every ddy in the year ex 'ay at 45 Pollock. Street. . .. OFFICE 'PHONE 8. ANICAL DEPT.. 'PHONE SO. iND PRINTING COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, . vear.lL .I .-$4.00 Months- 2.00 ee Months ie Month.. 1.00 ,40 Advertising rates furnished upon - pplication to this office. ' Entered at the Post office, New Bern, N. C. as second class matter., , " , , t ADOLPH ROBERTS. The death , of Adolph Roberts by suicide was especially distressing . to the Journar force. To realize that one who has worked side by side with, you has snuffed his life Out is an experience that is not to be forgotten.' ,, ' 111 -health. with which, Mr. Roberts has wrestled all of his life, and in vain, was doubtless the controlling motive for the deed, which so saddened- and horrified his friends. , . : X .i'H:,') Mr. Roberts was connected with the E. J. Land Printing Col up to about seven months ago. , Despite his bodily afflictions he was a ' cheerful and willing worker always doing ... his full duty.' ' ' :).'.. " As we have stated, the Journal force feels his death with expecial keenness and tenders its earnest condolences to his sorrow stricken relatives. COULD BE MADE LESS HAZARD OUS. According; jto prominent member of . the .Order of Railway Trainmen a member of that order is killed1 every seven hours and fifteen 'minutes and every nine minutes a man is- maimed. With every sort of precaution the work of a trainman will always be a hazard ous one, but that the railroad managers do not throw around the work the safe guards that they might could hardly be denied. Human lives are too often sacrificed to the call for dividends. Men are worked, unless the law steps In to prevent; unreasonably long hours and they are forced to take unreason ably great risks, It is true that deaths and maiming of railroad men- often result ' from.., their j own ; carelessness, but that1, more result from the uncon cern of railroad owners is very likely 1 HAS SEEN A LIGHT. It seems hardly possible, but the ; House was more conservative than the Senate in cutting into tariff duties. In conference the House conferees are having tovinsist that the Senate con ferees consent to an increase ..on the duties, of certain articles as otherwise it Is pointed . out too much revenue will be sacrificed. The Senate has seen a light' It is now fully as responsive to public sentiment . as the - House. And public sentiment has spoken for a reduction of tariff "duties. ' : ---v. , -1- , . . , Postmaster-General Burleson is said i ting.tne question o, wneuier wUl 1 have magazines hauled tead of by fast freight tra.ris. or not he bv mail inctead Past freieht is certainly good, enough for some "of-, the magazines we have seen. - ' . 1 , ' v t - : ; ' : The conferees ; on the tariff bill, dispatches from'., Washington state, are making rapid progress. , That is what business' men generally .want to hear. "That the bill has yet to run the gauntlet of the conference leaves some element : of doubt in connection with it and uncertainty is what .queers business. . .v .- -. , ', Not long before Mayor Cj aynor left for Europe; he said In commenting on some of the criticisms that had been aimed at hin, that no matter what this or that person thought, he had been the Mayor. His worst enemies admitted that he was not controlled. And that is a great thing to .be said of a public official. - ' , ' Former Representative James E. Watson, of Indiana.; denieshe charges of Col. Mulhall that he was one of the nr-Hve friends of the National . Asso c ation of Manufacturers when he was in Congress. Probably the difference of statement is air due to differing ronstructions on ' the word "active." V.'atson might . think it takes : more 1 3 be Called an active friend than Mul all does. ' , Liverpool, England, did great honor the' body of William J. ' Gaynor 'ay night when it was permitted : e in State at the foot of the grand vav of the city hall an unpre- cd distinction as never before ! a body been permitted to lie in Li the historic edifice.' The mayor w Yoik City, as viewed .abroad, i j the I'rewJviit of the United Stat ;hi,1 it was entirely fitting and yet at gracious and kindly act for Liverpool to pay signal honor to the dead Mayor. NOT UP TO THE ADVANCE NO- " TICES. .Sir Oliver Lodge, president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, made an addresi at a meeting I of the Association Wednesday night that was looked forward to with the keenest Interest. It had been predicted that the great scientist would make statements of ; a startling character concerning immortality and the proof of life after death. . The predictions can hardly be said to have been fulfilled. About the only thing in the address to afford anv around for such a prediction was a statement of Sir Oliver, who Is a man of the highest scientific attainments, as folloVs; "The evidence to my mind goes to prove that discarnate intelli gence, under certain conditions, may interect with us on the material side., and that "we', may, hope ,. to attain some understanding of the nature, of a lareer. oerhaos. ethreal existance, and of the conditions reeulatine intercourse across the chasm.',' : ' . vr This was a very guarded statement and one ' distinctly - disappointing to such as may- have expected to find a human-being lifting the veil and looking with see! ne eves into the beyond.' r But there were probably only a few who had any such expectation. Faith rather than science is the ekv that most peo ple would think of trying to. fit into the portals, of the hereafter. - v.- i, t It is too late to have a straw hat cleaned and too early to buy a new derby.--Wilmington Star. We advise Colonel Clawson to draw straws between his uncleaned straw ; ha? - and his . old derby. , 1 ' The rreser.t outlook is that . the American people can look forward to Thaw for breakfast, dinner and supper for the next six months.. - In short there does not seem to be any prospect of an end of Thaw any time in the near future.. It's a pity too when it is re membered that the averatja , ( person has so many, important things to look after.' - ' 'i - . SETTING THE PACE. All hail to Mayor Bangert, of New Bern. ' He has issued a curfew order whir-h sits nut that after ten o'clock at night all boys under twelve years of age found on the street shall be ar rested.;' It is a wise-order and Mayor Bangert is setting, the pace in taking a steo that is needed. Boys under twelve vears of aire and older boys. tooshould ' be ' at - home before : this hour of the nightRaleigh News and Observer. ' . . ' ' HE'S II "HOG" G. PRICE OF TOWNSHIP NO. 2 BELIEVES IN RAISING THINGS TO EAT. . A. G. Price, of No. 2 Township, showed a Journal reporter yesterday . , c-rn that were oarticu. fine Qne rf .nches n fc h and . . nearlv as large. ..i'lGrind some of that corn at a water'milir' said Mr;: Price, "and prepare and cook the bread right and you will have some good eating. Mr. Price admitted to belonging to the 'hog and hominy" class of farm ers. "I relieve in being on the safe side," he said. V "So I raise stuff that I can eat and let the other fellow plant the cotton and the tobacco, l nave twenty acres 'of corn and a great deal of it as like the saniples I have shown youil should secure nine to ten barrels iu anrt Irnm it . ' He . stated that he always 'raises corn enoueh for his. own use and has Lome to sell, v, He also raises sweet potatoes' both for. table use and for sale and for the Uttenine ot nogs. He raises some cattle. and aitogetner finds farming a profitable and pleasant employment. ' , , Nv. HOW'S THIS? : We offered One Hundred Dollars Re ward for anv case of Catarrh that cannot : be cured , by Hall's Catarrh Cnre. V. L CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. f We, the undersigned, .have known F. T. Chenev for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions . and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. ' NATIONAL BANK OF COMMEKlt Toledo. 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. ? Price 75 cents per bottle : Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. .. : ' AHD HOMIfJY FARMER wfah to continna, it will cost yon only it, ( will nut interfere with vonr work or n ouffur if yon wish, and 1 will amid yon in.- fier, ny return man. 1 will also send yon . 'Spiaantory iiiustraHons snow inn wot wo it uoine. livery woman shomu have it, a,, 'Yon must have an ooeration." von mn o. . theinxelvea with my home remedy. It cur. - Gainful olrreguidr Menstrnation lnyouug nmpie noma treatment wnion apooauy and t WhercvBr Ton live. lean rnfur Ton to ln,1!nn 11 any anftorer that tliis Horn TrMlauat reali r 'troni?. iuimnaiia rouunt' jst una m row tu'. - ,he bwk. Write to-day, ns you may not aue tt.fts. m. summers, Boxh HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED, Keeper Of National Cemetery Goes r - J , To Alexandria.: Va. John X! Reeves, who for the past five years hal hadcharge of the Nation- al Cemetery at this place has been transferred to the National cemetery Alexandria,;' Va., and will leave this week to assume his new duties, Wc.H.: Gari,,whp'.ha!i;'ld cliarge,w. .?es; aker nd Mr- of . the "cemetery at Florence,' SV C, anu- - f,,-OTa-has been transferred to . New, Bern, of New Bern and were conducted at During his stay in this city Mr. Reeves;"". 'e. wner? WKn has made many friends and they regret to see him depart for some other city. , UNTRUSTWORTHY. '.'I'm so glad I refused . that man. He's untrustworthy." ' 1 1 "Why do you say that?" " ' . "He vowed he would pine away and die if I turned him down, and now look how fat he has grown." Louisville Courier-Journa t , For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening; tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC drives out Malaria and bnllds up the ayatem. A true tonic and lure Appetizer. For adults and children. 50c BIDS WANTED FOR REPAIRING THE CITY HALL. Bids will be received for the next ten days for repairing and altering the city building. . For further information apply to the clerk, at the city hall. - F. T. PATTERSON, ' r City' -Clerk. - BOAT LINE TO BR1DQBTON rhairmnn . d' D. .' Bradham of the County Hoard of Commissioners: an- nounces i.iat iiie uuwer utwi it. x.. jii.., . 1. - j L 1 T I T " XT ' ' Capt. w . h. Parris, has been engaged to ply between New Bern and Bridge- ton. The following schedule will be observed: ' - . ' . . . . ; . BOAT SCHEDULE. Lv. N. Bern. Lv B idgeton 6:00 , . 7:00 - 8:00 5 9:00 ' ' . -10:10 11:00, 12:00 ' . ' 1:00 ' " '7 2:00 ' , 3:00 ' 4:00 ' , ; 5:00 -'''-. ' ' 6:00 ' 7:00 . - ' , 6:30 7:30 ' 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:3a , ' 1:30 2:30 ' 3:30 4:15' " 5:30 6:30 7:30 Leave New Bern on the hour .from 6 morning to 7 at night. lieave Bridgeton on half hour from 6:30, in morning to 7:30 at', night except In afternoon, boat will leave Bridgeton at 4:15 so as to" get the mail here in time for the train. . . , At the Eastern Carolina Fair Grounds 2 o'clec day afternoon Co: lGtli. One llace for Ii: 2:28 class. One I7 3 Jor All - - Two Exhibit:-: :i 7 '.;cco vith a running In pacing horses. ::ss:on: f 1 dM.. I r i t V t HI int-n e.,,jui '"I" Xnr.fl Hiiy di i a f . .r Lf'Kfirr,-.o!,B or ( Mt at u I f i b i. s. t , t 1 . or b . t rtn t.i it liUUi.1 tl f 11. c ICS ftiiert 1 w nut io aeud joni e, ! ( i .(' ti. I , t- to prove to you tuat you r ri ci re v... -..t at home, easily, quicklr i , F ememht r, t.iut it ft il c jh u r . u!6 trHRsment a C'.'iij)lf.i.etriti ; 6j j u y ti . ' a wetx or 1 l ,i two c r ia a , it . Mynnr ti - , ti il me i , von b i r your f- v t in t "wi - my book " i ti ilt i r, afidhowtu.v jhiim ,y cure i,, niHenvtia i to i flfatr-'f 'ih-n wim n tuedix i-.r avi , r youi-aelf. Q nouHamiHof wonu n I avecurMl at ffnttnf, T$ hutntrt Ot ll.u r I iil explain a vcurea Leucorrlio. a. ttrwii h-knwaiid k;ut, fluirpneas and honith al,ayiruBUiifrujn nfTrnir own InnalltT who know and will trlad'r cmn all women's duewieH, and mki women wej, .. arid the rree fen aay a treatment wyoura, bum tuia oifnr airain. Address - lloUe Dame, I nd.. u.s.a. NAVALRESERVES OFFICERS EN I ' TERTAIN. Elizabeth City, Sept.: 12. The offi- cers of the naval reserve boat; the Elfrida' ave .d!nner ,ast F""- aay evening, ine guests, drove tq the uutu epot, wnere ,ine -"V" , T"- oy .eunani winis, .uv re- lcl"V" "v ul delicious dinner and bright conversa tion a -happy evening was spent. The guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Worth, Mrs. S. S; Lamb, Miss Mattie Griffjn and Miss tMiiinie Ledry. - - ' . ' ' v vi Time to find out whether last win ter's suit can be ' put . In commission For the . purpose of- increasing te - capacity and efficiency of the electric distributing lines f vthe . City of New XT T . ? .,. ceive bids ' for the nex :.: ten days or quotations ron. 8,000 pounds or' less of Bae and T. P. Wi P. solid copper wire- In size t from No.' 00 to No. 6 inclusive.1' r S . . : F. T PATTERSON," . , - "- ' aty Clerk., Masonic Ineatre Thursday SEptember 181b. THE GREATEST HIT IN YEARS. ; "v. ., -. . .... Packed Houses Everywhere ' '; , ' .,,; , - . - - TBS ONE GREAT BIG LAUGHING MUSICAL EVENT MUTT and JEFF BUD FISHER'S ORIGINAL CREATION 50 , PEOPLE 2 CAR LOADS OF SCENERY SO 'Evefything New and up-ta date with MUTT and JEFF nnlT MISS SEEING CVf" UUill ; , - THIS -GREAT Cuo.i Reserved, Seat on Sale at Wood-Lane Drag Co. Monday Frices:su, la, i.uu and 1.50 , . r . t " ..I.::ii3cr cur stock v.L! t i ? LA i: " if A" J L r:..3 a r 1 1 :: zzs coat suits i ; .; ' ' , 1 j r oys CLcmirca u. Our stock is up-to Czt2 and vzrznt: . 1 to be as good as can be found in the town ani prices low er. A lady said today in our store that she found that we spld goods always vlower than any store in town. If you are not one or our regular custom ers, we want you to come in and see for yourself ; that you have been paying too much for your goods. ' ' , '"'.' J: J.; BAXTER EfffiTJ MR'AND Where Is YOUR Nest-Egg? Young married keep their Nest that pays SPECIAL attention to thej uses to which they will sometime '. want to put that Nest-Egft ' We know ; what you have in mind sometime. It's a little home all your own isn t it? Say you keep your Nest- Egg1 here in account. It earns you 4 per cent. Interest and we compound it t6: you four times a year. ..CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK TRUST CO. New Bern,; ' ( T & t We Invite You' to Open; an t t ACCOUNT IV. The National Bank of 9 9 . v';;' New - - , Which combines ' capital, confideQce, consir- 9 ,. tency, and courtesy. The big man with the . 9 big roll arid the little man with the little roll : S are alike welcomed. Our purpose is to makel 6. our bank a mutual benefit to the commun- : ty in general and its patrons in particular. T ' ... 6 Four per cent. Paid on' Savings and Time De- ; , f ' posits Compounded Quarterly, . rSafe Deposit boxes for Rent a ' . - ; J AS. A. BRYANr President JNO, DUNN, Vice-President ' t .J c. lit 3 fcrC i .: J i;::rcct ETC. MRS. SMITH. people like l' - Egg in a Bank ANI N. C WITH v ;Berne. - " . . GEO. H. ROBERTS, Cashier' W'. W. GRIFFIN, Asst. Cashiei ft.'' 1 TV . ' JA. O t ) c

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