V n NO Authentic ' Announcement of Auturnn Styles - Our Fall opening is an event that ev- ery woman should look forward to7 as an invaluable opportunity to acquaint her- , self with the definite trend of fashion in , things to wear, " Our- shelves, counters and entire store holds forth a superb ar- i . ray of things to wear. . Accepted modes in silks and dress goods. Special inter est will naturally center in our showing , of beautiful new dress fabrics and suit- A' , ings. A display that for style, exclusive- ness and ' comprehensiveness has never ; been surpassed in this locality" Seldom does a season bring forth . such pleasingly attractive models fash ioned from such very ' beautiful fabrics. - Gracefully cut coats in 'three-quarter lengths with straight, loose fitting backs and set in sleeves are special favorites; y . In suits the jackets vary in length ... depending upon the slope of the cut-a -way. The skirts are skillfully and prettily draped in fabrics! ;Eponge, 1 ' Faille sils. Bedford cords and Serges, all in the lighter colors predominate. Style, Quality, Values and service beckon you - to call and see them at J. M; MITCHELL & CO. The Home ot Style and Quality I New Bern's Store For, Women - 85 Middle Street. James Hotel Building J I Is Open for Business i Without a Formal Opening. I Sample FALL STOCK ALL IN -a j A beautiful selection in the latest Coat Suits, 6 coats, sport J acKets ana a t MILLINERY I t Ready for Your Inspection and SALE 7 J 1 MRS. B. ALLEN 85 Middle St. Phone 752 lEITOUBMEME? If not, come in and let us take it. The time has arrived when you can no longer get along with out the proper Fall and Winter Clothing. , .; To be suitable it must be made for you. To be properly made, stylish, well-fitting and durable, we must make it for you. We are ready. F. M. Chadwick 22 '52; XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx ! 1 1 1 JUL I To Friends & Customers We are sorry to state that fire and water has greatly damaged us, but are thankful to say that it was not any worse ' , We are still doing business at the same eld stand. For the benefit of our creditors and customers -we make the following statement. r ' '' LIABILITIES: , ' - Bills Payable Washed Away. . ASSETS: Estimated at: Lots of Paint - 1 - . $ . 1,000.00 Roofing - - - '-' . " . v 100.00 . Other material V - - , l 50.00 Ability to come back and make good 1,000,000,00 ' , Let us have your orders and we will fill them promptly. Yours truly, ' ui nrnn mm nim 111 utnu DUILU b SUPPLY GO lfJEDE DLED THE NEW HATS. M. MITCHELL AND COM PANY'S STORE THE MECCA ' v YESTERDAY OF LADIES. . - :; Favorable weather and the display- of fall and winter millinery ;at J.. :M. Mitchell & Company's store yesterday proved to be a combination which the ladies of New Bern could iot resist and in consequence the big store was crowded all during the day. For several weeks the force of 'clerks at this establishment ,have been pre paring for this occasion and even before Miss M. . Johnson, the firms' head milliner, returned from the North ern markets where she went to inspect a stock of fall and - winter head wear for the ladies, preparations for the open ing were in progress. ' ' Knowing this, i. it ; is"r little I wonder that the interior of the store yesterday presented a scene, the like of which could -not be surpassed even in the larger cities. : ' Before entering ' the establishment one was' greatly impressed by the attractive manner in which the large display windows were decorated. In these were found a number of un usually . attractive hats, and all , who passed that way stopped for a monent to admire them. , Once on the interior of the store one was greeted by a blaze, of light and color which intermingled harmoniously and made the scene one which will never be forgotten by those who had the . pleasure of visiting vthe , store. In the front, on the helves and coun ters, were the daintiest ; laces, - the fluffiest chiffons, and the heavy, but nevertheless -attractive - plushes : and satins. Silks of every hue we're on display, and . the newest designs in ladies coats and coat-suits could not but attract the attention of each visitor. This department is in charge f Au brey T. Walsh who has been with the firm for several years, and the excep tional - taste of he and . his' assistants in designing and arranging this part of the display won for them much, commendation. No detail in the decoration of the store had been left undone. On the walls one saw numerous costly paintings and in front of the store, just over the entrance, a camping scene had been arranged. . This was especially attrac tive and received much praise, c The millinery department is in . the rear of the store and there the hats, small hats, smaller hats and medium sized hats were found. , MissM. E. Johnson is in charge of this department and she is assisted by Misses Gaskill and Bennett and the exquisit taste shown by these ladies'' in designing and executing the .many styles and shapes seems marvellous to the mascu line mind. Neverthejess they were there and for hours the feminine popu lation of the qity revelled in inspecting the display, in fitting these on and in making purchases. , , ' :-s Small hats will predominate this season and as for trimmings there is an endless line -from feathers, to flowers and from silks to satins and plushes and in fact they look attractive tirmmed in any manner and with any material. As for colors there is mahogany, black, blue,: green and rose. .These are the most popular colors., but one can find almost anything, for which hey are in search. ' Among the display were several j . I tn : '.ill-:,. were gruatiy admired iw ! who tried one of them on that it was just , the hat for which she had been in search and many of the hats on display were disposed of during the day. V: - ? The management of -the store had announced that thirty dollars worth of hats would be given away at 9 o' clock last night to the holders of the j lucky tickets and long before that hour, anticipation - was intense, Finally -th,e t)me for the drawing came. Sidney Stern, of -Norfolk, was selected to draw the tickets from the box.: The first one drawn bore the name of Mrs. J. L. Piner and she was awarded the five dollar hat, the second bore the name of Mrs. J, A. Patterson and slie was the recipient of a hat valued at ten dollar The third and last hat, valued at fifteen dollars, was won by Mrs. E. H. Clay poole. During the day -and evening an Itiliaji orchestra furnished music for the occasion. , ' : .i : ; . -V. . W thout the least ' doubt the open ing was a complete success in every feature and the management of the store feel greatly pleased with the results obtained. , - Fi:il Line of : ' No matter how much men rail at marriage, some of them are just a little bit envious 'of the late Mr. Solomon. - CM;:- - -- LAUDS BRYAN'S GRAPE JUICE Pastor MacPherson Decries Liquor ' and Immorality. , v, J. P. MacPherson, of New York City, who is advertised to give a free public lecture: Friday, at S p. m. in the Court House, on the- subject, "Victory O'er the Grave,", is a man of strong convic tions, ever ready to face public ridicule tarher than .paaliate ,; principle. He recently lauded Mr." Bryan as a man of principles as follows: . ' , ' '. "The whole' world has reverberated with public comment concerning our Secretary of State Bryan's banquet in honor of the retiring British Ambassa dor, t Honi James Bryce. fhe usual custom of serving wine was laid aside, and Mr. Bryan, true to his temperance convictions, served grape juice instead. While some have scoffed and others -.'' ' x" :::: :: '.:::::::'::v .-v:--jv: -k si it , v. A i i im m4 h i i it fc - , DR. MCPHERSON , have considered our country insulted and disgraced, nevertheless; this act will go down in history to the credit of one who in the face of the world-wide ridicule, was aot afraid to stand by his convictions. Would that America had more, such noble statesmen at the head of her affairs. ; Our land would soon fes free from the terrible curses' due to licensed liquor and immorality. - The The Land of Liberty would cease to be an idle dream, it would become a reality Elegance in Home Furnish ing Without Excessive Cost Our Furniture stands the test of time. It's buiif of the best of Material True in wood and work manship. , Good enough to be handed " down to your children as heirlooms. If your home is not as cozy and comfortable as you would like itiLwhy not.. come and complete its furnishings here? You will find jus( the t hings to give your .dwelling A touch of . luxury without excessive cost.' ' . Il J. S. MILLER FUnniTUDE CO. COAT SUITS COATS DREES GOODS TKDI31INGS THE LADIES jR Gome in and we will take great , pleasure in showing youy. FULL SUPPLY OF .Bo-sroN,. royal and wor.- CE - : T "COKSETS, KVGS, COUCH COVERS, TRUNKS AND THE LADIES FURNISHER 1 .63 Pollock St. ' New Bern, N. C r I I: IK jlgl It EVE TESTS We Make enable . us to give you, ex actly the glasses suited for your eyesight. But that is not all, they are adapted to your features as well , as So do not delay having the glasses you personal appearance, our your vision. need on account of - vour glasses will not detract from it. SAM K. EATON - - Optometrist, Phone 22 "The , Home Furnishers"' 99-101 Middle St jj " ; ;T.... ZlxS DmiEIDPHDEftOlllECD: Phone 734 No. 71 Bread St. , Are open to the public for their patronage. for any thing in the line of Plumbing ?.rA Hardware. We have on hand a fine line of Cook Stoves, Eath Tubs, Toilets and everything to b found in r.:i i:ptodJt2 Plumbings and Hardware Store. We irliz cu to :'.ivz us a call 94 . 5 1 . n H at s 2 m 1 i H B hi hi in B 1 1 :.: ti Important Do you remember the ;Cold ; chilly mornings of early Fall of last year? Dp You "J :y-y recall the times that you wanted to take the regular 2 , morning plunge ' but the bath room , was too cold? f - 1 f - 1 - 1 " ' - ' . y A Gas Heater Costing from 2.00 V to 5.00 will make life worth living. QBT ONE NeW Bern Gas Company tn ... 1:1 t:i n 5: in Pi i r! ; , !! VI in VI i-a in B ' i:i . .. : I'Want Mcre;Coal A great many pretty stoves at delightfully low prices are like Oliver Twist always wanting more. What matters It how pretty a stove Is or how small the price if it is going to eat so much coal that you have to go into the coal business in order to satisfy it. In buying a etove this s an Important thing $o look after. " , The Tip Top Oak Hot Blast is as pretty a stove as you would wish to see, and this coal feature has been carefully looked after. t . The Price 010.00 GAcrjLL;.;.:HARDVAr.ia: -: and receive one of our souvcnl irc. r: 2 171

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