Mm-- 4 .1 I mm : A. thereon .at' tne rafe f per .cent. 7 per' S J Jr. - n VOMLX AS SAVERS. ' T'' --. ' iff. ;. i . . m. I .. - "., .- - Nine times out of tet the women. . are the money, severs of the family. V TI ey have a faculty of making one i'.' I J'-' V ' ' dollar do the-, work of two in buying, lu sad home supplies and thenlay aslde,,,.,.' 3ci5ai. the other, dollar to provjoe ior .( ' This bank ncjurages mtf'Svr.,fc '5 IB j f -iP. acC0Unts : aU allows Interest . 'fa IPBRSONAITS R. T. Willis and sons' R. T., jr., and Herman, of Morehead-City, were among the business visitors here yesterday. , S. R. - Street returned last 'evening from a business visit in Pamlico 'county; , contpunded Quarterly ,tlp.iT3ftl)jl5S ;: 1 ton , Vii4jl1J(i'.''t . i r rut so iiiiiiiiiii HiiilHJUliiiill JOOOCXXi lfiiwtBft. i- i Kg bcxITioeWI-U 5 n ' tup niiunini mi i n I 1 1 1 1 1 v i 1 1 1 i n ni nr . rni.nn. u u I ML 1 I'll I UIUIIIII -r.t '!- iiCAililn rn sijf 'tiir-Athe package pf sthe ingredients nis prescription5 of purity as he SQUIBBS as a M wnicii go into Hai looks : upon .- 1 1 l-X: 1 Clj. f 1 rnB.iianiianij i vviiy SIIUU1U I UUl v- uic.- 11UUSC,, keeper look VSquibbs'Qliye ,.r uii ana apices as ine oianuaru ,':B?,as8ijrtt 01 puriiy -ana iidbestresiilts, -f :!ff'; ;; J$i3:0ur stock is complete so let us supply your COMPANY' .... 1- 7. R. A. :Nunrt returned las Evening from ! professional ' 'visit 7 id Pamlico county.-J " -i n' ' J'- Charles Hall returned last evening from at businesf Visft at Carolina CityJ f.) 4&kU; v ' X Sylyester-fiibbBrof'Orfehtal, passed through ; the city. , yesterday. ; erroute to the Western part of jhe btatey . ' 't 'ii-i'iii -t ti "i T U"i.M iW- 'J- Miss Bertie'pruill passed through the tcityy yesterdaymWningf "enriute to reerisbora after' haVing1 tfsited her parents.'iMrand Mrs. i James Sgruill tat Ashwood. 1 ,s ' 1 ' Mrs! M.' M. MarksAleft last1 evening for 'a visitwith telatives at Kinston. Arthur "Ti ' Land left last evening for a'trip' through 'th'Souther'n State's in the interest of the Cahill Shoe Com painjy- of ' Cincinati, 0.' r ' '' AT. Dill let last evening for Black Mountain- where his family have been spending the summer. j,y , ""' If jack,Pcrry, of .Beaufort, was among the bu'slBess visitors in the city yester day. '0 , '; A number" of improvements Z'.. f . made at xbe cottorf plaodrnirathtfie foot of Crayen street. During the storm on September 3 it was so badly damaged that, it was decided to. rebuild- if. A section of the-structure will-be. corf- structed of concrete and the remaining section of heavy 'timbefU-''-s 1 ;' S s ..i . ; . fill 'i 'nil i.ii.i'ii iii'ii- ; ' ' -AUCTION SALE.' . i j . i Household furniture of great yariety all in good order-and' comparatively new. A rare chance: for housekeepers and a bargain for alL ' At Nb; 1'86 Middle street, September U,t at 10.30 a.' m, Ladies expecially linvited."! S. R. STREET, Auctioneer! Z. V. Rawls, of Bayboro, was among the business visitors here' yesterday Meeting of Thet Board of. County Comroissioners (continued from page 4) ' Excess between selling price and tax and cost..: li...... 24.29 1911 Tax collected from C, A. McCabe..: -1..:.... 15.93 , .Miss M, E. Johnspn,' of Richmond, V. ,ho has for several, seasons had charge of"' the 'millinery department of J. M.. Mitchell & Company's store has returned from Northern markets where she has been studying the latest styles and designs in ladies headwear. J. M. Mitchell returned yesterday from Northern markets where he has been: to purchase a stock of fall and winter goods for his establishment on Middle street.- ' " !' 'IV " J 5 . Miss Mary'Steffy, of ' New York, has arrived in the city to accept a position as milliner for the Wi Iiams Brewer Millinery Company. N. M Lancaster of Vanceboro, arrived in' the.-citV-last evening for a short business visit. All bur. W. K. Douglas Beacon, Cygolf, Leonhardand a number of other standard bksp$M l l? Ou ters 3.50 4.0hoes toll be sold forTthe r extCaysi M 2.87 a pairi ) Ml tbiese iplibrae Brahd arei absolute ly" guaranteed arid istyles areluptb date, classy and of late patterns. . Come at once as we still have , all ;as- ertpH fti,ae ....wtN '-.--u'-l ' 1 ! . . ''''' ; fit tfiti iu. eft'' BJ v! : ;Cor2MiddlVan4Soutli,F Bryan Block . .... . i ,..i,; iv,i!.i,,(T.''r 3 1 . ' .'i-jM . J. IJ.t Wadsley, of Winston-Salem, has arrived in the cit,y to accept, a position as soda dispenser at C. D. Bradham's new drug store which is-sbon'to be opened in the Eubanks building,.', corner Middle and Broad s reets. , ,:.' . '. i w- ' -:- Beyond, The Gave Question of, Vital5 Interest; To Be Answered By Coming Bible X -Lecturcrii 4 ...Sl .. .. Arrangements have been completed for a free public lecture, Friday even ings ,atS 6'clock'tin, the Court Hpuse. Pastor Berij. HBartdn, of Phi adelphia, Pa. "will speak . on . what we are to expect "Beyond the ; Crave." The doors will be opened free to all, and since that ,work - of tie T.V B. S. A. under whose auspices the lecture will be given, is' purely of an evangelistic nature, no collections will be taken. i The lecturer is a deep student of the Bible, and accepts it as his holy creed or doctrine.' He was fcr many years greatly Confused by the many different theories as to what lies beyond the grave. Some saicf Heaven and Eternal Torment, others said, Paradise restored, others said Purgatory, and still others t J . 5 ' - ".Ww iiiof awA peariiKbmmyrft: ?TiieCiOp efiipiipilpi , vi o Phones, 140 and 150 ;q 7 jBrpadi Street; ,:'''' " 5 u. ulasWsMslttlsiwstsV ; i i ' l iH . , f 1 ' . ft '?r ' lUT PER " CtflT I 1 d)-&Asvf s ALL BICYCLES its I'll fl;.- 1 fl V j 5 T" 1 - I ' ! i : II 1 ' 1 - i a- 1 1 i i i -mutest B.H.BAPOFON claimed that there is no hereafter I at .allthat Death eads , everything. f ' Columbia,' 'femMer,' 'Rac j T-r-rir.-T.-T T- -.nn "" UTTUI nWHiJi i- .'crtin'i '"Goods Man 13 r Thone 253; He idetermineij to fincti ouJS .JfJ possible .the true Scriptural teachings on this ....:, . . i .. i. i J oi jcareiui searcmng. , nesucceeucu m harmonizing ' every y rse: in; the Bible pertaining to the He erfter.'and lie now travels throughout . the United :States amj Canada presenting to ;the" public what is often considered to be the moft beautiful plan of salvation evfir heard. He .quotes the Scripture ' ipr every point he prescnts'i-'and none,Jlt is said who belteve in th Good Book need leave his audience' "without a better conception of what' lies beyond r the $12,745.43 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid B. B. Hurst for Schools, Aug. 2d :. $500.00 Paid B. B. Hurst for Roads, Aug. 2nd 1,000.00 Paid B. B. Hurst for Roads, Aug. 23rd .' :.. 2,000.00 Paid B. B. Hurst for Roads, . Aug. 23rd 1,000.00 Paid B. B. Hurst for Central :, Highway, Aug. 28th 1,500.00 Paid B. B. HursfW County Pension, Aug. 28th 500.00 Paid B. B. Hurst for County Pension, Aug. 28th 500.00 Paid B. B. Hurst for Fees for August 51.60 August 30th, Balance on hand 5,693.83 .1(1 .-. J". , t' -i. '--r r ill":! .. :i't ' j r;'p?)':wif (Ss'f i QUALIFIED, BY EXPERIENCE q ' Ur r' vi . ' '( ' EXPERIENCE qualifies li men who have the management of ' this bank for their respective , ; 'positions. . Whiie each -man- has ability that ' especially fits him for his .position-, yet experience is a part of equipment. .With prudent . careful management and ample - resources, this ' bank invites your account. : A ' "llf V NEW BERN BANKING AN 5 TRUST CO! NEW BHN ,N.C. $12,745.43 Respectfully submitted, R. B. Lane, Sheriff. REPORT OF B. B. HURST, Treas urer For the Month of August, 1913. GENERAL FUND. Sept. 1, by balance $9,736.43 INTEREST ACCOUNT. Sept. 1, by balance $270.39 ROADS NO. 8. Sept. 1, to balance $6,696.86 ROADS NO. 7. Sept, 1, to balance...! $601.12 FENCE NO. 1. Sept. 1, to balance $39.08. FENCE NO. 3. Sept. 1, by balance.... $100.35 FENCE NO. 8, Sept. 1, to balance..j $1.62 ' SALARY ACCOUNT. Sept. 1, to balance .. $5,081.55 CENTRAL HIGHWAY. Sept. 1, by balance $49.36 FARM LIFE SCHOOL. Sept. 1, to balance , $5,523.63 PENSION ACCOUNT. Sept. 1, to balance j. $1,384.77 ROADS NO. 3. Sept. 1, to balance $360.08 HUNTER'S LICENSE. Sept. 1, to balance $139.00 ROADS NO. 2 Sept. 1,'tc balance $304.06 SINKING FUND. Sept.' I, to balance $1,987.19 REFUNDING FUND. Sept. 1, to balance. $280.46 GENERAL ROAD FUND. Sept. l, to balance.... $6,738.99 B. B. Hurst, . Treasurer. REPORT OF VV. B. FLANNER, Clerk Superior Court. For the Month of August, 1913. To fees collected, as per Fee Book.....:.:.;...: :. $169.11 i; FINES AND PENALTIES, , State vs. R. S. Pinner, Sei Fa.::.:..;:.:; ;....:.. :... $6.50 I , hold Treasurer's receipts for the above amounts. Respectfully submitted, ,W. B. Planner, ' ' -)" : Clerk Superior' Couit REPORT OF S. H. FOWLER, Reg 5 ,.s uister-of Deeds. ... . . . ; f F'or.the Month of August, 1913. Noth Carqlinaj . . ' Craven County. To the' i Board of County Commis sionersi I . herewith 4-espectf ully submit i the following i-erJort.of. the .Public Fand9 which .: have been received by me 'during ithe period commencing' August T, ind'.eftdin August" 3f, 1013, "'as follows, to wit : .irn.r Fees for Registering Papers - filed in office $134.85 Fort-issuing , nineteen vMarJ , 4,r, " ! $191.85 State s part jon. Marriage ( i License.'....,..,....-. 3i) .19.00 ' i" i::r;'-t7 ji27'.v,- Balance due the County. $172.85 ? Respectfully Submitted? '- !' s h.. ? t i Register' iof eedsJ i'The regular bills !of he C6uhty Iwere examined, approved and allowed. lk i ' At 6 ''o'clock p. ' m. ' the ' Board ad journs. .a'-.-V'C 9ISl 16 - 4 1 . . h. rowier, JUST RECEIVED a NEW LOT GLOBE-WERNICKE FILING CABINETS M. E. WHITEHURST & CO. Phone 228. 67 Pollock St. To Friends & Customers We are sorry to state that fire and water has greatly damaged us, but are thankful to say that it was not any worse We are still doing business at the same old stnd. For the benefit of our creditors and customers we make the following statement. LIABILITIES: Bills Payable Washed Away. ASSETS: Estimated at: Lots of Paint - - $ 1,000.03 Roofing - - - 100. (.0 Other material - 50 00 Ability to come back and m Ae good 1,000,000,00 Let us have your orders and we vvi'l fill th- .n promptly. Vcurs truly, p bern eonoiis mm. "Certainly ! Buy a Johnston." Wr,? ' "TJ ECAUSE a Johnston Mower has gone through fj the experimental stage and has become stand i ardized. Changes are made onl" when it is absolutely certain the change will be an improve ment. Even then the "improved" machine'is tried out before it is put on the market generally. , When you buy a Johnston Mower you are as' sured of a perfect cutting, easy running, light of draft, long wearing mower, the cost of repairs for which is : reduced to the minimum. Mr. Farmer, don't buy a Mower this season until you see the Johnston. Particulars are always gladly furnished,; and tet Features carefully' ex plained to prospective a , customers.' , - . - - Ask for a Tohnston cataloe." It contains valuable' information and telb about other 1 n ' Tnhrhrhn Machines.'. ' v FOR SALS BT grave. , , .r . - m v, 'f u. ?: r'i Clei erk County'1 Commissioners. ''.:. iti';t,.l'.Wt'..'l'--: -V"?

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