i i ty c! iy in. the year, ex ,!.iy at 45 Pollock Street.', . OFFICE 'PHONE 8.! .MCAL DEPT. 'PllONE 50. . LAND PRINTING COMPANY, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. year- ..$.4.00 - 2.00 1.00 .:' .40 jc Months...-. ', i ee , Months.. rrr ie Month .V... Advertising, rates furnished " upon application to this office, -f. ' Entered atthe Posit office; New Bern, N. C, as second class' matter. ,'. FACING OBLIVION , "i The New York. World's J analysis of the result; of the recent I election in i the Third Congressional District of.. Maine, is worthy of note as being .the conclusions of a well-posted and nolitical observer. The World says: r ."-The-results of fre hotly contested special election in the .Third Congres sional - District of .Maine reveals' two things. , .In the preservation ; of the full Democratic strength ras -compared with' the Presidential vote" last fall, none of that popular reaction so common to a new- Administration at Washing ton appears." In the heavy loss of the Progress' ves to the. " Republicans; the third party meets with a bitter dis appointment. President Wilson's pol- fcies and conduct- of his .office have the un weakened v support of -: hi . patty. Col.', Roosevelt"! party is shown to be less a party of . distinctive principles than of a man." -. -. We1 do not think there ran be any doubt that the '. Progressive party wil' soon be a 'thing of the past. Sever al circumstances' indicate such an out come. -The Republican party is an old and a well established party. Belonging to it is belonging, td an organization that in times past has been powerful and effective. The thrifty partisan, when he takes time' to think (and he has ; been ithinking some since last November),; is, going to tie up with the party that appears to have the best staying - qualities and it - is - naturfel to conclude that a party with the record of the old - line Republican ' party would stand a; better chance of devel oping into respectable proportions than a party of mushroom growth like that headed last year - by Col. Roosevelt, Ajain- the " Republican part jn is the , logical antipodes . of the . Democratic party - and , voters i not i sympathizing with the "latter will, land logically with, the ,former, . - - .That Col Roosevelt sees the finish of his own party is. shown by, his re cent flirtation, with the idea , that he may be .made the Republican nominee in 1916k r .. . :V . ' i' TraOLTIME-HEALTHjOFFICERS v Columbus anil Forsyth counties have Bust joined! the group of. counties em ploying a v.-lu c-time health officer. Seven-other .counties already. had the full time service, i hese being Purham, Guilford, . Johnston, New Hanover, Robeson, . Rockingham . and Sampson. These nine Bounties are . making no mistake. v If the health officers come any where near performing, their duty, they are worth eeveraf times their salary to their counties. ' . The health of a county has a direct relations to its wealth and what ismore important, to the happiness and contentment of its people. And healthful conditions ttV living are not to be had without cost.' It takes watchfulness, knowledge, tact and conscience sand these are -worth" "a reasonable outlay of money as evciy uv y .v , , , , , h. ? Vf "- 1 - V ' "KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKi Tne State Board of Health' gives m timely warning when it says 'that there is still time to get in some good work on 'the fly.' With the' approach' of cooler weather there is a tendency on the part; of a great many people to-think that it is not worth while to keep up the fight. But the Board pf Health -press service- advises to keep right on '.warring on 'the pest "and it . is good advice. -It is a. fen-to-one shot it say si (somewhere around your prem ises there is an accumulation: of , flyi breeding materiaL,-Remove it or bury it, ' theiJiealth, experts counsel, .before sickness,- through the, medium of , flies and other causes of .sickness , in . the neighborhood, result from it. v - Ti rnr.f Q Flll.I.Vi REDEEMED. A JM. , 7, 7 I The Democratic. Tariff Bill passed e Senate Tuesday by a majority ' f seven. On the last show down Senator T Follette, Republicanj and Senator berlain,,. Progressive,-, voted, for Liil. vEven had they , voted with, Fr. ubiicans,-tlie'bill-puld ae majority, ol.'three -indr tW if t''ree could ,have,yoted gainst t its having beeri lpst. as inithat e would have; been a j tie fi&nd v .. i i 'tern vj.i.! ! ..u-; NAtioi ial n::cui7 Dunns; the years that they have been on the market, millions of - packages have .been , consumed ' ' and the output js daily increasing. National Biscuit Company Graham Crackers are a, revelation in V goodness. l:iJ'v,..Ur ' ; - They are not only nourishing, but delicious. Try them. Always in the ' v protecting package that' keeps in Tit. i':..,. m a i tneir unique goodness. Always look -: for the In-er-seal 10c a. i i k r.t : f vii, .!.( ri Vice-President Marshall : would , -have cast ; the2.vote..:aiecessary,. to carry the bill.- i ' ' Sft: H,thWa considered, the bill went through with flying colors and with the utmost credit to SenatorSimmons who had charge of it in the Senate; The bill will no.w go to conference, but it is not believed that- its general import will bo .affected or that' there will be'any great difficulty on the part of the con ferees feettme toeether on a measure to represent the final attitude of the party on the great' question of the tariff. While 1 some points Will . be yielded by the Senate conferees" and' some by those of the House" the bill as a whole will be what its framerS'have said vail along it would, be a bill , revising the tariff downward and in the interest of the, consumers to a degree that has not been known in this country in many a 'day, , . 4 ... r; .tf t S -. ( The struggle now virtually at an. end, has been a monumental one. Every possible influence to prevent the .pas sage of the bill, or to emasculate it. was exerted by the interests -which' have1 for years and " years " been fattening under a system which' operated to make the rich richer at the expense of the great body" of consumers. ' But 'the Demo cratic party in both houses of Congress have known, exactly what they wanted afad have showed plainly thatitiey wer6 y . ,'i . . ... -': - . .. going - to nave wnat tney wantea Members of the party showed a fine loyalty to the party interests and1 the party had the advantage of fine' leader ship in both House and Senate was well as a leader ot superb qualifications in the White House,.. It was a fine thing for the party to redeem ' its pledges as it has how practically done.- It of ten happens that platforms are made to get in on and to serve no other purpose. . That was not the aim of the Baltimore platform as the course of events" has abundantly demonstrated. " ' ' ."' .. MEETING OF THE BOAD : OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. September 1st, 1913. At 10:30 .o'clock a.Im.,.. September 1st, the Beard convened. - Com missioners present:-. S . ., , Chairman C.,D. Bgjdhamgj , ... N"'M. Lancaster, J..D. jWilliams, i.pir-.;' ( . . . E. Z. R, Davis., ,;. . ' and County Attorney E yM- Green, kn, It was moved and seconded and .by order of the Board Daniels ,& New berry were relieved of, i the tax on $1 600.00 Solvent Credits listed ", in 1912 in error. . , ' . r. -if If; is, hereby ordered, that.' R.'i E. Davenport of No. . Eight , (No, 8) Township be allowed to pay-the tax on one lot of land on -Miller street valuation at One Hundred,, ($100.00) Dollars which was listed to Fred C, Spruill on the Delinquent List for 1912, in error. i . v - .'.,' 'd ; It is hereby ordered that a concrete' and brick arch be constructed at Miry; j ; f, HOW'S THIS? 1 " Wfe offered iOfte Hundred' Dollars Re ' ward for ' any case of Catarrh that' cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh , Cure. . - r " ' - . , I We, the undersigned; have; known F. T.Xhenev for the last IS, years, and K - i:.. r..,i.. l,nM..M ,'ti all UC1ICVC 111111 JclllA.l.ljr uwiiw.w . business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations; made . by his firm.v NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE " . ' ' ' Toledo, 0." . Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon -the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. 1 Testi monials,, sent free Price. 75 cents per bottle.- Sold by all Druggists? '- , Take Hall's Family Pill foi- consti pation. - ; - - - - , - 7. . -.-.,j-i' m w ' vpv Trade Mark. t Branch onlJtheJJVsbury, Raad -leading' from the Neuse to the Doves road It is hereby ordered that the county Attorney i E , M,r iGreen .t notify; the private telephone company ' whose line crosses the Neuse Rivei Bridge and of which company Mr. Reel, of Reelsboro is in control . to change their, telephone line across said bridge in order to make it sate." . . v. , It is hereby ordered that a voucher be issued to Wm. T. Hill" for $12.66 for error in the 1912 taxes -on lot No, 15 Pavie Avenue "valued "at' $1500.00 when it should have been $150.00. It is Hereby ordered that the County Attorney," M. , C5reen,',j commuicate with .Mr.' J."i M. Arnold;ownei tfAht telephone line between Vanceboro and New Bern, to the end, that the poles in the road, belonging to the said Company, be removed. . v The matter of .the ...Walker, road, was discussed, - and-.i by .order of the Board, it was referred to Mr. R. E.'Snow den, itfie Rpad. Engineer, and he will report back to the Board at .its, next regular meeting. ,, , vi" At.... 12 :30. .o'clock p.i m, the aboard taTces a recess. ,At 4;30 o'clock p. m the Bpard convenes. i '. n -, Commissioners presentj.v-e ;,!,; Chairman , C; D. Bradham, , ja: N. M. Lancaster, uV, ji, J. .D. Williams, and County Attorney E. - M .Green,- - The! -Board proceeded to - draw a Jury for the next term of Superior Court, it being one Week Criminal Court, commencing , on the fifth; Mon day after the first Monday In'Setrtember it being October" 6th,' 1913. Tne, following. furors " wer "drawn, to wit: H. M. Bunting," Noi 2 Township. O. C. Stapleford, -No. -2 Township. W. A. Mcintosh, No. 8 Township. R. L. Simpkins, No, 2 Township. C. J. White, No. 3 Township. . C. W Gaskins, No. 2 Township i D. G. Whitet No. 1 Township.' Levi Humphrey No.s,9 Township, J. K Heath, No, 3 Towuship, C F, S. Morris, No. 2 Township. , - ' ' Alfred Willis, No, 1 'Township. f'W. P. GasJ?bs,.Jo..l Townshifi. i Henry McLawhorn, No. 1 Township-, i A. E. Hibbard, TSfd.' 8 Township. . j ' W! J. Riggs' ''No.- 7 Township. f i S. R. French. " No. 9 Townshin' ' ' ' K C. Hawkins, No. 3-iTownship. ,7.rB '' TvT-- 260 00 J. J. Baxter, No. 8 Township: - j Schedule B - "J N. ,H. Gaskins, No. 2 Township. ,,. M-?u r--"r-- n '.".-' v , 1 i 1 ji ilr n ii i f ii I i i. iii ii ii I i i ii i .ii n hi i r ii u Hi .j n in ma: r. 1-1 ..'.-,.;.!- iL' . - : . - , ' ' 1 r-i"-rT'"- ' - - - - " - ! ,i. . ; ; 't At the Easterrr Carpla,; Fair .Grounds; ;2 ;o'cloc!: Thursv v day afternoon September i8thil,! One Race for- ;3:28;'classL"'1,l6ne Free'FdrAlI 3VV: l fis J Two Exhibition Races with a running horce aainnt two t . j i-j pacing horses. .1 I I (',,, ;::,J4i' :,,'.r ;:.v ;v,.J. ,ir;o,: c;; - -- - pJLw-yii rW4S fl 11. r--Taj!,'r, No. 5 Toil!,;,. 3- W. McCoy, No. '3 TiAWibhip. D. P. Ipock, jvfo. l Township. - W. R. Barrington,' No. 8 Township. Elijah White Nor 3. Township. C. M. Kehoe; No. i'ToWnship. " ' Of D. "Bryan, 'NoF 3 'ToWnship. C. Rv Wayne rtfo, 2 ToVnshlp. L. M; Satterthwaite, No. 8 Town ship, 'v ' - -, L. G: Purifoy, Nd. 2 Township.; I ,A. T! -Toler: No. 2 Township. ; " Willie Lathinghouse,. No," 2 Town ship. 'V - y " )j , W. P, Toter, No, 2 Township., i Isaac S. Mitchell, Nd5, Township. ' The following . report ofc.the Road Engineer waas ordered spread uponthe' minutes, to wit: -Vj " - , New Bern, N. C, Aug. 30. 1913'. To the Board of Commissioners, ' j of, Craven Countyr,NeW?Bern,' N. C. Dear Sh-st;'"'j;s:.'V-y: V '- i IJiave ileasurd to make thje following report, 'and recommendations: I By prder of your Board, at the last meeting,.,'!' am proceeding to place in, good !" repair as ' early a? possjble, alL the bridges .on the pubno rpaas or tne; Ctfunty I', reconmend that you orde;r' another car of pure iron (99.84 per cen' i pipej and place in wnene is most neeaea.i I 'also suggest that-these bridges be' charged to the General Fund, but await, your decision as to what Fund they are, to De cnargea Bgainov, i - j , I have taken up the matter of getting! convicts from the State Prison.but ami! advised by i the , Superintendent that); none are available .'at present. . I 'recommend 'that we raise the Convict SupL Salary to-, ixty Dollars ($60.00) per month. There is a demand for 'such men- throughout the State,; and we would be'- unfortunate to Jose him, and rather than lose Jiim,: we should pay him the customary salary. 1 1 recommend that the :Trent Road be' widened from lie- City line" to a point where it is already 40 feet wide, I recommend that , the , negro store opposite. Mr.. Lancaster' pn;.the Neuse rbad, at the mile post ,6, be moved back but7 of the'road. r"'.,'',.""": ;-, "". Ve are shaping jUp.-thPernbroke road, Trenj road an expect, tp sha-pe ifPt the.Neuse,road rpm the . miler post 6, to.the:Townshipi line -the road from Bellair ; to- l the Neuse - toscd, 'and the Washington road,,: out u of ', -the 8th Township Road fund.'" . I airi spendlncf the Township1 Funds left 'pvery froin' , thpreyious jre'ars, ivij.h'.the' sanction, bf. the' Trustees-of t;ep fundg.,. Wv,-,q Afl ,,,, , ,n,.t,., f,f.;j r - I ,am havmg, -considerabfe; wor(c pone while rI:'can., gefc,;tbe Jabory but will have! td: quit aa soon as cotton -picking begins. aolJ- "'t! li m:j-. "t'-,. Mr:ja Tohn Htimphrfey '.'of 'Clarks-- is ODening up the road from Clarki t&' ; 'Rhpns'' 'adiforinl 't'6'" i"'etitfbn and vour 'order 'of August '4th,' '7 '" 't? a,yve.,nave;, oicik ,ut, uf i.,Y!fVS . Pocbsin draining that road. It some- time ,geaf-jrapassable:rj.-rn- ''.-rN ' . 'j ) f.i Kespecy uiiy ,-supmutea -.--s -'' ! ; R. -E. ;.Snowden. fThe bids to furnish groceries and ptq visions for the Jail Camp,-; County Home ' and .'feed for'-! the , mules, weH opejied'and examined, an4, rte follow- ing were awarded,' they being the lowest; bidders' for the" same,: to witf ' t W. P. Metts, Convict- Carrips...l$l 24.32 fe, B. hackburn,. Cpunty Home' 60.57 W. P. SMetts Co,, Tail 114.23 3urrus & Company, feed for the mules - j fThe .monhly reports ?f the. County officers were examined and read, and ' prdered to, be spread upon the minutes; " " ?,or luc ?lu!r "". , " Trt nilinro An hand at last i it Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC,dnve out pUalarianridws the blood, build up the iytem. A true Tonic For adults and children. 60c .1:1 . k 1 ! t report Ui a - $8,833.85 We J!:rT ; ; and i.Iicc2 Fail. - D on t thembefore , buyinfilVOw Jr prices are tlie !ldvetVin:Ss tne city . Vr.W with a small 'd a' - ' ' i fMade in Norfolk' WD.to19; J. Ji BAXTER Dept Store, . EIk'sItmpl:iT8iNfew:Bern.o ' . VJMtl.AND Wbere la YOUR, Nest-Egg? ilYotti4 married ,fCfceep,, their J Nest that pays SPECIAL ...,,, uses to which-they will sometime ".rvs- '--".(' A want to put that Nest-Egg. We know -' - what you have In mind sometime. 5 lsn'icr pay; you -you -per cent.";intere and we' r com pound it fo A 4 V f.ayea, 4, CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK AND - C'T --O, -TRUST C6: iLi?'V v, TF il i - '.:-' ,- -ft. .jtv JWe InvitV Ybu Openn ACCOUNT) VJl Z, - Jhf&tonMIBarik oi :Nen Berne: . - xiWmch;;)pombfner capital,1 confidence, ;consis-" i - big-roll aiid the little T4 A are aiiKe weicomea. uur purpose is to mane 9. j our banked t mutual benefit toythe! commun- 9 9 At 5 9; 0;- ty in general ,and . its Four per cent. Paid on. Savjngs and tJime a J n posits Compounded Quarterly. ?r-j""l4i' 9. JASL A; BRYAN." President ':: j. Ion "' "" '" - - - - tti U ' -1 of Ladies '- at bints for fail to 'itVe?!' e are sausm profit xMh C-31 C (1 " ,u..i' . h - f'.o".i .'uu-jj v " "- MRS. SMITH.- if m ill e people-' like 'to- ' - Eg2 rla;a Bank; attention, to Jthe 'T : Koep your eBitii ' ' ufi'V' i - ; you lour times'; 1 1 i b v ;, tiii.,ifc '. It 11 11 T1- ' Ww, . -- i-' .i' . ' . ., - J. . WKH man with" the littie roll T, 0, patrons in particular. GEOo H. ROBERTS. Cashier' '''I' horces in' the I 4;B',)'.-A - Z 1 to t!;3 (prr.n.tnJ. - .9,