 Charlotte, June 20.Thre i" ab- ute,y .M Jue to the person 'or persons t who broke into ' the North Charlotte poatoffice at : "aa -early -hot t v.j uiuimu O UU UKW IQC Ad VS from tbe Wti'v The robbert however, failed to -secure r,rery much' for their trouble- theAmly thing nissiAg being S24.74 irt 'cash, that - was In the safe. Between-1500 "and $1,000 in Uostaee stimps was also in the sa'fe'bi t thtv I were left-unrlkturherl. It is trm;riil'unmaii.ax)coininodstioiis.etcV ask rT they couW sc,z? m pooty' - Thi sTe, although from the outsie'e easily entered. This not expect and tn- nitroglcerin which caused-a 'terrific explosion arid a wak ened, a number of people living uear. TcMr." Turbiville who runs a store next deef heard the explosion which occurred at 2:55 a. m. and thinking itVas in his store grabbed his pis tol -and rushed to the scene. The yeggiricn evidently taw him coming down the street, only a Vhort . dis tance away and made a hasty get aay. In fact Mr. Turbiville was on the. ground in five minutes after the explosion and a number of other peo-, nle .wrre c. i.irklv on the scene. "Mrs. Martin, a ladv clerk in the office, had ... - .. $40 s':ffed in a spectrele case in the safe which was jarred ot.t by the explosion and fell on the floor but was overh oked by the robbers. The fotre of the explosion broke the glass in a number of lockboxes in front of the office and also tore a hole from a desk nearby and evtn knocked some of the plastering frc m the top of the room, Postmaster Hall was soon on the ne and took charge of affairs and is thankful that the yeggmen got aay with so little an amount. Tl e 6afCl however, is ruined. NORFOLK SOUTHERN Special Rates to GET! YSBURGi PA. Fiftieth Anniversary Battle of Gettysbt rg. July 1-4' h, 1913. J Very low rates will apply from all stations. Se ling dtes, June 28th, 29th,' 30th, July 1st. P.etu n trip must be completed pri r to July 10 h. ' Stop overs will be allowed at Rich mond, Washington and Baltimore. Fare via Norfolk and Baltimore or Washington, D. C. From New Bern $12 80 Oriental .'. 13 30 " Morehead... 13 50 - " Dover.... 12 80 " " Bayboro 13 10 - On this occasion the vtereans of both ... the Northern u and Southern Armies as well as a large volume of .the regular troops will participate. For further information apply to Tv H. BENNETT, Ticket Agent, v Phone 737. E. D. K YLE.T.M. W. W. CROXTON CP A Norfolk, Va, ' . WEEK END AND SUNDAYEX- CURSION FARES ToVJRGINIA ; v BEACH And NORFOLK. $$&'yf - . . la . " NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD v From Week End Sunday .52.50 2.50 ' . . 2.50 ' r 2.50 . ,'Goldsbiro $4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75. : 4.75 4.7S La Grange Kinston Dover ;. New Bern; ."2.50 . '2.50 Lyancetoro Rates to. Virginia Beach -Week End 75 centshigher-and Sunday: 40 .cent's higher 'than' the above Norfolk jfares. I Week' End tickets sold every! Friday and Saturday. May 30th to September 7th" inclusive, Vgood to .Teturhnntil midnith't Tueday following daw of sale. Sunday tickets "sold Saturday tight. trBins--Mayf; aotho "Septembe"-7th goc4 to, return ' leaving" Norfolk' 9:00 Wfrmi lSundav..'i-.' . Get complete lniormation irora youri Ticket 'Agentw?-3'':?l?- ''ii'H-', CRpXTbNk "dp.-' A NORFOLK, isOuVniRN RAILWAY : Summer .Change'o Schedulo' y 'i 1 '"f Effective June- tthil.iJ:&;. 'T.'aii N' 9 will leave at ;5S, p.' hi. Beginning, Sunday,' June eV'.Tiain . v. ...Ml I D: I m 1 r.lA . no. r wui ivave oauiuii i y.uu j. m. and Morehead at4:25'ju ira., passing NewBero p. m., Kinitoh at 8:14 p. m. and arriving GoldborO, at 9:15 P-m.'i :. ','- '' -.'' "' ' ' " .'."', v On Sunday only Oriental Branch train - .. 55 te ' I ft I::-'" tern f -r ew Ecra at 7 . ' j p. m. - . Consult nartft ticket .rett for further particulart. . ; W. W. CRCXTON', G. P. A - . . Norfolk, Va. LAYMEN'S-MISSIONARY MOVE- - me nt. :; M. E, CIILTvCII SOUTH. . ' Waynesrille, N. C , Low. Round Trip farea v v ,-. - via - V --SOUTHIRN RAILWAY. , '" Tickets wifl be oa sale do June 23 to 28 inclusive. . Final return limit to reach, original starting point by mid- nioh. t - ion .a: -! ,' "d trf.i' f am from principal r 1 4-w.ww. ; Raleigh r J9.20, Goldsboro $10.65. Selma. (9 65,. Durham $8,45, Burling Rstef in same 'prbportion, ironf all Mherpcints:.-"..r ror ietaied iniorrraiion schedules. your, agent -or communicate-, with. V ' . . ;j. P. J0NES H 7 Traveling Passenger. Agent. . . . : . Raleigh N. C ;"f DOVER AND SOUTHBOUND ' RAILROAD. .. Traffic Department - SCHEDULE OF. TRAINS CARRY : ING PASSENGERS, j Effective Sunday March 30, 191$ South, Bound - North Bound Trains L Trains , -" , 6. - s8' : STATIONS " ' . P.M. A.M. A. P.M. A.M. A.M. Lv, . Ar. li't 4:25 Dover 7:55 7:55 4:42 Foys 7:38 7:40 -4:46 Taylors - 7:34 7:36 '4:57 Phillips 7:23 7:27 ; 5:08 Wimsatt ,7:12 , 7:18 '.5.;29 Comfost 6:51 7:00 5:50 Petersburg 6:30 6:30 5:55 Richlarids ,t6:25 6:35 P.M. P.M? 4:25 4:40 4:44 4:53 5:40 5:45 Ar. . Lv.' fTrians Run Daijy -xcet funday. Trains Run Sunday Only. T.S. RICHARDSON,.; Traffi Manager. D W. RICHARDSON, General Manager-"- SUNDAY AND WEEK END EX CURSION RATES, NEW BERN TO WILMINGTON. ' Via; . Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. $.1.25 Tickets sold each Sunday, limited to date of sale. ::, 52.85 Tickets sold each Saturday and for forenoon trains bunday, limited to is reach New Bern returning prior to midnight Tuesday vfbllowinK'rdate ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAIL ' . , ROAD. ,-;-W ;'v: "The Standard Railroad of the South" T. II. BENNETT, , ticket Agent, r. C. WHITE, ; ; - " General Passenger Agent, , " Wilmington, N. C. SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES TO .. '-::::z it: MOREHEAD ; CITY AND BEAU FORT, N. C. ' v . ' .; Norfolk Southern Railroad . '':. , -. :--"To From Morehead City Goic!.-boro - --, ', 1.50 La Grange .... 1.50 Kinston L...'1.25 Dover ...:..:.1.25 ,New - Bern ...........;...........U:.:..4 4.00 Oriental ' ,.... 1.25. flarps to, Beaufort 20 centS higher r. : Sunday; tickets -'sold -"each,, 'SuMay May ISth to:.Scpt. J4thgQod to .re turn "ri date of sale only.' -" -. - v W. W. CROXTON , 1" l - v General; passenger Agent. 'V WEEK- END AND SUKtiAY ;r EXCURSION FARESTO f morehead cnytfg I .. BEAUFORT. -.'.L.' -.-:--;.7:y?.-.w-i.': ..:s ..... s. . NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Trorii 5 "'; Week End. -''Sunday Wtuo'r;..;i.7f''Ui Dover QL. 1.25 1.00 New Bern 1 so.-JP". ..-"i nn Oriental 1.25 Bayboro; ri';.iX' 1.50 V'J 1.25 FwmvDle?:.'Wr'? 3.00. 1.73 GreehvnieiS;2.75:: t;7S Mackey-K'::-3.2S e:'2.25 '--. is. Plymouth :'-&j&WPXM$i3i 2.0Q Washington '1,25, '7;:" US-frivcr westwirdJy 858' feet,?- thence';:v:' -t Vncetw'f? Fares. "to-"'. Beuicn".2d''.cc'ttf iighV6urse f .Trent'. PJycr 536 -fust,' thence,V-C,v'" '" . than to Morehead Clty.;-:- 858'feet, thei.ee a Hae par- ,jX': ' Rates from fnter mediate, station n,; ralleMo the first line, thence north- .1" same faffleJWoportton-.t"jrK.,-ft.v::.;-;i!' ; ; Week End tickets ' sold Friday, Sat urday end Sunday morning trains good to return until midnight Tuesday, h,v Sunday .'tickets sold each Sunday until September 14th, limited to dats of sale oftly.ff '';.," -."-S'vv V')'? X ''Atlantic Hotel under hew. rnanagt ment" Best fishing On Atlantic Coast"- Cet Complete icforination from any ticket sgenU -.''' 7 . " . W. W. CROXTON, G. P. A, rrtrJer Ct:. r cl tl S ,jt!j N. B. The foi'ci. j schedwk f -jree re r ut:.i oy it idwr n-silon" a-J ire not guaraBtee-i. TRAIN Na. 21 Leaves CoUobor ' . 6;45a.m.Iuf Raleigh, Durhsm, Greer . .'-- joro, . AiaeytHe aad .WayneoZie. . ": ' " Ihrouijh traia to Avni', handle ' ' - --" :tair car to WayneaviSe." Makes con- -'. . ' " ectioas at Greensboro for all poiauT"- ' North and East, and at Asheville !tb ':----r, . Caroliaa Special for Cbcfanatl, Chicaj. ' nd all westera points. : ? ' STRAIN N. UUiVes .GoUabl' VfV - ' K)S p. m. for Raleigh Durham .and E " -:. Greensboro; Handles , through Pull-.,'-. 3an .' Sleeping Car from Raleigh t '" '"- Atlanta, arrive Atlanta 5:2 J a. .m'"-- ' making connection for New Orleans v;v'-fr-? J , Teas. California, and aH Western ''puai ' Usoj tocnwtaat; Greensboro " ihh HC" " t through train fori fcU Westwn ianc ; Eastern potjnk.t-K i-y :'yp ' - ." .iiu. jji-T-jj-a yes ooiqsboro ;t J ! 5:05 p. m. for Raleigh,-DohaW nnrj c-vil T ft 1 Greensboro. Makes direct onnek.i V st Greensboro with solid Pultnun .-' ;'f '-Ti ,'-'- ing Cartrain f of Washington; Baltimore: -i-''- Phils HpIi ,hio KT v.-.. ..-.-; -v?. , r.r..-., w,: iui, B1 eastern - -- V-' Mid Northern poiiits; A Connects also aKw ' Greensboro ; VUh through VTouris V;T Sleeping Car for Los Angeles and San'l ' ' V-'1- : Francisco.; .i-A:--; r?: ' .TRAIN No.' J 1 HiavcV poldsboro 1'. 10:45.r. a. for, Raleigh; Durham and" Greensboro. .Handles ?PumanSJefiiP li trig - Car , Raleigh to Winston'-Salem. ? 'rr. Makes connection 'at'fereetisboro'witb' , through train fof Atlantk and New Or- " v " leans, also iakes connertioq for ,Ashe " 1 ' yille, Chattanooga.'St. LbiiiMefflphis, ' ' Birmingham and all Western points. '? " ' ueiiieu iniormation, ; also ' for ifor.mation concerning sjiecial round trip' rate's account yarioiis 4neeiat orcas- ions, PuHma'h slelepino ear'reservatioim- ask any Southern Railway Agent or communirste with n.i undersigned. ;'i'.r I-, p. JONJiS, ' . . Trailing Passenger -Agent, Raleigh, N. C. - I A FEW POINTS IN FAVOR OF THE n OSUUKU VISIBLE-TYPE-, WRITER. - There Is not . the least doubt but that "THE PITTSBURG VISIBLE TYPEWRITER la the best low priced machine on the market today. It is durable, attractive-and flight. Ita simplicity- ia marvelous. :There are no complicated pans td get out of prder. It ia like an open book. If something clogs, you have only to make a few turns, with a screw driver, remove the part causing the trouble, clean it off. and go ahead. It is the only ma chine in the world on which the set of tpye and type bars can be taken ' ant from the machine in less than ten : siicondsiThis feature alone -is worth many, dollars as a time " saven .It la the only machine how on themarket with whlrh legible typewritten copies can be maoe ai.one writing. The ribbon c6ntrol is " automatic, the color change is simple and convenient; , thex back ; spacer i. and tabulating: key are within an inch of the bp orator's ? hands when using the machine, v. The type are lined In a symmetrical row in front of the - operator . ana are easily cleaned. Srtong . piano - steel wires control the type bars and It Is impossible for these- to break.: .The machine ; ia so constructed that the lightest touch or the vigorous pound used in , heavy manifolding have - the same effect ore the mechanism. - uau at the otticei ( the E, J. Land Printing Company and take a look, at this wonnerful machine: Prim $65.00 on the easy payment plan. . ' MORTGAGEE'S SALE. " , Pursuant to power of sale contained in ascertain" mortgage deed exe vtedl. by Warren B. Ellis and wife A S. Ellb-, . - to - Mrs. JosepK 'p., WilUarns, ;lated December 2nd -1910 andTecordee-f in Regii 101' and been debtcdness,. the .iindersien -- . ' stry;--ofirTawn.:,Connty't'(Ck :p;y454,vwhkh"-Waidrfy;Asf;if.:h t'ransIerrd-oh;lM8.t9th td'W; A.' Wimsatt,, whicTisaiiJ jtlfsjVK is ' recorded, in Registry cf (Yivea 1C. v County;; in . Book ':-. sdefai.$h"& maa? in;tne payment-ot? tne;.m-:;H' a" ', secured ;: by said ..'mortg-age,:..-,''.'-' r;?, .r - led'V will sell atV hnhUri . . ;r ' iri on Monday the30thjday of Jttne,;i9I5;-,!; -at . 12; o'clock noon at the Court Hon'&??A$& 'h. '. door in the. Gity'of New Berni Craven- property, , situate ,to-wit::.s.v.v'. ?r?;ttttvW Certain- tract or parcel 'of land ',-'.iy;.---;.' -:.)'y In No., 7; Township, Craven : . - HJR; Bmn and bounded as-foUowsyX 1 Lying and being situate on the $oirik'-'-iS''c -side of- Trent" River about two .'mnes;. :;;:'.....:.,.,'. Irom the city ol iew .Bern',-beginning on. said river at a point 100 feet south' of. the foad : leading from ;New Bern to .Bsanfort running thenca along said ' Jwardly. - a direct line Co the beginning. :.7 . " containing" ten And 561100 acres. Being. " , the same land conveyed by H. R. Bryan V , and others to. Ur II. Berry by. deed rev- ;, , corded in Book 159, page 584. 7; - ' ' l :;;'V'. ' (2) 1 Also all buildings and machinery -;;- . thereon and used in pperation of the . - : Mill, , Including Dry ; KUns, Boilers, ' ' ' Shafting, jBelts. pulleys and air other. ' Machinery Uied therein.- '. " -' .,' ' :ThI2Hhdayof May, 1913. , V. A. V, IMS ATT t . T,..-......... ...... . ,. ' :', ' tain,,,,,,, , Damaged Text

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