.; iti,:; c:iu Jta t ruWihed every day in the year e Ctot Mond y at 45 Pollock Street. ' BUSINESS OFFICE rHONt- 8. MECHANICAL PEPT, 'PHONE 50 J. LAND PRlJSTINGCOMPANY H K. A LanoV 1 Manager, H.' I. . Crumpler .City , Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. one year. ., .... K Months . Three Months. One Month 4.00 2.00 1.00 .40 is a beautiful custom and will live Ire onrkable portraits of Governs Jarvis and Mr. Ragsdale, which the societi'i presented to the school last commence- forever. MARINE JEWS. v.The schooner Ella May; arrived !n port yesterday with a crgo of oysters. . Advertising rates furnished upon application to this office. ' ' Entered at the Poet office, New Bern, N. C. as second class matter. In speaking of the stock law which is ' being agitated in this county at the present time, the Wilmington Dispatch says:. . , "The legislature never did a wiser thing than in enacting a law requir ing - the people of a territory which : adopts the stock law or no fence law to ' build a fence - themselves, but to see that their neighbors built it, who are so poor in their judgment that they stick to the old ' fogy system of fences. ,' Nothing could have a more decided r useful effect in bringing new ter ritory under the provision of this admirable law. There are. obstinate . counties in Eastern North Carolin which stood out- against it, and there has been a strong demand that the legislature enact a state-wide stoc law. It did not have quite enough never to do this, but it did the next best thing in requiring a county which has not the law to build the fence which separates it from stock . law territory. A wise old preacher used to say there were many ways to bring a sinner to his knees, and the legislature must have had this in view when it placed this provision ,' upon the statute books." : There are many citizens of Craven , who want the stock law for the county and there are also many who do not want it. The matter is up to the : County Commissioners. Unless Craven county does have the stock law it will be compelled to spend thirty or forty thousand dollars in erecting' fences. Thus the situation stands. At present it seems to be a case of having the stock law or spending a large amount of money. The question at issue is Which is the best move to make; spend the money or have the stock law. Norfolk, Va., is one of the cities '. that has become tired of being "stung" i by fakirs. The authorities there . '. have taken action intending to put a s ' stop to the .ravages of these human parasites, and the Ledger-Dispatch ;jof that city, hai.tthe following to say l'of this move on'their' part: " "The City Attorney has been request- i ed by the ordinance committee to " frame a law prohibiting the operation 4 1 in Norfolk of clairvoyants, fortune 'J tellers and other fakirs wh'o 'under one pretext or' another cheat credulous 'iji Pep'e out of their money. T" No city should permit the operation - of this class of fakirs wo prey r' upon the ignorance or credulity of , people and offer nothing whatever in .( : return for the money they take. The - recent discovery of a clairvoyant trust ?.! or combination showed that a syste ' matic scheme of robbery was being practised in some of the Western ' cities. By co-opertion and a plan of keeping each other in touch with im- jj. pressionable subjects they pursued and obtained large sums of money. Such people are fakirs pure and v,, simple and should not be tolerated ' anywhere." , 11 The authorities of New Bern would do well to follow the .plan of the Virginia city's officials. 'While this city has not as yet been hard hit j by any of these fakirs there is no telling ; when such will occur and as "a stitch ( in time," etc., an ordinance prohibiting -' the operation of various skin games by these fakirs may' save some local resident many dollars. 4-, lodge Carter, who a few days ago, Iment fnia f aA eL joncaflAn at : AHhpVlll flV I 'V wui-v. m .iuv.wu - . - j charging" several prominent . men : with selling whiskey and, who liter proved that' he was righf.v ha again '.'started something. " This time he avers that whenhe was'loiakine preparationstto swear -out ''warrants against Ahe men l( The gas freight' boat Lillie arrived who a few daytt ago 'were , convicted, J in port , yesterday1' with - a cargo , bf that a member of the police, forcetook cotton seed and oysters ? from - Jones it upon himself to warn the lawbreakers Bay. The'tvolice I ".. b . r : department is going to make a sweep? I . The gas freight boat Elva May left ing investigation and find out if these I yesterday for Otway w ith a cargo of charges are, true. XI they aret tne cotton seed man who gave the new.s out n advance may just . as well lookout for trouble ; The freight , .boat Con stitution ' left for the Judge is on the warpath and tol yesterday , for ' Broad Creek wih at outsiders it looks as though he is going cargo of general merchandise. t-rt make "a clean sweeo over in "the land of the sky." " ' I The two masted schooner Susan E forter left " yesterday with a cargo During the past few months a number J of phosphate for Bayboro..; of suburban residential sections have been opened around New Bern... This land was eagerly purchased by, pros- nective " home builders and already a number of ; beautiful residences are going up., , Now comes tne announce ment that another section of land near New Bern has been cut up into small farms and. will be sold on easy terms. TWO CHRISTMAS DANCES. The gas freight boat Shuica left yeV terday ,for Vanceboro with a cargo of general merchandise. . ' '-J IN MEMORIAM, Holly Wood, Dec, 5 W. H. Moore passed away at the - of his daugh- Whfle the- proposition i will ' probably ter, Mrs. Rosa Guairie", ; on ,the-18th net the owner of the property a profit, of October, in hia 64th year. . He leaves he is doing the community a deal of to mourn his loss a wife and daughters good by his action. The placing and a host of grand children. He had been of this property on the market will ill about two years and bore tils sutler give the man of small jmeans an ing patiently. The writer has often heard' opportunity of acquiring valuable real I nim say ne was ready to die. He was estate and will be the means of bringing laid to rest in tthe lamily burying new people to this section. ground at Gail's Creek. B. L. G. RESTORING MOTHERHOOD'S SANCTITY. STATE TEST, FARM P STATE CHEMIST KILGORE FILES INTERESTING REPORT ON WORK ACCOMPLISHED. , Wise old Dr. C. W. "Eliot hits the bullseye when he denounces as "hor rible" the doctrine that "the begetting and rearing of children are in the slightest degree sinful or foul processes." He adds: "The plain fact is there is nothing so sacred as the bringing of another nor mal child into the world in marriage, j Raleigh, N. C.J Dec. 5. The progress There is nothing staining or defiling tin the work oh the State test farms about it and therefore there is no need maintained by: the State Board of Ag- for shame or secrecy, but only for pride I riculture, under1 the. direction of Dr, and joy." I B. W. Kilgore, State chemist, . came Some races which we look down upon! in for comprehensive presentation inja are wiser about this matter then we I report of the activities - of the State Qo through Southern Europe and into I chemist's division just . submitted ' to parts of the Orient and. you will see that the State Board of Agriculture; when a woman passes, giving evidence I Treating the work at the Pender of aocroachine motherhood, instead I farm. Dr. Kiltrore savs a rreat deal of smiles , or sneers or stares from I of i work has been done 1 in clearing, bystanding men, as you will see, alas, I stumping and draining : with tile ajid in American communities, instinctively open ditclfes to get 'the farm in good everv male yields' neht of way and in I condition. There' has been Droeresir'ln i . , ....... " j courtesy uncovers. - I the preparations of pasture land for In those lands women have none, of the dairy herd and for hog raising.; He the feelinir of sensit veness which says a numper oi otnr interesting lines here keens many from needed exercise M work are in progress on the farirn, because they dread the comment oi especially witn pecans, summer apples, observers. If anything, they incline St1"8!8- strawberries and other small to be proud, as they should, that it is fruits. , He says work should go much to be their lot soon to add to the number more, rapidly , in the future ;than ' in of human lives. the past, as clearing and putting the In a well ordered societv. the sane- farm ln shaPe for the actual export- KU of It. rWf fnnrtSnnSmr wHM "V"" progress in -Hljl, t .rfllv omnhasizpd hv ,'tnm. establishment of the: Black' Land armL c u i5n. r:n near. Washington., N. rC,, Dr. Kilg0i. of derision or inspiring unsavory thought 8tated that pn jMW4 it should touch the chivalry of jnMrs'wT.', Pig not less ouickly than it is does every- i" o arunagC ana where the sympathy of women; and ,atT. ,n conpectton - with -the. question rr nhiur2n ;t i,iH hP th mMn. OI QI" roaas to' ma" lt accessiDie, to i,.!. . r;h in,; :Jters haVelleeni cleared up now; "the woul(j . t mam drainage canal having now been " . icompietea ana tne! construction qi otn The lapse we, in this country, have Lr ranai, hp:a nMr .re rj Permu uurSC.vCS u, roads are to, be, Constructed on tf natural and normal, standard is. f .,,3m..;.1,i.xiU indeed, as Vr. tliot says, norribie. - rmn,1Itliraf;nn w--fai llT. -L-lt 1 .U- x 4.1. U I T. " " -J '.W ""' " U-V" through the section,-and the oldfPly- Elizabeth City: N. C, Dec.'3. The Elizabeth City German Club will hold its annual Christmas dance this year on the 26th and 31st of December. The managers of the club "Bay these dances are going to be the best ever held here. Great preparations are being made for the event. ' , 1 - WHY WOT TRY pOPHAM'O ast.::.::. ezizjy. , GHTes Prompt and Punitive Relief In Svery Cue. Hoia Dy uruKisu. rn viam. . Trial Package by MaU 10c. , WILLIASSS KF8. CO., Props. Cleveland. 0. can't you i'mume! tolcall in person and inspect our line of dainty foods for 5or Thanksgivings We've, got them in abundance and the 3 price ' is , right. t Call early and we will help you make that : s. Thanksgiving dinner a success. - '- ; - H. c. uasnoxG "' truth shall make you free,"- Woman's Weekly . HEWS FROM E. CAROLINA E mouth turnpike .which passes near the farm, is1 to be rebuilt, at least to he railroad, by. Washington county, PROMINENT SPEAKER DELIVERS AN INTERESTING AD-f DRESS. "CASCARETS" .RELIEVE SICK; SOUR STOMACH. Move acids, gases and cloftfied-up "a fc. iivur UIV1UM.U, -&iJYa Bowels Cure Indigestion. Northern hunters who come' to this section must abide by the laws of .the tate and county. These laws are made " t o be observed by all the people, both local and 'those from other sections And the game warden intends to see ! v that they are observed.- It Tias been -reported here that a number of hunters , , "who- have leased a preserve in this county have placed a wire fence across a navigable stream for the purpose of '- keeninir off trpsruiaopra A n inmtL .. . a ' J w. .... vw w . " , gation of this report is to be made and . if found . true t. the men who violated v th law in this mariner will be severely dealt with. , . - ' . - Tomorrow the ,New ; Bern , Elks -will pay tribute to: their brother who bave passed over tfie riven This Lodge of Sorrow will be observed wherever there is a lodge of the antlered tribe. Get a 10-cent box now. ' '; :,' That awful sourness, belching of acid (Special to the. Journal.) ' land foul gases; that pain in the pit Greenville, Dec; S. Mr.' Jacques of the stomachache heartburn, ner Busbee, of Raleigh, delivered a most vousness, nausea, bloating after eating practicaly and interesting lecture Mon- dizziness and. sick headache, mean's a day evening at East Carolina Teachers' disordered stomach, which cannot' be Training School, on "Our Native Shrubs regulated until you remove the cause. and Plants."; t He opened .the eyes -of lit. isn't your -stomacn's fault, -.. Your his audience to the value of the common stomach, is a good: as any. ,.,: place things. , " 4,'r "' Try . Cascarets; they immediately Mr Busbee is an authority on the cleanse the stomach, remove the spur, shrubs and flowers of .North Carolina. I undigested and ..fermenting' food and His knowledge is thoroughly scientific I foul .gases, take- the excess bile, from but to this he has added an apprecia- the liver ,nd. carry off. the constipa.ted tibn of their artistic value. iHe gave waste matter and poison from i the the principles of landscape gardening bowels. Then your stomach trouble is and 'gave a list -of plants that are ended. A ascaert tonight ,will distinctively Southern and told ; how straighten you'.out; by morning-- 10 they can be used effectively.' ";' V f cent box from: any drugs store,' f will He began with the conjure negro "P y"r stomach sweet; liver" and and said that the' drug store was only bowels regular, dorl .months. , Don't the licensed fCunger'; doctor. He also lorget the children-Hheir little 'insides said that as you go through the country need tft , good,! gentle cleansing, too. in North Carolina that you see beauty .,::':'"-" ,,, t- everywhere except tn front yards and to The good will of a .business is en really appreciate our flowers we must erally appraised at ihore than it , is go to Europe where they are the pride j worth. - . , of court gardens. : ' ' - - j When love -'at first sight' leads to Mr. Busbee is a great favorite at the I marriage second sight is apt to lea ! Training School. He paints 1 .'the to divorce. ', .-. ) ' . - JUST RECEIVED Fresh lot of"' Sourwood Hoiiey , - c,-"- 15c, Pound Grocery Comply -Phoiie 162- The Pure Food Store 73 . Broad Prompt Delivery WILLIS Quality Not Quanity. --Hack- burn. - Smith's Horse Shoe, She? carries a complete line of shoes rubber heels. If your horse is lame' os out new feet on hint 1 Located in front of Pete Tren- with's Blacksmith Shop , - r DID YOU K) W Advertising is one of tne'most important factors pf sccfssful " merchandising and advertising jn its best f ornC is the flse of prioterft' ink. Adopt this 'method by sending! -your , advertising to the (C3I 1 I Or'phone No.8. jWe will.be pleased to call and assist you in getting up, your ad. vIf you want to get your share 'of the Christmas trade, start your ad. m DAILY JOURNAl All pork sausage coming in air the time.None better -Hackburnl ; Don't fail to see King and Gibbs Musical; Comedy Co.. at the Athens i 1 hea tre today. This is the best tabloid company .that has played here this season. , x i ' " , ADMINISTRATOR'? NOTICE. - ' v" ' ' v I Having, ' qualified as ' administrator of the estate of Wm. B. Green, deceased, late of Craven county, N. C, this; is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at New Bern, N. C, on or before the first day' ol December 1914. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery.! . All persons indebted to said estatjq ,will please make immediate payment.. This the 1st day of December 1913. v D. E. Armistead,( . ' Administrator. R, A "Nunn, Attorney. 12-1 30 dys. -1 rrt. 7- r t f , .V. . . . - 1 T',"1iIti? I 't..i, .. i- ... i. ' l ' - . J ' ' ' f 'm Somebody Gave Thw1 Young Man a Necktie forl Christmas Present. . The tie was too long ,and although a costl tone, was not the shade he would have liked. Naturally the gifthile aVpreciatedwas not as acceptable as would have been a year's sub- ' scrip uon io me -; v BEflfJ DAILY JOURriAL What would,; be more ' acceptable to your mother, father, sister; aunt or friend ' than a year's subscription to the' home paper ? Now here's what we are going : to do: - From now : until December 24. 1913 we are going to make a special holiday offer. We want vour rela tives and friends to have the New Bern; Daily, journal ana lor a limited time are going to make a reduction in the price of subscription' To every person sending in $3.00 with the ' at-t tached coupon we will send to . any address thfy may desire the New Bern Daily Journal for one year; In addition to this the ' person to whom the paper is sent will be forwarded an announcement that the person who has sent in the subscription wishes them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and " is r as-' sisting in bringing this about by furnishing them with jhe.New.Bern Daily Journal for Twelve Months , r Only a few days remain before Christmas. Don't delay in this matter, but , send in your I check at once. 1 - ". - , To The Publishers of the New Bern Daily Journal enclosed find Three Dollars for which send , the Journal to iName Town J.. State Signed..... 1 ..J For One Year. if a"' ft LET YOUR MQNEY WORK, 'f y, k ' if w fi2re Interest on yourSaving Deposits every . QUARTER. " " Theivjive add that ''Interest to . odrForiiinaI deooslt. and at the- Vt, end Joapother quarter, we figure ' r f 1 . IntafM n tUa tAtol ; Thl. 1....... ' ' i ' iU r. agjaln added and so on., " ,J ' M You see now haw ranidlv vonr v ,, . , . 0 - ... ,y y,. , money will grow. JStart an account -' now, and make your ; money earn n - more money. " x, ( : , i - " i '.j "? -.vThe Interest- goes on day after'-i r day, year after year. ' , i CITIZENS - SAVINGS BANK v. AND TRUST CO., NEW BERN, N. a - I I ' . A School for Boys andJGlris Intermediate ancf Academic Courses. Shorthand, typewriting etc Healthfnl IccaUon, careful supervis ion over Jatnletlcs five ezceUentteacheis for further Infomstlon .Bruce, Carraway, ;.l.Ti7CT, M l Don't f2il ,to r i IHr! and GiLbs !.Ir. : 1 ::v ly Co., at t!:2 At! - 1 'il.zz- m X a.-.. 13 7IL! f 1 t DISSOLUTION NOTIC: , 1 - f " The partnership heretofore existing: between Nita Williams and Clara Brewer under the firm name of Williams Brewer Co., has this day been mutually dissolved, Miss Brewer retiring front tUi .1 Hf! M7?1I! I ... niv. ii.in oim imSS vvuuams continuing the said business at the same stand under the name of Williams I,'"linery. Wi"Ian e-sumcs all d,bl of esi I Cvm anj l", i .mut clue the are t te l'Jd t j T ' V"'' - 3. -