On the Kh: 1 ju f . i ; sold from 10-to 13- cents j il,r4 K.. ;'r;'.::: ::. riThtlMiUlM j Mentne laggings jyien,; xne 2 Boat MenB the tFishihgi Meia;E fS the Hinting Menjor Mkiridc oi uuung ivien: Maybe what you' have been The old time Armyi Blanket,l4indestrue-3 tiWe;made exprastyfor Hospitals and other hard usages. : Color Navy Blue. Sizes 13-4 yd; wide and 2 34 yd. long. 1 mm 1UE." SPECIHT $31 We welcome Lookers as Buyers fiii-ifiiiili H FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY The early Christmas buyer gets the good things. The perplexing problem what to give and, where to buy it is easily solved by coming to our store. Something new and different, harder each day to find, especially something useful and good. Our Holiday sjtock is now complete and ready for you. Try early Holiday shopping this year. Respectfully Jg In Business Over a Quarter of a Century j 1 g'' ns s . i ... -sm .r i i ft,u""'a .j A great many pretty stoves at delightfully low prices ' are like Oliver Twist always wanting more. What matters l ; how pretty a stove is or how small the price if it is going ' . ': . .... . ' . . . f It 1 to eat so much coal tnat you nave to go into tne coai Busi ness in order to satisfy it. In buying a stove this is an im portant thing to look after v,''f;: Tip Top Oak Hot Blast EH The Price $10.00 ? GASKILL HARDWARE CO Let Us Su That while you are thinklng'of what you will present your friends , and loved ones with during holidays, that you caU at this store abd look our line of Holiday goods over. Remember, your friends and loved ones appreciate your, using discretion In buying gifts ' as much so as they do the gift oftentimes. It behoves you, ther-' fore to buy such gifts as will be both serviceable and durable. ;. , We have the most beautiful designs in Ladies Writing Desks ' ' obtainable which comply fully with the above-mentioned require-v.. ments because they are serviceable; durable and beautiful, and ; then we have sewing ' baskets, quiet . a Variety of them, which :; 4 make a splendid gift.- These, together with many other novel- f , ties you will find here toselect from. ; In fact, as the "IIom Furnishers" we are In position o offer suggestions and you can. see a variety of Holiday goods as will be Interesting and help : ful In7 the selection of your gifts ;. : :. . -' ,. 1 : 1 P I v...'i?. ::;-;- ';'-;.::-fv('i.''itV.f'-..' ' ?..: IVI I LLEU Hie Bom iPfcone229i "''''if $.''.''? P':"t.i;--?H1i'' ,S;i.r'T '. 5? Weight 6 lbs. Furnishers' 99-101 Od28 Street r tch eu & Co.l the saniegg est FunniTUtiE co. A. B: Cheek, of W, W. KimLali Co, Chicago, who conducted a piano eale here last year is m the city.'. Vhea seen by a' Journa liriania.t night, Mr. Cheek said they ha,d such, fines sale here they were contemplating putting on anothf one before ' Christmas, ; - . y '.';r notice of sAtE; ;! y - j''v.y'MX-.. ' .: : ZvThe i Undersigned will:"se!l:" for cash at his' plantation on Thursday, Decern- ber 18thl19i3, a.l6;O0 o'chic a? m: the following personal proptrty, ' to witrNia! '..1. Threj well brofce fariti' mulesand Executotevisor "Devisees, Adrnin 1 very fine- driving horse. i ; ; V : ,?trdtors Guard! ins, Special Proceed- ti lm ' " . ' " ' ' ' '':.:; Infra ' tailivnianta 'knb n'Wii imim ; A inree carts ana gear, one wagon and gear,: and one buggy and harness. ,4 3. AboUf 30a : bales Oof 'good hay, 100 barrels of good corn and 600 pounds of good fodder- . . f4 Hay prtto&lmo plows, "cotton": planters: staik Gutters? and various other farming implements.- , Anyone desiring to purchase this pro - perty or any part of it at private sale will call on the undersigned. , , ;A .This tHe 1st day of December,:i913.; '.tf'ikX RErTONT STMUfnTMS a'-Sfe-ii. w i ;i 3:S-. 5i--'-:r?v.-Ivth 'Court' Room was sold to Armstrong Kfll-Kil 3 flnd A nA-FP-Dft ' ". uw A1'U tile neW PreprallOn tnl'i',.. 1 ' 1 ' m IOIV maKinn CaKeS anU AVlillAis nA.r nAlr VI. Ullvi alIUWW J UI"UmVlT 20 Bananas for 25c 18 Sweet Fla. Oranges 35c 3 Large Grapefruit, 25c v; 2 large Celery 25c . Best Apples 60c per peck ASH ONLY . m CREDIT Those famous Chicken Sandwiches and hot chocolate, only 5, cents.': " Ice Cream Sodas, nothing, better, cents; . . . i .. : i':iu '-'' ' I also, have a ladies and gents. lunch room where they can get tha. best to eat at small cost. Oysters,' any tyle Hamburg sandwiches, heavy with meat, 10 cents. ; . .'V., ' H.'E. ROYALL bone 33 Middle Street feajjj vfe:roijODn:!!!i!i!iiia . : n variuaa il.iii ma r.uy .j:;9eii.r rilling., liui;:. tiiS;ii.w.:iruu!riiain irir,;;y , jbirople'tliaiiplsIik I In handsome ' ' Christmas 1 boxes, Exchangeable af ter ' Christmas if point . doesn't suit, f '-J, VI Edward GarL j ftrtnsyly Pccontasglii d HStesmif Co;3. Yard Foot of Cra ven 1 nil iq i Phone j i ' .:- I SSI BS I Sw-v-h-,, ... vras.lt Ka'tiiil- 1 ill riSSfi:;- ... lsrt mm "' ' December 1st, 1913 At 10 o'clock a m., December 1st, 1913,. the' Boartl convenes, -- Commissioners present: j ... ' Chairman C. D. ' Bradham, , ' N.' Lancaster, . . J. D. Williams,' - ,v , , tj H. T. White, V5'", - "";; E'Z-'.R.' Dav; and ; County Attorney T, D. Warren. ; ' - ' lt is hereby ordered that Lee Heith, white t No- Three "(3) Township, e relieved of. poll tax, Von, poverty; and ::ixuiM: f 6 -'" 6 " 7 .hen an,d partitions etc:i in the UerJc ? . tne superior court s ottice, . was awarded- to Mrs. Mae Felgar at i,vsu.oo, sue oejng the lowest wader; be made inonthlysfihe; w6l1t completed, as per her contract. Vpon motion Ofhe Board, the salary 01 lvlr.t V- ,v? annon, tveeper oi, tne . MaP,e cyPreM Bridge, was increased Twentyrfive dollars;: 25.0O) per .ontn, Deginmng jjecember 1st. pi. l?'The stove formerly; used for heating f-and McCarthy for S25.00.-ST.,:,:';,k " hereby ordered that the building listed to 'B. Parker for 6,750.0Q be reduced: to $4,500 on recommendation of. the Corporation Commission? ' It;.is; herebyordered; that J2Q.2S be .appropriated to enlarge a ditch toJ carry thewater'IroratheWwiy,' through the lands of Chas. Whitf rd, in No. '2, Township; the bill to be ap proved 'by' the County '..Engineer.-- The petition of J. 'T. Adams, Jl E. Dunn and N. D. Dunn dated Oct. 6th, 1913, for a public road from a point on' the Pamlico road near the "corner of Jv lpock's field,', and running a Northwesterly course until it 'reaches a point on the east boundary of Shelt ing Bridge Swamp, over the lands of J. J.. Ipock, in said county, 'where a private road has been used by the citi zens of Craven county for about '100 years, has been declined, , by order of the Board. . v ; The "following letter was 'read, and ordered to be spread' upon the minutes, as follows, to wit: V ' :-'.-.-:.;t '.; , t, November 22. J913. Mr. C. D. Bradham, , '-i : : Chairman Board of Commissioners, New Bern. N. C. Dear Sir, '' As requested by you I have examined the authorities of this State relating to the law " pertaining . to v stock law and non-stock law counties.1 .. Our Supreme Court has not yet decided, that a none stock law County Or territory is reqired to fence against a stock law county or territory. ' .The . only two decisions I have been able to ' find inour' reports, which' throwany light upon -the subject are 'the, 'following cases, ziy: ; ,.-,1. State v. Mathis 149 N. C, Page 546. This case was decided December 16th, 1908, , ; ": ;,'.iHH-?J v- 2. State vs. Garner. 158 N,' C.N Page 630. dee ded Aor 1 3rd. 1912. ' ": -. ' In the case of State vs. Mathis th defendant was indicted tinder jTSectio'n 1684 of the Revisal of North Carolina. The .;'; defendant lived In' McDowell County, a stock law county, with' ad joins Yancy County, a nan stock county. . The County Commissioners , of j"Mc Dowel! County 'made an" order; .fixing the Blue Ridge Mountains as a law fenced At-Uhe county 'line between the ?to ' counties' there jare '-.no 'gates or obstructions across the public, road, and stock can pass across the slid line. Defendant permitted his hogs to. run at large j after :-v the ;.6rdert was jnade by the Commissioners, and he contend ed that until , the 'Commissioners built a fence to-prevent stock , in - Yancey Lounty from coming into Mc Dowell County,' he could not bei compelled to confine .his ''stock, f, i C r .(, , In , these cases ; the -Supfeme :' .'Court held '' fnllnwa- . ' &.?!'?; " Y Ii .. Stock-law county ;. Commissioners 7TerritoirfiondWea,t'i5' ; In pursuance of' an election - held under ; Revisal,- Sec. 1684," resulting r in favor of the stock law, it is competent for the County Commissioners to forbid tock from running at large within the county, and declare a mountain range, a creek, 'a fence Or other;' natural line, as the Hmlt within jwhich the law shall operate '1 -"'tl.iE 2. Same Fencer-Adjoming Countyi? When the stock law is in force in i county under- the provisions of Revisal Sec.: 1684, and the. defendant, prose cuted for his violation, lives j within a' short distance, 'from' .he dividing line of : that and adjoining county 'wherein the stock-law was not operated, and wil fully permits his stock ta run at large, it is not a valid defence that no fence had been built on tne line to prevent the ' stock from the adjoining county to rim at large on. his side of th line, when the County Commissioners had declared the line to be a mountian range or other n natural or political (lo be continued.; i" ' .C. S. Hollister & Co. received yester day, a car load of Florida . oranges to enable thera to fill their Christmas orders. '. ' '.' . 1 I I 1 4 1 f t I 1 : , I i 4 k , . I I , II . -i -.. I I 11 M 8 . M n is on and crowds ire tak ing adyants ge of our , low prices. Pome early and get what Vou neep at our loss anq your gain. tllCsTcrap ii 5: T 11 iMssMsm4M4Msnsisasss 5 ? Tt. TZ n 7 Tt 77 ? k OurXatest a. Douglass' ; ' Beacoiif AMWiol&lii m&:7' mmcim alpgf85!L They are samples and can't be duDllcated at the nrfr. SAM UPMAN Cor.' Middle, and South Front Streets. . ;-. ;. ' ; . Bryan Bloc F..M. PORTABLE ENGINE WXJL- ' STATIONERY' ."V.i The oldest and most widely known and most satisfactory gasolene and ? . OU Engines on tne markjt. Made for ery purpose, la ;; ..-..' : "'- irbamks-m6rse & compawy 'Zon'ii cet starlsl taiteja:i2rgelad giying priecsj tve take Ms fdcWamoMc ment and write ,,i-.J see for yoisrsell 1 :: .v.iv ons creito tafctrd inG;strc1SISSiiil 'tl,.i, V'''y "-J " JVVgVe. -;:VVui - MMl.v. !'fl .ii..',;j:'-SY;;'.i''' i-Vf-Sif i':' V-Vi.:::1- wiiinA r ii-ft. 63 1-2 RUDDLE STREET Look f or he red end fcbek sla over tie window :,Tt :- . j i j 4 . To r:!rct that C:ri:t:rs Watch. A '- -.cl t: t c:r:r t: t j ' : :i: c: f r' v.,;:: . f;::-t:t i-"' c::i i J i . i t t L I I fi' "' V .... 1 1 : :'. ' ;. . " "- 99 -;.jsw mr Styles MiiM:H0f-j znti h !;-. AND PORTABLE :,-v: : , .:: . it from i'v.V r-XU-.m-' : V " - V1-' .. . j..r; 'V-". t,;. 'li't-., 3 : "!:":isi, ,.....,iv. 5 g ?. f- ,y' you to ralcEd what grestSte 1 ' V-v;t n --if ':d:-.;!i-; t, "- ... , v - - 1 ! 1 1 ..":t3 .u:it:..2 j in all A:::c:l- !.:'-fc-f1: i".;V-'!-':''riVV vi:-j Sf.iV: ....: j;. -,-",!'SifS'--.1-.'-.i'" :r-z'h:-'ft3 ' ", ;;:':''f;'';.-M':.t.t;;v--V'i.p;f i':-:-:' :' ;'"v':: ?-:s ,!.':-;'..i :. , -.!, t'