rrgxsxaxaxKi ESZBZKZZX B: I WANT L One Cent A Word There'd be but One Sfc6e if everyone 'V.-J .;'':'L.c-5i-'-.. v.; r .. '. ."'1" Mitchell Children Cry The Kind You Have Always In use lor: over SO years, x l it .- I I 1 I i r ; v All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but ' Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against .Experiment. What is CASTORIA CJastorla is a harmless, substitute for Castor OH, Pare- - goric, Drops and Soothing. Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. - Its agre is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcveri.Jiness. For more than thirty years it - lias been in constant use for the. relief of Constipation, v Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all v Teething Troubles and ' Diarrhoea..,: It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, .-. . assimilates tlio Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The ChUdrea's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend v cEKusrE CASTORIA always Beara the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought - v. THS OINTAUN OOMAKV.'NVW VOMJC OiTV - AT -- - - THE .-. - Best Restaurant in The City. , . ' - Special Dinner and Short Orders. r 1 Absolutely French Cooking. ; Give us a trial and be Convinced. Phone 453. 80 Pol ockSt. . ' . - T, ' i 71 V? "leaves J lower Iraew-SELZ A Broom ' 'ir-! F '"3-"- ' "i : ''' Building for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been lias borne the signature of . i r and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Signature of -. THE- Colored For I : "5L2T WAUKENPHAST" With highest quality of material best style honest workmanship a guarantee that no doubt and a than they ought SELZ Shoes For Men Women -Children ' ' i. ' :' next to Peoples new Bank BOARD OF ALDERMEN (Continued fromTyesterday.) By Chapter 554 of the Public Laws of 1909, ratified 8 March, 1909, a law was passed entitled "An Act to provide forfthe inspection of illuminating oils and fluids," by which it was provided that for the purposes of defraying expenses connected with the inspection, testing and analyzing oils in this State, there shall be paid to the Com missioner of Agriculture a charge of one-half cent per cent, which payment shall be made before delivery to agents, dealers or consumers in this State. The Revenue Act passed by that General Assembly was ratified the same day and section 58 thereof levied a tax on each person, firm or corporation selling illuminating oil, lubricating oil, benzine, naptha or gasolene in this State as annual license tax where the gross sales exceed $25,000 of one per centum upon such gross sales and pro vided a penalty for non-payment. This section also provided that no city or town shall levy a license or privi lege tax exceeding $10, and only when there is located in such city or town an agency, station or warehouse for the distribution and sale of such oils, and the person, firm or corporation paying the tax upon the gross sales as afore said shall not be liable for any other tax except the ad valorem tax upon the property , situate and being in this State (Ch. 438, Laws 1909.) . On the 9 March, 1909, a law was rati fied which provided that the tax im posed under section 58 aforesaid shall be suspended and shall not be here after collected front any' persons, dealers or corporations paying the taxes im posed under the inspection law enacted as .'aforesaid: Provided, however, if the said oil Inspection' Act should be held . invalid, section 58 as. aforesaid, shall remain in. full effect., v ' Sec 58 of the Revenue Act of 1913 Ch. 201, Pub. Law's 1913,, is a combina tion of section 58 -of the. Revenue Act of 1909 and the Act ratified as afore said on the 9 March, 1909. ' Some of oil dealers contend that the City can levy on privlege tax whatever and some admit that a tax of $10 may be levied. I understand that they will pay t the $10 tax, but will contest the $50 tax.1 - - ' In my opinion the .whole of section 58 is suspended as long as the inspect ion, law is enforced and the Inspection charges are collected, and that the city is empowered under its charter and the general law to levy , such license tax on dealers as the' Board! of Aldermen may deem just not to exceed $50 per annum. "i - j a Respectful! submitted (Signed) j - " R. 'A.-, Nurni, ,! '"', City Attorney.' Alderman Ellis moved that whatever tax has been levied in the above matter, that same - be ; charged . to conform with the State regulations as advised fjy the attorney, and the Tax Collector be instructed to Collect said tax. ;. Alderman Satterthwaite seconded the motion, and upon roll call all members voting in the affirmative, the same was adopted. ;. V " .?'y ' K1 price much to sell for, ' smd Alderman Satterthwaite requested further time in the matter of automo bile taxation brought up at the October meeting, as no dispositionhadibeen made of the matter. -v-- No objection 'was entered as to fur ther time in thisTmatter. Cemetery Committee. Alderman Disosway, Chairman, re ported that the matter of the payments on the lot in Greenwood cemetery by J. T. Barber had been investigated, and the Committee recommended that a deed be issued to him. Motion seconded and upon vote of the Board, the motion was adopted. Railroad Committee. , Alderman Ellis, Chairman, reported that the Attorneys in the matter of the condition existing at the intersection of Griffith street, had been notified that the committee were ready to meet them, but that no action on the part of the attorney shad been taken. River and Harbor. Alderman Satterthwaite, Chairman, no report. Police Department. Alderman Dawson, Chairman, re ported that the Police Station had been installed at that section of the City known (is Smith'shall, and that the bill had been approved by him for the contract price of $45.00; that there was a new officer who had no overcoat, and requested that he be given the privilege of purchasing one for him. Alderman Ellis moved thst the Police Committee be empowered to have an overcoat made for the new officer, the same as the other officers. Alderman Satterthwaite seconded the motion. Upon roll-' call, all members voting in the affirmative, the motion was car ried. Alderman Ellis moved that the fol lowing vouchers be destroyed in the presence ; of the Board. ' Motion seconded and carried. Water: ' 96. $200.00 168. $200.00 264. $200.00 333. $200.00 410. $200.00 ' 479.200.00 28. $200.00 : Light and Coal: 13. $512.00 95. $512.00 ; 167. $512.00 ' - 263. $512.00 , 332. $512.00 :409.J512.00 . 478. $512.00 "606. $512.00 ' 27. $512.00 285. $57.60 1498. $10.50. , A total of $4,676! 10. r ' . v ..: i.To be continued.) Quality Not Quanity Hack burn, i Royal Bine" Store CO. GREATLY REDUCED RATES to Norfolk, Va. Thanksgiving Day. FOOTBALL. A. & M. of N. C. vs. W. & L. of Va. CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE SOUTH The Norfolk Southern Railroad will again make special arrangement for sleeping car service and oiler extremely cheap rates to Norfolk for those attend ing the Football Game 'between A. & M. College of Raleigh and W. & L. College, of Lexington, Va., in Norfolk, Thursday, November 27th. From Round trip. Goldsboro $3.50 LaGrange 3.50 Kinston. 3.51) Dover A.50 New Bern. 3.50 Beaufort 4.20 Morehead City 4.00 Oriental. 4.00 Bayboro 3.75 Vanceboro 3.00 Washington 2.75 Tickets sold for all trains November 26 and for No. 16, November 27, good to return leaving Norfolk until 9:00 p. m. November 28. Make sleeping car reservations promptly and be sure of securing sat isfactory accommodations. H. S.Leard,General Passenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. The race is not al ways to the swift but most always. Thathare and tortoise race would hardly be classed as a sporting event now. 1$ It is the man who delivers the goods who has the blue ribbon pinned on him in this year of out Lord. Q If you are running a square race young man, and the race goes to the tortoise, what you need is another; job. Try the want ad way. FOR SALE Ten thousand dollars North Carolina 4 per cent, bonds ia denominations of $100.00 and $500.00 each, in lots to suit purchaser. These bonds are absolutely good an(j are free from taxes of every kind, State, County and City. Interest has accumulated on them since July 1st. The next inter est coupon will bo payable January 1st. Apply atonic to P. O. Box 743, New Bern, N. C. ' H-20 1 wk. WANTED Girl for office, no experi ence necessary. 'Phone 760 or call at Dr. Hargett's office, corner Broad and Middle streets. 11-19 3 ti. I HAVE m my possession a stray ox. Owner giving description and paying expenses for this ad., can have same, B. B. Collins, Maysville, N. C. 11-20 30 dys. THANKSGIVING, THANKSGIVING The king will have a plenty fine turkies, ducks geese and chickens. Don't forget he will have a plenty fine oysters for you Thanksgiving. CaH up 142 and place your orders if you want service. J. B. Watson, the Oyster King. P. S. Plenty fine Barbecue. FOR RENT Rooms for light house keeping. Modern conveniences. Tele phone 816 orcall at 25 Broad street 11-19 3 ti. HOUSE for rent, 110 East front. Apply at once to H. C. Armstrong. 11-19 3 ti. WANTED Position to clerk in store or as travelling salesman, am looking a permanent position. Address, S. B., care Journal. 11-18 6 ti. FOR RENT A finely located ten room residence with wide, deep lot, stables and other conveniences. C. T. Hancock. 11-18 tf. ROOMS For rent, with all modera convenience. Apply to 25 1-2 Pollock street. 'Phone 383. 11-18 3 ti. MILL FOR SALE 12 x 14 Atlas engine; 50 h. p. boiler; No. 5 American mill. Address, "S," care Journal. LOST Large English setter clog. Black and white, named Dan. Reward for information as to his whereabouts or for return to L. J. Moore, Polloks ville, N. C. WANTED Unmarried lady, with fair education, experienced canvasser, age 23 to 40, to travel and appoint agents for a line of high grade toilet requisites, in North Carolina. Good position for right party. Reply in own handwriting stating age and experience in agency work. No canvassing whatever it quired. The L. F. Elliott Co.. a i S. 4th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 11-16 1 WANTED Stenographic work to do at home. Quick and neat work guar anteed. Phone Mrs. Mamie Benton LARGE rose bushes, J. B. Clark, and other varieties. Fine lot palms and ferns. Will close out cheap while they last. J. W. Watson, 34 New Street. 'Phone 353. 11-11 3 ti. FOR RENT A six roomed house now occupied by Lieutenant Coile. All modern conveniences. Aonlv at 106 Craven street. 11-12 1 wk. THREE houses for sale; one ten toom; two seven each, in good location, mod ern conveniences, low price and easy terms. J. T. H. Moore, 14S Middle street. 11-8 30 days. TURKEYS Any one wanting tur keys for Thanksgiving apply to L. T. Gillette, Maysville, N. C. 'Phone or write. 11-7 16 ti. WANTED Second-hand furniture. We buy and sell second-hand furniture. H. M. Hunter & Bro., 39 Craven street. 11-6. FOR SALE Some Choice Ferns ( Pot ted.) Various varieties. By Mrs. N. M. Farrow, Bridgeton. 11-6 30 ti. pd. WE are serving oysters, any style. Chicken salad and those famous chicken sandwiches with hot chocolate, and the ice cream of quaulity "Royalls I delivered to you on short notice. 'Phone 33. Royall-King Co. The "GUARANTEE" on SCHATT and MORGAN pocket knives la a real warrant , sot a hoax. Price suits your purse too. J. S. Basnlght Hardware Co., 67 S. Front street. 'Phone 99. Invigorating t& the Pale and Sickly J?,9.y.Stn'ird eral strengthening- tonic, GROVE'S TASTEtlESS chiU TONIC,drf out Malri,enriche the blood, builds up th. Crstenv ' A true Tonic. For dult and child. 60a '