ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AUgefaLIeEreparatlolifffils-' sunuarui" tnerooiiaMRK'ula tog the Sumachs anlBowels of Promotes DisesttonCketfl nessandRestrontalnsnclSa' OmumMarphine narKiaeraL 1 not Narcotic. JlxJaM fW0HIUt ' ttou , Sour StomaduDtarriwJ Worms JConvulsionsjercruir neasandLOSSOFau BttSMe Signatnre of ,. t$BB Cewtauh CompaSS NEW XUK1V - jSedflsn h MrXV mill ''tA.: E Copy Wrapper. t I M H0RSE Ft i .ij . v eanows New3Berny N, C. 1 1 ( We buy the "Best" r .. Use the "Best'' , . . ; Serve the "Best And feed the '.'Best" PEOPLE. - , 1 The Ocean Cafe K. E. LEE, Owner , : Morehead City, N. C. TJElVaERU PLUM3IFJS n ? t IPhorie 734-No. Are open to the public for. thing in the line of numbing and Hardware. We have on hand a fine line of Cook Stoves, Bath Tubs, Toilets and everything to b found. in an up to ddte Plumbing and Hardware Store. - We invite you to give us a call nd receive one of our souveniern; " : 7 7S 'e tiri finest iovny any style and quan- rfcr tvrr For Infants and Children. Tha Kir.J You Have -.. Always Bought Bears the J Signature of Irs Use For Over Thirty Years THtaiMTnu aeMranv.;cw re cm iii &1 71 Broad St. their patronage for 'any 1 v 1 o received in Meals V 1 i : 'tv t iv m. m IF , 111 LAI VH u f i ,. , Parson of . innamon Gulch ;: Br WUJAM SINCa-ETON It wn xuuday hi the tnlninsr eamp on C'Inuaiuou Kth-br - Bat the day s . . . - HI X irot nelng respwiea bh in ctvueu wm intiuitieit." 5 ' . ' ' : However, word" bad , been, received from the Rev,; Arthur Dixon that he had been enr out, lf a aociety to Btart the people on a different cpu rue. He was cowing among them to' remain as long aa necessary, which tneant to .bulla' a place of worshlp.:-i J .'ri About .10 o'clock on tbto Sunday mornlDg a man came up the gulch WbOHa apjiearam-e did not seem to In dicate that be was especially fitted for the work lu hand., His face wa red. be wore a stubble beard, and bis ap. parel was by no means clerical. In deed, It was the ordinary costume of the : country sombrero, flannel shirt and trousers tucked In his boots. Tak ing a position In the center of the can In, he said te a loud rolcei "Friends. I have come among you to eject Satan from your midst. The sight f see on this Sabbath mornln' Is one to appall the heart i Instead of washln' up and puttln' on your best clothes for meetm' instead of moth ers brushlp the children's hair and puttln' clean aprons on 'em for Sun day school, some of you aft wortln', some playin' cards, while the women and children are doin' whatever they take a notion to do." The stranger paused, and the miners who. had been gathering about bim while be was speaking wondered. They bad expected a sleek-looking, clean shaven gentleman In clerical dress, who would talk to them In a soft, per suasive voice. This man was rough and uncouth indeed, nowise superior to themselves. However, it is ques tionable If thls very rnpgedness did not Incline them to receive him more fa vorably than one more refined. "I reckon." resumed the newcomer, "that you've been advised of my beln' sent out to convert this camp. I'm the Rev- Arthur Dixon, and I'm purty well i .. v .i, . nnoA f n alpli fla vnn. -Vnn thmifrht VOll was goin' to git a smooth talkln' gent! with molasses candy hair and mild blue eyes. The society ain't sendin" that kind of men round to do their work, or. rather, the liord's work. Them kind is sent to places where there's been some sort o' cultivation. "What I'm goln' to do Is tussle with the devil and throw him out, Just as When a man's goin' to plant he gits rid o' the stumps and weeds and all that Them ' fancy parsons wouldn't be no good for that Their work comes In when the seed's planted and springin' up. Wben one o' them fellers comei yere I goes on to another place where there's no clearln'." ' By this time the whole camp men. women and children, though there were few women and fewer children were standing .In front of the parson, gaping at him. To one or two who found room In his rear he said savagely: ' "You galoots come forward where I kin see you. That's one o' Satan's best dodges to git in a feller's rear and take him from behind." . Those addressed came forward. "Now, I want, you people to under stand," the parson continued, "that the first thing needed In brlngin' about a new deal is that wben you get together for purposes o' worship you do It with humility. There's po humility In a six shooter nor In a knife. I want every one of you that has weepons on you to take; 'em up there". pointing to an open space between trees "and leave 'em there durin these yere religious ceremonies." ; The . speaker paused, and a number of tha men went to the SDOt he Indi-1 cated and then threw , down their weapons. "When' he was satisfied that all the arms were where be bad order ed them deposited he said that the first thing to do in the premises was to build some sort of place where they could meet for religious worship. Then be nominated one of the men to pass around the hat for contributions. s While the collection was being taken np a young man of a different type T' came Into the camp,, approaching theP:raouh parson rrom tne rear, wnen ne caugnc sight of the speaker be opened his eyes. - He was especially Interested In bU remarks made from time to time exhorting the miners to contribute lib erally. , . ' ; The ; collector, ' having gone the rounds, took the hat to the parson, who emptied the contribution into his pockets, then, drawing a revolver from each boot, covered tho assembly. "Stand where you are," he said, "for 111 put .a bole in any one that moves! Any man leavuV for them weepons won't get more'o a yard!" He began moving away : from the congregation, keeping bis face toward them, and backed right Into the man who had Just come upon, the scene. Feeling a pair of arms clasping him about his body, be wriggled to get away, but to no' purpose. -. Presently one of the congregation, taking advan tage of the diversion, jumped In and grasped the weapons. That ended the dispute,'; The so called . parson was downed and securely bound., , . , ; Tbe.young -than who had turned th tables was the real Arthur Bison. The man ho had personated htm bad met him and learned of bis purpose. Hur rying on ahead of him. be bad hoped to play his game and get Away with the plunder before fbls arrival. : The real Dtson In saving the miners from robberV Bnulred rfupport that enabled blin to Ho a great work. He revolutionized, the camp. . . Sr:.- , Caught A Bad Cold. ' "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he coughed was something dreadful' writes Mrs. Sara E, Duncan, of jTilton, Iowa. ''We thought sure he was going into consump tion. ' We bought;, just one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that one bottle stopped his cough and cured his cold completely." : For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) ., . ' ' ' . ) A' new second fence, 14 feet high, at Matteawan will prevent the escape of any other Thaw. But it will be a long time before there is another colt of the k nd to Steal. Ohilaren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A A London burglar broke into a house to take a bath. And yet iconoclasts have tried to shake public belief in the Englishman's devotion to his tub. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. "I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, persuaded me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cojic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking one doe of it I was cured. It also cured others that I gave it to," writes M. E. Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. That is not at all unusual. An ordinary attack of diarrhoea can almost invariably ; be cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) 1 he Governor of Connecticut wants the State to pay all campaign expenses. Well, any change that will improve the quality of campaign cigars will be welcomed. Don't Let Baby Suffer With Eczema And Skin Eruptions. Babies need a perfect skin-covering. Skin eruptions cause them not only in tense suffering, but hinder their growth. Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment can be 3JIied on for relief and permanent cure fif c 1 1 fTi Ina KoltiAc urtirtcf clrin oriintiAtic , . . . v . nave made their life miserable. Our baby .as afflicted with breaking out of the skin all over the face and scalp Doctors and skin specialists failed to help. We tried Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment and were overjoyed to see baby completely cured before one "box was used," writes Mrs. Strubler, Du buque, Iowa. All druggists, or by mail. 50c. (Adv.) PFEIFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY. St. Louis, Mo.fcj Philadelphia, Pa. No, Alonzo, you can never tell how heavily she Will tread on your neck after marriage by the size of her tan Oxford. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of If the true story of your life appeared in book form, would you want your children to read it? Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S QASTOR1A A man who isn't tied to his wife's apron string doesn't want to get away NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILOAD From Kinston Dover New Bern Oriental Bayboro Farmvifle Greenville MacVeys Week End $1.75 1.65 1.50 1.75 1.50 3.00 2.75 3.25 3.00 Sunday $1.25 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.75 1.75 2.25 2.00 1.25 1.25 higher Wns' i"-ton 2.25 V;.r..v:ro 1-50 lw.s to Beaufort 20 cents than to Morehead City. lutes from intermediate stations in same proportion. Week End tickets sold Friday, Sat urday and Sunday morning trains good to return until midnight Tuesday. Sunday tickets sold each Sunday until September 14th, limited to date of sale only. ' "Atlantic Hotel under new manage ment. Best fishing on Atlantic Coast." Get - complete information 'psj any ticket agent. ' H. S. LEARD, G. P. A., , " . Norfolk, Va. ; 1' "". mou3 nol urp eqj tl l tjaa )oq u 6m creeq no isaj pnuqsuH imeq) joj jnnoooB j pp moh ejIA iSABq i setfupiM euojatnnu oq) jo; innoDOB noi op Moq uaqx iog pu;uqnQ' -soinuM ?uaA9j(t in Jum oq 'jedud siqi J 8uTp4oaaYr-UiA uopuoa MToq i ji jeiiop;.". q p,i - , .a no l.upP ' "ooqs J.upip nq 'jsioa3j m to Mou;d eqj ,jdpun peqjuen 'mooa oqj 0 auo emrna .uuuet) dn oa )$3U 4SB uajirt A'auom ra u dbhJ J 9 Strengthen Weak Kidneys. Don't eufferionger with weak kidneys You an get prompt relief by taking Electric bitters, that wonderful remedy praised by women every wljere.1. Sjart with a bottle todav , vou - will noon feef like a new woman with ambition to work, without fear of pain. Mr. John Dowling of San Francisco, writes: "Gratitude for the wontkrf , I cflcct of Electric Bitters prompts n p to' write. It cured my wife when all t' -e failed." Good for the liver as well. Nothing better for indigestion or 1 iio:8ncss. Price, 50c. and $1.00, at all druggists. (Adv.) , If you would be popular, make others believe they know more than you. Do You Fear Consumption? No matter how chronic your cough or how severe vour throat or lunir ailment is, Dr. King's New Discovery will surely help you: it may save vour life. Stillman Green, of Malichite, Col. writes: "Two doctors said I had consumption and could not live two years. I used Dr. King s New Discovery an am alive and well." Your monev refunded if it fails to benefit you. The best home remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Price 50c. and $1.00, Guaran teed by all druggists. (Adv.) Sometimes a smart man gets for not doing things he miht. paid Safest Laxative For Women. . Nearly every woman needs a good laxative. Dr. King's New Life Pills are good because they are prompt, safe, and do not cause pain. Mrs. M. C. Dunlap of Leadill, Tenn., says: "Dr. King's New Life Pills helped my troubles greatly." Get a box today. Price, 25c. Recommended by all druggists. (Adv.) He is an agile politician who can successfully dodge an issue. The supply of copies o' Thurs day's Dai y Journal having be n exhausted, the article about the storm that appeared in it has been epublhhed in the Semi-Weekly, copies of which may be had at the Journal office at three cents each. A chaperon is a woman who is sup posed to be an immune. Best Treatment for A Burn. If for no other reason, Chamberlain's Salve should be kept in every household on account of its great value in the treatment of burns. It allays the pain almost instantly, and unless the injury is a severe one, heals the parts without leaving a scar. This salve is also unequaled for chapped hands, sore nipples and diseases of 'the skin. Price 25 cents. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) If a woman is jealous she always insists that she's no such thing. Good For Biliousness. "I took two of Chamberlain's Tablets last night, and I feel fifty per cent, better than I have for weeks," says J. J. Firestone of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a fine article for biliousness." For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Commenting on Rockefeller's refu sal to take an air flight before his wings grow, the paragraphers express the unanimous opinion . that taking flights is the easiest way to secure a pair. Mother Of Eighteen Children. "I am the mother of eighteen children and have the p aise of doing more work than any young woman in my town," writes Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone Mill, Va. "I suffered for five years with stomach trouble and could not eat as much as a biscuit without suffer ing. I have taken three bottles of Cham berlain's Tablets and am now a well woman and weigh 168 pounds. I can eat anything I want to, and as much as I want and feel better than I have at any time in ten years. I refer to any one. in Boone Mill or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say." Cham berlain's Tablets are for sale , by all dealers. (Adv.) A London visitor to Chicago says that it is "noisy, dirty, its men are rude and its women sights." Other wise he probably thinks very well of the city. v1 Children Ory - FOR FLETCHER S 1.' , ; C ASTOR A A tThat was certainly the meanest man who rofjbed an evangelist while he was preaching. . j ' Despondency. ; ;s Is often caused by indigestion and constipation,- and quickly -- disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets are .taken. For sale by all dealers. - (Adv.) , t , f. Children Cry1 ' ' - FOR FLETCHER'S' r- ; V CASTOR I A . ,," !( .J.-. . ..';.-' JOURNAL BUSINESS LOCAL C O L U M N SALESMEN wanted. Earn' $100 monthly and expenses. Advertise or sell cigars. Woodfern Co., New York, N. Y. .1 mo. COLORED boy or man wanted. Ap ply at Journal office. FOUND Mesh bag containing a neck lace and other things. Owner can have same by calling at A. Castet Meat Market, describing same,' and paying for ad. SEVENTY-ACRE farm for sale, rent or lease. Two dwellings on it. Two Jersey milk cows for sale. For further information apply to J. W. Jordan, Oriental, N. C ANYyoung lady wishine to attvnA a good boarding school and pay her way entirely or in part with industrial work may secure aid by writing a letter at, once to R. B. D., this office. WANTED Seventy-five men. Steady work. Good pay. John L. Roper Lum ber Co. 12 ti. FOR SALE Reading standard bi cycle with motorcycle attachment. At cost. 21 Eilcn street. JUSTreceived a lot of new sweet po tatoes, cabbages and other vegetables, j Quick delivery. Phone 449. E. Fisher, corner Burn and Queen streets. IF it is quality ice cream you want, try Rovall'fi Peach. Pineapple, Chocolate and Vanilla todav. If vn ' tQ see our California fruit display, you should worry. 'Phone 33. H. E. Royall. FOR SALE home made giiava jelly, guava butter, kumquat jelly, kumquat preserves, orange marmalade, made from fresh Florida fruits. Mrs. T. W. Brogden, 141 1-2 Pollock street. 'Phone 287. LARGE quantities of old papers for sale at ten cents per hundred. Journal Office, 45 Pollock street. FOR SALE Piece of property in Ernul at depot, suitable for dwel- i ling or store, containing two acres. I Cash or terms. Apply to J. B. Har rington, Askin, N. C, Route 1. FOR RENT Will furnished room light and airy, privilege of bath and phone. One and a half blocks from Elk's Temple. Rate reasonable. 'Phone 730. FRESH turnip and rutabaga seeds for sale. Finest American grown stocx at 40c. per pound. Special prices on large lots. F. S. Duffy. The "GUARANTEE" on SCHATT and MORGAN pocket knives Is a real warrant not a hoax. Price suits your purse too. J. S. Basnight Hardware Co., 67 S. Front street. 'Phone 99. FOR RENT Well furnished room , light and airy, privilege of bath and phone. One and a half blocks from Elk's Temple. Rate reasonable. 'Phone 730. BLANK DEEDS OF TRUST form used for Craven County can be ha at the office of the E. J. Land Printing Company. BLANK DEEDS OF TRUST form used for Craven r.oun' y can be had at the office of the I? J Land Printing Company. FOR PLUMBING work of any des cription see Whit Hurtt before you have it done. It will be money saved and you will assured "( better work. q Want ads are not simply advertising. Including our "reply delivery department they afford you a 4 valuable confidential j puuiiciiy ueparuneni of your own at very small cost. IJ Much of thewonder- want ads could be accomplished in no ' ' other Way. - , ' ("-.- - ' t.-. , - ;,' '.-.. V; ....

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