:st for a has been receivcu by the 1 from Representative John M a tht. nrpnt administration posed to give R. F. D. or star mail routes and change present routes wneu ncedi. I shall be glad to supply blank e. d for such routes or cnang t tnose who. have not proper a rntiudnipnt mail facilities. i Look over your sec.ions. and wher ever it is possible to get a new R. F. D. or star route; write me for this blank fill it out. and return it to mc I shall be' glad . to1 get you the best mail service possible i ' With best wishes - ' t - 'v'. : Yours most truly, . , ' (,-.:' Jno. M Faison. UDectric (Bitters Made A New Man Of Him. "I was suffering from pain in my stomach, bead and back," writes H. T. Alston, Raleigh, N; (X, "and my liver and kidneys did not work right, " m nda ma foAl 1IV a naW Tin An w PRICE 60 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. : ' - LDQEE DiREGTORT ATHENIA LODGE No. 8, K. of P. Meets every Tuesday 8 p.' m., over Gas Co.'s office, Middle street., J. R. white head C, C.V J. H. Smith, K. of R. and i'S.' i Visiting brothers are assured of a chevalier's welcome. ' CRAVEN LODGE No. 1, KNIGHTS OF, HARMONY Meets second and ' fourth Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock in each month at Knights of Harmony hall, corner Broad and Hancock street J. K. Willis, President; R. J. Disosway Secretary; R. J. Disosway, 70 Middle street, Financial Secretary. PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1 i F. M. Simmons,' A. D. Ward, SIMMONS AND WARD, rrORNEYS AND COUNSELLOR!' f r if $ ; ?' ) ' Office Roonur401-2-3 Elks Building ' " Practice in the counties of Craveto, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir,' Onslow. Cart, eret, Pamlicd and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts; and when ever services are desired a'. .- V- R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW, v Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Feders Courts. ' ' h :: vf OfRes No. 60 Crsvss Street. Tslsphoss No. S New Bern, N. C. Carlsbad Electric A remarkable alcTto those , ' who suffer with ' ITnV An'rl v-.'?TJSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ' ' 209-210-211 ELKS TEMPLE ' Hours: 9tol2; 3to 5; 7:30 to 8:30 Office Phone 194. Residence-gFhone 732-A , , - , O. C Daniels, M, D. . . , SPECIALIST -; Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. " G0LDS30R0, - N. HARDWARE AND , ' ;-, Building Ma- 'iT'S..' i' . I i i) - ' .. 1'. i ' i i :i W Paints, Oils Varnishes American Field Fence i W; mkm. a reqi . . . i i , coA.Aiv. IN THE SUPERIOR COUHT. C. L. Spencer vs. Timothy Horner. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR- : . RANT OF ATTACHMENT. ' The jdefendant 4 above-named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action ; was " issued against said defendant on: the 11th ;day : of August, 1913, by the Clerk of the Superior . Court of Craven " County, North Carolina, for the sum of Three Hundred and Twenty-four and 90100 ($324.90) Dollars, due said plaintiff on account of balance due on a contract for goods sold and delivered 'at the request of the -defendant, which' sum mons is 1 returnable before the Judge of . the Superior Court at the October term to be held in New 3ern, North Carolina,:, on ; the .first Monday in October, 1913. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by the said Clerk of the Superior : Court on the 1 1th day of August,1 i 1913, 1 against v the property of said defendant. . which warrant is returnable before the said .Judge of fhe Suoenor Court, at the time and place above named for the return of the sum mons, when rand where the defendant is required to answer or demur to the complaint, ; or" ; the relief demanded will be granted. v ' - J This 11th day of August, 1913. . W. B. FLANNER, . .. Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR. Having qualified as administrator of tb. Estate of T. R Lane, deceased, late cf Craven county, North. Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of feaid de deased, to exhibit them to the under signed on or , before the 15th , day of August, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. . M. D. LANE, Administrator. Fort Barnwell, N. C. ' A , This 15th day of August, 1913. A few PHILADELPHIA lawn mow ers left, price reduced 10 per cent. J. S. Basnlght Hardware . Co., 67 S. Front Street. 'Phone 99. The North Carolin ' COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. The State's Industrial College. Equips 'men for successful lives In Agriculture .Horticulture, Stock Raising, Dairying, Poultry , Work, Veterinary Medicine t In, Civil Electrical and Mechanical Engineer ing; In Chemistry and Dyeing; in Cotton Manufacturing. Four year courses. Two ana line year cours es. S3 teachers, 669 ttudents; 23 bukldlngs: - Modern . Equipment. County Superintendents hold enp trance examinations at all county- seats July 10. Write for complete Catalogue to E. B. OWEN, Registrar,:. West Raleigh, N.' C. EXCURS ON FROM WILMINGTON TO NEW BERN. , . , via . . ATLANTIC COAST LINE Thursday, August 26, 1913. The Atlantic Coast Line will operate a low round-trip excursion from Wil mington and . int rmediate points to New Bern, Tuesday, August 26, 1913, at the fare and on the schedule shown below: ' ' - Leave Wilmington 7:30 a. m. Leave New Bern on the return at 8:00 p. m. Round trip from Wiimington only $1.25. Proportionately low rates from other points.. Separate cars for white' and colored passengers. , - Now in the .full glory of late summer, the pleasantest time of all the year', take this grand trip to New Bern. W. J. Craig, Passenger Traffic Man ager. t T.r C. White, . General Passenger Agent.. Thos. H. Knight, Advertising Dis- tributor. - Stop, Look; Read and Listenj; . Li?':. Those 10 acre; farms" on Neuse Road are going fast, but not all sold yet. Also I can offer special Inducements and easy terms on two saw mill plants with timber sufficient for several years curing, and a large number of good farms in Craven and adjoining counties. J. T. H. Moore US Middle St. ... New Bt rn WC , Any person can apply a. v. s. i PAINT who can read the directions on the can. J. S. Basnight Hard- night Hardware Co.," 67 S. Front street. 'Phone .99. ' . ilL QUESTIONS INVOLVING IIYCI , ENE TO BE DISCUSSED AT BUFFALO. L New -York Aug. 18. Plans, an nounced for the Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene, to be held at . Buffalo, Aug. 25-30,- forecast an elaborate effort toward improving the health and efficiency of school children The leading communities - of America and the principal foreign ' nations will particiapte. Three hundred ' experts will deliver addresses upon various phases of the work, many of .which will be illustrated with mqtion pictures and exhibits. . ' , ;' ' ' ' f - Are class rooms Sanitary? Are school hours' too; long? Do the children get enough , fresh- air? Ie their drinking water good? Are they given proper rest rooms? Are their . vacations ; long . e nough? Are they suffering from poor eyesight; bad , breathing 'appartaus of defective hearing? , These are some-of the questions the speakers Will attempt to answer. ' - ' 't ' , Claims in recent statistics show out of the , 20,000,000 school children in the United States 15,000,000 are in need of attention , because of some physical defect, and that there are 600,000 tubercular school children,"-will be ana lyzed in an effort to determine whether these figures' are worthy of credence: ',A recent report of , the Rockefeller Sahitai-y Commiaaion 1 .that " out '-: of 158,000 school children in eleven Sou thern States, over 78,000 were infected witn hookworm, will also come up for consideration. . ft . ; I. "Damaged Goods" is to be presented during the conference for the benefit of the delegates. , r ' , , Dr. Charles W. Eliot wili act as Pres ident of the Congress, . ,and Prof. Thomas A. Storey as secretary-general. FIGHT CATTLE TICK IN GREENE. Kinston, Aug. 17. Dr. G. M. Smith oflthe .. United States - Bureau of Animal industry,- has. begun the task of eradicating the cattle tick in Greene County. ; He hopes to complete the work in a few months. . The eradication of the-tick in Greene will mean a saving of thousands of dollars annually i to , the farmers there, - and the work is done without cost to the county. , ' -','- Tick fever has been a serious hand! cap to stock raising for a number of years. - - Disinfectants are allowed the farmers ' without charge, , and much interest in the work is evidenced by the ... number of ; planters .who have sought remedies and advice from Doc tor Smith at Snow Hill. . v . . ' FINED FIVE AND COSTS FOR BEING ROWDY ON TRAIN. . : Mack Blount, colored," was given a hearing before Mayor A H. Bangert yesterday on a warrant charging him with being disorderly on a passenger train. He was found guilty and taxed with the costs of the case. , Blount became so rowdy on the train enroute from Norfolk to this city Sunday morn ing that many of the passengers were terrorized by : his conduct. Upon the arrival of the train in New Bern he was placed in charge ; of Officer I pock and later talcen to jail :. where he was allowed to cool off until yester day.' . . r lfi Jobega Island. ; Famed for its unfailing springs. of pure, sparkling water, the Island of Toboga lies about ten miles from' the city of Panama, in the Pacific. - Here the mall steamers plying between Bal boa and San Francisco He by for their supply of fresh water, as do also .the. steamers that sail southward from Panama. The inland is also famous for its splendid pineapples. " ; ; . K J Worth Orchestra , '-i';A..yytoi.rv.O'?i;i Four Pieces, i Open for high class en- j gagemer.ts. Concert more a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. - .! . No. 3 Pollock St; Iew Bern A re You Going to New York Soon f HotelRaymdiid s ' ; -42 East 28th Street', ;- ' (At Subway Station) New York City 1SS'?;::'i-s.,''.''v,?if ' V For Pocket Guide and ; Special Weekly Rate; to Buyers and Parties. i Single Room, $1.50 a dav or $9.C3 a week. , t . ' i MARK A CAD WEI. 1 (Mention this paprr; , - ' TKL3. N. Vm THE WESTERN UfllOFl SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 'Premier Carrier Of The South." N.B.-The following schedule figures are published only as information and are . not guaranteed. V ,! . : : , TRAIN No. 21 Leaves Goldsboro 6:45 a. m. for Raleigh, Durham; Greens boro, ' I Asheville and Waynesville. Through train to Asheville, i handles chair . car to Waynesville. '. Make con nections at Greensboro for all points North and East, and at Asheville with Carolina Special for Cincinnati, Chicago and all western points, h -( TRAIN No. 139 Leaves Goldsboro 2:05 p. m. for, Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. - Handles through Pull man . Sleeping' , Car. from Raleigh to ; Atlanta,' arrives Atlanta 5 :25 a. m., ' making, connections for New ' Orleans ) Texas, California and all Western points , also connects -at . Greensboro with through train for -all Western and tastern points. - TRAIN Noi31 Leaves Goldsboro 5:05 p.. m. for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. -, Makes direct connection at Greensboro with solid Pullman Sleep ing Car, train for Washington,. Baltimore Philadelphia, New York and all Eastern and Northern points.1 - Connects also at i Greensboro ' with through Tourist! Sleeping Car for, Los Angeles and San Francisco.'' N V TRAIN No. 1 1 Leaves " Goldsboro 10:45 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro., - Handles Pullman Sleep ing Car -. Raleigh ' to Winston-Salem. Makes connection at Greensboro with through trains for Atlanta and New Or leans, also makes connection for Ashe ville, Chattanooga, St. Louis, Memphis, Birmingham and all Western, points. For - detailed information, also for information t eoncerningspecial round trip rates account various special occa sions, Pullman sleeping car reservations, ask any Southern Railway Agent or communicate with the undersigned,' . ; J. O. JONES, , - Raleigh, , N. C ' -7i . " ' ; Southern ' premier Carrier of the SOUTH Direct Lines to all Poults North; South, East & West Lpw t round-trip v fares ; to , Western Carolina, "the ' Land of the North Sky." Also to ' California i points, and aU principal resorts. ,- . t- Convenient ' schedules, electrically lighted coaches, - complete dining car serviceil-t-fe f,If you'r contemplating atrip to "any point, before: completing arrangements for sane; it will be wise for you to con sult a representative of the Southern Railway, or write the undersigned who will gladly and courteously furnish you with all information as to you best and quickest -schedule and -most -comfort-table in which to make the trip.,. H. F. CARY, Gen. Pass. Agent ;.' . ' Washington, D. C. O. JONES,. Travelling Pass. Agent - Raleigh, N. C I HAVE ' MOVED MY HORSE v - SHOEING SHOP . - From Baptist Church Alley to 93 South Front street in the building with Tat Tr en with, where "I. have larger quarters andbetter facili ties to do your work. If in need of first-class work ive us a trial' jc:::i i. :::t:i I . T - - Uo4AA. cCoxnr TELEGRAPH COMPANY SPECIAL. SUNDAY 'TRAINS TO ,i THE SEASHORE - ,- c" -."ia ; ' " - NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Beaufort and Morehead City, Nr C. ' Ready' for Summer Visitors. ' Beginning Sunday, 'June, 8th, special Sunday trains will be run from Wash ington via . Vanceboro and -New Bern to Morehead Ci y. and Beaufort, every Sundays, 'j f Sunday Schedule.'. Lv. ; Washington Chocowinity a ' Frederick . f Bragaw , ji Va nceboro , , ' ' Ernul ' H . "Askirt , " -. Bridgeton T. New Bern . Riverdale Croatan ' , i ' Ha'velock ', ' Newport " J : Morehead City . Atlantic Hotel , 7:10 a. m, -' ;22 a. m., 7:7 a. mrt 7:40 a. m. ' ' 7:56 . " , 8:09 " ' , 8:14 'JL " '8:23 8:50 , 9:19 9:24 ' "9:3&." ' ' 9:55. 10:17-' " -10:20 " , Ar. ' Beaufort . 10:35 Returning - special v train ! will ; leave Beaufort 6 :00p. . m. j'?: Atlantic . Hotel 6:15 p. m.", Morehead City Station 6:20 P- m., Arrive JNew-JJern 7:45 p. m., ar, rive Washington 9:20 p. n. t f s ' ' Very Cheap. Sunday -excursion-, and Week end fares.-. Apply to any Ticket Agent for particulars. H Y ' ' , - " ' H. S LEARD. is S. J General Passenger Agent. SUNDA AND . WEEK ' END EX- , CURSION RATES; "NEW bern'- ( t to ' Wilmington,' " ' T Atlantic Coast Line Railroad ,Co. $1.25 Tickets sold ' each Sunday, limited to date of aleit'.-r,'..'?3''..i,i? , $2.85 Tickets,, sold each Saturday and for forenoon trains Sunday, limited to reach o New ', Bern, returning' prior to ' midnight . Tuesday; following. date of sale. - - - fi ' ATLANTIC COAST LINE . RAIL ROAD. "The Standard Railroad of the South" , T. H., BENNETT, ; 1 ' Ticket Agent. T. C. WHITE. , . - - General Passenger Agent,- A-;, - Wilmington, N. C. BULLETINS WORTH HAVING. . ,t. . ... r. . v c t. ,' f..r.i i. The; , following ibuiletinb nay be ob tained by .writing to the Department of Agriculture, Washington, . D. : C. . Bulletin '142-"PrindpleS "of r Nutri tion. , -, , - i, , . Circular?! 1 0 Food : Customs : and Diet. ). , Bulletin 128 -Eggs and Their. Uses as Food. x . r jr , ' . . o '. r Bulletin-487-rCheese and Its Use in the Diet. r ' . r ' , Bulletin 85 Fish as Food, . , Bulletin ISi Poultry Vs Food.'v Bulletin "391 Meat - ' " " y , " Bulletin 526 Mutton, f' ' ' Bulle in 332 Nuts and their uses as Food, i - w v v Bulletin 256 Preparation of Vege tables. - . Bulletin 298 -Food value of corn. Bulletin 295 Potatoes and Other Root Crops as Food. Bulletin 293-f-Use of Fruit as Fqod. Bulletin 535 Sugar and Its Value as Food, v; Bulletin 375 Care of Food in the House. scr.rr:; i a ' r ci u r r ceit. Li tii?"- i ar 1 ' -j J a c ; t , :. J. C . ' - ' ' , ' Z. I f t c f J Strives not by1 mere words - but , ; by merit tq please . taste .and quench thirst.''! '"-'s - PEPSI-Gb!a cbols refreshes renews viornr- In Bottles or . ' At Founts' . Zs flit I FOR'. SALE. ; 1 House ana lot, spring street, i 2 houses 'and lots, Griffith street. 2 houses .and lots, Bridgeto,m v'-v f' 1 house and lot, Pollcck' street. m' 1 I. r. m .' '.'.t ... ,,.13 . I house and lot; Metcalf street. 1 house and lot, Crescent street . 2 houses and lots, Queen .street. s ' ' 3 houses .and lot?,? Gaston street.' '.-;. , 1 house ana lot, uuny town., r . " . 6 houses and lots, B street. tA, J 4 houses and lots, New street, -, , ,1 house and lot, East Front street. ' 2 houses and tots, Change Btrtet. , , 1 building on" South i Front street". L. G. Daniels .stablest ;i',k,,r - 4 lots in Elmview. ', r - ' 9 lots on Broad street. . 4 lots, Riverside. " 1 I a lots, George street, i- r 1 lots, 1 Bridgeton, , v - , 15, lots, Pembroke, t I am also agent for lots in Ghent-- it vou want a nice new nome duv ai : 1- ........... . . -." in Ghent and build one. , I also have 3 large f arms, , , small farm,, good soil, also about 6O.O0O acres of good timbered land. If yoi are interested in buying or selling land see me., i - , M. W, F0DRIE, I ' P -. r..'Real Estate Agent,,, Office opposite Gaston HoteL 'Phone 84. Residence 'phone 850 . ... , , ' ' in- THE GLORIOUS MOUNTAINS A " "j'J K WESTERN'. h . '.NORTH'- ' ' - CAROLINA ' "The Land of the Sky" ;. "The Sapphire Country" Where there is health in every Breath The Climate is Perfect the Year Round In' Spring and- Sumn er' the Region Is - ' . . Ideal ' , ! , t .Reached by , . , C , SOUTHERN T All WAY Solid Through .Train, including Parlor ; Car, between Goldsboro, Asheville and . Waynesville via' Raleigh, Greensboro, Salisbury. Other convenient through' Car Arrangements. SUMMER TOURIST TICKETS ON SALE UNTIL - ' Fot Complete Informatipn Apply a .; J. II. Wood, D. P. A., Asheville N. C. R. II. DeButts, T. P. A., Charlotte N. C. . iV J. O. Jones, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. s t j i