.IU.J L...J ii f:zuz..ted A BIG DAY AT BEECH GROVE. .3 Curable in Early Stage. Time-Tested Treatment Proves Successful ,-' v i a fiiintfflriiltv uroYftd fact that eoi-. sumption is absolutely preventable and, in curly stages, is actually curable. Wherever consumption ia at all prevalent, the germ circulate freely ana are oreatnea hi ny an. 'i hose with weak lungs or who catch cold uilv are., moat aubiect to the ravages of the consumption germ. Emulsions o cod-liver oil and aimilar substances . have proved too ineffective to fight thia dread dueae( but linie haa demonstrated the value ol a unique almost invariably auceeasiui. remedy that ia. The remarkable record of Bear'i Emulsion ntitlea it to front rank aa a preventive and cure for consumption. Tbia remedy eaaea the lungs, reduce coughing, atopa expectoration uiri binH nn lb. entire avatem. Aa inou- aands of people have used it and benefited I j u- -,,:,.j f tu by such use, it may honestly bo claimed that ""- v. w ji naa in reality atooa in m no", " 01 ineir ways ueiurc it is 1,00 iaie. : ' ' . (Communicated.) i- ' On : Friday November 21st, the Beech" Grove Missionary Society will hold its ?9th anniversary rally-day.. , We very cordially invite our friends to' join us on that day and help us to enjoy the day. Rev. J'.JL Underwood will deliver the annual address, and this is 'assur ance of a tobd one. ; There will be a short program rendered by the child' ren of the school the annual ingather ing; after which the address will come followed by .a' real 'farmers', dinner on the ; grounds. :j A ,g So you , see wfre to have ;'; feast of good things foAhe, entire man, body, mind and spirit." We: enjoy meeting with the friends of missions for- they encourage us, and the if cause of missions still has any enemies, we hope they will Charlotte & Southern division of the Norfolk Southern. , . ' FRESH EGGS 60 CENTS A DOZEN . IN NEW YORK. New York,' Nov. 10,--Vresh; eggs of the best-quality are quoted at 60 cent a dozen in the produce markets here. Indications are that the price will jump from 3 to S cents dozen and that next week housekeepers who want new laid eggs have to pay the retail dealers from 6 jto 1 cents a piece jfor. them. '!A":':yii i:&tS'r-'fc:Wx"':A , Hens are not doing their, duty in the matter of laying, say the wholesalers and j the -cold f storage people were short-sighted last spring and didn t put enough in their refrigerators J; To relieve the situation' wholesale dealers are planning to - import eggs from abroad in great quantities,;-;;-. ji mis us a k-ac-ll j i i PaJ? E; Ketchum for three weeks sickness on an accident and health Hi T vvuvioiAtuucui Assurance corporation ua. 01 Jrertn. 1:1 1:1 I I 1 n the nronrietor of this remedy. Dr. John D, ' Bear, Doctor of Pharmacy of Elkton. Va., has BARGE COMES ASHORE WITH NO ONE ON BOAD. ie"i COURT McnivAil hundreds of voluntarv -iwwmle. ninv of whom sav thev owe their very lives to the wonderful upbuilding and orattve properties 01 tnia product. MARTIAL HAS "BEEN . ORDERED. Of special interest, then, lo is the news that IambI f v. I ir ri a t a iaw MW inifl DrHUSri' linn In alnrk und that the nrice ia low enough to be within the reach of anyone $1.00 the bottle or six bottles for S5.0O.. th propne in tVaaIv miMTitMw this .nrodnct and fur ther points out that it is pure, harmless and will not deteriorate or become rancid. One bottla ia usually sufficient to establish its merits, and relief is obtained after the first says use. Beaufort, N. C, Nov. 11. Without a soul aboard, the barge T. R. Tell, lum ber laden, was dashed ashore at Capet Lookout beach today during a raging southwest gale. The vessel's boat was lashed to the cabin's top, and it is be lieved that the crew was taken off at : u CD r O z '-4 -J - u. :- tc Q n x a o . M. o u " 0. or u. - 1 1 I If 0. A general court martial is ordered to be held at Elizabeth City on Novem ber 24 or as soon thereafter as practic able, to try such persons as may be brought before it. Lieutenant-Comman der Chas. L. Morton, of Washington, u sea by the tug tha had her in tow. president and the following officers of the naval reserves are detailed as members of the court: Lt. . W. B. r .1 t f 1 1 t l j. . a 1 ixuuuictii, jr., ui vvasiiiiigtun ; it. n. Lounty Commission- t. wniS, 0f New Bern; Lt, 'j. j. oraoDie, 01 wasnington; L.I. w. o Ehringhaus, of Elizabeth City. The last named is designated as judge ad vocate, wnicn corresponds to prose cuting attorney in the civil courts. aAwska I Cost only $5.00 per year and provides benefits of $15.00 per week ifor Sickness and accident, and two thousand dollarsior accidental death. ' , ii 1 1 : : There will be an important meeting of Christ Parish Guild this morning ... - at eleven o clock every memoer is urged to attend. . -i . tiJ.TH.Mqpm AQBNT-fTL Rl See Him and Get a PoHrv , .7 . ... . - I I e Board m. the t ers. (Continued fromfyesterday.) These bonds are given in lieu of the ' -ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) First , Townships Farm Life School Bonds, - the interest and principal payable . by ' the First Township of Craven i' ' county, and it is hereby ordered that a Sinking Fund and Interest Fund, to pay the interest on the above bonds i be levied by the Board of County Com- ! missionera. each and everyjf year, until the interest and principal has . been fully and finally paid, and that the Sinking Fund be deposited with ' T. A. Uzzell, Trustee, and drawing . interest at 4 per cent, compounded .as usual, with the certificate of deposits i at the Peoples Bank of New Bern, N. C. At -1:30 o'clock p. m., the takes a recess. At 3 o'clock p Board convenes. Commissioners present: ; Chairman C. D. Bradham, J. D. Williams, H. T. White, E. Z. R. Davis, ' . and County Attorney E. M. Green. The bids to furnish groceries and pro- i visions for the Jail, County Home, and Camps and feed for the mules, ' were opened and examined, and the ' following were awarded, they being the lowest bidders for the same, to wit: E. B. Hackburn, County Home, $66.11. W. P. Metts, Convict Camps, $129.92. W. P. Metgs, County Jail, $111.97. Burrus and Company, feed for mules. The following report of the Grand Jury was read, and ordered to be spread upon the minutes, as follows, to wit: CRAVEN COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT. October Term, 1913. To his honor, H. W. Whedbee, Judge Presiding: We. the Grand Jury, bee leave to make the following report: We have passed on sixty-eight (68) 1 Bills of Indictment, as follows: We . found sixty-four (64) true bills, four (4) not true bills, and two (2) not suffi cient evidence to pass on. We visited the Register of Deeds' office and find the records, etc., kept ui excellent aondition. Itie orhce u kept clean, and has a neat and business like appearance. . We visited the Clerk of the Superior Court's Office, and found same in as -good condition as could be kept under the circumstances; there being lack of room for the records, same being piled on the floor for want of space wall, or files to put them in. We recommend that this matter be remedied at once. ' We visited the Sheriff's office, and found same in good condition. We recommend that new furniture be installed at once in keeping with the .furniture in other offices, as there is hardly, or no furniture in this office. We visited the County Jail, and found same in good condition, with the y exception that the water closet in the corridor on the second floor is in bad condition, constantly overflowing, and should be repaired"-at once. ... The prisoners are well fed, and in good condition. ' - . . , Wd find that the lavatory in- the north end of hall in the Court-'House leaks badly, and we recommend tha it : be repaired at once.-We also recommend that disinfectant, be used jn all toilets 'and urinals on the premises, especially to in toilets and urinals . ia the Jail yard, as this, has a very bad ,. odor. This disinfectant should be used at least twice a week. ', 1 , , (To be continued.) , DOCKER, ILL Atmore's Mince Meat, absolutely new, just receiv ed at Hackburns I Special HE NOT RESIGN AND SEAWELL TO HOLD ON TO THEIR RESPEC TIVE OFFICES. Notice We have a ; large assort Wo TTa vp on P.Ip- ment of Blank Keys and sv-r.- can fit same for you on gant lineOI npeS short notice. Phone 717 Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 11. United States Marshal Claudius Dockerv re turned to Raleigh from his farm to day and left tonight for Wilmington for court this week. It is certain that he and District Attorney H. F. Sea- well have received from the United States Department of Justice a request for their resignations but, while they will not talk, it is a fact that neither intends to resign and if there is any change in these offices before the pres ent terms of office expire about four months hence there will have to be action declaring the offices vacant by President Wilson. It is understood here that Francis D. Winston, who is to succeed District Attorney Seawell, does not care to take over -that office until about the new year. On the oth er hand, it is said that W. T. Dortch, of Goldsboro, who is slated for the marshalship, is ready to take up the duties of the marshalship at the earl iest possible minute. It is understood that when Marshal Dockery retires from the marshalship he will move his family to Troy, Mont gomery county, and practice law in that section. This is one of tjhe most important points on the new Raleigh in merchaum, French Briarfand Calabash to make your se lection from. Prices to suit you Also a alee Line Of "High Grade Tobacco's Cigars etc. ' Park and Tilfords and Bells' Fork dipt chocolates. Refreshing drinks- dispensed from an American Innovation, abso lutely sanitary in every respect Ice Cream served in Silver Sundae Cups. We solicit -your patronage and guaran tee to please. ' Cycle Co. FOR RENT. 1 Elks Temple Phone 94 Two commodious residences, No. 32 Metcalf street and No. 131 Broad street. One of these has a lot larger than the average. Each will have some work done on it. I would like to secure a good renant reasonably likely to be permanent, before the repairs are made. C. T. HANCOCK, 11-5 1 wk. Agent. FOR SALE A . few grand, good, white and buff Orpington cockerels, Cook's strain and Owen farms direct; also white Wyandotte, Fells strains; and barred Plymouth Rocks, Ringlet j strain. Show quality, at prices of Also trios of the ication. 3. 10-9 1 mht PHONE 174 FOR Boiled Ham Sliced Beef . Prepared Ham Bologna Sausage AH Pork Sausage Sliced Bacon H. G. 1 4 frnm tl.MI Mrh tin I think a pleas- ave :,w-?"-"'pS ea ana satisnea; New Bern, n. c. customer is ones of the best ad-; vertisers Hack burn ' ! SEALED BIDS. . Sealed bids will be received by the County Auditor, until November -24th, 12 m., for keeping up the various roads of the county in small sections, in accord with specifications, etc., on file with .the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners, all in accord with order of the said Board of October 6th, 19J3. ' . H. M. Groves, :-,'-.'" : County Auditor. . ' R. TJ. Snowden, -. 10-20 3 wk. Highway Engineer. ; 'A fresh lot of i.i;v Chocolates usi received, ai 40c. the pound.v -. ater'i-. , .akery. r ------ 3A iff PEh NSTLVANIA ANTHRACITE - v DOMESTIC LUMP AND . POCAHONTAS STEAM J COAL Yard Foot of Gra ven Street. HOLISTER COX Phone 34 When you feel SSSeV vous, tired, worried or despondent H ia a rare sign you need MOTTS NERVERLNE PILLS. ; They renew the normal vigor and -make life worth living. b sura and ask lor - Motf. Nerverine Pills lL- WILLIAMS MFC CO, Pro. Oakland. Oidr- WHENEVER YOU NEED A EIU TONIC - TAKE GROVE'S The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally m 9 at at am - awaw. m M ? Valuable as a Lreneral I onic because it Acts on the Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System, For Grown People and Children. ; Vou know what you are taking when you take Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic as the formula is printed on every label showing that it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It has no equal for Malaria, Chills snd Fever. Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite.; Gives life and vigor to Nursing Mothers and Pale, - Sickly Children. '.Removes Biliousness without purging. Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and purifies the blood. ' A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete Strengthened No family should be without it. Guaranteed byonr Druggist. We mean it. 50c,' Star Wara With a Day ' ( t F. M. PORTABLE ENGINE . Hf Gas sirid. Oil - Engines STATIONIRT AND PORTABLE ' v The oidtsijartd most widely known and most satisfactory Gasolen e and - - Oil Engines on tne marK?i msae ior every purpinte, u FAI R CAN KS-M O R S E & COMPANY , - , You'll Get It From t SLEEPING with the win dows open is a "first aid" to health and beauty. But it rhakes getting up in the nlorning a chilly ordeal ; ; . . 1 . With a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater you : dress inr comfort, on the coldest day. , .1 : A touch of a match, and the Perfection is aglow in a minute. Later you can carry it to any otheriroom,, and breakfast, read or sew in comfort In fact a Perfection Heater is just as good as a fire, and much cleaner arid morexonvenient - r . It is a handsome heater, too. As ycr daUr to 7ou - you a Perfection, or writs for descriptive catalogue. , ni:I:mcnd, Va. ' STANDARD CIL QU-rJ-.j) r T D A TTT7" 1. i J. Vcu cri er c 2, Vn. ' Any hosiery is pretty that is well filled. - ,