Z" GAS. ig t '':-,'vV";,'::'"'-1,; -, ":-h Take ' Tape's Diapepsin" and io five minutes you'll wonder what be came of misery in stomach. l : sro,fcn, INDIGESTION OR v.- McD'ff, Va. "I suffered for several years," says Mrs., J. B. Whittaker, o! tins place, "wiui sick headache, and " stomach trouble. Ten years sco a friend told me to try Thedford's Liutk-Draught, which I dia, ' and 1 found it to be the best family medi cine for young and old. 1 1 keep Black-Draught on hand all the time now, and when my children feel a ' little bad, they ask me for a dose, and 11 : does them more good than any medicine they ever tried. We never have a long spefl of sick- oess in our family, since we commenced using Black-Draught" , ; Thedford's Black-Draught Is ' purel) - vegetable, and has .been found to regu late weak stomachs, aid digestion, re : lieve indigestion, colic, - wind, nausea, headache, sick stomach, . and: similai , Symptoms. . . J It has been In constant use for more than 70 years, and has benefited more than a million people. " , - , Your druggist sells and recommends Back-Draught. Price only 25c. Get a ckage to-day. , UGia Facing 'Waterspout. 1 What It means to encounter a-water-spout lit the south seas is described : by a writers "First of all. a Wack trunk, like nn elephant's, began to feel 'blindly about In midair, hanging from ft cloud.-: It came nearer and nearer r with uncanny speed, drawing nil to itself as it came a colossal cone of l-turbulent sea. until the two joined to . gether in an enormous black ' pillar 'some quarter of a mile broad at the base and ' probably a good, thousand I feet high, uniting as It did the clouds f and the sea below. . Across the darken ' Ing sea. against' the- threatening cop- .; per crimson sunset,, came this gigantic ' horror, waltzing i over troughs of torn - up water In a veritable dance of death; like something, blind, but mad; and ..cruel, trying to find and shatter our fragile little ship." , , Wonder what upset your stomach which portion of the food did the damage do you? Well, don't bother. If 5 your stomach is in revolt! it sour gassy ..and upset, and what ,you'"just ate has fermented into stubborn limps: head dizzy, and aches; belch gases and acids and eructate ; undigested food; breath foult tongue coated just take a little Pape's Diapepsin and in five minutes you ' wonder what became of the indigestion and distress. ' - :-' A Millions of- men and women today know that it is needless to have a bad stomach.' A little Diapepsin occasion ally keeps this . dedicate ; organ., regu lated and they, eat their favorite foods without fear, ' t - If your stomach doesn't take care of your :. liberal limit - without rebellion; if you. food fs a damage Instead of a help, .' remember1 the quickest, surest most harmless relief is Pape's Diapep sin which costs only fifty cents for a large case at drug stores.. It's truly wonderfutj--it "digests . food and sets things 'straight, so gently and easily that . it id really. 'astonishing. . Please for your sake, don't go on and on with a weak, disordered , stomach; it's so unnecessary:, V, Wise Insects. In his ' experiments ... p4 determine whether It Is the color .or the odor of flower that attracts bees and other In sects M Plnteuu. the PelgJau zoolo gist ; .Mli'iii" lit him of trying a mirror. He el(-tt(J 'H.-flower" of striking color and (stroiur nUor and placed It before an excellent filasm-ln which the reflection was ' ptrrcit.; All : the Insects "" went straight to. tin real tlower.. and not a staple one ni)inm bed the reflection Id the mirror, ..'V.A ; Fast and Slow, ., : ViRWId I1l you have - a nice auto- niiilillc trip Greene Par( of the way. l'be chaulieiir went too fust going ont : "I suppose he rednced speed vomlng back;" - , ' ."Oh. yes: we were towed back ?' honkers Statesman., , . 1 . ' ' Angry Adjectives. r It was not a young woman novelist but Charles Sumner, of whom the late B. L. flodkin. I be New- York K editor. said. , ,.,,., ; :v f He works his adjectives so hard that If they ever catch him alone they will murder Mm.- V , VJ t ' . i How It Happened. The Chronv Meddler Von are ex tremely bald for one of your age. . The Bare Pated Party-Yes: got this way by butting Into other people's affairs. - Philadelphia Ledger. 1 " - ' Sleep and Longevity., :'w:v -x .'leep, 1r n necessary as njr or food -' . -artiose who shirk the sleep of life, an ::4,v only hastening unconsciously to tht ' r sleep of death. Brussels independence Beige. r r :V,ffp'-h Contentment. gives a crown where fortune has denied It Ford. , . . v V'., . '- ' Oriental Gems. All gems of, the finest quality, lrre "t spective of the part of the world from which they eome.are generally .spoken rJ ; of as "Oriental. because the supply of nreciona stones came only from the ' " east for ' many centuries: and when ' a mines were discovered In the west, ' was at flrst ossumed that . the stones were inferior. :. "OccldentaH - Is ' the term applied to inferior stones to this day. ' ' on the other hand, "Oriental topaa,1 "Oriental emerald" and "Oriental ame thyst" are really all sapphires, and are given these names only on account of their color. . . .'An Arab Honeymoon. For seven days after the wedding the Arab bride and bridegroom are supposed not to leave their room. iThe bride may see none of her own family and only the women folk of her uus band, who wait on her. She remains In all her wedding finery and paint and does absolutely nothing. The bride ' groom generally slips out at night aft er tliree days and sees a few friends priva'Iy, but be r1" 'itcr"y hu from his wife's far, bv acclJent niivt 1 f ue t' e -v( i C las 1 'i i If liaik, ovpr t: f . ( f n I u t. ..rv . f it f-3 l,t : . V t ! and sliUi.lJ Le : r -In-law be- t if Le tuiiiS , ! loe, oi i i i t' i r ' w 1 t The following -drug stores will be open to -the public today: Bradham's, Leinster' Duffy's Pinnix and Kennedy's pharmacy. ? LOCAL COTTON MARKET. (By. G. W. Taylor and Sons.), Middling-.,.:.-..........:; :i3 , Strict. Mid..... .......13 1-8 Good Mid 13 1-4 i COUNTRY PRODUCE. (Quotations Furnished By Coast v" Line Meat Market.) ' Sept-16 Chickens, grown pair -.75 to 85c Chickens, half grown, pair 60 to 70c Ducks, per pair . 6oto 80c Eggs.dozen . 26c Hams, country smoked 20c Beeswax, pound... .- . 25c Wool, pound .11 to 16c Hogs, dressed, pound 10 to 11c Beef, dressed, pound 8 to 9c C6rn'per bushel 85c. People who: believe in charms and other superstitions also believe that if a little learning is a dangerous thing an education must be more so. Em DRINKERS OF BLUE WATER. MINERAL I am only charging for my time in filling jugs for Blue Mineral Springs Water, and will fill two jugs for 25c, if received at the same time. Send all jugs to W. D. Ipock, Askin, N. C. . Mark your name and address on all jugs sent, so I can deliver them back promptly.. g 9-18 2 ti. BIDS WANTED FOR REPAIRING THE CITY HALL. y Bids will -be received for the next ten days ' for rcpauing : and altering the city building. HH , t) For further Jnformation apply to the Clerk, at the city hall. ? fMl - F. T. PATTERSON, , ; , ' , City Cle k. weaaina van ae nner aay. ?. "I'm getting married." he said, "and I want a cake," r 'Well. It's the latest thing,'.' said the salesgirl, "to have; wedding cakes Id harmony with the bridegroom's callinf or profession. Thus a journalist has a spice cake; a musician an oat cake, an athlete n t'tis cake, man who loafs on his friends a sponge cake, and so forth and i so oni .What- Is your , calling, please?" - - ' j .n "1 am a jilanIstM " ' "Then, of course." aald the girl. . "you'l want a pound cake." Exchange. a, ,- : - Irrepressible. "Johnny. I'm afraid Til have to-wnt you." said the mother of an incorrigl bre youngster. - ',.,,, 1 ."'All right, mamma," he replied. "And after you whip me., may X have th whip to play horse with?" Chlcags ' , phyaieal Geography. - The following answer was recently given in a geography examination in reply td the question. ' "Prom what di rection do most of our rains come?" . .;, . Most of our rains come straight down, but some of them come side waya.::.i:fcr x Told Oni Truth. He (during the quarrel Then, by your own account I didn't tell you a single truth, before we were married. She You did one you said you were unworthy of me. Boston Transcript No true and permanent fame can be founded except in labors which pro mote the happiness ' of mankind. Cbtriea Sumner. 4 . . "La France" (Gr When You Are In Need Of PRINTING In any of Its Branches, we are Prepared to quote very Low est prices, consistent with first class work - - - - - - - The New Bern Daily JOURNAL Features the Local News of New Bern, Craven and adjoining counties. While we do not claim to be the best, still our constantly growing subscription is very gratifying. Are you a subscriber? If you are not Subscribe To-day. US n. '" 'T i 5 E. J. LAND - PRINTING . COMPANY 45 POLLOCK STREET T.-iS3SSM.V-.. c. v..-. v , . i.lilWil,