It :; BEHil DilLT'JOUBIL PublUbed every -day' in the year ex it ep Mond. y at 45 Pollock Street, BUSINESS OFFICE 'PHONE 8. 1 MECHANICAL DEPT, 'PHONE 50 t. i LAND PRINflNGfCOMPANY H H. Land- K. : I. Crumpler.. --Manager, -City Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. one year Six Months Three Months One Month 4.00 2.00 1.00 .40 Advertising rates furnished upon application to this office. Entered at the Post office, New Bern, N C. . a second class matter. It should have been j Judge Carter 'instead of John Lind. Greensboro News. fc&?f ' No doubt those Asheville hotel pro prietors sanction this suggestion. Their only regret is that the Judge could not have taken John's job earlier in the season. - Says the Wilmington. Star: "Don't forget to attach a Red Cross seal to your Christmas letters and all the packages you send away.' It de motes your interest and snare in a great movement for the benefit of hu inanity." There is no better way of lending a helping hand to sufferng humanity than by aiding in the fight against the great white plague. Evelyn Thaw, the widely advertised wife of J" Hero; Harry"; Thaw, is billed to appear iiy a ; theatrical attraction soon to be presented at v Greensboro. Commenting 'on t e approaching visit of Evelyn, .AL , - Fan-brother's Every thing says: 4 , v V .V - ; "The opera, house -managers have de cided that Evelyn Thaw may come to the Greensboro play house and disport herself.1' The woman is not an actress. She had some beauty before age took her 1 charm a way s v a girl she was winning enough : to 'claim, the lustful eye. ot staniora wmte;, mat tact, alone, however, 1 would not put her in the Beauty Gallery of the .World, because, if the stories were even half true, White picked up womenby the scor , and one who was even passing fair appealed to him. Evelyn was no Cleopatra . none of that magnifi cent voluptiousness which charmed Ceasar and drove Marc Antony to distraction and to death she . was just a common piece of clay endowed with that - vain gift called beauty, with no background of genius, tact or versatility which will make live the Hew Cern Els, :': Conor The Dead CpnSlndcd from ,page one .. heaven, and -.yet -who, marks the; fall of a. sparrow, knows what is best and does it, and though His devine decrees are " immutable v and mysterious," yet they affect men and 'nations alike and re the decrees.of a Joving father; .y ' ','And yet, how few of us ever expect the coming of this greatest of all chan ges in ' our. human lives, the final separation from the bright scenes, the joys, the sorrows, - the 1 activities, the ambitions of the. world, and out transition to another sphere ' ot ex istence," borne, upon and ' across -"the wide and fathomless ocean of eternity. "Whither we go we know not. tWe only know heathen, as well s Christian philosophers, since theviays of Socrates and Plato, have taught we are immortal, and we can only look up-and beyond the mists and shadows . which sur round the dark valley into the sunshine which rests above and beyond with Egyptian sorceress of the Nile as long confident faith in the divine, Master. as history endures. Just "a rag, a bone "The poet, Whittier, in that grand and a hank of hair" wicked enough poem, "The Eternal Goodness," imag to be naughty and naughty enough ines some beautiful islands of the sea, to attract a clod like Harry , Thaw, unreal and far distant, which , are full and after attacking him, absorb him. I of beautiful flowers and rare exotics, Greensboro has a Committee of land joy and peace and sunshine, Censors, and Everything hopes that I where it would be ecstasy to exist. if the Thaw woman comes it will be on hand, and if there is anything indecent presuming, of course, that she herself must not be pronounced indecent unless 6he does, by act, some indencent "Realizing the sin, .the. I suffering, passions, changes and chances of this mortal life, he longs for ' hese beauti ful islands of rest. ' ."",' "He cannot discover them,' and so he "The discharged postoffice night clerk of New Bern might be loaned to Rocky Mount, where Editor Home has been yelling lustily, for the past year, in effort to get one to keep . light in the postoffice of, his hamlet, in order to allow some . wayfarer to mail a letter home for money." Wilmington Dispatch. From present indications it looks as though the night clerk will have . to accept the Rocky Mount job. Mr ' Basnight has been dismissed, but so , far nothing has been said about rein J stating the night clerk. The visit of the Pennsylvania Rail way officials and bankers of that State , to this section is significant. Many are of th opinion that the Pennsylvania ' Railway Company is contemplating the purchase of the Norfolk Southern Railway Company and are hoping that this surmise on their part "will prove correct. The Pennsylvania Railway . Company is a corporation who believes . in giving the travelling public the best that can be secured in every way and it Is a well known fact that they are noted for fair treatment of the towns . and people along the line of their road. The Norfolk Southern people are handicapped, so it is said, by a lack of large finances and are not able to oper ate the road as they would like to do This may be the cause of poor facili ties and limited equipment, then again it may not. From a local standpoint . the purchase of the railroad by the , -Pennsylvania company would, it is believed, prove of inestimable worth. thing, the Committee will promptly p tiently waits Lby the'shore nd lis stop the performance and let it go at I tens for the sound of the muffled oar that." of the boat which is to bear him across Recently Gertrude Hoffman threw a I the ocean's billows. scare into the theatre-going public of I (' "And when that hour comes to us, Greensboro and it is safe to say that! may we exclaim with -Tennyson: if Evelyn does not deport herself I " 'Sunset and evening- star, properly while in the-Gate City that I And one clear call for' me; there will be something doing which I And may there be no moaning of the graph, , placed .above, the camera, re cords every cound that is made. Edison atone employs this method of recording and .therefore has the only genuine Talking Pictures. ,' . o .The Wizard saw at a glance that the greatest difficulty' that th Talking Pictures would offer was the invention of a phonograph that would be sensi tive enough to record every sound and could atilj be placed out of range of , the : camera. The wealth "of data accumulated' during the invention of the phouognapli several years agd soon enabled him to solve the problem and to announce his latest remarkable achievement the union of sight and sound, , : . ' . , . t These pictures , will be seen at . the Masonic '. theatre Monday e afternoon, December 15, and also at night.. TO THE MEMBERS OF CRAVEN - FARMERS' UNION The Craven County Farmers' Union will meet at the Court House in New Bern, Saturday, December 13, 1913, at 12 o clock tn. ' ' , You are earnestly 'requested to be present as this is the annual meeting of the County Union, and we desire a full attendance. . ' , i V , : W, O. Gaskins, ' Secretary. By order of the President. PILES! PILES! PILES! WILLIAMS' INDIAN PILE OINTMENT Will cure Blind. Bleedlnv and Itchlntr Piles. It absorbs the tumors, altars Itching mX onea sots as a pouiuoe, gives instant reuez. - For sale by all druggists, mail 80a and tl-OQ. WIUJAMSMr6.C0.,propsaeYelani,0hM I will not ne mentioned on the program. WIDER DISTRIBUTION OF COTTON STATISTICS DIRECTOR OF CENSUS. WM. J. HARRIS, TAKING INTEREST IN MATTER. Washington, Dec, ' 8. The arrange ments made by Hon. , Wm. J. Harris, Director of - Census, ' for the wider distribution of statistics collected by his office concerning the quantity of cotton ginned, the quantity of cotton consumed monthly, and the stocks of rnttnn on hand at the end of each month, has met with general approval 1 hoPe t0 y face to face throughout the cotton-growing States. He has received numerous ' sugges tions concerning a still wider, distribu tion of -these statistics, and he has made arrangements with the Postmaster General to allow postmasters in every postoffice in counties where cotton grown to post in a conspicuous bar When I put out to sea. 'But such a tide as, moving, seems asleep, Too full for sound or foam, When that which drew fronv out the boundless deep Turns again home. 'Twilight and evening -bell, , And after that, the dark! And may there be no sadness of fare well, When I embark. "'For though from out Jour bourne of Time and Place, The flood may bear me far, When I have crossed the bar. Those .who' love and serve - their fellow men may pass from the stage of action, but they' still live in the affection and memory of their friends and fellow citizens; and so, I am sure if loyalty to conviction . and . duty, place copies of the reports containing I fidelity, charity and brotherly love, statistics . of cotton. These copies will I if Christian manhood -can, as it does, be printed on extra large cards, so the I prepare a man or transition to a higher figures can be easily read. Mr Harris I and nobler existence and cause his hopes that, in this manner, he will be I memory to survive, David R. Davis able to give the farmers, and all others, J still lives in his life and work. access to the valuable . statistics . "He has only passed from earth to collected by this Bureau. Heretofore I some happier existence, and we, believe the reports have been given by the I that 'in the silence of the receding world Bureau of the Census to newspaper I he heard the . great waves breaking representatives and to the different I upon the farther shore and felt upon telegraph companies for distribution. I his brow the breath of Heaven's eter In commenting on the fight that the - New York newspapers are making on the speed maniacs, the Greensboro News says: "New York papers are strenuously advocating a statute providing a term in the penitentiary for reckless automo- bilists. The choice by a violator of the speed hw of a day in jail in preference to a fine of $25 appears to have been the last straw and the patience of the ewspapers, if not the public has at last collapsed.- "As a matter of fact, what essential ' difference is there between the drunken fool who empties his revolver on crowder thoroughfare, and the . other . fool who hurtles through it at 40 miles an hour in an automobile, except that sometimes the latter has not even the poor excuse of intoxication? A . motor ' car has been judicially adjudged a dead ly weapon; a man who takes a pot shot at another with a gun is no less a criminal because he chances to miss . his target; and the man who endangers the lives of pedestrians by reckless driv ing is no . less a criminal because he happens not to hit anybody.".- "- ' Every city has to contend with the speed maniac. The breed is not unknown in New, Bern, and they have seriously injured several persons during the past few months : There' are other .towns and cities in North Carolina that have to contend with the same thing and we believe that the only way ! that such persons V will '. ever be '; convinced ' that they are violating the law is for the North Carolina - legislature to follow the suggestion of the NewVork' papers and. make' the penalty for speeding so severe that the men who are now ' en dangering the live of the public will curtail their "desires to "open'er ' up." j Following this distribution copies of the reports have been mailed to the ginners, manufacturers nd warehousemen, but there his been no practical method de vised for the distribution of the in formation directly to the farmers: It is Mr. Harris's purpose to give the statistics to the farmers so they can take advantage of the " information collected by the Federil Government. ELKS NOTICE. Regular meeting of your lodge to night .at 8 o'clock. You are, earn estly requested to be present. Lun cheon.-. . ";.'-. By order E. R. - t , v T. B. Kehoe, ; v -o . Secretary. "FLYING SHIFF" GAOSED BE nal morning.' ; ' ' , 'There is no death! What seems so is ' transition. , :-Sr. ' ' This life of mortal breath Is but an entrance to the home Elysian, The portal we call death. . " 'There is no death! The stars go down To rise upon some other shore.' . -; And bright in Heaven's jewelled crown They shine for evermore.'' f. -"J'-jf" M 'There is no deathl The leaves may fall, ' - fjjg! The flowers may fade and pass away i They only wait through wint'ry hours .The' warm, sweet breath of May.'" To . Mrs. Benton , and Miss , Mary Willis and Mrs..M. R. Willi and C, T. Pumphrey, George Stratton, - David Willis and T. J, ' Roberts are the Elks lindebtedf or the vocal and instrumental selections furnished for the occasion. FORTUNATELY NONE OF THE TRAIN CRW WAS IN- .' - ! "; JURED. . ' In a collision late last Saturday after noon on the "i connecung - tne Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company's tracks with r those , of : the ' Norfolk Southern Railway Company, two of the former-: company's freight cart j. were badly damaged. r Ebison has The only ? REAL MKIuS PICTURES WILL BE SEEN AT , .THEATRE ON , - ' CEMBER 15, .MASONIC PE- k ; The tremendous success of Edison's The engineer had, made a '"flying" j brought on the usual rush of so-called shift, and, due to a misunderstanding "Talking pictures.", Edison,' however, of orders, At cars ia some way got on ;g the only r man - producing - actual the wrong track and crashed into sever-1 talkingpicturasthat is' pictures and al Norfolk Southern cars. Fortunately records which were made at the same no one - was injured. Several days ago one of the Norfolk Southern1 engineers made a similar shift and the car, failing to take the proper time under perfect 'synchbniring con ditions. '; wsv-rw'. -u"':, v-ir.,1, " When an "' Edison talking ' machine is made the actors rehearse lines and track, .; crashed into tne carpenter s action until they are perfected. Then department at the repair shop and did the play is talked, sung and acted considerable - damage, . - bofo-" t' e camrra vhile the rlio Masonic Theatre; Dec; 1 1 Will E. Culhane presents . Eugene Walters' ' 1 Paid in Fun" u And an All Star Cast Including EILEY O'CONNOR 2 YEARS IN NEW -YORK CITY At Astor Theatre.Broadway The Longest Run on Record Played by Players who know how Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Seats on sale at Wood-Lane Drug Co. : Curtain at 8:30 sharp NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX. Having qualified as administratrix of the Estate of Edward Neilsea V ceased, late of Craven- county, Nerth Carolina this is to notifiy all ptrsvns having claims against .the .estate of I said. deceased to exhibit them the! undersigned on or before the 4th day of November, 1914." or this aotici will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate, payment. fi; MRS. EUPHEMIA NEILSEN, .'.v.' T; : it,;' Administratrix. New Bern, N. C. - - - v This 4th day of November,' 1913. i . ' Somebody .Gave This Young Man; a Necktie for a Christmas Present.. The tie was too long and . although a costly one, was not the shade he would ; have , liked. Naturally the gift, while appreciated, was not as acceptable as would have been a year's sub scription to the 1 t ' ' ' ' - " w BERrJ DAILY JOUItrJAL What would " be - more acceptable to your mother, father, sister, aunt or friend 'than" a year's subscription to the home paper? Now; here's what we are going ; to do : : From ;? now ' until December 24. 1913 we are going to make a special holiday offer. We want -your rela tives and friends to have the New Bern Daily Journal and for a limited time are going to make a reduction in the price of subscription. To every person sending in $3.00 with the at tached coupon, we will send to, any address thfy may desire the -New: Bern Daily, Journal for one year.r In addition to this the person to. whom the paper is sent will be forwarded an announcement that ther persoiiP who has sent in the subscription wishes' them a Merry Christmas and a Happy NewrYear and is 'as sisting in bringing this about by furnishing them with the New Bern Daily Journal for Twelve Months " ' 1 v - ' Only' a few days remain before Christmas, ' Don't delay in this matter but send in your check at once, f ' ' 1 - , , . To The, Publishers of the New Bern Daily Journal enclosed find Three Dollars for which send the Journal to . '"''"' Name ,- - lownv State.,. Signed...... For One Year. 1 1 V.t: JUST RECEIVED LET YOUR MONEY WORK. a Fresh . lot- of - Sourwood Honey , -. . ' ' v;' - 15c, Pound Grocery Compy. -Phone 162- The Pure Food Store 73 Bruad Prompt Delivery . We figure Interest on your Saving - Deposits every QUARTER. ; I Then we add that interest to , 1 " ' ,end of another quarter we figure - Interest on the total." This interest ! , , i ' , Is again added and so on. ' . v ' " " . J'i, V You , see 'now how rapidly your v" J ' ' ," " money will grow. Start an account ''' ' i , ' ' no and make your money eara v " V ,,, 4 more , money. - -,-, , v v - y , K e 11 ,. The; Interest '.goes "on "day after ':. - . , .4. day, -year after year. - ,' n ' -.-,, . 1 ' , CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK 'AND . V ' - . v CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK 'AND i '( ' TRUST CO.,. NEW BERN.N. C. 4 Allpork sausage coming in all the i . :".TL.T ' ' . . . .' ' time.iN one oetrer Hackburn. - t, 1 , s "Vt-I" , , ' l. j- 31 I? . r . . Quality Not Quanity. --Hack- burn. v 'A School for Beys andGins Intermediate antfrAcademlc Com sea. '.'..".. Shonhand, typewriting etc. ' EeaJlbf nl k cation, carefnl supervla Ion over (athletics live tceUert teacbeis for further Infoiinstlon '. .V'..-..., . t k. ' K" ? . ) . ; - ;- ... .- . '"' ' '' 1 ' ' Bruce Carravay, rr.VfC.TT, I!. I). ADMINISTRATOR'S J NOTICE. -tv)5;' Having qualified . as - administrator of the estate of Wm. B. Green, deceased, late of Craven county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate' of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at New Bern, N,. C, on or before the first day ot December, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please' make immediate ' payment. This the 1st cay of P -ember, 1913. n. r. . ' i, Building : Laterial Just received a Lzr k 1 c! 'Alha Tcrt.'dr . mm, - , k T T v

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