An Important Feature '' AT THE ' . HOTELS Personal BUSINESS I HOURS. We number as patrons of this Institution a great many business ' houses which keep their accounts with us mainly because they ob tain prompt,' satisfactory service and so express themselves., They appreciate the fact, moreover that we accord car eful con8ld era tion to all business entrusted to our care. .am a niimiii nm i in miiimillllliiiiiniiiiimiiiinH'iiHimiiim ( s Pay Your Bills by Check. $ It is much safer to pay your bills with a check man wnn money, uvery iarmer in mis coun ty should have a bank account, no matter how $ small;- -It is the only correct method of keep 9 . ing books. ; By having a checking account at 9 ' our. bank we keep your books for you in a fault- less manner and free of expense. Your checks 9 , show you every, transaction, besides being a re $ ceipt for every cent you pay out. Open an ac $ count with us today and let us keep your books 9 foryou. 1 .- 1 The National Bank of New Berne j Four per cent. Paid on Savings and Timr De J . , posits Compounded Quarterly . 2 Safe Deposit boxes for Rent Gem Hotel. D. B. Gaskill, Washington; Mrs. L. Wallace, M. City; H. A. Stephens, Oriental; J no. R. Barker & Wife, Trenton; A. P. Lanceford, Rose Hill; C. H. Parks, N. C; H. M. Roberts, Balto.; Jas. E. Gaskill, City; J.' E. Gillikin, Beaufort; E. V. Edwards, N. C. James Hotel. - Leroy Harper, N. C; J no. P. Smiley, Tenn.; G. M. Murphy, Memphis; L. Bloomburg, N. Y.; C. D. Morris, Norfolk; R. W. Poe, Norfolk; M. D. Lane, N. C; H. A. Jarman, Jax.; E. C. Harrell, Jax.; Wallace Smith, City; David Morris, City; T. W. Brogden, City; Joe Bush, City. Gaston Hotel. Chas. E. Warner, Jax.; A. C. Lang ston, N. Y.; L. T. Gillette, N. C. Mrs. A. A. Rettcrson, Boston; D. W Johnson, Grifton; Geo. Scott, N. Y. E. A. Rutto, Spartansburg; J. E Ballard, Balto.; D. A. L'Esperance Atlanta; C. E. Lever, Balto.; N. F Scott. Va.; C. O. Wilcox, Chicago O. M. Tull, Kinstoh; P. G. Alston Louisburg, Pa.; J. D. Goodman, Va. Gap Dicken, Raleigh; A. H. Mills Rich.; J. F. Komp, City; W. N. Law ton, Jax., N. C; Edgar S. Weaver Arapahoe; Geo. D. Graham, Cincinnati C. P. Fritschc, Rich.; Alf. Bucken Raleith ; Mark A. Smith, Tuscon Ariz.; Mr. and Mrs. Congdon, City Miss Sarah Congdon, City; Mr. and Mrs F. W. Feldman, City; H. B. West, City. Edgar S. Weaver, of Arapahoe, was among the business visitors in the city yesterday. Ned Dclemar returned yesterday from Oriental where he spent Sunday. J. B. Fer bee arrived in the city yesterday to attend to business matters. T. D. Warren left yesterday for Kin ston to attend to some professional business. J. B. Green left yesterday for Ply mouth in the interest of the New Bern Iron Works and Supply Co. J. F. Rhodes left yesterday for a short trip up State. Jas Gaskill left yesterday for Wash ington in the interest of the Hymin Supply Co. H. F. Hanks left yesterday for Washington. J. H. Weddell left yesterday for Ra leigh on an advertising tour in the in terest of the Pepsi Cola Co. Dr. C. W. Bilfinger, of Jacksonville, arrived in the city yesterday for a few days' stay. W. M. Pugh left yesterday for More head City on a short commercial trip. J. R. Fox left yesterday for Raleigh for a few days' stay. JAS. A. BRYAN,. President JNO. DUNN. Vice-President GEO., H. ROBERTS, Cashier W. W. GRIFFIN, Ant, Cashiet khbhsri MhUft Sick Room Supplies Have much to do with the speedy recovery of .the patient. Some people are not familiar with the many conveniences which are provid- -ed . for: this purpose. .When anything is : needed to add to the comfort of the sick, consult us. , : : : : Ice Bags. Hot Water Bottles, Bed Pans, Air Cushions. Clinical Thermometers. " Cotton, Lint, Gauze, Bandages -And numerous other things beneficial in the sick room. Bradham Drug Co. Oeanliness Is Next to Godliness - - ' itSP0 is. always refresh. ttSSrF ing particularly when it. is ' ySr1 v$"$ u kw qualities -Vf : 1 MMmM riame.:(Our8;arid our extracts too; are pure; no analysis, could : prove them otherwise. Come in and inspect our surroundings BERS OF NAVAL RESERVES ENSIGN R. B. FULFORD OF &EW BERN WAS IN ATTENDANCE. Cilv. B. Croclle left yesterday for Jacksonville. D. M. Stanton left yesterday for Beau fort. E. H. Gorham left yesterday for i i . . . . . i Elizabeth City, N. V., Uec. 8. A I '"orencaci iy returning non.e. court-martial was held here Saturday I afternoon under the orders of the i M. McOaniel left last night for Beau adjutant general of the State militia j fort for a fow (la's' v,s,t to trv W. I. VV'inslow. a niomher of " " Pif.t. n;: , v,.,..i I. n. wera ana rroi. n. d. iraven upon the charge of disobedience and j have returned from Oxford where they for resisting arrest when ordered toaUende1 the Methodist Conference. attend the State inspection. The court 1 was held in the Armony hall on Water street. Lieutenant Commander C. L. Morton of Washington was president of the court. Lieutenant J. C. B. Ehringhaus was judge advocate. Lieutenant C. DJ Loan- of Plymouth, Lieutenant W. B. Rodman, Jr., of Washington, Ensign R. W. Small, of Washington and En sign R. B. Fulford composed the court. Lieutenant Commander W. A. Worth of Elizabeth City represented the defendant. The trial was' concluded yesterday after but the decision of the court was not made public. EPOCH MAKING REMEDY MADE BY DR. JOHN D. BEAR. His Emulsion Was Tested Four Year Before It was Put on the Market. Testimonials. A wonderful remedy has benn dis covered by" Dr. John D. Bear of Vir ginia. There are testimonials after testimonials, given by people who have used this remedy and all say it has proven to be a grand success .It was experimented with for four years before being put on the market, during that time it ; effected some great :ures. We believe it has come to stay and be used as a remedy. Everyone can rely on it to help stamp out the ravages of the con gumption germ, i If this remedy con tinues to meet with such success it will be a great thing for our coun try as', the State of Virginia alone lost 5,000 people last year from on sumption, and 2.0,000 are reported to have it now. V It was found out yes- ter ; day that i : have ordered a shipment of this great remedy." We congratulate ur druggist' on being so prompt. ": . . ' " 1 THE REVENUE CUTTER PAMLI CO RETURNS. '-0J.y'S ' The " revenue : cutter ' Pamlico ' has returned from a short cruise down the sound and around the waters in this section. 1 R. H. Whitehurst of Grand River, Ohio, passed through the city last night enroute to Gloucester. C. L. Short left last night for an ex tended trip up state in the interest of the Texas Oil Co. Deputy Collector Hull, of Kinston, arrived in the city last evening and was last night conferring with United States Commissioner Charles B. Hill, on official business. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF. Girls! Beautify your hair! Makes soft, fluffy and luxuriant Try the moist cloth. Try as you will, after an application of Danderine, you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most, will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No differ ence how dull faded, brittle and scraggy just moisten a cloth with danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, tak ing one small strand at a time. The effect is immediate and amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incomparable lustre, softness and luxuri ancejthe beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Get. a 25c. bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store,, or toilet counter, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or injured by careless reatment that's all. CASTO RIA , For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean trie Signature of ONE of the most important factors in successful saving is the ability to stick right at it. Saving a little from all the money that you receive will gradually accumulate a substaa tial fund that will be available for business purposes or as a safe, guard in case of misfortune. Business men and farmers can wall afford to save a percentage of their profits and professional men, women, salaried people, laborers, artisans and all classes of peo ple, should provide for possible future needs by present savings Th s bank accepts deposits of one dollar or more. FOUR PER CENT. FOUR TIMES PAID ON SAVINGS INTEREST A yEAR, New Bern Banking & Trust Company. Special Vitagraph Feature STAR THEATRE Qua'ity & Refinement TODAY Special Vitagraph Feature "THE CALL." VITAGRAPH.) SPECIAL 2 REEL FEATURE. Featuring EDITH STOREY and E. K. LINCOLN, ",tus" of the Vitagraph Co. Aroused by the discovery of his wife's duplicity .mil his friend's falseness, he seeks revenge. Their transgressions pave tin- way to their own destruction. A very clever plot and splendidlv acted, in Iced. "TOBIAS TURNS THE TABLES." (SELIG.) DRAMA. A ,-eal romance of the army. Very interesting as well as amusing. "FOOL LUCK." (KALEM.) FARCE-COMEDY. A rip-roaring comedy which shows that everything comes to the lucky. "DECEIVING UNCLE ASA." (KALEM.) FARCE-COMEDY. Another splendid comedy to make the evening a pleasant one. TODAY'S PROCEEDS ARE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE GHENT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. PREMIUM DAY THURSDAY. GRAND PRIZE. VALUE $20.00, 26 PIECE SET OF ROGERS GUARANTEED SILVERWARE IN ADDITION TO OTHER PREMIUMS. COUPONS RECEIVED MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ELIG IBLE AT DRAWING OF PREMIUMS. COME TO THE "STAR" AND YOU WILL ALWAYS ENJOY A REFINED PERFORMANCE AND A VERY PLEASANT EVEN ING C rtinuous Matinee starts 3:30 p. in. Continuous evening perfor mance starts 7:30 I have opened my toy store on Pollock street opposite Elk's Temple with a complete line of all kinds of toys. Call too see me. C. J. McSorley i 1 S I iii MEADOWS HO R S E and COW FEED --TRY IT- IT' i A. Meadows New Bern, N. C. i i I I i . r.ii:ii;uiii 2:;nS:u:S;2:2H:;2:SI: ING. TO MCLEAN- UP. ' Vr - 7g those who have only k dollar or so and want t vg v::l sell them during the coming r s Short and Long Goats, black, blue ! gray, and others. Come early. p mmm 1 61 Pollock St. ; New Bern