Hotel C :s:nes$ Yiihout a Formal Opening. 0 b 0 0 0 0 Sample FALL STOCK ALL IN A beautiful selection In the latest Coat Suits, Coats, Sport Jackets and r. MILLINERY ' " Ready for Your Inspection and SALE MRS. B. ALLEN t ' 85 Middle St. p hone 752 , A'N N O UN C &M E N T, WE ; ' Sell lb L i f.l. Semi-r.!ixEd Real Pant IT'S Pure White Lead. Zinc and Linseed Oil (made in to a semi paste, not as thick as white Lead, but so that it can be easily maae reaay lor use iu ov c uuoi This is the Way to make it Ready for Use. ' t iacH of 4 Gallons of the L. and M, Semi-Mixed Real Paint at about $2.10 a gallon, you add 3 gallons of Linseed Oil at about 75 cents a gallon, mus making 7 Gallons of paint for $1.50 per gallonor $10.65 and saving aoout Iff any manu'acturer made up this 7 gallons of paint all ready for jse, and put it in gallon cans, the price would be $2.00 a gallon or $14.00.- , Send for sample ;4riifi ini1 nlace vour orders for paint, and remember White Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil Paint has been tha hpst known naint tor more man s one nunareo GASKILL HARDWARE and MILL SUPPLY , CO. JUST RECE I Rhinmpnt Pimento and vimontn Olive cheese. something fine. 15c. pack ae. '-- Prompt Delivery Grocery Gomp'y. The Pure Food Store 73 Broad WILLIS 'Your Pipe Dream Can Come-True if you will only -replace your old pipe with something bet ter selected frora our stock. We have a new lot of .tbht ..PipesX; - - .TJiUta thpihrst assortment we bave,eYr.ii?horn Come in and see them. ' Prices range from 25c to $5.00 , Tobacco We sell all the popular brands of . cigars smoking and chew ing tobacco," bradham Urug o. The Rexall Store BOAT LINE TO BRIDGETOM Chairman C. D. -' Bradham of the County . Board of : Commissioners, 'an nounces that the power boat H. L. N.., Capt. W H. Parris, has been engaged to ply between New Bern and Bridge- ton. The following schedule will be observed: ; ,f . BOAT SCHEDULE. LV: N. Bern. . 6:00 " ' 7:00' , .' , 8:00 ' , ' ' 9:00 " 10:10 11:00 ' 12:00 t 1:00. , 2:00 ,- , 3:00 , 4:00 , 5:00 , 6:00 -. 7:00 .'' , Lv B idgeton 6:30 , , 7:30 ' 8:30 ' v" 9:30 10:30 . .11:30 . 12:30" 1:30 V 2:30 3:30 4:15 , . 5:30 - .6:30 7:30 0- CEOAR lyiops Makes it easy 'to clean . those hard to get at : places, and we will re turn your ', money if not satisfactory in ev- " ery respect. - iVeiK Bern Fur? niture Company The Home Furnishers ; Correspondents are , urg c ! to send us their names. Vc desire the- name of ev ery person v. ho is kind cr.uh to send us an oc c " nal letter giving the , 3 cf his or her locality. r ' 3 cf course does not ap - to thos3 ,vl:o mke a :l!c2 of .acccm: nyir : letters with ' thur t, Leave New Bern on the hour from 6 in morning to 7 , at night. Leave Pridgeton on half hour from' 6;30 in Morning to' 7:30 at night except in afternoon boat will leave Brldgeton at 4:15 so as to get the mail 'here in time ior the train. !-. ' , WILL CONDUCT DANCING . 1 SCHOOL. ' It wil! be gratifying to the young pco pie of New -Bern to know that an up-to-date dancing school, where all. the artistic dances will be taught is soon to ? be: opened in this city . by Miss Suzanne ' Martin ' who is a 'graduate of the famous Charliff dancing school. Miss : Martin will open her school in the, early fall. X (Adv.) tf. DRINKERS OF BLUE MINERAL WATER, I am only charging for1 my time in filling jugs for Blue . Mineral Springs Water, and will fill two jugs for 25c, if received at the same time. Send all jugs to W.' D. Ipock, Askin, N. C y. Mark your name and address on all jugs sent, so I can deliver them back promptly. ' 9-18 2 ti. - ' ( In.. In connection I. ' . corning engagement in this uiy -f 1 hotnas Dixon's latest paly, "'I he 'Leopard's Spots," founded upon liis famous book, it is interesting to note that his new book, entitled "The Southerner," which came out this summer has scored another big success for the distinguished Southern author. . a , . His vnew novel deals with the ' life of Abraham Lincoln, marking the first I time the martyr-President has, ever figured in fiction. It. is not generally 4 li. : t t' - t y i. r i -j f 0!:e-f.tlc!li of nn 1 el woods from thr thirty-fourth. In t. o products ttie thirki slsteeuths. Indinun;) t v feats cf r:: :..y. by i I THOMAS DIXQN I knpwn that . Lincoln . was a Southerner but Mr.. Dixon Brings- out the .fact that he was born in Kentucky, though reared in Illinois, : The (-author also dwells upon the.' fact that Lincoln was in sympathy with the South 'at all times, i General Robert E.-'Leer'$s also a character in the novel, so with these twq great National heroes in the same story, it is not surprising , that 'The Southerner" is another winner.;. j ' Mr. Dixon's dramatic .version vf The . Leopard's Spots" will . be seen at the Masonic lheatre on October 13, : under, his .personal., directions Kr That cold day Is comlnft soon We' have our heaters on display". Come andplck them while the time Is ripe. J. S. Basnlght Hardwane Company, 67 South Front atreeh CUTTING VENEERS. Three - Methods . Are Used Sawing, i 8 1 icing and the Rotary Cut. '. Veneer is very thin lumber. The raw materinl Is usually pun-baited In logs of random leugths. Some are cut into QtU'btti lind fn turn sawed into thin sections eallefl sawed veneer. In other uses the lous. after being steamed. are xutivcd to sharp knlvtw. This riietH id pi"oducta slkwi veneer. - ' Neither of these processes is as : eiteusively ised n h the third, the rotary cut,;a1- taoulj . tur i they are f tiiijiortnui-e. . " j The atrm-ture of . the wood.tite size if the logs and ttie use for wfUlb the eneer Is ilivlgiipdMai'Kel.v determine the proci'sH employed. Some fone.igti wooda are very hmtl and. like soft do mestic woodH Tbecotiifers. foriustan'-'e often produce the-, best veneer when sawed, while for other woods: the slic ing met hod I preferred. .Where the product is for tiii exterior tinlsti and has to be selected and inutched ac cording to the Hpure or grain., sawing is the favorite met bod. The rotary 'cut process is similar in principle to the sUeinjf process.; Jh Man Who Astounded V.'tsiey His Knowledge of the E;bla. One of the most astoulshins mriemon- Ic feats on record is recorded by John Wesley. "1 knew a man about twen ty! years ago." writes Wesley, "who was so thoroughly acquainted with the Bible that if be was questioned as to any Hebrew word In the old. or any Greek word in the New Testament he would tell, after a little pause, not only bow often the -ode or the other oc curred In the Bible, but also what it meant Id every place. t His name was Thomas Walsh. Such a master of Bible .knowledge I never saw before, and never expect to see again." Walsh had a close rival in Macaulay, who. according to James Stephen, con Id rep wit "all DemostheneK by heartland all Milton, as well as a great part of the Bibla" A strange Instance of freak memory Is recorded in the case of a servant girl In a Scottish manse. She was al most 'Illiterate, yet when delirious In fever, surprised those aroand her by repeating lous passages of the Bible In Hebrew. The kitchen where the gir) spent bee evenings adjoined the min ister's study. He was accustomed, to read aloud. The girl bad' not under stood or consciously taken heed of the readlnc. vet her mind bad seized unon add . stored the phrases. London Chronicle. '2 ia v.xcJ -c: C 1 2 1 .. - 1 your ci. r.3 cczyc:; j ccrr K3t CC.2 ! ' v What English Means. Mrs. fimlth What are yon reading, John? M( Smith I am reading Her bert Spencer's "Principles of Biology." Mrs. Smith Whywhat what's that, John? Mr, Smith Herbert Spencer's "Biology.' Let me read you an ex tracthis definition of life. : Listen: "It consists of the definite, combina. tlons of heterogeneous changes, but simultaneous and successive, in com binntlon with external coexistences and sequences." ' - - k ? ?; ''Why, John, what In the world is the man talking about? ;. ' ' ?'I am astonished at vou.'Jane. Whr. this Is the work of the great English wlentlst" . - i Ves.J know, but what Is he writing about?" , : . He Is defining life. 1 told you.' What did " you suppose be .was writing about?" '-'' "Good' gracious! I thought he was rrying"to get a patent on a ciotnes- borse;w-txmdon mBlta, '; .. I M:...n3. .' If ycur L'ciua ii :,3t -' ns ycu v;cuU ll!:s it, v.hy ci Llo its f;:r::! 'irs hcr'? . r.. o . You will find just the things to give your dwelling a touch of luxury without excessive cost. i .11. 22 "The n lit .3 f.r. t OiiiJI Lif L CD. -l I hers" s)-icir: r4- Ve buy tlie "Best" . V Use the "Best" : Serve the 44Be And feed the "Best'' PEOPLE. . Tiie;Oceaii-.Gaie R. E. LEE, Owner : : Morehead City, N. C. n X. ' Birds 8hot With Water. : Shooting a humming bird , with the smallest -bird shot made Is out of the Question, for the tiniest seeds of lead 'would destroy his coat Too only way in which the bird can be captured for commercial putfjoees is to shoot him with a drop of water from a blowgun or a fine etTtfom a small syringe. Skillfully i directed,' the water stuns him. . He falls into a silken net and before be recovers consciousness is suspended; brer a. cyanide jar, " This must be done quick lyv for if be comes to his senses, before the cyanide whiff snuffs out his life -he is sure to ruin bis plumage in his strUKKles to escape; Humming birds vary In size from spe cimens perhaps half as , large as a sparrow to those scarcely bigger than a bee. .ff;vS' :..;';f: 1 v-i? '.I,,-f'ftgi Rifled Firoarmfc'V'.;'; in , the South Kensington museum are. several . wheel lock, muskets witb rifled barrels made during the reign of Charles l.v If not earlier. Such barrels were, then, usually called "screwed. Zacbary Grey in a note on "Hudibras." part 1, canto 8. line S33. says, that Prince Rupert showed bis skill as a marksman- by hltrJmr twice In succes. slon the vane on St Mary's Stafford at sixty yards with a "screwed" plstoL London Notes and Queries. BIDS WANTED FOR REPAIRING t THE CITY HALL. , Bids ''will be received for r the next ten days for repairing . and altering the city building. ' 1 For further information ; apply- the clerk, at the city hall. " . , F. T. PATTERSON, . , City Clerk. to D. G. SMAW Successor to II. W. S.rn:r::n . Funeral Director and J Embalmer. Office 68 Broad St. Res. 28 So F.St Program: ' -At ' -Star ' . Theatre.Tcday f'A PLAIN GIRL'S LOVE.Vf (SELIG.) DAMAl '.-A very pretty love storyj full of heart throbr, and emotion. : :, , , ,f "A FIGHT TO A FINISH. ', (J ALEM.) s DRAMA. ' ; Very exciting dramatical play, and interesting to the last drop. ' .' ' . "HIS NIECE FROM IRELAND." (LUBIN.) :;A very good melo-drama, the kind of plot that -will appeal. "THE NOISY SUITORS." (EIOCRAPII.) FARCE COMEDY. i " .This one is great and you should see this on? by all means. A The i management takes pleasure in announcing that beginning Monday they will show at continuous matinee and 'evening performances, the world famous Warner's Features. - These pictures are considered the very best that can be procured. Consisting of three and four reels each, 1,000 feet of film to the reel. , This will be a treat for our patrons iml id, for the puLlic has never wit nessed these celebrated' feature pictures in any theatre ia New Bern before. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. . Continuous evening performance, ; ately after. 'Matinee starts daily 4 c' The I . ' ons tf f e "STAR' i 'best nit.. "3 rff" '!' pictures." A"n '.Y 1. ir.OOF. I : LY t WJL AND V li : y r " y i r lcaut. i i 6 . When You Build, Build With : CLARK BRICK & TILE CO.. Clark, N. C, or call on V GASKILL HARDWARE CO. Local Agent,. ;. Phon?. 147: NewBern I xxxyxxx XXXXXX XJOOOCX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXKXX XXJOCXX li lit voun .tBonE? If not, come ia aiqtd let us t$ke it. The: time has arrived when you can no longer get along .with out the proper Fall and Winter Clothing. ;; To be suitable it must be made for you. , To be properly made, stylish, well-fitting and - durable, we must make It for ' you. We are ready. F. M. Chadwlck Sri iS cxxxsboos?3c xxxxxx :cx xmxx xxxxM xkosc;:. AW oman s Ba EATHEl s Is nnt nnlxr . ' ' : i7 but sometWng;;that;:?re. ycciis , wcr, f ; lnuiYiauauiy more than; any other thing , about her person. - If you , want leather goods with fimtmm,tic.i. 2immmnBC...Ko, i individuality and style as well, come in and look at our offering;-and you will A.' .111.- agree ' inai our assernuus uive our prices are more rhfln mortpsr. SAM K .EATON - - Optometriat GET IT AT CLARK'S When purity Combines with Per-' fection and Deliciousness then competition must eventually stand aside. PH ::' WOl aOe- Tw-- ,3 rcv icr: and1 Flower" of the the "Fame Candy Maker's Art. Lv . ' . a ' Received fresh by E:-; i s ;.' v :A Weekly The largest and fisn t V Pipes in the City. and Shapes. T ' C J . Weddinr? Gifts s -In Sterling Silver You'can be quite 'safe in .choosing Sierling q Silver as your gift to h the bride , ., In beautiy and refinement , i in genuine quality and Jlast '1 ins? service it is preeminently appropriate, It also offers i , great variety from ; whichy to inalje your selection . You will have , no difficulty with our large stock - In find ,,!S ' ' - ' you r f.aev, at the pricel you v. I h to 1 .'. ' ' ,' 'j r i 1 1 ' t i t I 829 (' Phone 167