1 i' -. A Consumptive Cough. - "A cougk that bothers you continually isrfne of the d. nger signals which, warn '"-consumption, ' Dr. King's New Dis cevery stops the cough, loosen the chesty banish. fever and let. you sleep peace fully. The first dose checks the symptoms and gives prompt relief. . i i A. F. Mertz.-of Glen Ellyn, Iowa, writes,: : ; Dr. King's' New , Discovery- cured a stubborn 'cough after six weeks' doc ' toring failed to help." ; Try it, as it will do the same for you Best medicine for coughs, colds, throat and lung trou - bles. i Money back if it fails, a Price 50c. and $1.;00. All druggists, by mail, H. EBuckln & Cd., Philadelphia or St. Louis. . ' ' , Plantonic love may be a success t at a distance, " , "-Children Ctv' ' FOR FLETCHERS ,' CASTORIA1 How, people can enjoy camping out if they don't have tol i,. v , : Saved His Foot. : C s ; H.' D. Ely, of Bantam, 0., suffered , from horrible ulcer on his foot for four years. ; Doctor advised amputation," but he refused and reluctantly tried Biicklen' Apiica Slave as a last resort. ; He then wrote: "I used your salve and my foot was soon completely cured." Best remedy for burns, cuts bruises-and ' eczema. Get a box today. ' Only 25c. All druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen Co., Philadelphia or St. . Louis. Even a deaf man has a good ear fer some kinds of music. Mother Of Eighteen Children. "I am the mother of eighteen children and have the p-aise of doing more work : than any young woman in my town," writes Mrs. C. '. Martin, Boone Mill, Va.' x "I suffered for five years with stomach trouble and could not' eat " as much as a biscuit without suffer ing. I have taken three bottles of Cham berlain's Tablets and am now a well woman and weigh 168 pounds. I can eat anything I want to, and as much as I want and feel better than I have any time in ten years. ; refer to v- 1 one in Boone Mill or vicinity and . t-y- will vouch for what 1 say.'? Chani . Gain's Tablets' aie for sale by all .ilers (Adv.) . , Occasionally a girl uses one young ' man to make another feel bad. 5 ASTORIA 1 v For Infants and Children. - liie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the " Signature of . You have "a right to think a lot of things you have-Jio right to say; ' . Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. ' "1 was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorksj the merchant here, persuaded me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea: Remedy. ? After - taking one dose of it I was cured.' It '-also cured others that I gave it to,'? V writes M. E. ; Gebhart, Oriole, - Pa. ' That is. not at all unusual.. An ordinary '; attack of diarrhoea can almost invariably be cured' by 'one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Too many live as cheaply , as one after marriage because they have to. Best Treatment for A Burn. If for no other reason, Chamberlain's v Salve should be kept in every household on account of its great value in the ;: treatment of burns. It allays the pain almost instantly, and unless the injury is a severe one; heals the parts without " leaving a scar. This salve is also unequaled for chapped hands, ' sore nipples and diseases of the skip. Price 25 cents. For sale by all dealers, Adv. . .. V :; ' The girl who ' is always, trying to attract attention ' usually seattradts ' the wrong-kind. - - , 1 4 - - 1 Good For Biliousness, v "I took two of Chamberlain's Tablets ast night,' and I feel fifty per cent, bet. er than I have for weeks," says , J. J. Fireston,' of ; Allegan, , Mich. "They are certainly a fine article j for biliousness." For sale by all dealers -f Adv.) . . . ' - disordered stomach are the causes of these headaches. Take Dr. King's New Life Tills, you will, be surprised l.o iv quickly you will get relief. ' They f ui' te the d .Terent organs to do their x jf cily. No better regulator f i I l.owds. Take 23c. and -. ! t ' y. V t c'l C.n ' ib - " 1 Co., One .Thlng He Couldn't Oo. v The bartender grasped the man next the stove by the shoulder and shook him until he was awake. "Here, ZephT he told him, "you'd better go out and get some fresh air. It'll do you good." Zeph merely granted drunkenly and huddled, hack In hla chair. The' bar tender tried It again, with like result Ton won't get out, .won't youT he roared angrily. Seizing the unfortu nate Zeph by the collar and the seat of the trousers, he escorted him for cibly to the alley. "Get out there in the air and brace up," was his parting advice. "T kin put me out'ICy like, but" Zeph straightened up ; . with drunken dignity "ye can't make me take no air, dura ye!" Everybody's Magazine. , - r i Pitchers' Duel. ''Ray Collins, with Boston, aud 'Wat ter Johnson v of Washington have matched their cunning In four cham pionship games this season.. Each has resulted in a shut-out: and both hurt ers hare won two games. apiece. The Collins-Johnson pitching duel, started April 23 when Washington won 6 to 0. Decoration day Collins took his re venge, winning oyer the Danish Disas ter by a 1 to A score.-1 Thetwo met again on July: 3. Washington taking the game after 15 Innings of plaSt. Score, 1 to 0. Collins came back with the same score in. his favor August 31. Precedent Established. Rock Island, 111., has established a remarkable precedent. The ; munici pality has carried a bond Issue to buy a ball park and a franchise In the Three-I league. Five, hundred women, voting their, first election, were al most unanimously In favor of th move. . A New York physical culture expert declares that nervousness will soon be a thinv nf thn riant ' Still. nh InaanA city Can not be sure ofwlnning theJr' another party so tlht they might pennant The office boy will often be missing for the next few months. His list of excuses are prepared and there is no apparent valid reason for not accept ing them. Llanfalrwlgwyllogerychwr n d r o b wllllandyssiliogogogoch is the name of a village in Anglesea; for postal pur poses the first 20 letteas are a suffi cient address. To make sure that he'll fc eom fortable after death, a Perth Amboy man Is making his own coffin. It is quartered o?k, asbestos lined and has three casters. Why for the asbes tos ? Strengthen Weak Kidneys. Don'l suHcr longer with weak kidiiey? You can get prompt relief by taking Electric bitters, that wonderful remedy praised by ywomen everywh re. Start with a bottle today, you . will soon feel like ,a new woman with ambition to work,- without fear of pain. Mr John Dowling of San F.-ancisco, writes: "Gratitude for the wonderful effect of'tflectric Bitters prompts nie to writjj.-. It cured my wife when all else failed Good for the liver as well. Nothing better for indigeStion or biliousness. Price, 50c. and $1.00. at all druggists. (Adv.) Nearly Every Child Has Worms. Paleness, at times a flushed face, un natural .hunger, picking the nose, great hirst, etc., are indications of worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a reliable, thorough medicine for the removal of all kinds of worms from- children and adults. Kickapoo WormKiller in pleas ant candy' focm," aids-digestion, tones system, overcoming, constipation and increasing the action of the liver. Is perfectly safe for even the most delicate children. - Kickapoo Worm Killer makes children - happy and-. healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. Try it Drug stores or by,;-mail.'. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia. and St. Louis. " : "Doc" Cook is to invade Congress, which shows that he is still not sfraid of frigid regions. - - '' Don't Let Baby Suffer With Eczema " And Skin Eruptions. . -.. Babies need a perfect skin-covering; Skin eruptions cause them not only in tense suffering, but hinder their growth. Dr.' Hobson's Eczema Ointment can be 9-Mied on for relief and permanent cure of suffe ing babies whose skin eruptions have made their life 'miserable. ."Our baby was afflicted with breaking out of the skin all over, the face and scalp. Doctors and skin specialists failed to help. - We tried; Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment and were oVerjoyed to see baby completely' cured before one box was used," writes Mrs. Strubler,, Du buque, Iowa. All druggists or by -mail. 50c. (Adv.) PFEIFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa The woman with an ideal husband, very likely wishes she . had someothr kind.'' V, ' . ' Caught A Bad Cold. "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he coughed was something dreadful," writes Mrs, Sara E. Duncan, of Tilton, Iowa. ; "We thought sure he was going into consump tion. We bought just one bottle of CI anil ei Iain's Cough Remedy and that i, - l, ;';!e stopped his cougl and cured Us ' 1 romi-i-ly." For sale by all , (''.) ' WILL AMUSE CHILDREN EXCELLENT IDEA FOR A JUVE NILE PARTY, p i Might Be Called a "Dolls' Entertain merit" and Will Please Others ' as It Did These "NuU . n to Craok.'' , .' " little girls "Just love" 'paper 4olls aa I have found out by close observ ance of many girlies aged from six to ten. I really believe they like them better than any other kind of "chil dren." So many magazines contain such adorable dollies, whole pages of them, that the mother who gave this party asked her friends to save them for her, for several months before the affair took place. Bight guests re sponded to the Invitation and brought a' pair of scissors as expected; then each one was given a' "sheet" of paper dolls and, the cutting out began; next the hostess, assisted by her little daughter whose birthday was being celebrated, brought out square ' card board boxes, all the same size and gave one to each child and said: "Now make a house for dolly." She showed them how to stand the boxes on the side, then gave each one a tube of paste and some dark colored wrapping paper which waa pasted on the outalda of the box. Bits of wall paper were produced for the Inside decoration. - It ts needless to say that the girlies had an enjoyable tune for cutting and pasting Is great fun. They were as sisted in cutting out the windows, hav ing been shown with a pencil , where they were to be. 1 Time passed so rapidly that refresh ments were ready long before the chil dren wished to stop wprk; they begged weave rugs from strips of, kinder gar. ten paper and make furniture , from match boxes, powder and pill boxes and frame wee pictures for the walls. One of the mothers present prom ised to let them have this party very soon. Now I am sure some of you mothers can arrange some lovely after noons with these Ideas for a starter. After Dinner "Nuts to Crack." Every one likes to linger around the dinner table and children ot my ac quaintance love to propose riddles for the benefit of their elders, so I append these which I read recently and think they will afford a few moments amuse ment! Where could a square house be lo cated, so that all Its windows would face south T At the north polo. What la. that which has a mouth. Why He Was Boycotted, AU the policemen In this city are in a state of uneasiness and no wonder; onry tne goas Know wnose neaa is to i be lopped off next. Patrolman Peace had felt for some time that everything was not as It should be. His popular ity had obviously waned and his com panions rather avoided him. His captain noticed it and called the pa trolman Into his office. "Peace," he said, "is there anything in your life with which I am unacquainted?" The patrolman shuffled and smiled sheep ishly. "Don't be foolish," said the of ficer, "We can't have mysteries here. What Is all this boycotting about?" 'TVell," said Peace In a hoarse whis per, "I'm clarinet In a band. It's not an easy Job and one night the hoys heard me." Lop don Answers. That preacher's wire who objected. to his limiting her to eight matches a day will remind many men that in some houses the protest on match ex- travagance comes from the other side of the house. In Boston a man has left a will In which he states a spinster daughter Of forty summers must wed add have children in order to receive $300,000,- uuv. XJUDiuii til TV a jr o nao uuiev iui tu Joking propensities. THE .! .1 Y GLngcotbGIirhatc IS A C0N8TANT THREAT TO THE HEALTH OF THE PEOPLE. -. TJ. Hartman, of Columbus, Ohio, discusses an Important health topic. He says: . f Yea. It is the climate, not the germs, that we have to rear in this country. The germs are present to be sure, and are of some significance in diagnosis. Climate, a changeable climate, is the true cause of disease. The atmospheric pressure "varies, the humidity of the atmosphere changes. Every day the temperature rises and falls. All this presents to the body very great trials to adjust to. The area ot high pressure forms in the northwest. Moves rapidly southeast,- subjecting millions of our population to Its Influence. The re sult is, thousands upon thousands of people catch cold. A small per cent, of these thousands do not get well of their cold. It goes into pneumonia. or chronic catarrh, or bronchitis, or 1 1 I Jell yillliei, ui yicuriBy. i y iisiiia, ur pleurisy. Now, what I am gettingrfit is this, . 1 1 . I i T . . . . These climatic changes are inevitable. No one can prevent them. The very best we can do is to prepare for them, defend ourselves against them. Good health is the best preventive. The very best. Vigorous health, with excess vitality, this is Nature's own preventive and protection. We do not all have this, however. Some of us must have assistance. The assistance that I use for myself, would recommend for my friends to use, my neighbors and my country men, is Pe-ru-na. Keep Pe-ru-na In the house. If the children Indicate they are catching cold, give them Pe-ru-na. If the parents, the grandfather or grandmother, present those symptoms that are so well known which precede a cold, a few doses of Pe-u-na and the deed Is done. Some people are very subject to coldsi Others who have weak lungs and are timid about our winter weather, take Pe-ru-na off and on during the whole winter season. The plan Is a good one. The medicine Is inexpensive. It does no possible harm to the system. It keeps the appetite regular and keen. It as sists digestion ani helps the user through the inclement weather of winter. Special Notice We have a large assort ment of Blank Keys and cart fit same for you on short notice. Phone 717 J f-l A V VY) V 111 wit Cycle Co. DUE. OUT V. M. D. Veterinarian Hospita' for Animals 103 East Front St. New Bern, N. C. Office phone 455. Residence Phone 912. DateNllt Buttei", . SOnieininS IlPWi j CO mOOSe Q CI Se ft. lected Dates and --r . J 1 INUtS.xV GellClOUS J l J SOreaO ' lOT DreaQ --Hackburn SUBSCRIBE TO NEW Dkily ... semi- Weekly . Hello Mr. Editor, .Now just a few words from Old Man Economy. Our Winter line of foreign and domestic woollens is just su perb.jLow In price, high in style and finish. Satisfaction teed. guaran- Respectfully yours, Latest Economy stop ping for the Season, with R. SAWYER, Merchant Tailor, No. 101 S. Front St. LAND SALE Bv virtue of a nower of sale run- tained in a certain mortgage Deed made ' 1 T I T ' 1 . 1 I - oy j anies u. renner anci wne, iviary e.. Fenner, to me, L. C. Carroll, dated May 21, 1908, and duly registered in the office of the Register ol Deeds of Craven County, North Carolina in Book No. 172, page 297, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in New Bern, Craven County North Carolina, on Monday, the 1st day of December, 1913, at 1 o'clock p. m., that certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Craven County, State aforesaid, in No. 5 Township and described as follows to wit: On the south side of Neuse river, east side of King's Creek, it being the inter est of the said James D. Fenner and wife in an undivided tract of land known as Jacob Freeman land. This 30th day of October, 191.?. L. C. CARROLL, Mortgagee Planing Mill Now in Operation Rough Lumber any size and length at prices cheap as the cheapest good qual itj and prompt delivery is my motto. Will be pleased to bid on any bill of Lum ber large or small call or Write E. W. Simpkin Let Us Suggest That while you are thinking of what you will present your friends and loved ones with during holidays, that you call at thi3 store abd look our line of Holiday goods over. Remember, your friends and loved ones appreciate your using discretion in buying gifts as much so as they do the gift oftentimes. It behoves you, there fore to buy such gifts as will be both serviceable and durable. We have the most beautiful designs in l adies Writing Desks obtainable which comply fully with the above-mentioned require ments because they are serviceable, durable and beautiful, and then we have sewing baskets, quiet a variety of them, which make a splendid gift. These, together with many other novel ties you will find here toselect from. In fact, as the "Home Furnishers" we are in position to offer suggestions and you can see a variety of Holiday goods as will he interesting and help ful in theselectionofyourgif ts. V . S. MILLER "The Home Phone 229 BERN JOURNAL $4.00 per $1.00 per ANOTHER U. S. COOK BOOK FREE Lucky indeed are those who are get ting the seriei of cook books prepared and recommended by the Agricultural Department of the United States and distributed FREE upon receipt of cou pons printed in the New York Sunday World from week to week. The cook book distributed last week was about economic ways to prepare meats. For the coupons in next Sunday's World a book of recipes for preparing cheese j in its various forms will he mailed to j any address. These books shojld be j in every kitchen for tlie sake of econ omy and health. Older the Sunday World NOW. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX. Having qualified as administratrix of the Kstate of Edward Neilsen de ceased, late of Craven county, North Carolina this is to notifiy all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of November, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. MRS. EUPHEMIA NEILSEN, Administratrix. New Bern, N. C. This 4th day of .November, 1913. FOR SALE Owing to the fact that it will be impossible to conduct my business in a satisfactory manner on account of the fact that my eyes are giving mt trouble, I am offering for sale, at a remarkably indufive price my confectionery store on Middle strict and my ice drc'im manufacturing es t'lblishment on Broad street. This is a chance of a life-time for someone with cash. 1 he Christmas trade is at hand and sales are increasing every day. Investigate this offer by see ing me in person or writing to H. E. ROYALL, New Bern, N. C FURNITURE Furnishers" 99-101 Middle Street 11 year year it tl ti I

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