"1 TAR -SMRTS j MALUE : i i i f'l Star SIHrihi fnr the Ladv of fiOOd taste! J ! i Stlrtd that tmnpvil 'tn fashionable ladies' each P! j season. Star Skirts are. a; little -more stylish, ;fq f j possessing just a little more value for the mon- pi y- ' ,::-,;-' :U i ! ' Peg top draped effects, tailored models; di- !! ! ! rect from fashion centers of Europe that bring M , out the grace and beauty of every line present- jjj' (l ing perfection of tailoring. ; . i:S U to AH the Newest Fabrics Conceivable M j! Serges, Eponage, Plaid Effects 8 $ -Two-tier Effect, Slashedfrbnt B and side. Finished with but- $ !2 tons $3.00 $3.75 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 $6.75 1 CI i I J. M. MITCHELL & CO; J The Home of Style and Quality E CI !iftllft't"',t"tt"''it"lttit'"'t MHHUtlttAMHlilij t School Days Are Here- j When scholars ot every gade should have the assurance that their eyes are in perfect condition for study. Tired Eyes, Head che, Nervousness, Holding Books close to the eyes study ing f hows ihe need of glasses. " LET ME SUPPLY THEMJTODAY SAM K. EATON 3J upiuiiieuisi 1 t i Ml xxxxxx xxxxxx xreoooe 3&cramxxxwxrasBCe HflE WE YOUB MEASURE? If not, come in and let us take it. The time has arrived when you can no longer get along with? out thejproper Fall and Winter Clothing. To be suitable it must be made for you. , Tojjbe properly made, stylish, well-fitting and durable, we must make it for you. We are ready. . .... F; M. Chadwick SR-'SLS Pi ft 10 : III CwnnnHesssH Maflanoe XXXXXX aPBOBOC XMOBBC SBfieCMXX To Friends & Customers We are sorry to state that fire and water has greatly damaged us, but are thankful to say that it was not any worse We are still doing business at the same old stand. For the benefit of our creditors and customers we make the following statement, -.LIABILITIES: Bills Payable- Washed Away ASSETS: Lots of Paint - , $ Roofing -Other material Ability to come back and make good i '''" Let us have your orders and. we wifl( fill them, promptly. " 1 Yours truly,' r ' HEW BERN BUG SUPPLY C(k Estimated at: 1,000.00 , 100.00 . - , 50.00 1,000,000,00 . Mibs Suianne C. Martin, . ; of Nefc York City, .' - . ' . Teacher of Esthetic, Folk and Social Dancing. "Classes,for Adufo and. Child en, will start a class in. New Bern, N C 0 , October 15, 1913, at - -- Stanley H4tt,;vt;'.. ,- Tuition $5.00 for term, of 15-lessons! Payable in( advance. is" t ' ,' toe Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure. . fhc worst eases, ao matter of how lone standing. e cored by the wonderful; old reKabl Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil,. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 2Se.$0e,,tl.00 IS We have a complete stock" of the celebrated - Eagle Mcrklc and K Special, at reasonable prices. Also big lot of supplies and exT pert men for our own re pairing department. Give us a Call ; S " L. H. CANNON Cycle Co. ' - OA PE NSTLVANIA ANTHRACITE DOMESTIC 1UMP ANDS POCAHONTAS STEAM COAL Yard Foot of Cra , ven Street. HOLESTER Phone : : 34" f GET IT AT CLARK'S When purity Combines with Per fection and Deliciousness then ' competition .: must;' ventually stand aside. -, - v, PARK: and . IFBl'S CandiesNew York- the "Fame, and Flower"; of the j ' ... Candy Maker's Art. ,. LOOK GOOD TASTEi : GOOD-ARE good; ; Received fresh by Express. I ' Weekly . The largest aud ' finest " line of ;'. ; Pipes in the City. All kindejj and Shapes. .Special Sale. or GENUINE ; ') Calabash Pipes - 99c. ' Come quick and get one of these ' bargains ,- Edward Clark' ELKS TEMPLE s ,- 3fiQfiOlsWXXX90CXXX9CXm w t m you may ' See Weil;. fi; This fact does not de cide if you have eye trou- . ble or not The Question is, how much ; energy do you use to seewell? i If yon have ome error caus 4 i ing you to consume more ner- vou8 force than a normal eye "- should ',' " -' " ? , ...THEN , you need your 'eyee tested r$"? the error corrected, by glasses V. groutd in ot office. t .. . , ' Ot; J. 0. BAXTER i "OYSTER UK TO BE ODSEHJED GROWERS AND DEALRS PREPAR . ; ING FOR BIG BUSINESS ., I BEGINNING OCT. 20. ,j . ;Oysterv growers and dealers, through out the country - are making prepara tions ' for ; an - observance of . "Oyster tVeek," -which will begin October 20 The idea which originated at th fi(tb annual meeting of the Oyster ' Growers and' Dealers' Association , 'of , North America, is ' to "have one week set aside, forf the consumption of oyster td' the' exclusion of meats and : other foodstuffs. ' , ' , - ( , The idea of "Oyster Day" was origi nated by Swepson Earle, secretary of the National Association of Shell Fish Commissioners, in Maryland .last year It was taken up by the Chief Bacon; of the State Bureau of Shell Fisheries in New Jersey later, and met, with in stant ; gratifying euccess. ( It was so successful, indeed, that the idea of making a week for the observance was taken up, and below is printed a. state ment that has been; sent out from the headquarters in St. Louis: l! "Dealers are getting ready for the biggest oyster business of any season in the history of the industry during I the week of October 20 to 25, which j has been boomed from one coast to the ' other.' and from the Northern boun dary of Canada to the Rio Grande as "Oyster Week,", through the efforts of the Oyster Growers' and Dealers' As: sociation of North America, which in cludes in its membership practically all the growers and jobbers of oysters in the two countries. "The Oyster Week campaign was started early last August and by the time the oyster season opened up the demand was double that of last year, the dealers say. Some big inland job bers report business to be three times that of 1912. The local dealers in cluding many restaurants, hotels and cafes, are displaying handsome three color posters boosting oysters as a i food, while their clerks and employes I are wearing striking Oyster Week but tons. .'; ; I "During Oyster Week the railroads ' of the country and Canada and the ho tels in every town of over 4,500 popu lation will feature the week on their menus and serve oysters in every possi ble style. . , v "Oyster Week is just a little over two' weeks; off, and 'nothing has been left undone that will tend to make it the greatest eyent in the history of the industry. s 1 1 ? ; . ai;ce m -Lome iwuizd ing j Ti t!ioot:cx cessive Cost Our furniture stands the test of time. It's bulU of the best of Afaterial-True in , wood andrwdrk-!;-manship. Good enough fo be landed, down "to : your children as heirlooms. If your home isnot, as cozy and comfortable as you would like it, fwljy t not come and .complete1 its ' furnishings here ? . . ' " , ' 'I-1-' --i , Miil .t 'Vou, willfind just the tfhingsto' give your dwelling' a;; touch-: of luxury I without excessive cdBt. i'' ""'j J. I MILLER FUnr.'ITUflE GO. Phone 22 "The Home Furnishers". "99-101 Middle St.'4 "Spot,, - Jacket . ) ,i '. " . . f? J "J- 1 " 1 " ' '." '". 1 .' 1 ' ', ) 1 ' " 11 I " '' - - 1 1 k All Styles, all Shades to suit the plain as well as the most fastidious taste at New Bern's Store for Women (A '( t ) 'ti t 1 111 " " ,1 t 85 Middle Street, ; James Hotel Building , FROM 5.00 to $10.00 Mrs;. :B. AILEN; . . Phone 752 ' 1 AD. INDEX. Citizen Savings Bank & Trust Co. : Fire Insurance. , , National Bank We pay four per cent, 'v s I L. H. Cannon Cycle Co.-Bicycles. New Bern Banking & Trust Co. Experienced Management. . GIRLS! STOP WASHING ,, THE HAIR WITH 'SOAP. Soap' Dries Your Scalp, causing dandruff, then hair falls out : , Try this next time. I4 AnranunwBnnn WWMM"fir, rawunni I am Now iShblwihg ' - -My Exclusive - ji Fall Liheidi COAT-SUITS "'.SSB COATS " - 'sm PRESS G00D5 triM 7 ,WaS. HIMMINGS JFZ?. AND EVERYTHING FOR THE LADIES J j Gome in and we will take great pleasure in showing you . ' FULL SUPPLY OF t 1 !' 'it . After washing your hair with soap, always apply a little danderine to the scalp to invigorate the hair and prevent. dryness. Better still, use soap as spar ingly as possible, and instead, have, a "Danderine Hair Cleanse." Jost mois ten a cloth with Danderine and draw it carefully through your hairaking one strand at a time. This will remove dust,: dirt and, excessive oil. In a. few mo ments 'you will be amazed, your hair will not only be clean, but it will be wavy, fluffy and abundant, and possess an incomparable softness and lustre. Besides cleansing and beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dis solves every particle of dandruff; stimu lates the scalp, stopping itching and fall ing hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, in vigorates and strengthens them Its ex- nuarating ana nie-proaucing properties i cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautful. (' ' c ' Men! Lndies! You can surely . have lots of charming hair. Get a 25 cent Bon Ton" and Royal f,Yorcester Corsets, Rugs, Couch' Covers, P Tiiiinks,!Bags;, ticVu K " '" ss- i X y THEXADIES PIIRKISHER ';' i , Pollock St. , New Bern. N. C. S 63 aaooaaaaaoax 2S. : '; ' ' t 5) ." 1 s M it r! 1 1 in nrn nrp t rvnrn PTinr if rrn iir i i i ;iir iiiiii i iiiij i v I Ul ULIII iillsUUUU I lull ON .t ALL BICYCLES Optometrist ibottie of Knowiton's Danderine. from . Columbia , Ramble r, RacjC Iv0rjrWohnson:r:s )any drug Btore or toilet counter and 5 ! . rjhj- , " , , - m i7 try it. . 1 ;, H ' i - v ' Eclipse, Seminole andJTolcdo.t , " " 1 1 WILLIAM Ti HILL COUNTY TEACHERS' EXAM IN A- The regular examt ation for teachers certificate will be'h.ld at tH' Court House in--Nw Bern Thurdsay and Friday, Oct. 23 and 24- Examination Thursday . will, be for white teachers and Friday for colored teachers. ?, .,",,',u',r. I Examination, each -day 'will. ' begin 'promptly, at 10 a. m. , , S. M. BRINSON.v, , ; : V-. Supt, Public Instruction, Cryen 10-5 4' tl . ' - V . ' County. ii fi; t 91 Middle St. The Sporting Goods Man - Phone 253. II S 1 1 1 1 That-cold day Is-1 coming soon, We have out - heaters jon. display Come n-i s 'fit t'. :m wh:' i the tlm la rl-e. J. S. L allbt I rdware iSai3Cm)eXK)exXoa(XK 67 South I.-iit street. When You Build, Build With Hl? v .1 ..I,, 4,- -a -lynkx I - -i -P-T '" 1, CLARK BRICK : TILE CO., : Ularti, in. or c; on r Local Acnt PLcn i 17. i 7 1 i.