N -.5. : ALCOHOL 3 JPER CENT." AvgetaMefteparalbnlarAs-slmilatlngtlieRjotfamfREgula-ttngdieSiocadisamlBcwsf Promotes DiaesttonflwifiJ- ncss and RestjContalnsncittw OpiuDiJilorphiae norMiueraL NOT NARCOTIC. ; Hill I nMim m t Hi tocyttfMDcStMILPnam BmtfkSml- ,- .'V JZtmm 1 AMteUtt I 'JbotM;, '" 1 HtmSrr- HWIP 1 AnerfectBemedvforCOiHft tlon.SourStoraadi.Dlarrtcei Worms jL'onvuiswnsjerensir negsandLOSSOFSLEEE liacSimile Sifoarcre of -The Centaur Compaux NEW YORK. 1 Exact Copy of Wrv - 1 ,' -re i iii f I iii m m m : t:i i-i id rr T MEAD O WIS M I X E HORSE and COW IS iii t iii iii iii r.i --TRY D J. A. Meadows, New Bern, N. C. lIIaaaAMAaiMHHMHUMllMMnMMImnltinNl Aj Just Received a Gar Load of Native Stall Fed Cattle After this date bur store will be closed every amy i Phones 121 and 122. f;nThe3fest People Eat at SFnQea , MOR.BHBAD .CITY, N. C. DO YOU? , Finest Sea-Food Dinner in The State. East, Carolina Teachers ; v'VTriliiliigdbl ;A State schoo -to train teacher? . for Carolina every energy 1$ directed to 1 4 all who agree to teach. Fall Term "" cataloguejand other Information f - j! Robt. H. Wright,' PresidntV ' in yFor Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought rs tne Signature 1 31 8 F E E D i IT- m S3 iii New Bern, N. C. ... , , - , . the public ,chools of North this one purpose. ' Tuition free begins September .'23, 1913. k address, , , a jV In ttlr Use v For Over Thirty Years " " " Tm( etHTMm mhnnTi new vemi errv. j The race is not al ways to the swift but most always. 1$ Thathare and tortoise race, would hardly be ' classed as a sporting event now. fj It is the man who delivers the goods who has the blue ribbon pinned on him in this year of oui Lord. CJ If you are running a square race young man. and the race goes to the tortoise, what vou need is another job. J Try the want ad way. If wood and coal cost you any thing "BUCK'S" Stoves and Ranges will reduce that cost. J. S. Bas night Hardware Co., 67 S. Front street. 'Phone 99. SCREEN DOORS reduced 10 per cent. Let us take your measure and give you a correct fit. J. S. Basnight Hardware Co., 67 S. Front street. 'Phone 99. borne hne Juniper lumber on hand for boat building. Tolson Lumber and Manufacturing Co. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September 17th, 1913. For catalogue and other information, address JULIUS I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, N. C. To The Public We have opened an up-to-date Barber Shop in the New Sanitarium building, corner Queen and Griffith streets, where we will be pleased to have you Call and give us a trial. All work guaranteed. BARNES BROS., Tonsorial Artist. "There's a Difference ASK YOUR DOCTOR si-Cola For Thirst Thinkers. "SAVE THE CROWNS they are valuable. Write for catalog Pepsi-Cola Co., New Bern, N. C. A re You Going to New York Soon? WRITS HotelRayindnd ;'42 Bast 28th Street (At Subway Station) . New, York City For Pocket Guide and SpecialV Weekly Rate to Buyers and . Parties. Single Room, $1.50 a dav or $9.00 a week. - MARK A. CADWELI ' (Uention thia pamper) - Pep D. W. Whitehurst has returned from Norfolk where he went to undergo an operation.' He was operated on at St. Vincent's hospital and is' sufficiently recovered to be out. '.' Mothers! Have , Your Children Worms? Are the feverish, restless, nervous, irritable, dizzy or constipated? Da they continually pick their nose or grind their teeth? Have they cramping pains, irregular and ravenous appetite? These are all signs of worms. Worms not only cause your child suffering, but stunt its mind and growth. Give "Kickapoo Worm Killer" at once. It kills and removes the worms, im proves your child's appetite, regulates stomach, liver and bowels. The symptoms disappear and your child is made happy and healthy, as nature in tended. All druggists or be mail, 25c. (Adv.) KICKAPOO INDIAN MEDICINE COMPANY. Philadelphia, Pa. .St. Louis, Mo. Lazy men would than find work. rather find fault Minister Praises This Laxative. Rev. H. Stubenvoil, of Allison, la., in praising Dr. King's New Life Pills for constipation, writes: "Dr. King's New Life Pills are such perfect pills no home should be without them." No better regulator for the liver and bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try them. Price 25c. at all druggists. (Adv.) About al the average manl takes for a cold is advice. The Best Pain Killer. Bucklen's Arnica Salve when applied to a cut, bruise, sprain, burn or scald, or other injury of the skin will imme diately remove all pain. E. E. Chamber lain of Clinton, Me., says: "It robs cuts and other injuries of their terrors As a healing remedy its equal den': exist." Will do good for you. Only 25c. at all druggists. (Adv.) No woman is supposed to look her age, no matter what it is. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Even experience falls down when it tries to teach a fool. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A What a girl likes about a young man usually what her mother doesn't CASTOR I A !pr Infants and Children. Tire Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of LOCATION OF FIRE ALARM BOXES. 12, Foot Craven street. 14, S. Front, corner E. Front. 15, Neuse Lumber Co., King street 16, Ice Factory, Griffith street. 17, Congdon Mill, Griffith street 24, S. Front, corner Middle. 25, Hancock, corner Broad. 26, Johnson, corner Middle. 32, . George, corner Pollock. 34 George, corner New. 35, George, corner Cypress. 42, Elm City Lumber Co. 47, iNew 5. front street, corner Spring. 48 Broad, corner Burn. 51 McCarthy's store. 52, Five Points. 53 Elm, corner Ashe. 54, West, corner Cidar. 55, Main, corner Pavio avenue. 62, Pine Lumber Co. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Fifteen Day Excursion, via SOUTHERN RAILWAY Tuesday, August 19. $11.00 Round Trip $11.00 SPECIAL TRAIN. Sleeping Cars and Coaches. Leave. Raleigh ...a 8:00 p. m. " Durham 9:00 p. m. " HillsbVo 9:35 p. m " Mebane 10:00 p. m. " t Haw River 10:10 p. m. " Burlington 10:30 p. m. Separate accommodations for col ored people. Tickets limited fifteen days. Stop over at Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington on return trip. Have your Pullman reservations made in advance. Don't miss this opportunity to visit the'. World's greatest Seashore resort. Take advantage of special train via SOUTHERN RAILWAY and make the trip , without change. ! For Pullman reservations, detailed information, etc., I ask your agentf or write", . J. O. Jones, Travelling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. S. : D. Kiser, City Ticket Agent," Raleigh, N. C : One Cent . , Word BUSINESS LOCALS LOST Bunch of keys on Trent read between Gate and City. Finder plea e return to Journal. 3 ti. WANTED six or seven room house. All conveniences, desirable location. Rent must be reasonable. R., Journal Office. ALL kinds of fancy fruits, cucumbers and tomatoes. H. E. Royall. WANTED .Gentlemen to occupy three large, newly turmshed rooms. Good table board and good service. Also table boarders. Mrs. M. Baxter, 188 1-2 Middle street. FOR SALE Two yoke of oxen, well broke, with log carts complete. Apply to E. W. Simpkins, New Bern, N. C. FOR RENT Well furnished room, light and airy, privilege of bath and phone. One and a half blocks from Elk's Temple. Rate reasonable, 'Phone 730. WE have Juniper Lumber for boat building purposes, very select stock. If eoine to build or renair rail nn us- Tolson Lumber & Manufacturing FRESH turnip and rutabaga seeds for sale. Finest American grown stock at 40c. per pound. Special prices on large lots. F. S. Duffy. 1 mo. The "GUARANTEE" on SCHATT and MORGAN pocket knives is a real warrant not a hoax. Price suits your purse too. J. S. Basnight Hardware Co., 67 S. Front street. 'Phone 99. FOR RENT Well furnished room, light and airy, privilege of bath and phone. One and a half blocks from Elk's Temple. Rate reasonable. 'Phone 730. BLANK DEEDS OF TRUST form used for Craven County can be had at the office of the E. J. Land Printing Company. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms in business section. Apply to Athens Cafe. ANOTHER fresh iot of vegetables received. For good goods and quick delivery phone 449. E. Fisher, cor ner Burn and Queen streets. BLANK DEEDS OF TRUST form used for Craven county can be had at the office of the E. J. Land Printing Company. I?"VI T" T 111 mil'. . . '"ft rLuiviDiiij worK ot any des cription see Whit Hurtt before you have it done. It will be money saved and you will assured of better work. ANNOUNCEMENT. We are pleased to announce that on September 1st we will open for business an up-to-date Millinery store corner Pollock and Craven Sts opposite post office. Our line will be entirely new, showing the sea son's latest fashions at all times. Miss Nita Williams formerly with Mrs. B. A. Irving Co. will now man age ou new store and will be pleas ed to welcome all her former custo mers and friends. Please bear in mind our stock will be entirely new. We have no last season's stock to dispose of. Call to see us before purchasing. WILLIAMS-BREWER CO., Corner of Pollock and Craven Sts. ICE CREAM FREEZERS at a sacrifice. Call on us for prices. J. S. Basnight Hardware Co., 67 South Front street. 'Phone 99 Musical Not.. Tardy Arrival (at the concert) Ha vi I missed much? What are they playiDj: now? One of the Elect The "Ninth Symphony." Tardy Arrival Goodness: Am I as lato as that? Harper's Bazar Are You a Woman? Tha Woman's Tonic FEB SALE AT . ALL DRUGGISTS F4 Three Times , For Tb ? Price of Two A young man makes a guess- at what a woman is going to do, but that Costly Treatment. "I was troubled with corucipation anil indigestion and spent hundreds of dollars for medicine and treatment," writes C. H. Hines, of Withlow, Ark. "I went to a St. Louis Hospital, also to a hospital in New Orleans, but no. cure was effected. On returning home I began taking Chamblain's Tablets, and worked right along, I used them fo some time and am now all right." Sold by all dealers. (Adv.) is his limit. Do not be one of the majority who Good Reason for His Enthusiasm. When a man has suffered for 'days with colic, diarrhoea or other form ol bowel complaint and is then cured sound and well by one or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, as is often the case, it is but natural that he should be enthusiastic in his praise of the remej dy, and especial y is this the case of a severe attack when life is threat ened. Try it when in need of such a remedy. It never fails. Sold by all dealers. (Adv.) expect more of a friend than they are willing to give, How the Trouble Starts. Constipation is the cause of mar ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Tablets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) A grass widower is not always a ;reen as he sounds. Remarkable Cure of Dvsenterv. I "I was attacked with fK-cpntprw about July 15th, and used the doctor's medicine and other remedies with no relief, only getting worse all the time. I was unable to do anything and my weight dropped from 145 to 125 pounds. I suffered for about two months when I was advised to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I used two bottles of it and it gave me permanent relief," writes B. W. Hill, of Snow Hill, X. C. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Still the magazines will be open to the Hon. Henry Lane Wilson. What is Best for Indigestion? Mr. A. Robinson of Drumquin, On tario, has been troubled for years with indigestion, and recommends Chamber lain's Tablets as "the best medicine I ever used." If troubled with indi gestion or constipation give them a trial. They are certain to prove bena. ficial. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) It is a mean excursionist who makes his wife carry both the baby and the lunch-box. Granulated Sore Eyes Cured. "For twenty years I suffered from a bad case of granulated sore eyes, sa Martin Boyd of Henrietta, Ky. "I February, 1903, a gentleman asked mf to try Chamberlain's Salve. I bought one box and used about two-third of it and my eyes have not given me any trouble since." This salve is for sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Why does not somebody suggest mediation in the Tamn.any-Sulz.'r revolution? Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS C ASTO R I A People are always willing to do their duty if they are allowed to deter mine what their duty is. Suffered Eczema Fifty Years Now Well. Seems a long time to endure the awful burning, itching, smarting skin disease known as "tetter"-, another name for Eczema. Seems good to realize, also, that Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment has proven a perfect cure. Mrs. D. L. Kenney writes: "I cannot sufficiently express my thanks to you for your Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. It has cured my tetter, which has troifble me for over fifty years." All druggists, or by mail, 50c. (Adv.) PFEIFFER CHEMICAL CO. St.' Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. If a man's heart is in his work he doe - a good job. Some men need a change: of heart. Get rid of that mouldy smell in your back yard by using PITTS BURGH PERFECT FENCING.- S. Basnight Hardware Co., 67 S. Front street. 'Phone 99. 1

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