'..ed every day in the year ex i ( t Monda, at 45 Pollock Street, T,T.U.INfesS' OFFICE 'PHONE .8, 5 rCHAl4lCAL DEPT. 'PHONE SO t ' I MM S. T4 LAND PRINTING COMPANY 11 K. Land- Manager Editor. C1 A. York-. II,' I." Crumpler- -City Editor, - SUBSCRIPTION RATES.' One' year.;;". , LJ$4.00 - Six . Months ; Three Months- 2.b0 1.00 .40 Ojie Month. Advertising . rate furnished upon application to this office. .". -. ' : Entered at the Port office, New Bern, N. C.as second class matter. Our old friend, Bob Glenn, pro'mised to let us know about it in. September ;and September is gone with no word from the Hon. Bob. - Manv fathers have striven hard and even denied themselves to send their sons to col'ege, and if the boys fail to oroduce a winning football team they will be( ungrateful indeed, What oer cent, of otherwise sane inen, do you suppose, would, under no circumstances, spend a night in a aravevard where nothine at all i would likely harm them? The end crowns all, and common arbiter, Time, will 'end it. Shakespeare. that old one day There is nothine truer. It matters not what position we occupy on this terrestrial sphere. Time will one day bring us down to the common level. Even though you may be a president, a captain of industry, a great states ; men ot an humble worker in the fields, the same fate awaits all. Each in the end must bow to the Grim Reaper and ' the once mightiest potentates of the earth will be on a par with the humblest ; peasant of the land all consigned to the dust from ' whence ' they came. ' 'One plank in the platform of the Feminists demands a single standard of morality. A noted Feminist writer frankly declares that it is not their intention to "drag" up man to the present level of woman. Logically, then, thte only alternative left is to . drag woman down. It has been claimed all along by the opponents of equal jpulrage that the result of woman'i j dabbling in politics would lower her in the estimation of man. This has been so Stoutly denied by the suffra gettes that we are not prepared for this admission on the part of the . Feminists. i We agree with the Feminists, how- ever, that there should be a single . moral standard. It seems absurd that a member of one sex should be put under the ban for the same acts that a member ; of ttie other may commit with imjpunity, Such an unfair standard is nothing ; more than a relic-of barbarism "that has survived to the orient flay. Suf ely tntn is held accountable to" the same degree for his sins, in the eyes of God, as ' woman. ' we ao not Deiieve tne Deity discrimiiates,betweea the 6exe.is-home and in the future become an If not.' why should Ve? I ardent advocate, of the slogan "New ' .... ..... v. yrr.wfiww'.yrri:.?-. STOlWlMfttMm life handi- . capMjeWheowflr fciMKHThow .: toddj any one tmng well, wnerever I1' heroes for-employment he must start in at the Very lowest wages because in his youth he never mastered, any V trade. If a. boy will but master any one rallinor artrf hprome thoronchlv nro- licient in that line, he need never be - without work, as a rule. Furthermore he can always demand good wages for ' proficiency is always rewarded. t The printer's trade is not a bad one. A boy can begin that when quite small . . and' by the time he is grown, if an apt student; he' ' will have mastered the '. details and will be in a position to - demand good wages. In these, days a good monotype or linotype operator can make a salary of 8100 to $125 per .' month.' There are few other trades . ' that offer such opportunities. , ' -True, the salarv to beein with is not the ; r lareest. but that is the case with all ' the best trades. ' Right now in the Journal office - there.is an opportunity for two or more bright boys to start in and learn the business. Some enterprising boys should grab : these opportunities and work p to the top. A good reward awaits them' in the future if they will but appfy ' themselves and. have patience. A great many of i the top-notchers in th newspaper world '' started just that way. Many of our foremost editors ' and owners .. of - newspapers were, at one' time, printer's devils. And' besides', the monetary : recom- "vn ihprf is also an excellent educa- :.' "tioA to be obtained from doing this I' - T . ,- Anrt hi wnriCL l ne enrernrisinff dov win ' .. p. fV.''' '.J- - ' I - become j a vreader .,? through , ; constaafcAj ome a vreader .,? through ' constant, Grsl--i Cr-' in ti!:cd by the liiiic.-l Elccult Company have, a flayer and zest til their own. .You will relish thcsa. They will nourish you. r " , , , s , 1 .''v- NAlLOIiAUHSCUIT copirniy-'V Made from the finest materials and perfectly baked, they come to you fresh, crisp and clean in the moisture-proof package Eat them at meals and between. Give them to the children without stint. ' Always look for the In-er-seal Trade Mark. 10c way to get an education is to become a reader. It is also much better that the boy should be at work than hanging around on the streets smoking cigar ettes and learning bad language. ; Let some father who has an idle boy give him this chance. It may mean the starting of a successful career in fascinating business. 1 Let the boy try it. POINTED QUESTIONS. "Ono Who Wants A Home" Wants Information. Mr. Editor; Being a constant reader of the Jour nal and having the utmost confidence in the'sincerity of its progressive editors, yet, as a new comer to this city, it has afforded me considerable amuse: ment to read its editorials on "New Born New Bern. Let me ask the progressive citizens of New Bern one question. ' Suppose an edition of the Journal circulates in some section of the North or ' West where, say, 25 families were seriously considering migrating to this fair city of New Bern. Without more ado, notwithstanding the outrageous freight rates, they would come to this city, Mr. Booster where would.you put them? Let' me know of, not twenty-five, but five houses in this , city that a man of moderate, circumstances can rent and make himself a home. I am not a knocker,' far from it but for the past nine months I have been trying my best to find a comfortable home for myself and family, but. so far have met with poor success. Let the progressive citizens who have property, the boosters, and others who are advocating the enlargement, betterment and prosperity of "New Born New Bern" come forward, and show to the average man, who is the bulwark and strength of our country, come forward and show where a man moderate circumstances can come New Bern, provide for himself Born New Bern," which now seems to be, a misnomer. 'ONE WHO WANTS A HOME. 'COKE" FIEND TO ANDREW TWIGG GIVEN PRELIM INARY HEARING BEFORE MAYOR A. H. BANGERT. Andrew Twiggs, the cocaine crazed negro who went on a rampage a few days ago in the Northern part of the city - and created much, -excitement in that section, was given a preliminary hearing v yesterday morning i "before SUPERIOR COURT VflEIIEVER YOU HEED TT7 A GOIERAL T0:ilC TAKE GnOVE'S The OI Standarci Grove's Tastel Valuable as a General Tonic jbraw9 vi mauuioi uuriuica uic wiuuo ana uuuas up ine w noie dystem. for urown reople and Children Von know what you are taking when you take' Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic as the formula is printed on every label showing that it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It is as strong as the strongest bitter ' tonic and is In Tasteless Form. It has no eqqd for' Malaria, Chills and Fever, Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. ! Gives Hfe and vigor to Nursing Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. . Removes Biliousness without purging. Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action ZC A.t fli '.., .".... PuHae" "at!S inn x onic ana oure punues un Dwn.ig)s xrne x onic ana oure ,A, V Mayor A. H. Bangert and was bound over to the next term of Craven county Superior Court. Being unable to give bond for his appearance in the sum ot nity dollars tne detendant was committed to jail. . . . Twiggs is still in bad physical con dition. After being arrested by a police man he fought ferociously, and upon finding that he was no match for the officer hex began biting himself and succeeded in tearing several large pieces of flesh from his hands and arms. These wounds are giving him trouble and in addition to this the drug has left him a nervous wreck. The negro still sticks to his story that he had not taken cocaine and had only had a few drinks of whiskey. However, this statement is given not the least credence. '; i WILL OPERATE : SPECIAL TRAINS NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY WILL BRING . j LARGE CROWDS. ; ' ' . '-i ,: ,. H. S. Leard, general passenger agent of the Norfolk Southern Railway Company, arrived in the city last evert ing for ,, a short business visit and d look after the - company's interest? here. ' . , .J r.' '-1 While in conversation witti""Clyde Eby, president of the Eastern Carolina Fair Association Company, Mr. Leard stated that the Norfolk Southern Railway Company' would offer reduced rates over its lines to New Bern during the week of the Fair and would assist in any possible way in making the event a complete success. , Wednesday and Thursday wjH be the "Big Days" and on those days special trains will be operated 1 from Morehead City Kinston and Oriental, These trains will nor.' leave, fyew Bern until midnight and those who come to the city' on them will have. an oppor tunity .of spending the entire -.day and half the night. .'. . , - -AS Mr. Leard will return this morning to Norfolk Va, v - SERVICES AT JEWISH SYNAGOG UE TONIGHT. Services for the Jewish New Year which begins this afternoon at sunset will be held in Chester B nai Sholom and will be conducted . by Joseph Leiser of Allentown, Pa: Mr. Leiser will also conduct the service for the day ,of Atonement. The services this evening begin at 7 :30 o'clock and on Thursday morning at' 10:30.! That cold day Is coming soon. We, have out beaters on display. Come and pick them while the tim is ripe. J. S. Baanlght Hardware Company, 67 South Front street. ess chill Tonic is Equally because it Acts on the Liver, i J' If ' a m. - - Appetizer, a complete etrengtnener. , Appetizer, a complete Btrengtnener. , i Yst LK.." C -' C ' o : i . .' Out According to F. , j. "Children." Bald ilr. Tlmki,. i, who had been suddenly moved to deliver Httle sermon as he swallowed bis sec ond egg at breakfast, Whenever yon hear, anybody say anything mean or unplewHHUt. net its, tlHHiKh you nndn beard kt. Tntk Hi unit wtmething else and pretend , you don't 1ear That's what we vail tact" 'v; v-W ' When, Mr. Tlmkina got home that afternoon from the office ha observed that somebody bad strewn his favorite golf clubs and all his golf balls over the front yard. . summoning his six- -ear-old ; daughter - Glory. , ha said -sternly: -, , . "Glory, did you get aO dad's golf things out and put them here where anybody could ateal thenar " , 'Dad,' replied Glory with perfect composure,. "Isn't 'it too; bad our Ice cream freezer's out of order, 'cause Mary can't make any Ice cream T" . "Glory, did yon dig up all thta turf knocking tbose balls around?" "And Uncle Randolph came and took mother tor a ride In his auto," contin ued the stx-year-old. "when are we going to get an auto, dadr , "But Glory." said , Mr. Tlmklns, "I want to know about these golf clubs. Did yon strew them around here! Why dont yon answer T ' ; "Well, yes, I did,!, said the young person, "but I was trying to change the subject 'cause 1 didn't want, yon to know that 1 beard something mean and unpleasant." New York Post MUNICIPAL PAWNSHOPS. In the Mont d Piste the Parisian Has - a Mddel Institution. The story of the Mont de Plete, the great pawnshop of Paris, reads like a romance. It is the survival of an old bank conducted by a religions order es tablished to fight usury. This benevo lent enterprise was ' given up, to, be started afresh nnder the direction of the government In 3801. i when Napo leon was near the height of his glory. The profits go to the state and to char ity to the public 'aid department and to the hospitals of, Paris. These chari ties benefit about $70,000 a year. The storage facilities of tht Mont de Plete nre ndtnlrnhlo. The Fmwhmn may piiwn w rmttitr ImkI. t"hen'lt cornea buck to Itlm It. us well as mut- tresses, blanket ami nil bed furnish ings, turn been thoroughly disinfected. The rate of Interest on loans W small; and It enconrnges by all means the re demption of the goods on which money has been advanced. As the Mont de Plete advances money only on a con- k serratlve valuation as a rule to the value of two-thirds of the article pawn edthere la generally a surplus to go to the pawner if the pledge Is sold. . Municipal pawnshops In Berlin charge 12 per rent. In Brussels 7 per cent and In Madrid fl percent , - ' In London for small loans the pawn shop rate la from 400 to 1,000 per cent per anoum. Indianapolis News. . Too Numerous. v A darky employed as an office boy in Kentucky came to work one morning with a face that looked as though It bad been run through a meat grinder. "Henry." demanded bis surprised employer, "what in the world has hap pened to youT "Well, sun. boss,' explained Henry, "I got Into a little argument las' night jwlf another nisv'w. and one thing led to another tweW Is up and bit at him. .Well. nub. It seemed Jak.dnt Irritated him. He took and blacked both,ofmab yes and'blt ode of nikti years' tri'lgbty nlKb ff and spirt tiiH lip and ktlOeked two of ran b teeth loose, and , den t he j;k Wed me dowh' ii rid ' sta mped me in ,eteslotiiaV'iiiineMt::1)bW 1 'nevel' 'iSi' glt so slck of a nlcL'er In man' tfeM L Kfltnrrlav .TCreiwlnn- P.mf it'i -llfcU.-.nOf The coffins of the undent Egyptians were made of .m.A.rb'e and stonL5 The nuuians usea niouiar recepmciea iot their dead, and Alexander the Great Is said to have been burled In a coffin of solid gold. ' In parts of - England glass coffins have been found. The Athenian heroes were burled in coffins made of cedar, owing to its aromatic and incorruptible qualities, while tb first record of wooden coffins In Eng land dates back to the days of King Arthur. This monarch was supposed to bare been burled Id the hollowed trunk of a gigantic oak tree. Select y o il r purchase with as much care and deliberation a s you would se lect your life's partner, , and re member, that istme times some people are badly ck.v We guar- ritee our goods. atl S Hackburn's O i. V a Of Service' For' All ? The PEOPLE ... . -j. ' .-, a. l ' , .1 : ; .t'.- .: .. ' ,i k ' .; ' ' J- Never before in the Histo ry of New Bern has a store been so well stocked as w e are today . For Womep, COAT SUITS STRUT DRESSES X SEPARATE SKIRTS V , ' " SILK PETTICOATS f, NEW FAU WAISTS1 ' vV DRESS GOODS i For MEN SUITS , " SHIRTS COLLARS . TIES - Shoes for all Members bf the family J. J. BAXTER KffiSSE! 'OCTOBER Money deposited on or before the 4th will draw interest from the first. A little money put in the Savings Bank is not a talent hidden in a napkin. j Jt is earning all the time! Like heart-beats, its work Sues on: while one sleeps, and even Sundays the capital is growing larger, and; nobody complains of broken laws Begin today... , . , Citizens: Savings Bank and Trust Co., New Bern, N, C. , , - PayYoufBills byGfiecki it jsmucn saier topayyour bills with a checks 9 than with money. Every farmer in this coun- ty should have a bank account np matter how 8mall.It.l8 the only .correct-rheqiod ot keep-? ing' books! By having f fcheiikiiid' Jaccdunt at P j, our bank we keep your $v less manner ana free of expense. , .Your checks 6 , ; show you every transaction besides being a re- J ; S celpt for every cent you pay out Open an ac- 2 lor you. - ':..- : . - -s The National Bank of New Berne Four per cent. I Paid on Savings and Time De . posits Compounded Quarterly , ; , Safe Deposit Boxes for. Rent JAS. A. BRYAN, President ! JNO." DUNN, Vice-President' 1 DILL 'i Horse & -rM- , Live Stock, Buggies Wcons, Carts and Har: ness. When in need of any thing in our line give, us a trial. :; :: :: .:: . :: - ,; , .,.. j, . ,. , -, , '',,,.,.;; : 103 E. front Sv Office phone 167 rft, V 1, 2, 3,4) books f ofyda in ja fault- S , GEO, H. ROBERTS, Cashier ; W. W. GRIFFIN, Asst. Cashier HAZZGETT Mule Co. ' contact? with readingmatterT and thef ydiW WU 50c. pUI C