ec:i ojjlk jaunt, j!lihed everyday in the year ex cept Mond y at 45 Pollock Street.'; ::zi lilly GETS ALLEGED KETfiLEIli to .the conclusion that his -ecord wis au-rh while jnhabit'ng these', shores that it would be sicriligious to honor him, individu illy, with a last rbg tribute, After consideration it : was : decided to "rhane' the name of the: memorial BUSINESS OFFICE 'PHONE . v to th De Hraffenned Cofonv Memorial JOHN AMAN, OF ONSLOW COUN CECHANICAL.' DEPT. PHONE; 50lanH-rli; done."-'" Several hundred -.'i t, MUS'E W JUDUE v ill anrumrinriftn WW rWYMVeft I . - liUPIflOlli t t iMn DDiTivr:rrnMiJiNV' UnH about- fiftv dollars in cashwe-el i : -.J. ;.'v. .-, . ..i.- I . . ... ji' : -a i. - f I oh n A man t-rAcrct .jinn urnnca h-rn donated. ,. l-or one-reason ami aiiointri -"-,' " "-.--,.- "..-..v- TP fill IICED I . zile iccih TRUCK WITH TWENTY PASSEN GERS RAN AWAY DOWN HILL WEST OF WINSTON. , Winston-Salem, Nov. 28 -Twomen n. k. rund- Ci .A. ..York.. . . ' ;f..n j .it .. . " - t - it,. .. ti . mi - i . " v I wire uamiuuy miurcu, timers we e Daaiy tne movement)! suaaemy aieu'i urn k , 7 ' "'(bruised and sternly U. -1- Crumpler., -Manager. and has fommpnths,' hin. forniant. w placed under ; arrest yes -rEdkor. However, wer. gUd to knbfjthaf it morning by United States Deputy several costlv musical in- SUBSCRIPTION RATES. .One VearJL- ;. ?4.00 JBix Months.. tvi I rrt rtrst a -m. omiL'hori urKan U.n ritv Editor. . . 1 J tk.-.ChalS I illv on a war-, ' rhar w" w,rc " UVB- vvw, u passengers is not Dy any means exunci. p r - ' ; . . v fcpUnged at high speed down , sterp em- dramatic rg.ntom is pjii ing to J ",th. ma,I,n ,?P'? L nkment Joutne miie and V ha'f a play tor the purpose, I west of the dtyT on the Sh Ilowt td fund for the iiontmcnt, and Mure uc,urc road, thw-mornimr bout 10-0 o'clo" I commissioner r. vv tiareett, at jack-1 . S s . . . .. : ; i i ne triiric was nirpn nv rnA At anti 2.00 not the slightest doubt but that the "Three Months., Om . Month application to this office. friw. v...i,.. i.:.j ... i.,-"ii. . . M o . ' . iv '-. 1.1 ui.fb wda tin tj uv tiic ntiaiiLic f u ,: f vt.v. sonviue- ior a orenminarv - neanne. i :.. . 1 no I " vhumw i i uto. ui ii iit , , ' ' . - - : - i ..oa6t Keaity company, and was bound - VU L.,.hM k. -a t.- Several witnesses were examined and I,' --, , " .. . , . ifui, i lie v.a.iui lanu, imi mc xiumraons . road, where that company conducted a Die tnDute to tne nardv little baud - -"...H.uvi Mmu .M "- l 4 u j " : At. the time the accident occur ed the -wn. . vuiit 11 dvc uutiu 111 1 11c TSUllll 1 . , -. k . i ' ' 1 f v. -j 1 iii i .' 1 , nun was xuiiiK riuiuiy. ns 11 approacn' u inn uiiujc over me ouuinern r mway t'acks, the driver turned aside to avoid r" memorial will yet be secured and that 3evcral witnesses were cxaminea " New Bern will, in time, have soitip vii. at the conclusion of the takinr ci I ' - - it - . . ' .. .1 1 niviv v,ui hardv little baud aeuce t omm.,s.oner Hargett held the ,and - , Advertisinz ra(es furnished upon that frst settled on Joe d shores. naant 1 r-tIle nen term 01 ,ederaI - At the t,W thP Spots" which harmade a'tour of the from cti- - Entered at the Post office. New Bern, South thW nlade ks dppearance puty Marshal I,illy is devoting a fjrjnej. com. , f, ag second d- matter t charlestolli 5. C.. , few days ago ffi P-r of h "me to aprehendg horge 8As tfce fc and.was given a perfect "frost." There , """'. c trUcK swerved to the side, it skidded and were only a few people in the theatre u Unslo:w "P. an? . v8 heft , the roadr plunging straight doii t ivutiy. uitb duccessiui :iii nauuing ... , ., - " ... ilAN'S SCORES ANOTHER HIT n..t...n ri.-Kf" cl.-trrri iu nnt thn 1 u;Vnrt th.i rnrntn wfnt mi nn thfa firuf nlv one that is being heard thii year. I act nd this nuinbe - had , i . . . The exorcss compinies are urging the I at the conclusion of the play. Thei-e public to "express early, and the post-1 was a time when such plays at The "I office department is beseechjg the J Leopard's Spots" would draw capacity I it . . "I .11 . .. . Vf ...I ." patrons ol tne unitea states mans to i nouses, even in tne soutn, inow tnis :- 1 "mail early." While the first slogan condition has changed. While Dixon's. . .. .i.t.. ..f .i. ..I. . ii i , . . ,js ratner antinuatea tne eiui e mree masterpiece nrew large auaiences are worthy of consideration. Shop at some places this season, it, is a whole, early, express e.irly and mail ea ly fell fiat. The Southern man c innot FOR SECOND TIME LOCAL THEA- ntl J- C. Frye. Vhose scalp was badly and avoid all delay and inconvenience forget the stirring times of the Ku 0 XRE GOERS WITNESS ' lacerated. Both are members of the mn your part and also on the part oflKlux Klan but peace ind quiet now THIS PLAY. . Atlantic Coast Realty company band, your friends. prevails and there is no necessity of , -'i land bDth reside at Greenville, N. C. reviving that period and intensifying Althoueh The weather was inclement . Uver in Wilmington i negro wno naa the white man s dislike ot the negro. anH thpre were numerous counter Most men wh, Vv.ll tA just completed a sentence 01 eleven i he sooner IJixon and hu plays make attractions, there was a good sized much jcar un me li.uihv -uaus vauuusi iucir larrwi'u uuw m me fiuuni; me i audience at the Masonic theatre last the steeep embankment and coming to stop with a terrific jar when its wheels became imbedded in the soft turf at the foot . of the declivity," ; Physicians we e immelfatcly summon ed, and the jnjured were given medical ittention. Those who sustained the most painful : injuries were C. W, Watson, whose nose was broken ind foot sprained COULD MAY LEAVE THE NORFOLK SOUTHERN GO. BIG SHOW AT THE ATHENS THEATRE TONIGHT. cimes, was released in time to spend better t will be for all concerned Thanksgiving Day at home. The Wil wiington Dispatch says that he was the happiest man in the city and all day Jong stood on a down town corner, dressed in a new suit and displaying row of ivont's to every passerby. Eleven yeirs of hard toil on the roads of New Hanover county have taken RUMORED THAT SUPT. OF MO- all desire to commit crime from this TIVEPOWER ISTO nan's mentil makeuD ind he wants! I RESIGN. to do right. While he is "only a nigger" a prominent citizen of that town There is a well founded rumor afloat Iihb given him work nnd intends to that J. E. Gould, who has for some time . Aelp him to "come back." held the position as Superintendent of Motive Power of the Norfolk Sou- A few weeks ago Horne.-'s Military I thern Railway Company, has handed in School it Oxford was badlv damaged bv his resignation to take effect on Decem- fire. Instead of rebuildintr the structure ber 1. and that fohn Saser. who is now Tonight will be a "big night" at the management have announced that with the Seaboard Air Line Railway the Athens theatre. In addition to the thev will orobablv remove it to some Company, with headquarters at Tack- Dicky bird. Musical Comedy Company other place and aretthinking striously sonville, Fla., has been selected to fill who are tilling a weeks engagement f Petersburg. Va.. as a suitable the vacancy caused by Mr. Gould's at this popular playhouse, one of the location. Since the announcements resienation. best two reel feature pictures ever of the proposed removal of the school When questioned in regard to the Presented in iNew Bern win pe seen. Was made, a number ot cities in iNorth authority ot tne rumor, local omciais I 1 ms H"-lu.c . r.,i;.9 h,,.. n.. inn ii., nf fho ciniithprn Ra II xua v 1 and it is some picture, in addition would litrA to hflvi. tKf srhonl Whilp Cnmnanv declined to discuss the matter, to 311 Ot tms there Will De two Other Raleigh, Greensboro and Cha lotte neither affirming or denying the same, pictures well worth seeing" and all would be excellent location for the Mr. Gould has made the Norfolk ,or ,he Prlce ten and ntteen cents s school, New Bern would also be a good Southern an efficient official, handling location. Located in a section of the the motive power department with State where the climatic conditions I thoroughness and satisfaction tp all are-, unexcelled, within easy access and Jias beep highly praised by the of' any point in the State, and with management of the road. hundreds of other advantages, it seems .... . ... . r mgnt AO witness tne second penormance i n n rw i l "'' of "A Woman's Honor." presented by llcUCltlUS dUUl TICKieS local talent supporting Prof. J. Henri Bourdelais. . , : As on the previous night, the entire cast handled their various parts in a thoroughly satisfactory manner and won much applause. A better amateur production has never been seen in New Bern than "A Woman's Honor" and local theatre-goers hope that the idH tical cast will soon be seen in anothei' play. also Sweet mixed and wholelsweet Gherkins -Hackburn. "5 Law" Bring TMm AOrw tiwatmt With Yoa f " a .vA4T t . . -rMr , MIC LEMHUMOU, :t i - . jUTANY laws have been broken, but this famous work shoe v has never , been broken by even the hardest wear that's why we tall it the "Stronger-Than-The-Law' shoe." ', '? wJJJl the money in vth - World ' It iraomfortable and good looking tha . fortable or durable heavy work in iuoUa la "justss good." ' ehoe. It cannot be ,eqiiale(f by.1 tmnTh.-rt.-taw- .boe. m . y any -other manufaoturer.' . 1 s. -.. mad in regular height and high out .- 1 v , ,- -i i . Uen', Boy" and Youths' at S3.S0 to ., lake a knife and oat U to piaoe tf yoa - SS-Oa Abo for Women, Minna and Chit V 4 wish, and you wul find it boaattly made ,uw $!.) to 13.7&.,. ' .:''-.' :L of goop leather, through and through. No' 'mi"" "i j.'.' L.' ' 1 ' ' 1 aubetUutM ior leatberaraever liST- - ,"e ther"Star Brand" &ot. ' TT . ,T." wevw uasd. , ; OTer 7&0at7le-e,ld by SOfiQO good t-C theappenanmadeof ChmmetanneVl 'anr0! "I leather ee nearly water-omolaa iZtW StrongeThaii-Tlie-Uw" ahoa ut upeo "W? ol tatther. Dont buy shoddy ahoea at any prioe. UTZTIj ''l keep you ahoea with the name on tha aala and the ' "8tr"oottiehoel. lot diy aadpveyou double wok. , "Star Brand Shpea Aro Better" J: J. BAXTER imyooocieiKJA 0 us that the nianagenient of the school . could select no better location. The decision on their part hab not been made, i and it is understood that they would consider propositions from cities ind .'.' towns who would like to make some off- er to get the school. This i where New r Bern's Chamber of Commerce has an x opportunity of getting busy -and make an effort to bring the school here. A man if known by his lawyer and a woman is known by her doctor. It's always surprising how much deeper a hole of debt is after one gets into it. . BEST LAXATIVE FOR BOWELS "CASCARETS. Says the New Yo-.k World: "That it is easier to change the laws of a country than it.-, customs has long been known. It is the custom in Mexiqo, where fetds are of long standing, to put certain enemies to death, even 'when taken as prisone s of war. They clean Liver, sweeten Stomach, end Sick Headache, Bad Breath, Indigestion, Constipation, t' 8urgeonc' Advance In Dignity. Dr. Thomas Bckerly, one of the earliest physicians - of western Penn-; sylvanla, was a member or the Dun kard sect and a refugee from the In dians, lived in seclusion In order to escape' religious persecution. During the period of the French and Indian wars we find great - army ; surgeon General Forbes! 'himself had been physician : before entering the armyj There was ,-stm .another fype, tne drugglst-phy slclan-inally , succeeded by the full-fledged professional, who was common enough by revolutionary days. "'-re- Baxters Engage ment Rings ' Of course you -would not think of giving a DIAMOND as a bethrothal gift which you ; did not know was of the right QUALITY, setting etc. Comparatively few1 people, are 4MUUUUU(W)ai Ml UU IUU8- , depehrnjpohthe? reliability Vf the Jeweler from , whom fhey buy.' ( . .. : ' -1 . . - ... - .The name BAXTER has beV '.-cornea synonym for fSir and . honest dealing. . See us " BAXTER Jewelers and' Expert Watch S Repairing 0 THE RELIABLE STORE a V.r! Notice Ten Tuna of Plavlna C'arda. " Ten tons of playing cards, approxi mately 96,000 decks, were among the i shipments taken aboard the Japanese To Tax- ; Payers Your )9itate i, pure and fresh Yusen Kalsha, loaded at Seattle for 1 Cr-imti f t,Wflii merely forcing a ports in the Orient The cards r ana .V-OUIHy laXeS are Get a 10-cent. box now. Are you keeping your bowels, liver, j steamship TambaV Mara of the Niphon and stomach clean with Cascarets.' or . . . I 'hm' 1ta '.ar hit (nil. . 1 V1 . . ... i i iiinu i 11111 3BDa u.t mm . i,un i mm fhe recent fighting in Northern . L.. y . davaaeo.'Thev are for Macao. China. 1 nOWaUCtleaSe COme Mexico, which appe us to have suited the Monte Carlo of the Orient sltuat, - ' '1 ..1 in a deci ive victory for the Coustitu- rgave xvatersr ed 40 miles from the Island .of Hong- in . anQ Seill tionalist. has revealed some revolting -top naving a oowei wasn day. LCt J on fhe-maiiilaiid,' Hear tne mouth 1.1 .1 Q. . J, but it has also given the carets tnorougniy cieanse and rega, of tne Pearl or Canton river. It is the I aa UULll U1C aJICllC ClIU world siril-iup dt-nmnstritinn of for. Iate tne stomacn,, remove tne sour i -gambling resort of the denizens of tne I . f titude and patriotism. One wounded and fermenting food and foul gases, British 'colony. I "rr.i.i" cr,tri;..r . attnrxA take the excess, bile from the liver k,, , A,,, .., k: and carry 'out of the system all the . To Prevent Taiiilahlttg of Sliver. must die. remarked: 'Well, constipated waste matter ana poisons r" rr.T77: I .1 I 1 . .-rrl III-HVHI1LII1K I I1H ULTIIIHIIIIIK - MIITHI' ht . . I- i e i i in riip nnvp .1 : JvrttiLTo aiea ior nis country; so can I.; " "Here is a custom okier tha in ti.-.rc.l'ir nntiinol -..J or domestic. A country that can oro-iwh,le yu sleep never gripe, sicken I cohol In which a UtOe collodion has 9 1 nrnnpHv PITlH K A I Men dissolved. A -Very delicate pro-1 . , ' " t r t j tnat ne settle at once 1 the State and county are needing the money. ; - , . wil I h M f nrrvrl fr than any f ascaret tonight will make , you Revue de Chimfe toaustrlelle. It eonr few On VOUr DeTSOn Ul, tribal great by; morning.-:. They work BlBt8 mbblng te; articles with a HUI KC,li? UIf' LET' THE SUN OF 'PROSPERITY rest and bask upon you.. Success these days is measured by the'dol lar sign. Save your money and put it with us where it can earn you a little salary besides - the ; one you anake by your own hard efforts. Four per .Cent. v on Savings Every ' 7 - Three Months. . CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANV, , New Bwen, N. C Our Latest StylesQ n - 4v Douglass, ; Beacon and Cygdlphi mws snut:s A ' Have iu'st arrived. I We also" offer;. 85 Ladies Tailor-Made Coat Suits at J-2 the original cost price They are samples and caij't be duplicated at the priced SAAK? LIP Ma N Cor Middle Vfi South Fronf .Strpete V Bryarv Bio woxacrxccirace duce such men is worth saving from 2Fause' any' nconvenlence, an-cost despotism.' It can be saved." ' The World has struck a keynote that has a plausible sound but they forgot V to mention just one thing and r,.vthat is: How will it be saved? The United ;States has exhausted every i knpwn ,'method to accomplish this purpose, with thexception ofgoing down 'r there and engaging in actual warfare, ; ; ind the only outward result his been j'. tne continued oenance ot evei-y one ffi. of tie i"greases.". . Now, what's to be -'v t done In a 'case like thia. If the Wo. Id .can suggest some feasible method 'of '', lending the Mexican's A helping'' hand, , ' President Wilson , and ' his ; cabinet 4 .would jump at the oport unity to con-i- , tider it 7 '' ,? ','., v" . ' '- 4 . .v ' Jh: . ;More' than.ayear ago a -movement : . was started here for the erection of a " ' . monument to"-Barcn -de Graffcnried. ( the founder of New ''Bern, Historians Jooked up the fi iron's fernrd and rn- is thus formed on the ur- tlstat6 at an ' early n anu i women , i uu muu - . wu; tuiim - - and then and gashing with warm water whea dateir VOUr taXCS KiiUousaeis.. tt;'bJwi' Vk--'9M$S fevdredV-Ths , fc . , t carets i' belong '. In V every -a household. Children just love to take them. only . 10 cents a box from your drug-1 -tective film gist. - Millions of men and women I face. . This take a' Cascaret ,now HMvrAw. Vimta L U&nrlqtha' PittmreAaii Coated Tongue, ' Indigestion Sour same -taMcfjom are not paid. Stomachonstipatedo , T -1 -L, 1 J v . please call and settle They say photography is useless In 1 ., portraying feminine fashions for the &t OnCCe reason, which men can readily believe, that such figures 7as women : would v n 11 I A KtPi " like to have do not.eriit, i , I I. D. LjAIM-J, Sheriff of Craven County. WHY NOT TRY POPHAM' ASTIl'.lA IlELlDY Give Prompt and PositWe Belief In Sjrery Case. Bold by Druggists. Price 11.00. . ... Trial meitttge oy uu iuc . ; WIU14MS ItFB. CO. Props. Clenland, Ka-Ko ciid ; Do-Ke-Do fhe r.2v rreparaticn All pork saucr.f, ' Quality , Not izv rz:A?3 ccles crJ coming in all tiu Ouanity.--Hack- c:;".:r3, r.o:v in-HncI:- time.Nono better burn. S.lf.:..M..5'P0WABLi; KNliX ' V 0-a.s a-zi:cl Oil -Engines' C3 - . SKSS . STATIONERY AND PORTABLE The oldest and most widely known and most satisfactory Gasolene and , ' Oil Engines on the market. Made for every purpose, I, ? FAIRDANKS-MORSE & COMPANY ' ' " - , You'U Get It From . - , . ,x XXXXKOCXXXXXX3CXrKXXXra tocall in person and inspect our line of dainty food for . 5or Thanksjiving. We've got them in.abundance: and the - price is";rip;ht. r CaH . early and we will help you make that .Thanksgiving dir.r.or a success. , . - NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC' There seems to be some tnieunder-' standing as to who arjDeputy Sheriffs in theiitv of Ww Rprn , Tha rir: - J - - - - - ...... .'....VllI.ll institutes my force: J. E, Whether ington, J. W.'Heuff,. J, Hayhss, Thomas ; H. Smith special ft!puty. I only make this statement to clear up any misrepresentation or misunder standing that any one may . have of " R. B. LANE;, 1 ' , 'Sheriff. ' my force.. ir-26'S tir f" . c. : ?-:'Y! !H-i C-i i J u i.-'tj t..vj C... ; .carries a complete line of shoes tal ubbrr hr ' i. If your horse is lame fy

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