KEW BERN DAILY JOURNAL, NIV iiiT.scAi' !:n:;::;o. jc;e :j i9n. In recent months we have$t worth of new machinery; putting us ixi better shape than ever before for filling -your orders. " " . - r v . a ' , ' ' . . .' s .-'"-', : . . - - We are now prepared notonfcto do high class work, but do it quickly and in large quantities. ... ... -:;tfMi, fc I,,',' - i'Zi : fit.- ' - t " " r T-TV. - aw- -.-A.f-. sr. : , j ..or c.. vsh.iVt- New Series Chandler & Price Job Press The cut below also shows a brand new machine the largest job press we could buy. It will print a small size newspaper. Whether you need the newspaper or magazine to .THE PRICES WILL BE MADE AS, LOW AS POSSIBLE - CO ; WITH THE QUALITY OF WORK E J. LAND PRINTING COMPANY Prin ters and Publishers 45 POLLOCK STREET LiQUu These two illustrations show the Lanston Mono type Machine, the same being composed of a key bord and caster.TheMono type casting machine is a complete automatic type foundryr producing type, ,.a borders, awMpacing. ma " Vtf& of aflyetoe;ta T"pce4 that mates it cheap, fjse to Csit new thaato dis tribute, fjit will turn a ; ; pound of. metal into type Jthe highest .qualify jn less than two. y minutes. .'With this machine we are especially Well prepared to provide a variety 4of type for bur patrons. K coocx3cxxaaoeacexwcxQQ ordinary lines of commercial printing or have a .:" you want printed; v it will see us .Deiore piacmg your oraer. :.-.iT V - ; i 1 jmmm J Omaha Folder. This is one of the latest makes of folder. It Is at tached to the press and is a labor saver as most folders are detached and require an extra man to operate them. . I j I Another new job' press, but (mailer: size, than the other one shown. : It is a New Series Chandler & Price, conceded to , be thbest job prpss. . ; ' ' be to your interest :-; .5 i 'jiijJ-.i.: , 'r NEW BERN, N.C , fi lA - Wrtd U In rUnd. -Wler the trocd mouth of tb rlrer Ebansoa kilugiea lu wateri -with tb deeper ba of tb ocean, where tb rtern coast thrusts la eager procaoo todes toward . America, tt land of dreams, cta&da BallybatJou, plctur t)Q town of 200 p-lkb mea a ad wrnw a.' Abool mile and t half farther north stands Be! more, and between thes two small towns extends one at the World's : quaintest railroads ths BaHybunlon tnonorau. ' . ; ' ; .- .1 On its' single track, raised oa a tres tle, sn4 in Its curious cars passengers and freight are carried from .Bally bunion and Belmore and back again la the- remarkable time of. fire mlnotea. The monorail on which Its strange to comoth't and' trains ran Is perhaps two feet high, while toe distance be tween the lower rails, which serve to maintain the equilibrium of the rolling stock, is a little more than a foot u. Most remarkable of its equipment is the locomotive, with its queer elliptical boiler and firebox. ; It has one cylinder on each side, the rods of. which are In side connected to the drivers. . Tbe In terior of a passenger car Undivided Into two longitudinal compartments which are entered by separate doors. The guard stands on either, sidev ac cording to the balancing needs of the moment Freight. and stock- cars are similarly divided, .- Z.&ZZrZS'gt'&Cv, To enable pedestrians and wagons to cross . the tracks of the Ballybunlon railroad small,; lift bridges .are ' con stracted'at the various roads and re main In a lowered, position for the ac- Mmroodatlon of traffic. VVVben It Is nec essary for s train to psrs such a potni the crossing flagman raises the bridge as Is shown to tht'illustratlon,. thus permitting the train tonroceed. ' . .4,r;.t: The . Ballybunlon hauls considerable freight tor. so short a mdV -Thas-snr-roondlng i country has . many - famous caves, walcb yield quite a large quan tity of stone nd some mineral wealth. Railroad Man's Magazine. , ' PRONOUNCING CHINESE. Variations In the Tone Mean Entirely Different Words. - - At the University of London recent ly a lecture was gWen by Dr. Jones on the pronunciation of Chinese, and In the course, of bis remarks the speaker explained that-the difficulties of learn ing the pronunciation of ? Chinese. though real enough, have- been rather exaggerated by those who have writ ten on that subject When treated phonetically the language becomes not much more difficult to learn than Her man or French. . . The chief thing to remember Is that the study of Chinese Is a matter of singing rather than talking, Dr. Jones said. In - English the variations' In tone as we talk mean variations in ex presslon. , In Chinese variations in tone mean totally different words.. . A little of the Chinese method is present, eren In our own language, and the lecturer pointed out that tbe 'slm pie word yes" may be so varied in tone as to mean "It Is the case," "Of course it Is the case," "It Is really so" and "It may be so, but I'm not quite sure.' The student who wishes to Jearn good Chinese must familiarize himself perfectly with at least six tones. There Is a seventh, but that may be more or less left out of account According to the tone In which they are pronounced there are words In Cantonese Which have six separate and distinct mean ings. The Chinese word ."fan," for. in stance, may be sa pronounced or .rath er sung, as to mean six different words and such widely different ones as sleep, powder and courageous. Springfield Republican. : - London's Mighty Roar. James Russell Lowell was never so happy as during bis tenure of the American legation. "I do like Lon don." he writes to Charles Eliot Nor ton soon after his, appointments , "It gives a 8 Hip to my blood, how growing more Blugjrlb than It used to be. I love to stand In the middle of Hyde park u nd forget . myself In that- dull roar of ever drculatiug !llfe:Twblcb bears a. burden to the song of the thrush I nm . listening to ;. It , Is far more Impressive, than Niagara, which has nothing else to do and can't' help Itself. In this vast torrent all the drops are men." London Chronicle. wnn no wiikio n ror, .v ,rwlsb 1 had money enough to get inarritHL" he remarked. $& She looked down and blushed. '"And - what woold-you do?" , she asked.' looking Very bard at a little design on the carpet';;.. rJf. x. .v.'i-V," "I -would spend It trsTellng, bs plied. And the thermometer felt lOdfc greefc-ruppincotrs,- - ; rv-. 4 r Sareestlo. ifl don't Invite Mrs. Psrrenn to my, bridge party, od yet she's a sure loser and good pay."-..-. !."'- "r don't think yon are going to get ber money without her company," said ber'tarcastloTiusband.,,Whatdo yon expect ber to do frame your invitation and mall yoh a .checkl" Louisville Oourler-JournaL ;.-'f-;.., i .-"' -...i Napoleon Lost Something Too,': ' Bost-That is the sword of my great nncle. : us lost bis arm at Waterloo. Guest yes. It's a terrible place for losing things...,! lost s bag there only lost weekl London Opinion, , . - .. ;, fj : , Genuine Regret."', - ' Wift (proudly) I'm so sorry, dear, that your staying home end taking cars of baby cut yon out of siag m march at ths hed of tie $uZr?;t r rade-Lifa. : LAYMEN'S MISSIONARY- MOVE- "- WENT. ' - . -'-.-- M. e. church south. , Wayne?!!!, N. -C 'Low Round Trip Fares . - VU . - - ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY." Tut I." .... 1 ,.,. 28 !t,.;v. 1;r. . to rfcw.!-i ""rt - - reach original starting point by "mid- mght July 13, 1913- - Round trip? fares from principal points as follows; '- Raleigh J9.20.. Goldsboro 110.65. Selma $9,65, Durham 18.4S, Purling toa $7.40. ; :.v. ,'i-"'v-- v.- Rates in wme" proportion (rom sD other poiato.' -i,'si.lsi,'ff:-',.t z - For detailed ' information schedules. Pullman,;' accommodations, Vt&-: ask your i agent i;or commu nicate withT ; fC'y J- JQNES, VS- Traveling Passenger Agent Raleigh VtiCl. rOOVERljAND "SOUTHBOUNpt .vi AAILROAD.i'V :Trafflc. psrt mentw SCHEDULE OF-TRAINS CARRY- 5ING PASSENGERS.;; Effective Sunday March 30,1913 South Bound ;r:''ft--Nojth";,Bbniid K 1, y ' ' ' 5 7- iik ' 8 . "'-' v. - STATIONS rt iK P.M. :V . P.M..;- A.M-'.. AV P.M. ' g .M; . ; ''A-M. 'A.M. 4:25 . 4:25" Dover t, ,?S -75 '4:40 '-;4rf'lT-F6ys ? K7:38 4:44 T 4:46 . Tgylor:34: 4:?3 - 4:57 .Phillips . 73 5K2 5:08 V Wlmsatti7:12 7:40 '76 - 7:27 7:18 5:22 5:29Comfort6:5tj7K)0 5:40 5:50 Petersburg 6:30 6s30 5:45 : 5:55 Richlands t6:25 65 Ar. - " Lv, ." "M". fTrians Run Daily ' xcpH Sunday, 'Trains Run Sunday Only. ' . . n. s, richardson : -. '. Traffi . :r Manager. D. W. RICHARDSON. 1 . v. '. ; Genera Manager, j . " SUNDAY - ANDi WEEK END EX CURSION RATES, NEW BERN "TO WILMINGTON. - r. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co, $1.25 Tickets sold each Sunday, limited to date of sale. . ' $2.85 Tickets sold each - Saturday aad for forenoon trains Sunday, limited to reach New Bern -returning 'prior to midnight Tuesday following date of sale ' . ' ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAIL- "The Standard JRailroad bfjthe South" T. H- TBENNETTV?:' v -Ticket Agent; r. C.White.: r'y-'l General Passenger Agent, ! ' , Wilmington, N. C. WEEK END AND SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES. TO MOREHEAD CITY and ; . . BEAUFORT. . ''"'. '''",. via ' - .;-:.c-'f NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD J. -rrom Kinston Dover .. Week End Sunday $1.75 ..$1.25 1.65 - 1.50 '1.75 ' 1.50 -3.00; . -i 2.75 v 3.25 ' . 3.00. New Bern -Oriental " 1.00 " : 1.25 1.25 :;, 1.75 ' l.fS 2.25 2.C0 Bayboro. . Farmville -Grecuville Mackeys v Plymouth' Washington - 2.25 .-".US, Var.ct ljoro " v!lrareioBeau(ori.:!2ocents'f than luIvJorehoad MirHf-'' t . aies-arojsv, miermeoiaie siauona in sac.e; proportion-2-W:;30:' .ik End Ucketisold: Ffiday Sat un'Mj 'and Sunday; morning trains go6(i td-Wariin'iiilCwidiugli Kfu nday?i:Ke a' itoldT ' eaclruhday until September 1 it h, limited to ""date ejt saVidy.r:?:;f T "Atlantic Hotel, under- new . manage ment. Best fishing oi Atlantic toast ' WHEN BUILDING uF.OTf D IS CEEEED ltemember;to be sure ;to I get an ; estimate Sxooc ElijahTaylorCo. i; General Contractcrs; f -i phone' Nbri-'f!:v t Before you faward that" ' ; T x'- contract elsewhere.'-' If you hats rooms for have I it of fou .J an t watt to tuy or '1 t n- -t' Jc 1 v t r " rert. ft th.U, Ct ', i 5 Cl tickr'agent.:- CTjtOH .fiW. WCROXTON.' fX' P.;A,: 'r?w'; Norfolk Va. j r "e ; ' . SOtTIILRN RAILWAY Premier Carrier cl the Smtb . N. B. I he LroIre schfdwk. enrr are pubhahed pnly s irJorntatioo and ire not g'iaraotetd. - , L - TRAIN No. 21 Leavei CclLborr fcnu fr Raleigh, Duf hm,Cres boro, AhevL1o and. VaynwO. I Drouth train to AshevL'Ie, handW ; :bair ar ,ta Wa-nesvilk, Makes aw . - -' ection at -Greensboro for 3 poiatst 1 -North andEast, and at AsheviDe witb " ' Carolina Special for Ciociunati, Chkagr - " ; nd all western points.1 4 ; , N -C TRAIN Na 139 Leaves Goldshotv :05 p. " for. Raleigh -Durham jn& 'f. Greensboro. Handles; throus?' ; ?uO-. X man Sleeping '.Car .from RaJetgh to . - Atlanta,'; arrives Atlanta 3:25 a. 'm , making connection . for New ' Orteans - -' Texas, California and all Westers pf int ; '. also 1 connect r sat ; Greensboro with through . ttainfor Jj-ill Vestern , land J.--- f Eastern 'boints;';- -t '&?&S- ' - 1 ''TRAIN XoC Ui-rLeaves iGoIdsbor' " 5:05 o. mi Jor -Raleiirn! Durham Md " ' .. - " 'C " ireenhfnv. Ma A rs4v rnnnai t mi x '5 UM,V S.1U4HVMVW 1 t GreeMboro with solid pullmaa SJecp- . ' " Pliiladelphii; Newprk and all Easterat " and Northern Mints. '"Connects nbo at r- tGrcensboro vfL'ltittoognlLTiwritt sleeping car lor xos Angelec and Sam . Fraricisco;'.-M.Si ;,TRAIoltlilLeavcColasiw 1044 p. mhr Raleigh, Diuhani asiJ Greensboro.-' Handles Pullman' Sleep--' inff Par rRalpioTt ' i U';nnn.C,l ' Makes-'connectiott: fit:Greensbor9 :witn it. ' through train for Atia'ata arid New Qrr. L." ' leans, aJso makes connertibh for .AAs&" : - ' ' f-; ville"; Chattanooga, St. Lbqis, MesapUy Birminghsm and aB Western points.? i Port detafleds infor itio'aJsotiiBr: nformation .concerning gpeciai roandt trip rates account various upecial occaW ionsPtillmau sleeping carreservatioB, sk any Sdutheri; Railway Aeent mr " I communicate with tvnaenea,I'.'' .-. --t.'': Traveling ; Passenger Jgen t,'f". - ' Raleigh,?NCv? 'i.?''5--" A FEW POINTS IN FAVOR OF TOT & PITTSBURG VISIBLE T YPE ; 5;;C-t'WRITER4Av:, There is not the least doubt tec' l-h " TH6 i PITTS n I ID fa.-vi e ram v " . TYPEWRITER Is the best low priced -machine on the market today. . It'7 " is - uuruDie, : attractive and Itht- - r. Its simplicity la marvelous. '.There- -. are no complicated, pat ts to get out ' of nrtr. Tf l lllra a If something clogs,' you hav oolw o nuu i iew -turns witn a screw driver, remove the part causing 'S the trouble.'' -clean It nff. and go ahead.' - It is the only ma-'."'' chine in the world on which the ser , . -of tpye and type bars can be taken aprt from the machine In less than ' ten ibconda.-- .Thl leatnrc i - Is Vorth many dollars as a tlme " saver. . jit is tne wily machine now-: oh the market with nrhioh legible typewritten copies, can b " matte one wntirrg. t ne rib boa control : is automatic,, the . color change - is simple, and convenient,: the back - AacKAil ' fahnlatirt ? ' key are within- an' lnch of the o ' cmivr nuuus '..wnen . using s t ne machine. The type are-lined ini a symmetrical row in front, of. tfe' ' hnrarnr- anA . ar i.aill. iim..j F . . - V'LM'lt V, . Srtong piano- steel wires control : ine type oars ana it is impossible -for thesWo break. , The macbimr isSQ constructed that the liohtM . in: fteavy i jnanlf olding v have . the or me vigorous pound used same-effect . on the mechanism. v uau at ton omceic , the K. J. Landl Prlntine nnmiMnx anil tatr a ' -" w vmav . iwa - at this wonnerful, machine Price $65.00 on the easy payment plan. :!i - MORTGAGEE'S Pursuant topower of sale contained Titfh" certain ' mortgage deed executeif i by Warren B. Ellis and fe A," S. Eu -to "Mrs;: Joseph ;Dc;Wiiliaffls;atedl Peceinjberj2nd;l9i0 itfdordeed,; iaM0': 'Rs'j&i-'to 101; p,-404."cba8 :4M4'?U ! aaftraa'sierredV 't;yA;.WnU,fh'ichjsa i- recorded ' '' 1 a .'RtBTkfrut'v.f .' eiri'i1 t,-.-v."' -irwPt";?: is - recorded -:' in Registry ,of ; Grri v Cunty'fin Bdok)" b.XCdefaLilr imvi debtedness secured bvfsaidlm'eirtMm: ;the;:;-Bfldjgned';';sefr'' auction t" the: .hignestbidder jor. cash:9 f - on Monday, the30th day of June; 1913 -..i-at 12 o'clock ' noon' ar the Court House; ' . door iiT the City of ; New Bern,' Craven- ' propertjr (1) situate in No,;. 7,,ToWjahip, Cravesi ;Wwit&ii Certain tract or barcei of UaA Pc:?i: -5 iv loutity, V, adjoining the lands of Tjt; H. Ri Bryan' and bounded" as follows Lying and bieing situate on the sonth ; tide of ' Trent.; River .about, t wot . 'itulmjI: 4-5, from the city of New Berni beunalre :. i '-?r : 'on sai4 river at a point' 100 feet sootk-:.''ry''-r;'r;.-' oi tne roaa ,ieaaing . irom ivew Sera ; : td Beaufort .funning thence along pajj KK river r west wardly - 853 'x feet,:;- thence 1; duthwarlly ' at right angled 'to' they 'f f: ' course f-Tren Rivrr A.tft f.vV-f- . . eastwardlv 858 fect. the tice H line, rar '- . rallcl to the rst. line', 'thence north--; -r - wardlv a direct line to the beeinninl-'': ''." -"'. containing ten and 561100 acres. : JDviifg " the same land conveyed by H. R. Eryan ,'" -'k'; "',' and others to H. II. Berry by ; deed rev , V corded in Book 159, page 584.' '. ', . i' Also all buildings and matttntry thereon snd used in opcrf-" - ,. Mill, including Dry I'.'.'.. , Shafting, r !'s, puLVj'i ; - ; r Macliin'-ry tisc-J thre.".i. " ' T!.' 21! h v ( ' ;;S,i5J:-, .j.vj.; .-i.fT.1-'"- A'r - '. - '" V 1P "P 4 TfTnm