IMGE THRi I J w IM ,,,,,, -v - " 2 Ulnl Tou Hat AIwpvs Sought, and which has been " a use lor oyer 80 yc has borne the signature ot. . - . ' -J? - ' '- ana has been made under his per--."".,''. ' ' nal supervision since its infancy. . w JucJu4& 'ABqw no one to deceive you In this. rComiUrfelt8,IudtaUon8andMJnt-a-KoodMarbut j. jixperlmenU that trifle with and endanger the health of' - ynfanta and (JhUdien Experience agaiiut Experiment. , -v What is CASTORIA x - -, Castorl Is a harmless substitute. for Castor OJVParo CA ' orlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups." - It Is pleasant. It , V -' contains neither: Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotio - ,;TA'-' ' nbstance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worma -,;.":' - jand allays Feverishness. ; , For mow than thirty yean it " 1 -; 2ulm been. J v constant use for the relief of Constipation, - JFlitulency, Wind Colic, aU Teethliiff Troubles and - - , - Xiarrhcea. It regro lates : the ; Stomach ard Bowels, - vtr '-'.assimilate the Food, giving: healthy and natural sleep. - ' - - - - 2 Children's PanaceaTiie Mothers iTiena. - 1 v OSTIUMS: ALWAYS Bears "the Signature of --2 The Kind You Dave Always Bought In-UselPBOveit 30 Years, r FOR jl.MEAL, rs s4 i -5.5 " r V la CORN, FEED, HAY. See v. St ft 1 1 ft; IDE STATE PRESS i The fact that tbere are 700 auto-' mobile in the State leads The Reids ville Review to remark that the peo ple of the State have a fortune invest ed in "automobiles. It is anticipated that as additional 1,000 ears will be registered before August 1, and esti mating- the cost at $1,000 each, The Review anoounaces a total of $8,500,- 000 in gasoline buggies. This estimate is not far wrong. Now what does it indicate? A few cynics would say that it indicates that the people are living beyond their means and are going to the demnition bow-wows. Other so berer people will agree with you that the automobile is a sign of bus'n -ss life and prosperity, and so it is. A real estate man is not equipped without an automobile. One very live and suc cessful young building contractor in this city tells The Chronicle that he ieeos three times as much building oing now as he did before he bought a car and even at that has more leis ure. Doctors "get there" quicker and can handle a larger practice with less fatigue. The same is true of business men generally. Automobiles are time savers. In Charlotte time is money 1 herefore automobiles are money makers for their owners, although there are some exceptions to this rule. Charlotte Chronicle. Children: Orv FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Every man is his own currency re form expert. ULCERS AND SKIN TROUBLES. If you are suffering with any old, run ning or fever sores, ulcers, boils, eczema or other skin troubles, get a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and you will get relief promptly. Mrs. Bruce Jones, of Birmingham, Ala., suffered from an ugly ulcer for nine nomths and Buck len's Arnica Salve cured her in two weeks Will help you. Only 25c. Recommend ed by all dealers. (Adv.) The silk stocking element largely in the majority. The fact that towns everywhere in the country are taking greater inter est in matters oncerning health and that yearly death rates are being de creased not only shows the advance civilization, but the onward march of of Christianity. It is nothing short of sinfulness for people to be blinded through custom, recklessness or pre judice, to the importance, the necessity of protecting health. It is cowardly and wicked to commit suicide and a number ofStates have punishment for those who attempt self destruction In view of these things it is not only barbaric, but sinful for a person allow conditions to exist that virtually mean suicide. Yet further than this The care and protection of children rest with the adults. The latter are responsible, and when they realize that responsiblity and take steps to stamp out conditions that menace the lives of the children and to see that proper safe-guards are thrown around the little folks, why it is bound to be a mark of real Christianity Per contra, obliviousness to such, or disregard is bound to be sinful. Wil mington Dispatch. L OS ONE CENT A A ' " WORD EACH IN- jTv SERTION. -J- e-.ycroeHo oooo ooo ooo or orcee2 dwelling, No. All modern con to S. W. Willis, FOR RENT 8 room U Metcatf street. veniences. Apply 43 Middle street. FIBRE BROOM End that broom trouble by getting one of our new- fibre brooms guaranteed to last 5 imes longer than a straw broom. Weighs 1 3-4 pounds. Phone 229. A. A. Lee, 24 Guion st. lmo FOR RENT No. 3 Griffith St. A Modern Steam Heated Store, 21 x 70 ft. Price reasonable. Apply on premises or phone 220. BEST LAXATIVE FOR THE AGED. Old men and women feel the need of a laxative more than young folks, but it must be safe and harmless and one which will not cause pain. Dr. King's New Life Pills are especially good ofr the aged, for they act promptly and easily. Price 25c. Recommended by all dealers. (Adv.) I AM receiving every night fancy peaches. H. E. Royall. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms in business section. Apply to Athens Cafe. Even the intoxication of love m.-.y result in a severe headache for the next morning. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Good liars are astonishingly scarce. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. George W. Koous, Lawton, Mich. says: "Dr. Detcheon's Relief for Rheu matism has given my wife wonderful benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed her self and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co. (Adv. There is always plenty of room at th top, the bottom, and on all sides for successful men. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA New Bern, N. C. & --FOR THE BEST 1 it A; f Just Received a Car Load of -. i.r. ,' ;a ,. -U. -- .- '- ' '. , -, ) Native-Stall Fed Cattle -Afterjlli closed every day except Saturday, from 1:00 to 3:30 p. m. ft ,Nevi: Bern Produce Co., 1" Phones 121 and 122. T- New BerrV :N. Cv,n L - - ""V fchBesteoplettatS TheWWSaf rf:.ii:oMMill-'l; R. E.- LEE Proprietor. - v i....' (he Webb law regulalin i! liquor sliipnuiits is ap sly imple enough, it sut'ins most ; It . iT the public to understand it ! is been pointed out that the in. uses no penalty for its vio- . d this has caused many peo- Ic to think it is null and void; and he fact that the Attorney General has given notice thai the law is not one to be entorced by the federal udieiaiy will probably strengthen this view. l he simple tact, as the At torney General points out, is that the Webb law, was intended solely to give the States jurisdiction of inter-State hipments of liquor. Heretofore liquor could be shipped from one State to another in any quantity, regardless of State or local laws, the shipment being protected by inter-State com merce. The Webb law simply pro vides that such shipments are subject to State or local regulations and neith er the shipper nor the party to whom the liqor is shipped can claim pro tection from the Federal Government on the ground that the shipment is inter-State commerce. Where there are no State or local laws affecting such shipments the Webb law is inopera tive. Where such laws are in exist ence it is up to the State or local autho rities to enforce them. The Webb law gives them that power so far as the Federal government is concerned and it does nothing more. President Taft and his Attorney General, Mr, Wickersham, thought the law uncon stitutional and the President vetoed it," Congress thought enough of it to pass it over the veto. It may be un consitutional for the Federal govern ment to give the States this power over inter-State commerce, but the law standi . until the courts hold it uncon Btitutional. Statesyille - Landmark, V hen some men leel like com imining with the spirits they interview apron. the man behind the whiu ItemeMbe'f:; For DeliciOiiSx Milk; Bread - tiii (1 VG ehuT Cake; nnu the iiii$i : vcan call numterlSSS -.; and flet DAK E'R Yv n GURANTEED ECZEMA REMEDY. The constant itching, burning, red ness. rash and disagreeable enects ot eczema, tetter, salt rheum, itch, piles nd irritat incr skin erupt if -ns can readily cured and the skin made clear and smooth with Dr. Ib l.-on's Eczema Ointment. Mr. I. C. LvJ.iiul, of Bath, ??,y.: "1 had ciema twenty- ve years and had tnca everything. All foiled. When I found Dr: llobs&n's Eczema Ointment I found a cure." This ointment is the formula of a phy sician and has been in use for yean, not an experiment. That is why we can guarantee it. All druggists, or by mail. Price 50 Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. (Adv.) ffl It s af fcrtiestiori Avhich : and nol nave ' ft or In i either" case! ; 'answer fetd and use the want cdlS If Julian Hauthorne has any hop of a pardon he should deny the au thorship of that poem on the Atlanta prison baseball game. NEW BERN'S REPLY. FREE an extra hollow ground fully warranted, S3. 00 razor or a $2.00 foun tain pen with two extra points with a three year's subscription to a 32 page paper, (72 copies) at 50c for the three years. Address Thomas & Co., Box 249, Columbus, Ga. ANOTHER fresh iot of vegetables received. For good goods and quick delivery phone 449. E. Fisher, cor ner Burn and Queen streets. WHEN I start on the People's Bank Building anybody wanting dirt for fill ing in yards can get same by calling H. S. Hancock and paying for the drayatge? H. S. Hancock. WANTED A second hand borkkeeo- er's desk. Phone 184. Burrus & Co. VALUABLE lots for sale in Bridgetoo. Apply to L. J. Moore, PolloksvilU N. C. VALUABLE property for sale House and Iot No. 15 Broad street. Desirable location, good home. Apply J. K. Willis, Admr., 30, Broad street. New Bern Accepts the Evidence and Many Journal Readers Will Profit by It. Which is the more weighty proof a few words fromja New Bern resident, whom we knows and respect, or vohimn I j iu suaugci mil U1SI d III t o wn s lrure can be only oe reply. Mrs. C. Pennington, 27 East Front St., New Bern, N. C, says: "I sulk red in ensely from backache, and sharp, thooting pains across my loins Often s was so lame that I could hardly straigh ten after stooping. I knew that my kidneys were disordered for the secre tions were very unnatural. I used just one box of Doan's Kidney' Pills that I got from the Bradham Drug Co., and this was sufficient to remove my aches and pains. Doan's Kidney Pills have been of greater benefit to me than any other kidney medicine I have ever tak en." tStatement given January 24 1908.) THE BENEFIT LASTED Mrs. Pennington was interviewed re cently andshe said: "I can still recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills, for they gave me permanent relief. You may con tinue to publish my former endorsement of this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Only little girls and care for hen parties. engaged girls FOR RENT Two story brick store No. 61 Pollock street. Apply to Mrs. C. W. Blanchard, Kiuston, N. C. JUST RECEIVED Wire tre; guards. They protect your shade trees. Wire front gates, both single and double, l.awn fencing a beautiful style. With right prices at J. C. Whitty & Co. Phone 98. R. F. D. and Star Mail Routes For the District. TAKE PLENTY OF TIME TO EAT There is a saying that "rapid eating is slow suicide." If you have formed the habit of eating too rapidly you are mostlikelysufferingfrom indigestion or constipation, which will result event ually in serious illness unless corrected. Digestion begins in the mouth. Food should be thoroughly masticated and insalivated. Then when you have i fullness of the stomach or feel dull and stupid after eating, take om "f Chamberlain's Tablets. Many scere cases of stomach trouble and consti pation have been cured by the use these tablets. They are easy to t -l.i and most agreeable in effect. Sold by all dealers (Adv.) The billowing with .1 request publication has been received by Journal from Representative John If you would save money, never bet on a sure thing. aison. As the present administration it isposcc! to give K. I . 1). or star m.u routes and change present routes when ceded, 1 shall be glad to supply blank petitions lor such routes or changes those who have not proper and onventent mail 1 hiIuks. Look over your sections, and wher- vcr it is possible to get a new K. F. D. star route, write nie for this blank petition, nil it out, and return it to me hall be glad to get you the best mail service possible. With best wishes, Yours most truly, J no. M. Faison. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 1 he young man who succeeds in marrying a whole hearted girl is playing in great luck. The average girl's heart has been broken three or four times. MOST CHILDREN HAVE WORMS Many mothers think their children are suffering from indigestion, headache, nervousness weakness costiveness, when they are victims of that most common of all children's ailments worms. Peevish ill-tempered, fretful children, who toss and grind their teeth, with bad breath and colicky pains, have all the symp toms of haying worms, and should be given Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleas ant candy loienge, which expels worms, regulats the bowels, tones up the sys tem, and make children well and hap py. Kickapoo Worm Killer is guaran teed. All drgugists, or by mail. Price 25c. '. Kickapoo Indian' Medicine Co, Philadelphia and - St. Louis. ' (Adv. Bryan . endorsed - the currency, bill, The team work of this administra tion is winning popularity. X.-1 CASTORIA . V Sat Xnlanti and Cbildrea.i: Tta Kir, i Yc? Eava Always Bocgft , Beat th -Blgnatortof for A woman married to . usually has a bad time gill f it. I I, !h STOMACH TROLBI E. Many remaikaMe cures of stomach troubles have been effected by Cham berlain's Tablets. One man who hail spent over two thousand dollars for medicine and treatment w.!s cured by a few I 25 cents 10X1 s . For ,f th, sale U all t.d lets. Price, (Adv). The stand more plums. and hie will u w by i in i vni y .uul important el tl the inder- t trill are pie and HE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industry 1 College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begin September 17th, 1913. For catalogue and other information, address JULIUS I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, N. C. SORE NIPPLES. Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure m..y be fleeted by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon a. the child is done nurs ing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth be fore allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale by all dealeis. (Adv.i It must be said, however, of Secre tary "Joe" Tumulty that he was one man who got his job before becoming an L.L.D. Are You Going to New York Soon? WRITC HotelRaymond .... 43 Eatt 28th Street (At Subway Station) New York City For Pocket Guide and Special Weekly Rata to Buyers and Parties. Single Room, $1.50 a dav or $9.00 a week, MARK A. CADVVEI.I (Mention tbla pannr) CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC .CHOL ERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY Every family without exception should keep this preparation at hand during the hot weather of the summer months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is worth many times its cost 'when needed and is al most certain to be needed before the summer is over. It has no superior (or the purposes for which it is intended. Day it now. F"or sale by all dealer. (Adv.) The McNab incident should sen ' to notily the administration that ro litiral opponents in office are n t at-' ways helpful. CAN'T KEEP IT SECRET. The splendid work of Chamberlain' Tablets is daily becoming more widely known. No such grand remedy lor stomach and livet troubles has evr been known. Sold by all deale-e. (Adv.) SHAKE OFP YOUR RHEUMA TISM. Now U the time to get rid ol your rheumatism, .Try a twenty-five ct boitle of Chamberlain' LlolnJent and jsee how quickly your rheumatic rnW I disappear. .Sold by all dwlort. (AHJ -' .'-.;' t -.; ' .':: ' -,-j. -t ; ... moan1 HTiv

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