T TT - 11 ill i- 2ct Creamery Tub Butter ,V 34c Jest Block Butter - - " 38c. 1 2 lb. bag Table Talk lour ; -. 38c 1 2 lb. bag Stock best Pt Flour - 38c Try a bag of Self Rising flour and cave the mixing, per bag only 45c. r TIieCoOperatiVe Supply Co. The Consumers9 Store iuc ta.fi nnd 156 77 Broad Street A WU A uuvj - w , . ..... xo Ors.aix.tion Military. Two detail, from U. . Army C. Th. A. id JL uo- Lake for &wtmmia. tannw Camp during Jul and Augutt. Ttuuoo w ouw. armm mini ..... . ,v The Best People Eat at The Ocean Gate MORBHBAD CITY, N. C. DO YOU? , Finest Sea-Food Dinner in The State, , , RE. LEE Proprietor: 'FOLK SOUTI From v - Washington....-!. Iinetown.. i. Pantego Ee!haven.i. .. CVlental....:!:.:!..... Baybore.. N.ew Barn.. ; n. c. i -TvN RAILKC ll") Round Trip. ..................... 53.50 :. 3.90 4.40 4.50 '4.25 '3.95 , i J. v - , 3.50 3.35 .1.1..-- Vanceboro...,......... Chocowinity Rates in same proportion, from- all intermediate stations. - V , Tickets sold for all regular trains Aui-tst 24-29 inclusive.' Good to re- tur until August 31. s. . k any agent for particulars. E.' D. Kyle, Traffic .Manager." ; . H. S. Leard, General Passenger Agent. The vounr man "who makes hay while the sun shines will have time to make love while the moon shines. COUNTRY PRODUCE. . , (Quotations Furnished By", Coast Line Meat Market.) - - ; s ' , August 19th'; Woul(i At The ATHENS CAFE Don't Let Your Wife Cook riiis HOT WEATHER , When. we can serve you at? all hours at reasonable rates. . OLLOCK STREET ' NEW BERN, N. C. Try one of our Fancy Drinks Served by an Expert WherTYou Build, Build" With CLARK BRICK & TILE COv ClarkrN, C, or call on OASILL HARDWARE CO., Local 'Agents. . Phone 147.- New Bern MONTAGUE, ; ; CONGRESSMAN, TWICE BEFORE WHIPPED THE ORGANIZATION. : Washington. Aae. 19,-Governors of States have long looked upon he United States Senate as goal of their ambi tions. Many admit that they used the Governorship as a stepping stone, and the roll of the Senate shows how many of its' members followed that familiar route. 1 . , It has been an unusual thing, how ever, for former Governors to' aspire to seats in the) House of Representatives, branch as beneath the dignity of a for mer Executive of a State, losing sight of the fact, perhaps, that a former Presi dent long sat in that tody and felt honored at the Arivileee of serving a constituency there. . v; When Andrew Tatkson Montague, tor mer Attorney-General and Governor, of Virginia, announced luV candidacy for Congress, therefore many people won dered if he were altogether sincere about I Chickens, grown, pair. -,7S to 85c it. They wondered if he meant to make I Chickens, half grown, pair.-... 60. to 70c a genuine campaign or if he were mer6-1 Ducks, oer oair..; 6oto 80c ly a "receptive" candidate.' . Eggs.dozen " 23c But it didn't take the distinguished Hams, country smoked..--.-. ' :'20c Virginian long to remove all doubts a-Beeswax, pound Y "25c bout himself. And it didn't take him I Wool. pound.U.i- to I6c long to show that he looked upon the I Hogs; dressed, pound..'...;,,' -.S-IO to lie office, which ' he sought : as worthwl Reef, dressed, pound-.-,... 8 to 9c ot the best brains tne country nas. . And Montague was elected. He won out against Capt.: John' Lambr who for a generation had represented the Richmond district in the house, He powerful State organization, a candi-J VOU like it, if it Were yOU in date whose colors had , never before I busineSS--JWOrkin6 . 3 65 trailed. 4 - - ' " I -u ; .. . ' j -.: i. Twice before, Montague had been vie- ays lO XUS year 3DU 41 Uic torious in Virginia campaigns. In each he end Of the mo nth make OUt and in his fight against Captain Lamb he followed tne same course, . tie - ; j ... " j . was elected' Attorney-Ceneral as an WOIth Ol bills and Only CO anti-organization man. He was elec-1 lect , " ecu governor m sn jmuuigaiiuauuu man. He was elected to Congress as It is to Montague that the people of tfow long COUld yOU Stay Virginia owe mure uwa.i jn bUSlneSSf. A ttint . tO one leader, the movement against , a 1 . , . . j. m. j oolitical V organization designed and the Wise, iS SUHlCient. InlS maintained; for the purpose .ot per-1 Jg fflg case, With petuating itself in power. . Until Tohn Garland ' Pollard was chosen In the primary, for ' Attorney- .,' " . a . Oeneral tne ? otner y aay ; Montague was the only man in the State who had led a triumphant fight against the organization within his party, iv '(.($. But Montazue cannot point to an un broken record. He was a candidate for khe United State Senate eight years ago against Senator Thomas S. Martin and wai decisively defeated by that master of oractical oolitics. Virginia has never turned down Senator- Martin when- he was himself a candidate for office He defeated Fitzhueh Lee. former Governor Tyler," Montague and William A. Tones, the only four candidates who ever opposed him. ; .- ' m . Montaeue. however, has sh6wn that he can come back by coming-back. He is now in the House of Representa tives and is in a fair way to stay there as long as he can be useful to his people. His , Democracy is ; simon-pure pro gressive. "It was -progressive when he was Attorney-General. It . was pro gressive when he was . Governor and it is proeressive now.; He is a , firm believer in the Wilson policies and he promises to take -a commanding po sition in the leadership of the present House.' . ' ' ' ' 1 r 5 :rch cf tho AL ci.Tr: : cf r, iiich , c , ill f . i r. i they 1 -st. Our h" :v.ry most Tlcacinl t!c:I: niture and Fixtures is miexc: tl. :, c:i til ! ' J cf t!i3 I crcli Fur- its L:r.uty 1 1 NOTICE We have dcdJc 1 to ccr.ti.mo cur very ?j . generous cfTcr o ive two peny votes initer. J cf j c::2 for all cash purchases end payments on ac- sount during the month cf August ' b J.;.:AlilIer;F!!i,niti!re;;:GOv y oo-ioi niDDLE cteeut. moil i U sum mjn m wr: w i O n f It I) PLUMBING 1 Ol r?OR Finest Fixtures, BestMaterial, Prorhp- test Service and Most Satisfactory, Work I , -: , uTiiininn m Mtinnin' a itriTiiin nn u hmmu iu s t ntA urn uu.. Phone 717. 139 Middle St. New Bern. pa $290.00 $1200? f. B. Royall PUBLIC SCHOOLS SOON TO BE- Ml ' 1 . 1 .Jt'sEasy-to:Get FO0LEL ON JEWELRY Some People Buy Jewelry without re gard to self protec tion . Others are' careful to buy from a house whose .name stamdf for honest merchan dise only... j Buying Jewelry here is made . . Easy for it Is bought with con- - fidence and, the variety for selection is rarely equalled: in cities much larger than New. Bern.'-. ' ; ' ' ' J.O. BAXTER JXXXXX5004XOOCXXXXXXJil lVlV.liLLil IMC OF v Nentsi SUMMER DRESSES ': f., ' Must Go At r;-':""':''": I? ; On The Dollar; , rj, ', v.1 , ,: .- ,J.::.:- v I cannot afford to keep them for the - F all, they "would be a total loss to mej if I don't dispose 6f- J them before'the summer is over. A great selec- tion in dresses to suit everybody. j, , , 9 ; MRS. B. ALLEN , Y 85 Middle St. ' ; ' ; Phone 752, . 5 &4 H44 "i0H MM0 CHCVO r040 M4M , Craven County Farm Life School ; For Boys and Girls 'Vf"V VanceboroN. C.. A High School emphasizing Agriculture and Domestic Science. ' ' J. E. TUIfLINGTON, Superintendent j ; : V v -6 A. MARSHALL, High School Principal tlEH DEH0 PL0L1DBC 4' ILIBOfflllE CO;, Phone 734-. 71 Broad St. Are open to-the public for their patrpnage for any thing In the line of Plumbing and Hardware. We have on hand a fine line of Cook Stoves, Bath Tubs, Toilets and everything to bo found in an up to date Plumbing and Hardware Store We invite you to give us a call and 'receive i one of ou souvexiiers. ( , , GIN FALL TERM. SEE HERE Just a .Minute. We have F, F. V HAM and Richmond Shoulders FRESH EGGS and a plenty of ; Them. GAS FITTING Many, of the rural public schools of Craven county will open during the I next few weeks , and S. M. Bnnson, Countv Superintendent' of - Pablio" Schools, has for. the past reek been engaged in : making an inspection '..of these schools and getting things in readiness for the opening ; of the fall . , . .... - . . i term. Prospects for a very guccesstul term are very encouraging, says Mr. Brinspn, and ' the . attendance will rlmiHtless be lareer in many . of the i schools than ever before.-; .., Just Received a Car Load of Native Stall Fed Cattle f ter'this date our store will be closed every except.Saturday, from 1:C0 to 3:30 p. m. iTev Bern Produce Co., 1 21 cr 3 122. Ne Eern, N. C. ItmCm G:::?a PhdjSe 21. 3 Griffith street, - .In Dr. Caton Bulldldft. 'FIREMEN'S NIGHT", At THE ATHENS THEATRE. THE FINEST BEEF comes from the finest cattle, of course. L. ' . . . r ' , xA-t. .u- comes from the hnest cattle, 01 course. Tonight is "Firemen's Night ' at thel . . , . .v . t,anf1I- Athens Theatre and. every. member lent 'of grain gree 'grass of the Wew Bern tire companies win oe the best admitted free of charge. V X he foreman and you haye on, t0 r 1. . 1 - 1 .M b,A. n. , hn I ' , , theatre at 9 o'clock so as to' identify the members of their company, . Many a girl who thinks she is pretty is unable to prove it. . ;.- OUR MEATS to be sure that they come from heal thy cattle. We offer you only the best cuts tender juicy and delicately flavored Try ordering of us today. 2 C'-E the m:::0 o Tinware into th3 reim of has beens is now a reality. A fey ycers ro a tin ket tle was vcrtli a dollar, ind te.y .e cro c:r a LI ' to C tl;rc3 - " Worth Orchestra Four Pieces. Open for high class en gagements. Concert more a specialty. A. C rrt-. tt M. 11 s A ce-J a ;::t .r.t ' ycu Made From Pure Distilled Filtered Water, - evBernlceCo. 19-21-23 GriCith St: FUON2 23 We Keep Every -, . tiling YOU need in the Dr g, Tvlcii . cine or Tc!!.t 1.' i? cor.e, buy what jr.: :d end if ycu " I it docs not' r t - : ! : : it b-c!-. ) t,c: ft,!, cf 0 f T tit. 'Z.. X X1 Heat: No. 3 Tcllock St. New Eern Satisfaction guaranteed.

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