Boom 404 Phone 11 , Elk's Temple ATTORNEY AT I.AM Practic in the counties of Craven, Carteret, -amlico Jones and On alow and In th State Supreme and Feders .Courts. Office Nj. 60 Crsvsa Strsst. slaphons No 87 Nsw Bsrn. N C. Turkish Baths Carlsbad Method Beneficalinthe Treatment of Rheumatism, Gout, Sci atica, Lumbago Neuritis, Neurasthenia, Kidney and Skin Disorders Dr. Ernest W. Dunn OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 20 -MO-MI ELKS .TEMPLE Hours 9 to 12; 3 to 5; 7:30 to 8:30 Offic. Phone 194. Residence Phone 132-A v O. C. Daniels, M. D. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. GOI DSBORO, - - - N. C. BAND NEWS Every member is urgently requested to meet at Band Hall Sunday at 2 o'clock sharp. Important. The People's Concert Band Timely Suggestions " We can handle to advantage any re quirements in INSURANCE, such as FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, BURGL ARY, PLATE GLASS, LIVE-STOCK, "etc., and will thank you foryour busi ness. Also have several good homes and desirable building lots for sale. W. G. BOYD ; Bourdelais School of Music Stanley building Cor. Broad and Middle Sts. Telephone 722 Piano, Voice Culture Elocution and French Sheet Music and Music Books JUST RECEIVED a barrel of Fresh Corned Portsmouth Mullets and Mackrel. Prompt Delivery Grocery Comp'y -Phone 162- The Pure Food Slore 73 Broad Are You a Woman? lb Vte's Tcnlc m sale n all cras WILLIS ari!i V TIME OF CLOSING MAILS. ' ; New BeCN. C. f November 2, 1913, ... Beginning today mails will close at this office as follows; : r : . Jacksonville. N. C, 9:05 a. m (Sundays only.) . ' ' , Beaufort, N. C 8:40 a. m. " Goldsboro, N. C 8:40 a. m, . Norfolk, Va., 8:40 a. m. Wilmington; ,N. C, 9:00 a. m. (Ex. Sunday.) i , Oriental, N. C, 9;00 a. m. - (Ex. Sunday. - n. Bridgeton, N. C, 10:00 a. m.; (Ex. Sunday.) Raleigh, N. C, 1.00 p. m. (Ex. Sunday.) . - " ; ' Jacksonville, 2:40 p. m. (Ex. Sunday. Beaufort, N. C, 5:00 p. m. i (Ex. Sunday.' .- . . . Oriental, N. C, 5:00 p. m. Goldsboro, N. C, 5:50 p. m. Night Express 12:00 p. m. . (Ex, Sunday.) y J. S. BASNIGHT, Postmaster, Centemerl Kid Gloves in the leading shades and styles at Hackburns. .. WHY NOT TRY POPHAM'S ASTI1UA re.:edy Gives Prompt ud Positive Belief la Every Caae. Bold by Druggists. Price 11.00. , , Trial Package by Mail 10c WILLIAMS MFB. G04 Props. Clefsland. 0. No Matter Whether You Are Especially Interested in either quali- ity or price of goods or in both. We can meet every requirement. It Is always a satisfaction to feel that anything you have bought in line of drugs or sundries is en tlrely reliable. We have established a reputation for quality and an equal reputation for right prices. Quality considered, our prices are low. We are always glad to quote prices and to make it clear that we can provide both saving and satisfaction. Let us be your druggist. Bradham Drug Co. The Reiall Store FREE BATHS Hot or Cold at the Midgette Hotel ORIENTAL, N. C. Located on the banks of Neuse river where you get the breeze all the time. Hot and Cold running water, Screens. Serve the best food in Pamlico County. Special rates by week, Home of the Traveling men. MIDGETTE HOTEL. :-: BICYCLES :-: I wish to say to my many patrons, we have secured the agency for the celebrated Ban ner bicycle, and 'Invite you to call and inspect same. This bicycle is made by one "of the largest manufacturers and , every part is guaranteed. We . can also do any repair worl " necessary G. L. MOORE Eort Barnwell, N.C.: LEGAL NOTICE. The following articles are-to be sold at 2 p. m. at the R. W. &0. Freight House, in the City of Syracuse, N. Y., November 24, 1913, by the N. ,Y. C. & H. R. R. Co. Freight Claim Dept., represented by ' Bernard - V. Kelley," licensed ; auctioneer. S . . .Carload of lumber shipped by Milne Bros. Company of 18 Broadway, New York City from New Bern, North Carolina on May" 26, 1913, '.and con signed to the Heffron Company, Syra cuse,' N.Y ' For further information or. ofr in spection of goods inquire of .r Freight Claim Department, R. W. & O. Freight House, Syracuse, N. Y, v , Quality Not Quanity. --Hack-burn. The Best Hot Weather ' Tonic , GROVB S TASTELES8 chill TONIC enriches titt blood, baildf no the whole mtem and will won. IderiaUy rtrenethen end fortify yon to withstand (the deprcisins effect of the hat summer. SOc. LAND SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a mortgage deed from J. M. Godett to Y. Z. and A. O. Newberry, dated March 24. . 1913. and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County in Book 145. pace 441 and duly assigned to C. C. Bell and in a morteaee deed from said I, M. Oodett. Sr., to L. X Carroll, dates 10th day March, A. D 191 1, and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, North .Carolina Book No. 185, at page 105, the under- signed - will sell to the highest' bidder for cash at the 'Court House door, New Bern, Craven County, North Caro Una, on Monday the 1st day of De cember, 1913, at 1 o'clock p. m. the following described tract or parcel of land situate in Craven County, North Caro- Una, particularly described as follows; Ten acres of cleared land with all 1m provements on said land and said land bounded as follows: Beginning on the south in Carters track at a pine, run ning westerly with said Carter's line to John Gaston's corner, thence northerly with John Gaston line, , then easterly with said John Gaston line, theft south- erly to Kizsy line to the beginning, containing ten acres more or less, All that certain piece of land or parcels of land, lying in No.iTownship, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on John GaskinsV land, running S. 5 degrees 15" W. 20 poles to Rufus xt on j , , V 1 a r - j.1 'i.L i t - it ii. ov ucgrccB iu. u tjuics, lucuc j degrees 15" E.. 36 poles to a maple, thence S. 79 degrees W. 61 poles to beginning containing 13 acres or more, This 30th day of October, 1913. ! . . ! c. c. bell, C. CARROLL . Assignee. Mortgagee. North Carolina Craven county. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. M. C. Williams vs. H. T. Prat.t. NOTICE OF SALE. ' v uy virtue ana in pursuance on a a r it. c : . ii above entitled cause at the September term 1913 of the Superior Court of Craven county the undersigned a commissioner appointed tor tne pur- pUB VIl uc.b .Ull Uv loreciose tne uen on me nereinaiter j:k.j ua h '.i. u:-.(t for the non-payment of taxes) . will expose for sale to the highest bidder at public auction for cash oh Monday tne tirst day ot uecemoer mi at . . . t rf-t. New Bern North Carolina at 12 o'clock m. the following described tract of land in Craven county State of North Carolina in number 2 Town- ship situated on Neuse river about five(5) miles below the City of New Bern Beginning at a pointon the north banks onthe northby the lot of C. D.' Anderson " "b shw' the " movement of Neuse river 50Qyards be!ow theand .. w PaaJand it is believed that the project MVftlll. V. A t OJI.lftA.lUI. Villi, , I tnence I near a sweet gum tree runs up and with the soucres of Neuse river to the said extreme point of Persim mon Point . . XT J j thence Northwardly and de the whole of said Per- so as to include simmon Point a distance of 250 yards thence parallel with the first lines Southwardly 500 yards thence to the beginning of record from F. S. Duffy and wife to H. T. Pratt on the 21st day of August 1908 recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Craven County in Book 171 Page 336 etc. to which reference is hereby made. This 23rd day of October 1913. J.- F. Henderson 30 days v - Commissioner. MORTGAGE SALE. North Carolina.. -. . Craven county. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain 'mortgage deed made - by v Dolphin .Ward and wife NancyWard to John A Ewell, dated March 7th, 1912 recorded in the office of the. Register of Deeds 'of Craven county, in book 193, page 141,' a I account of default in the payment of the indebtedness thereby . secured. II wUI, on Saturday, the 29th day of 1 November, 1913,. at the hour of 12 o clock, noon, at the County Court I House door in the City of New Bern, 1 C, . sell to the highest bidder for cash, at public, auction the following described piece, parcel or lot of land lying and being in Craven county and State aforesaid, and described and de fined as follows, to wit: One' certain tract, , parcel or lot .of i land known and designated as ; lot I No. 65, ' situated on the North - side i of "Oak";; street of plot made by i Henry Brown surveyor, on the South side of Neuse river ' in said Craven county, State of North Carolina name i Graysville" said map duly recorded on record of Craven County Book 112, pages 144 and 145 to which reference i is made. , - '..- , . John A. Ewe'.l, . '. Mortgagee. Geo. T. Willis. Attorney. - A fresh lot of Bell's Chocolates ust received, at 40c. the pound. Kafer s Bakery. . " That cold day Is coming soon We have our heaters on display. Come and pick them while the time Is ripe. J. S. Basnight Hardware Company, 67 South Front street, j LAND SALE By virtue of. a power of sale con- I tained in a certain mortgage Deed made' by James D, Fenner and wife, Mary E. Fenner, to me, L..C, Carroll, dated I May 21,, 1908, and duly registered in the office 0f th Register of Deeds of Graven County, .North Carolina in Book N- I". Pa8e 297. 1 U e" of the highest bidder for cash at tlie Court House door in New Bern, Craven County I North Carolina, on Monday, the in 1 1st day, of December, ' 1913, an (o'clock p. m., that certain piece pr I tract of land lying and being in Craven in I County, State aforesaid, in ,No,. : 5 i - 1 Township and described as follows to - wit: - - . I On the south skle of Neuse river, east side of King's Creek, it b,eing the inter- est of the. said James P. Fenner and wife in an undivided tract of land known as Jacob Freeman land. v ! This 30th -day Of October, 1913..-j L. C, CARROLL, ' I Mortgagee I NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX. Having qualified as administratrix 0f the Estate of Edward Neilsen de- ceased, late of Craven county. North Carolina this is to notifiy all persons having claims against the estate of Laid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 4th day Lf November, 1914, or thiV notice i ... ... WlU 1)6 pleaded 10 bar 01 tneTfecovery. au persons indebtea to saia estate will please make immediate payment. MRS. EUPHEMIA NEILSEN, Administratrix. New Bern, N. C. ? This 4th day of November, 1913. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of the power conferred that certain deed of morteaee r.. . . . . - . u T . - - Jason, dated 4th day of June, 1913, and registered in the office of the Reg- lister of Deeds of Craven County n, c. in book 197 page 13 on account ,f defauk m ment of the - indebtedness thereby secured I will on Monday the 17th day of November, 1913, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at the county court house door in the rihi , Kam M n l ViJ VI vn- M-fl 1. it, X . . OVll IU LAIC I n,Snesl u,uaer ,or casn at PUD"C auction, the following described piece or tract of land lying and being in Craven County, State aforesaid, n J o ?one. jovhi and described j - . . - " ne!f" by Maul swamp, on the South by ' the , -. . z . . . vuy vi n. iv.. vv uiiciiiis, mm uu lue west by Swift Creek, and being the WUIV UU(V,I1UJVU IIVIU VVil- I,. j f j - 1,ams wife, containing 4 -acres, mure ur , icss, suujecc to a mortgage deed given to Bank of Vanceboro, May . 9th, 1911, and registered in 1 the said office in book 18S, page 143. This 11th day of October, 1913. New Bern. Iron Works and Supply Company. Till 11-18. R. A. Nunn, Attorney. D. G, SMAW Successor to H, W. Simpson Funeral Director and . Embalmer ;- ...... ... " Office 68 Broad St. Res. 28 So F, St 'PhonVl67-.,, - ". 829 . OR SA.LK If. you want -to buy real estate don't fail to see me. I have 30 houses and 39 vacant . lots in New Bern, Riverside, Elmview, : Pembroke and Bridgeton. 1 can give you some good bargains. I am also agents for lots in Ghent. If you want a nice home buy a lot In Ghent. "- : - ; M. W. F0DR1E, ; 'Real Estate Agent. Office opposite Gaston HoteL Phon 84. Residence 'phone 850 -r OFFICE HOURS: 9.30 to 11 a. "mi Dn.E.G. IIARGEf V.M.D. Veterinarian Hospital for Animals 103 East Front St. New Bern, N. C. Office phone 455. Residence Phone 912. WILLIAMS' iaD;2Y TILLS Tl&v yon overworked your nerrnns system nd caused trouble with your kidneys and bladder? Have yon painsln loin .Bmsbak and bidder? jbave you a iiutiy appear ot the fne, ad under tije event If so,' Viuiatna' Knuify mis will cure you ior sale by all arutf gists. Price wts, - " - r- -z r - ' - ' r'' I I W ste il buJI I MOVEMENT ON FOOT TO ES TABLISH A HARDWOOD - ' JPLANT. I, - r : (Special to theJournal.) PolIoksvilIe, Nov. -14. The people 1 1 of this place are very much interested! in politics just at this .time regardless of 'the fact that several - months will - 1 elapse - before- any of the - candidates for offices will beein' to "come out." I , n .. i 1 u ;, - , . y '9 favor of Charles-- R. Thomas for congressman, A,. D.Ward for govern. !. anj s. M; Brison for Secretary of 1 State. '- . . . , . . y .', Buui t ami y jiiuir j cumpiaiiiL - is being heard from the. farmers. : The yield atl over Jones county is not more than half that of 1912. Quite a number of new people-are coming to this section -to make their home. Among these are-Wm. FFoy, of Craven county who has purchased I and will remodel the residence ot EJ. B EIliott. Hardv Whitford. also of Crav s -. r en county, who, has purchased the home of J. H.-Bell, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Parks of Olivers have also moved to Polloks- ville. When so many new .people are moving to a new town is a . si re thing that they know it is a good place in which to live. . " " Z Many of the citizens of Polloksville.. are interested in the present postoffice squabble at New Bern. While of course it cannot be predicted, who will be ap pointed as the next postmaster in that city, there are many .here who. think I that L. C. Daniels will be the fortunate man H.,' K. Land, proprietor of the New Bern Daily Journal, was among the business visitors in our town today and spent the day greeting his numerous friends, The Journal is an old standby in Jones county and its arrival every morning is awaited with much antici pation by the numerous subscribers. A revival is now in progress at the Presbyterian church and large crowds I are attending the 'services daily. Rev. I Gibbs, of Jacksonville and Rev. Gibbs. of lacksonville and Rev. Shaw. I of Wilmington are in charge of the I meeting and they have already had a number - of conversions. . . - A movement is on foot- here to organ ize-a company to crecf and operate a hardwood factory to manufacture axe A helves, wagon hubs, etc. Must interest will be put through and the plant in operation at' no late date. The public school at this place, which began its fall term a few weeks ago, is making excellent progress and Prof.; A. H, White and his ' faculty, consisting . of Misses Lowder, ' bliza- Deth ' Moore and Lila , Dilahunt, are greatly pleased. , Judging trom all prospects the term will be the most successful in the history ot the mstitu- tion. DEEDS NOT WORDS New Bern People Have Absoutel - Proof Of Deeds At Home." It's not words ut deeds that prove true merit. . N . -It's not words but d eds that prove " . The deeds of Doan's Kidney a P Is, ! For New Bern k'dney sufferers, ". .. Have made their - local - reputation - Proof lies in the testimony of Non Bern people ' J R. A,. Henderson, 156 George street New Bern,N. C, says: "I suffered from a dull pain -across my loins, with an extreme lameness in my back, I. also hadinflammationof the bladder and the passages . of the kidney : secretions pained me. Doan's Kidney Pills pro cured ; at. the Bradham Drug Co.. removed the lameness and pain -and improved my cond tion' in every way." t No Trouble Since. 1 " When Mr. Henderson was interview ed some years later he said:."! willingly confirm my - former -endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pi Is. - I have been free from backache and kidney comp'aint since I took this . remedy.- You are welcome to continue iie' publication of my statement." " ' For sale "by al dealers.- Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York sole agents for the United States. " Remember the; name Doan's -and take Do other, a f V r n f r "I was r i?'.:'iiarh, 1 i r. A I . . f ! x. A': I Vveocnw ' fo-r I ui! :'. I 1 1 "Nature never knew, a better soft-drink than PEPSI-Cola Refreshes and -n '-.- , quenches thirst - - ; Aiore youiasie it more your . b . . I V . -y la Bottles or AtFouots OC i ICE -Made; From Pure Distilled Filtered -Water - . New Bern Ice Go. 19-21-23 Griffith St. .PHONE 23 HARDWARE ANI Paints, Oils . . AJSD Varnishes American Field Fence C W SO.LLIVCOD. Just received a Barge Load of Peensylvania Anthracite . " Free Burning , Furnace, - EGG, Stove," Nut and Pea coal : : : We have on hand at all times Splint and Lump Co&l for the grate and stove; al so the very best Pocahon tas steam coal. ELLIS n n C::d o rc:-t, r:.-2 47 j ;t c f'S.tionuif i 1. O 1 1 Jr. G.OALl