n At . F. M. Simmons D. L. WARD ? ! ATTORNEYS and COUNCEL-$ L0R8 AT LAW, ,v ; , 9 , , New :. Bern,1 N. C. . ?i;,V' t? 0 Office Rooms 401-2-3 ; Elks Build 0 ing. Practice in cocnties of Cra. J ven, Duplin. Jones, Leno slow, Carteret, Pamlico and .f.:V.'-Hj- A V- . . t r . .1 r 1 tVlll ine supreme uu rcucia a andjwhere ever services are . , i . - 1 Room 404 Phone 11 i. Elk's . Temple , a R. A.JNUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW ' ' Practic in the counties of Craven. Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in th State Supreme and Federa i Courts. . ; Off 1 Ns. 50 Gravtn Strut. Tslsphont ,9 '. Nsw Birn, N. C. Turkish Baths ' . Carlsbad 'Method ' Belief ical in the Treatment of Rheumatism, Gout, Sci atica, Lumbago Neuritis, Neuresthenia; Kidney and Skin Disorders Dr. Ernest W. Dunn OSTEQPATHIC PHYSICIAN - 20 U0-U1ELKS TEMPLE ': Hours 9 to 12; 3 to 5; 7:30 to 8:30 f Offic' Phone 194. Residence Phone 332-A O. C. Daniels,M. D. SPECIALIST h ye Ear Nose and Throat. GOLoSBU - - - . HARDWARE AND Building Ma terial Paints, Oils Varnishes American Field Fence If LODGE DIRECTORY ATHENIA LODGE No. 8, K. of P. : Meets every Tuesday 8 p. m., over Gas Co.'s office, Middle street., J. R. White f head C. C, J. H. Smith, K. of R. and S. " Visiting brothers are assured of a chevalier's welcome. CRAVEN LODGE No. 1, KNIGHTS OF HARMONY Meets second and -a L. V fourth Wednesday nights at :M o ciocK in each month at Knights of Harmony hall, corner Broad and Hancock street J. K. Willis, President; R. J. Disosway. Secretary; R. J. Disosway, 90 Middle treet, Financia Secretary. : ft. F. D. and Star Mail Routes For - f the District. . The ' following with a request for publication has been received by the Journal from Representative John M. Faison.' ' ' . , As the , present administration is disposed to give R. F. D. or star mail routes and change present routes when needed, I shall be glad to supply blank p-B o for such routes or changes u. tnose . who" have not proper and Convenient mail facilities.-.:;, , -M . "x)ok over your .secr.ions. and wher ever it is possible to get a new R. F. D. or star route, Jwrite me for this blank petition, fill it out, and return it to me I shall be glad to get you the best mail service possibl , ". With best wishes ,., ,.. , Yours most truly, ; , ' 1 ' ' Jno. M Faison. A THIEVING MYSTERY , By EDITH V, ROSS ', 'J Mr..Mnrtaugh,' said Andrews, chief officer' of the postofBce detective bu rean, "more thievery has been going on at Trimnjbgham. This , is the fourth time stamps have been missed in that quarter, and J wish you to go there and get on to the thief." i Tve been there twice already, ' re- pUed Murtaugh, "without finding any. things wrong, i The peoplo of the town all have the most perfect confidence In Miss Griggs, the postmistress, and her only clerk is her younger sister, aged sixteen, Miss 3riggs has appeared to be as much puzzled as any one as to what becomes of the missing stamps. Tm afraid. : Murtaugh, you'r too gallant to spy on a woman." - There was a hidden meaning In the words, for Andrews was not above spying on the members of his force and had learned that Detective Mur taugh, who had been several times to Trimmingham to ferret out the; source of the trouble, had been making love to the postmistress.' Indeed, he would have sent some one else this time.! but he suspected Murtaugh of shielding Miss Griggs, and if he was doing this he was recreant to his duties as a postofflce official. Murtaugh made no reply to Andrews' last remark, and the latter added: , - "Well, try it once more. : If you don't get on to the thief this time IH try some one else." : . ; . This was spoken In a tone to give Murtaugh a warning. He was one of the best men on the force, and An drews didn't wish blm to get into trouble by shielding a thief. : Murtaugh had thoroughly convinced himself o Miss Griggs' honesty, and her sterling worth, was apparent to every one. He knew it would be folly for him to spy on her, and, acting on his own Judgment, he went openly to Trimmingham and told her that he had come to help her find who was stealing her stamps. ' The postofflce -m as a little one story frame building, all of which was occu pied for mall purposes. One night Murtaugh stole unobserved into the postofflce, climbed np under the roof and bored a peep, hole In the ceiling through which he could look down Into the postofflce. A few stamps had been left In the postmistress' desk. The detective kept awake all night but heard not the slightest sound be low, saw no light Indeed, no sign of any one coming to steal stamps. But In the morning the stamps left In the desk were gone. .- Since the thievery was perpetrated at night Jthere was no need to, watch In the anytime. Indeed, no stamps had ever 'been missed In the day. They were counted in the morning and at night , How the thief managed to get into the house after dark without being detected Murtaugh could not conceive. ' ' When sure that no one was near to see him he examined every part of the little building, especially the cellar, for a subterranean passage, but could find no, passable ingress. That Miss Griggs or, her sister could so far out wit turn as to get into the house while he was there without his knowing It he felt sure was Impossible. The stealing must be committed by some one else some one, who managed to conceal himself or herself in .the build ing.. This person must be able to work quite noiselessly. Whether the exit was made in the daytime or not was like all the rest of It unknown. ; In deed, Murtaugh could not find any possible way any one could ' get Into the building -unless by going down the chimney, and to do this without be ing beard would be very difficult -During the time of his operations his love affair with Miss Griggs, was being brought to a head, and when be re turned to his chief the only thing he had to report was that he was engaged to the person whom he had been sent to spy on. This he kept to himself, though Andrews knew of his lovemak ing, for he had sent a detective to spy on his" W':.;r-"H::':' " Andrews astonished Murtaugh by dis charging him. ! He also transmitted an order written at his suggestion, from Washington to Miss Griggs that she was required to make good ail the stamps that had been purloined! : Since from the first more than $100 'worth was unaccounted for and the salary at Trimmingham was but $400 a year Miss Griggs found herself unable to comply with the order, for she and her mother and sister needed every cent of her Income. ,; Murtaugh found another Job. Miss Griggs - was permitted to retain her place till an enlargement of the post office building which was Intended could be made. In taking out a side of the bouse the workmen iald ; bare a space that was filled with fragments of postage stamps. Miss Griggs'; desk had stood, against this walL Mice had gnawed a bole from the wall Into th back of the desk, which gave them ac cess to the drawer In which she kept the stamps. The tiny thieves, attracted by the gum arable on the back of the stamps, hid carried them where they could feast on It at leisure. : ' t ' ' A great deal of sympathy had been manifested for; Miss' .Griggs, by, the townspeople who all signed a petition that she should be retained in her po sition. .This, was, now. not necessary. She would have retained her. position, but Murtaugh established a. detective agency of bis own and wanted her" to attend to -his house and home, ' , DEEDS NOT ,CL. New Bern - People Have Absolute r ' Proof Of Deeds At Home. It's not words but deeds that prove true merit. 1 '- v ' It's not words but d eds that prove The deeds of Doan's Kidney P Is, ' For New Bern kidney sufferers, Have made their local reputation Proof lies in the testimony of Non Bern people ; - R. A. Henderson; 156 George street, New Bern, N. C.'sayst "I suffered from a dull pain across my loins,' with an extreme lameness in my "back. .1, also hadinflammationof the bladder and the passages of the kidney secretions pained me. ; Doan's Kidney Pills pro cured at- the - Bradham Drug. .' Co. removed the , lameness and palm and improved my cond tion in every way, ; No Trouble Since. 1 - When' Mr. Henderson was interview ed some yean later he said: "I willingly confirm mVi. former endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pi Is. I have been? free from backache and kidney complaint since I took this remedy,;' You are welcome to continue the publication of my statement." ' 1 ' n 1 For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New. York sole agents for the United States. Remember' the name Doan's and take no othe. , For a Square Deal 1 and Prompt Delivery ' Call 261 DUFFY GROCERY CO. Eggs.. ,.doz. 30c. Three blocks Codfish for.... Dill Pickles In Can....... ..25c ..15c. Three can fish flakes ........ .......125c Orange Marmalade . ...15c. Peach and Strawberry Pres..Li.15c, Cherry Preserve.-:.. "60c, Mincemeat in Jars : .....50c, 3Li oo :-fc We. have a plenty .of ' Now try some Brains ' and Eggs for breakfast. . We have both and a plenty " of them. Parker Grocery Coinpany. 105 E. Front St Phone 241 Are You Going to New York Soon? WRITE Hotel Raymond 42 East 28th Street (At Subway Station) New York City For Pocket Guide and Special Weekly Ratft r to Buyers and Parties. Single Room, $1.50 a dav or $9.00 a week. , MARK A. CADWEI.I ' 'Mention this paper) A GOOD INVESTMENT. You are wasting valuable time when you do not get In line for one of those BIG DIVIDENDS ' the UNION CENTRAL LIFE .; INSUR ANCE CO, ' pays' throughout life, beginning the first year. . ' Policy holders are simply delighted. Never heard of the like before. One just said "Its the best in the world" and he .was wedded, to another company too. The Union Central is the cheapest good "company in the wide, wide world. . Good risks accepted 16 to 65 years. Ask for rates. " . " ' . v J ' - ' , w. g: BOYD, ' Special Agent. NOTICE ' 0F ADMINISTRATRIX. - Having qualified as administratrix of the Estate of B. K, Bryan deceased , late of JCraven'county North Carolina this is, to notify all persons having claims 'against the estate 'of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before' the 23rd day 'of AuguBt' 1914 or this , notice will be pleaded in .bar pf their recovery. ; AH persons indebted to said estate will please' 'make immediate payment. ' -' ' - MISS V. M.. BRYAN : . , ; " . Administratrix. New Bern N. C, '.' This 23rd day of August 1913. Pit I 1 f-v . 1 i . bowels, caused by inu. ' quickly to c i z.i LIVER QEGULAtOR i . " ' , (THE FOWDEH FORM) . V ' v i, .."J ..,s It removes all imparities or fermented food, cleanses and tones the -stomach and bowels and restores that fine feeling of exhilaration, mental : activity and cheerfulness that belongs only to perfect health. , s : V , v"'' . " i'V'"' OLO M DKALkn. PMIOK. LARQB MORAW I.M . i. "'t ' ' 1 r Ak for th. feoqlD. wltb tb. Rd T oit til. .)wt. U 70a cannot .et It remit to nt. ve will ' Had by mail postpaid. Simmon Liter ea-o,iator li pot up alM in liquid form lor tboi. wb. pr.r It, ric., tlM par bottle, Look tor tb. Hei 2 label. ; ... ' J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Props., St. Louis. Mo. - Stop, Look, Read and Listen ' Those 10 acre farms on Neuse Road ate goinjt fast, but not , all sold yet. Also I can offer special lnducementa and easy terms on two saw mill plants with' timber sufficient for severaljyears cuting, and a large number of good farms In Craven and adjoining counties. J. T. ft Moore , - " ' 2. 1 ,j' i- v- j i- j if.i '.v (".v". 148 Middle St. Ne w' Bern, N. C. Stall Fed Beer We have Jon ; sale today some of the finest beef ever 4k put on the New Bern Mar ket. This beef was raised and fed by : one of . Craven county's most , prominent farmers. . i You will be a winner if you get a Roast or Steak of this Stock. , A. CASTB1 Phone 239 Better Meats for Less n - .. Money.1-'-' " ,J- :- v.I!GE':,v- ' Made From Pure Distilled Filtered " Wter. - eW.BernlceCo. 19-21-23 Griffith St. PHONE 23 D. G. SMAW Successor to H. W. Simpson 2 Funeral Director and v Embalmer Office 68 Broad St, t ' Res. 28 So' F.St " Phonel62 r J " 829 ' NATIONAL CONSERVATION EX , v i i POSITION. . - v ' ' , ' : KnTnvlllB Tun. September lst-November lstr 1913. Southern Railway announces the sale of very Jow 'round trip tickets for the above occasion. Tickets will be on sale daily up i to November 1st, 1913. !" t Ask your agent ;or write the under signed for complete information, Pull man reservations,, etc. - ' r- J. O.' JONES, ; f . ; Traveling Passenger Agent, '- , Raleigh, N. C. As Good As New Reader, do you know, that shoes when re-bottomcd are "as good as new?- Well, they are, ' and- -in thes .- days of high price hides, higher price Leather and still a higher price New" Shoe, , this fact should appeal to you. Let us make your old shoes as good as new. We are prepared to do this at a: nominal cost. A. trial will convince you. THE MACHINE SHOE REPAIR , J. T. Ilav , r 1 1 2 IJijJ'e street. " . in tlie stomach or .iuii or constipation, yields :.i one Riy clerks have orders to try to please i everyone. ---Hackburn, NORTH CAROLINA, - ' , i CRAVEN COUNTY.' l' ' , ' , IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. C, L. Spencer vs. Timothy Horner. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR v RANT OF ATTACHMENT. .The-; (defendant above-named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled 'action was issued ; against said : defendant on the , 11th ; day - of August, , 1913, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Craveh" County ; North, Carolina, for the sum of Three Hundred and Twenty-four and 90100 ($324.90) Dollars, due said plaintiff on account of balance due on a contract for . goods sold and delivered at , the request of the defendant, which sum mons is returnable before , the Judge of the Superior Court at the October term to be held in New Pern, North Carolina, on the first Monday ,. in October, 1913. - The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by the said Clerk of the Superior Court on .the 11th day of August, 1913, against the property of said defendant, which : warrant is returnable before the said Judge of the Superior Court, at the time and place above named for the return of the sum- I mons, when and 'where, the defendant I is required to answer or demur to the will be granted. , This 11th day of August, 1913., 1 ' W. B. FLANNER, - ; Clerk Superior) Court. L C. V. M.D. " r,- 'Veterinarian Hospital for,- Animals 103 East Front St. , Office 68 Broad Street. Residence 103 Broad Street Office Phone 167, Residence Phone 998 ' , Hello Mr. Editor, , Now Just a few" words - from Old Man Economy. " Let all ... the ' people save some money. f- 5 ' ..." ' " '' ,f ' , Our Fall. and Winter . line of foreign and do- mestic woollens Is just superb. Low in price . ' "' high in style and fin- " At tsh. , ' , i v Satisfaction, guaran , teed..', ;7i' , r " ' . :, Respectfully - yours, , Latest Economy stop .' ping for the Season, v : Merchant Tailor,1 . " ' ' "l ; No. 101 S. Front St. ' - , u,"i-M'.t.'"'s.-'-''K' DOVER AND SOUTHBOUND : RAILROAD. 4 1 Traffic Department. . SCHEDULE OF TRAINS CARRY ING PASSENGERS. , : Effective Sunday, March 30, 1913. South Bound North Bound , ; Trains; . Train 8 a.m. r 7:55 " 7:40 7:36 7:27 ' 7:18 .. 7.-00 6:30 6.35 , STATIONS p.m. . , , Lv. . : v 4:25 Dover . ' p.m a.m. Ar- 7:55 7:38? 7:31 7:23 7:12 6:51 6:30 6:2 Lv. 4A2. 4:46 4:57' ,5:08' : 5:55 Foys y Taylors;1 Phillips Wimsatt " Comfort -Petersburg Richlands V4 y.$S S: 2 v 5:22 3:40 5:45 ; Ar. fTralns run "daily except Sunday, 'Trains run Sunday only. " N. S. RICHARDSON, V Traffic Manner. D.'W. Richardson, j General Mai - t. n -"genuine refreshment! Starts l . quick as the first delicious ; . . drop of Pepsi-Cola moistens your tongue, Lats long as ' the fruity, tart juices and oils stay in your system and mix v with your blood. Not so s ' sweet as some others it rtopt thirst doesn't produce more! . Anybody can drink it and feel; . better, ,, . v s , . PEPSI-Cola : :. gives you natural refreshment v Vk in, il perfectly natural way.' ; It's pure. Cools off body Awakes Mp'mind. 'It isn't r ? medicine it's pleasure and v benefit all day long;! Do you drink Pepsi-Cola? One glass, ' then a second will frovi it is , better than them all. Try it. You're thirsty, NOWI ; In Bottles At Founts . Ara Ygo a fu. n itinu s H i n Vt'lU uuu v ' i ' . , , .ft.. I ITa Vto'sTdic. J rd at a ckieot for sall ; ;. 1 House and lot, Spring street. - -2 houses and lots, Griffith street. ' s 2 houses and lots, Bridgeton. i :., , 1 house1" and lot, Pollcck street. " i- l house, and lpt, Metcalf street. I house and lotV4 Crescent street, j ,2 houses and lots, Queeit street. : v 1 house and lot, George street, f, , 3 houses and lots, Gaston street. - ' 1 house and lot, Duffy town. 1 i ..6 houses and lotSj' B street.'"' ; .' , -... 4 houses and lots, New street. . ' r: 1 house and lot, East Front street. ' 2 houses and lots, Change street.- 1 building on South Front street, L. ,G, Daniels-stables. " 7 y4 lots in Elmview.1 ,'""' 9 lots on Broad street. , ' ; 4 lots, -Riverside.' (- 1 ,'" 5 lots, George street,".1 , . , 2 lots, , Bridgeton.. t , 5 , ' ' ' , r , 15 lots, Pembroke. r ' . 'THREE nice offices -for rent. Best'; location in the city. Apply to : M. - W Fodrie ' ' " - I am also agent for lots in Ghent ; If you want a nice hew home buy al i in Ghent and build one. . I also have 3 large ' farms, - small farm, good soil. : also about 60.0m) acres of good timbered ; land. .. If yo: are interested in buying : or selling land see me. . , . M.W. FODRIE,; Real Estate Agent. ; , Office opposite Gaston Hotel. 'Phone s. 84. ' Residence 'phone 850 , 2 i 3 f 1 n T. Al , J ... i',' 4 V ' ?