. F.M.Simmons A.D.WAKU . . ..nniTova xm'-f'.ntINf;EI- T 2 . , ;lors;at law v 2 v . Kew Bern, N C, . Office; Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Build- 9 O iiig; Practice in counties of Craven $ Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Car- 5 teret, amiica aim " - 9 Supreme and Federal, courts and r wherever servicea'are needed. J Room404PHone ll I Elk's Temple A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW , Practic in the counties ' of Craven Carteret, Famlico Jones and Onslow and in tb State Supreme and teeters Courts. , Office N. 50 Cravsn Street. Tileo'iona Mo 97 Mw Btrn, N. C, Turkish Baths CarlsbadjMethod Senef ical in the Treatment of Rheumatism, Gout, Sci atica, Xumbago Neuritis, Neuresthenia, Kidney and Skin Disorders Dr. Ernest W. Dunn : OSTEGPATHIC PHYSICIAN 20 W0-U1ELKS TEMPLE Hours 9to'l2; 3to 5; 7:30 to 8:30 Offic Phone 194; R esidence Phone 2-A : O. C. Daniels, M. D. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. GOID.3BORO, - - - N, c. HARDWARE AND Building terial Ma- Paints, Oils Aim Varnishes American Field Fence The Elimination of Arizona Joe :,'" ' " Br EDWARD SWIFT . DEEDS, NOT WORDS. New Bern People Have Absolute T ;,:.; Proof Of Deeds -At Home. There Is a very pretty town In what was .M called tui? fur west-tbere U so far webt now which half a century igo was a "low down" settlement For a time there was gun law only; then Fudge Lynch stepped In and improved things somewhat Shooting; was re luced to a few. a These few killed one another: or were killed by some one else, except Arizona Joe, who came from .the worst territory on the contl aent of America. Joe was left like a noxious weed In a garden and had be come altogether undesirable, r : Perhaps a deep' rooted stump In a clearing would be a bettor simile, for a weed ts easily dug up, while a stump clings tightly to the solL . At any rate, to get rid of Joe, though necessary to the further development of Arlington, was a hard proposition. Indeed, It was the consensus of opinion that he might be allowed to remain since all of his kind except himself having been killed there would be no further food for his powder. But Joe took it upon himself to shoot strangers who came to town. and. this was not only Immoral, but in terfered with the mercantile prosperity of its' citizens. Prominent men of the town held a meeting and agreed each to pull a num ber from a hat one, two. three, etc. be drawing one to try to kill Joe and, If he failed, to be followed by the rest In order of number till a dozen bad been killed or Joe got rid of. But their wives objected and convened for the purpose of taking the matter into their own. hands. Mrs. Dowry arose and said: Ladles, you all know that there's only one way for a woman to get the bulge on a man that's to marry him. Ill engage to hire a woman who will tame Arizona Joe. She came to- these parts ten years ago from Jail, I reck on and has bad seven husbands in the meantime, v Tbe first got drowned while they was crossln' a bridge to gether dispute' over a counterfeit bill. When she got tired of the second she eet a vigilance committee on him, and be dangled at tbe limb of a tree. The third she shot in' the back while he was windln' the clock. Tbe fourth" "Never mind any more of these in teresting fac's," interrupted one of the ladies. "How much money would be required?". , . "I reckon $200 would be ample com- It's not words but deeds that prove true merit. ' It's not" words but d eds that prove The deeds of Doan's Kidney P Is, For New Bern k'dney sufferers, Have made their local reputation . Proof lies in the testimony of Non Bern people ' " , , ' R. A. Henderson, 156 George street, New Bern, N. p., says: "I suffered from a dull pain across my loins, with "an extreme lameness in my back. -I also hadinflammationof the bladder and the passages of the kidney secretions pained me. Doan's Kidney Pills pro cured at the Bradham Drug Co., removed the lameness and . pain and improved my cond tion in every way." No Trouble Since. , When Mr, Henderson waa interview ed some years later he said: "I willingly confirm my former - endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pi Is. I have been free from backache and kidney comp'aint since I took this remedy. You are welcome' to continue l he publication of my statement." - 1 For sale-by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York sole agents for the ' United States. Remember the name Doan a and take no other; , I C E Made From Pure Distilled Filtered Water. New Bern Ice Co 19-21-23 Griffith St. PHONE 23 Very? reasonable prices at Hack- burn's; BOAT LINE TO BRIDGETON Chairman C. D. Bradham of the pensation. Mrs. , Vendig-that'a her County Board of Commissioners, an last name-could be got for that, and I . fw tu ka,,;. him yrujiusv w wui & IL UJ uiu&tu a luawu Talleyrand's Brevity. . A single word was often sufficient for Talleyrand to make his keenest re tort says the Kansas City Star. When a hypochondriac, who had notoriously led a profligate life, complained to the diplomatist that he: was enduring the tortures of hell Talleyrand simply an swered, "Already?" - To a woman who had lost her hus band Talleyrand once addressed a let ter of condolence In two words: "Oh, madnmer ' - " . In less than a year the woman had married agnisy end then his letter of congratulation was: , , ;"Ah, madamef - ,' -, uA ' V. ' ,." T'.'y. u , ' . Conquered a Crocodile, ,- . An old aavcier lls a tale of a young African girl with great bravery and presente of mind. While fetching wo. ter,froui a river she was seized by th Jaws of a crocodile and pulled In. As quick as-a flash she remembered the weak point of a crocodile and forced her fingers Into the brute's eyes until it let go. She lost her left band, but was tble to swim ashore and saje her life. My clerks have orders to try to please everyone. Hackbiirn. A GOOD INVESTMENT. between her and Joe. If we can do it we'll have no more trouble with him, I assure you." j "What makes you think he'll marry herr "Because she's good lookln' and has wlnnin' way with her. Tou know how it Is yourself. A woman, can soft Bolder a man mighty , fine till she's married to him and give him the lash after the ceremony has been per The money was raised and Mrs. Yen- dig's services engaged. She came to town, met Joe on the street smiled at him Delilah-Uke, and be fell Into the trap. The secret was known to every body In town except tbe victim.' Three days after .the meeting Mrs. Vendlg became Mrs. Joe no other name was required by tbe simple marriage cere mony used, which was a Scotch mu tual pledge wltbodt witnesses and the two set up housekeeping in tbe cabin Joe had previously occupied alone. ' During the evening of the nuptials sounds were heard to emanate from Capt. W H. Parris, has been engaged to ply between New Bern and Bridge ton. . Tbe following schedule will, be observed: .. . , BOAT SCHEDULE. Lv. N. Bern. . Lv B idgeton 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 - 9:00 9:30 10:10 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30, 1:00 1:30 . 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30. 4:00 4:15 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30. 7:00 7:30 Leave New Bern on the hour from 6 in morning to 7 at night. Leave Bridgeton on half hour from 6:30 in morning to 7:30 at night except in afternoon, boat will leave Bridgeton their cabin denoting a family Jar. The ,at 4:15 so as, to get the mail here in neighbors came to their doors or put time for the train. LODGE DIRECTORY " ATHENIA LODGE No. 8, K. of P. Meets every Tuesday 8 p. m., over Gas Cos office, Middle street., J. R. White head C. C, J. H. Smith, K. of R. and S. Visiting brothers are assured of a chevalier's welcome. 1 CRAVEN LODGE No. 1, KNIGHTS OF HARMONY Meets second and fourth Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock in each month at Knights of Harmony hall, corner Broad and Hancock street J. K. Willis, President; R. J. Disosway Secretary; R. J. Disosway, 90 Middle treet, Financia Secretary. ' H..F. D. and Star Mail Routes For the District. J The' following With- a, request for f publication has been received by the Journal from Representative John M. 2, . . ' . T . 'J i Faison. - 4 . . As the ., present administration j is disposed to give R.' F. D.' or star mail routes and change present routes when needed, I shall be glad to supply blank pe. o . for such routes or change's vv tnose who have" not proper and convenient mail facilities. look over your sections, and wher ever it is possible to get a new R, F. D. or star route, write me for this blank eetitioh, fill it out, and return to me 1 shall be glad to get. you the." best mail service possible With best wishee Yours most truly, ' Jno. M Faison. their beads out of the windows to watch for what might happen. The sounds grew louder and-, fiercer and deeper and shriller, and presently the door waa opened, a .body ..was thrown out and the door slammed to and bolt ed. Mrs. Joe bad been ejected.. ; She .had been a trifle stunned by her fall, but got up and, going to the door, began to hammer on It scolding,! yell ing, shrieking. . Joe was obliged to lis ten to epithet after epithet spoken In a tone that would make the blood of the stoutest man curdle and accompanied by vigorous kick.- ou Hie door. The 1 THE peace or the town was rt'sturbea, out the citizens didn't mind It a bit so long as the object waa accomplished. i Midnight came and there was no diminution to the bowlings, the kick Ings, the epithets. The citizens living near got tired of It and went off to other parts of the town to sleep, pawn appeared, but there was no cessation of tbe noise. The sun rose and a sound as of a battering came against a door, awakening those living at the other end of the town.. A man living oppo site the home of the newly ' wedded couple put bis bead out of his window and' saw Mrs. Joe tryln to batter down the door. Then be beard a man's voice from within cry Out: '. - .."Go away and I'll come out Ton can have the outfit" , ;What followed waa spoken In a low er tone, and the man opposite did not hear. The bride went to tbe back of the house, the door opened, and Arizo- As Good As New Reader, do you know that shoes when re.bot on) d are as good as new? Well, they are,' and in thes days of high price hides, higher price Leather and still a higher price. New Shoe, this fact should appeal to you.;"' Let us make your old shoes as good as new. We are prepared to do this, at a nominal cost. A trial will convince you. MACHINE SHOE REPAIR SHOP, -' J.T. Hivens, 91 1-2 Middle stree t D. G. SM AW Successor. to Hr, W. .Simpson Funeral Director and ' Fmbalmer " ;- Office 68 Broad St., . . Res.SSo .FSt Phone 167 829 Stop,s Look, Read " and Listen .': Those T 10 acre farms on NeuM Road' are going fast, but not all sold yet, ".Also I cam offer special na Joe appeared. He walked rapIdly :!touementa and easy - terms ?on down the street and was never seen In Arlington again. After the operator had been paid off and dismissed Mrs. Dowly said: "There's a great many ways of doln' a thing,, but there's always one way thafs more effective than- others. - If the men of this town bad undertaken to get rid of Arizona Joe he'd tavs made a' dozen widows. One widow fill two saw mill plants with timber sufficient for several years cutlng, and'a large number of good farms in Craven! and adjoining counties. J. T. ft Mooe -y' 148 Middle St. t!ie business without the ejlIHa' cf A IV Ftf 'fTi IXf ' I ' drop of Wood.'' ... XJCIilfl ie We You are wasting' valuable: time when you do not get in line for one of . those. BIG DIVIDENDS the UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSUR ANCE CO. pays throughout life, beginning the first year. . Po icy holders are simply delighted. Never heard of the like before. One just said "Its the best In the world' and he was wedded to ' another company too. The Union Central is the cheapest , good" company in the wide, wide . world Good risks accepted 16 to 65 years. Ask for rates. - W. G. BOYD, , Special Agent. "A ( . After drinking one. glass pf ; ; reop ened Our Meat Marlcet - and have on hand to-day as fine Beef, Veal, Lamb and Pork as ever brought 122. , Your orders will re ceive prompt attention. New Bern Pro- duce Co. Cola how- refreshed - how invigo rttted r.libw; fine you feel! In Bottles At Founts It s d question which is the worst condi-tiorr-rfo want a thing and hot have it, or to have d thing and not want it d In either case the answer is read and use the want ads. FREE BATHS Hot or Cold at the Midgette Hotel ORIENTAL, N. C. Located on the banks of Neuse river where you get the breeze all the . time. Hot and Cold , running water, Screens. Serve the best , food in Pamlico County. Special rates by week,' " f '"A, ' Home of the , VTraveling men. ... " MIDGETTE HOTEL, t W.P. Midgette, Pro E; :G. II3ETI V. M. D. Veterinarian1 Hospital for Animals 103 East Front St. ; Office 68 Broad Street! ! Residence 103 Broad Street Office Phone 167 Residence Phone 998 ' A f e ,Ypu Going to New York Soon? a.. WRITS: HotelRaymond : East 28th Street ' (At Subway Station) New York City , . For Pocket Guide- and r Special Weekly, Rate ... to Buyers and Parties. Single Room, $1.50 a dav or $9.00 a week. M ARK. A. CAD WF 1.1 'Mention this paper) ....... , Hello Mr. Editor,' . , "' Vow just a few wosds from Old Man Economy jt tr ti if,' Let all the people r save some money. t ff -r u I' Our Fall and. Winter. -line of foreign and do mestic woollens is just superb. Low in price high in style and fin ish. , Satisfaction guaran- , teed, - ; Respectfully yours, Latest Economy .stop ' ping' for the Season,' ' with R, SAWYER, Merchant Tailor,'' ' . No. 101 S, Front St. ' To The Fair Usso'ciation And business Men of UEW' BERN Who do you think should shoe your teams, the man" who shoes your Race Horess for your races or the man that refused to shoe them. Smith's Horse Shoe Shop. IM:E A BO W Si ... t' H&M'M' ' -i eSSSSBBB :i hi i.i m fi i i u 1 1 n !! t ! 4 ., t ! G0W 'FEED n I H !J! PI : s ti ii .. . . ., ! R PI II J. " A. Meadows. I ' XT T - XT ri II (i "All things come to him who waits be longs to the leisurely i j past. . r. Q No nood live Amer- : : r : rr lean wouia ratner tne frit i f i i t . phrsd new. , , ' .';- '.- QAUnnt n'AtvVi' AT ' klawlllllll ' V T r. I IT .. I - w t 5 - - m " - f '. ' MaeietwaMivMB1MMBstN.lttMviWHaTVsj rftoTWviawMTMTWtfVfelV; Cj Present cay.cuccccs- :4 ( hold en v. lizX hzy t IbU to. I 'Vrftii. 11 JU1UU1 W4 7 Her When scholars of every gade should have the assurance that laeir eres are id per ct coni.tlou for stutfy. Tired Eyes, Headche, KervousneEs,t.:iiin3Ldol close to the eyessiudy lug thows fce need cf -cs. c s , LET Iir. SUPPLY TIIEirTCDAY t 1 1 - t , i 1 'J I. ill' i... iii Optometrid

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