Lt t Tieati sent for A Durn. -If for no other'reasort, Chamberlain's Salve should be kept in every household '' on account of its great value in the treatment of burns. It allays the pain almost instantly; and unless the ipjury n a severe one, heals the parts without ; leaving a car. - This salve is also 'unequaled ' for '-chapped hands, sore mipples and diseases of the skin., Price " ,- mv ' Pnr a1n hv i all dealers. AdV.) - ; j Croup is a terrible disease, it attacks children so suddenly they are very apt to LlarrLoea Quickly Cured. "I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, persuaded me to" try a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chojera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking one' dose of if I was curejdj It also aired others that I gave it to," writes M. E.' Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. That is not at all unusual. An ordinary attack of diarrhoea can almost invariably be cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) ; Strengthen Weak Kidneys. . Don't suffer longer with weak kidneys . choke unjess given the proper remedy at Electr.c b.t wonderful remedy .nce.There,s nothing better m the world by women every wh re.- Start ' than Dr. Kinii's New Discovery, Lewis , ' ' . . . . Chamberlain,' ' of.,. Manchester, phio,? a new' woman with ambition 4f wntAa cthmit hut .children: , Sometimes . : . . i ... . k r . . . . - - - " t 1 - ., t-j 7-vfir - wirnriiiT iMf rr nam., . ivi r : in severe attacks we :wte a.fraid t-johrfDowUnk of San' Francisco, writes: i" Willi I LI IIIC. UUL -SI 1 11. V. TT -' v .t i - J r - . 1 1 T..1 .aMi - - j : i-v r' i . xt oraucuae ior. cue wunucriui cuai a certain remeoy m,,. of Electric Bitters prompts me to write. , discovery is, we nave . . u my..wife when all else failed.' n it. tor croup,rc9ugM,anu.u., :,;Gow!-for;tliever Nothing Socayou.9Uc..anQi. A u -tetter for indigestion or biliousness. anouia De in .every nonw. im. v-k- p fc Sfc and $1 at all druKgi8ts. '; H E. RnrHpn & Co.. Phila. and ... , .. ,, . - . " Plantonic love may be a success Game birds and beasts are thankful at a distance. ' Aat Thanksgiving is ' past. ; Stomach Troubls ' Disappear. Nearly Every Child Has Worm.. t ;.j wj. .(n,,HM. Paleness, at times a flushed face, un weak nerves, lame back and female ills hunger, picking the nose, great - disappear when electric bitters are used - .w -- thousands of women would not be with- Kickapoo Worm' Killer is a reliable, ' . ... r-i: tni f thorough medicine for the removal of Depew, Okla. writes: 'Electric Bitters kmds of worms from children and raised me from a bed of sickness and suf- dlt8. Kickapoo Worm Killer ,n pleas fering and has done ine aVorld of good. ant candV totm; a,da digestion, tones :i .,.fW!n woman roulrl use system, overcoming, consupauun anu x... m.A find ftt M f increasing the action of the liver. I : if U A it has perfectly safe for even the most delicate kalped thousands of others, it surely wil children. Kickapoo Worm Killer makes do the same for you. Every bottle guar- "- .' ' ' -nrPeH. SOcV and 11.00. At all druggists Guaranteed. Try it. Drug .tore, u. ' . ni..ij,i.i.i. by mail. Kickapoo Indian Mediant CUDDHIST CULT IN EUr.GPE Monastery Recently Established In Switzerland Is Said to Create - " V a Precedent. ' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having l qualified as- administrator f the estate of W", M. BagleyLdeceased late of Cravencounty, North Carolina this is to notify all ' persons having ..i . : ' . t . . r ... What ta said to be the first Buddhiatr"""': esvate,oi saio ae- liionmiM nn In Wm thn ceasea to exnibii them to the under- whlchnot long ago was established J "Sed on or before November 24, in the canton of Tlclno,' In v.Swltzer1914, or this notice will be pleaded in land, high above the tillage of Nc-ibar of their recovery! vagglo, overlooking Lakes Maggiorei All persons indebted to said estate and Lugano. It is a curious circum stance that the founder of Buddhism ui ownzenana Bnouia do not an un-j ental, but a German. A native of1 will please make immediate payment. This November 24, 1913. H. I.. Arnold, Administrator cum ..,........ r 11- i ) i Wiesbaden, he now bears the name ol , , . . , ' .. . .rB ,' riu.v- m - v. . Tdcccascd. Address: Vanceboro. N. C. W. F. Evani, Attorney. Klkkhu Nyanatiloka. ; It appears that this detotee decld- ('rtenville, N. C. CITY OF NEW BERN, N. or St. t Louis. Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. Remember the Christmas stockings The who is always trying to f the poor littl ones. Don't let them attract attention usually attracts the be empty. wrong kind. . Constipation Poisons You. ' If you . are constipated your entire Caught A Bad Cold, sysrem ,s. poisoueu y - Lflst wjmer my g0 caught a yery Kept in o.e uouy ba, co)d and way fce coughed was joiiow. vse ir. something dreadful," writes Mrs. Sara and you will soon get rid of constipation R Duncan of Ti!ton Iowa. We headache and other troubles. 25c. at 8ure consump- . Druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen wj t one of & Co., PhUa. & St. Louis. . chamher,ain-8 Ciugh Remedy and that one bottle stopped his cougl and cured The Mexicans do not let a little thing his 'cold completely." For sale by all like close kinship interfere with their . dealers. (Adv.) aiurdering each other. Dr. Hobson's Ointment Heals . ' Itchy Eczema. 4 ne constantly licning, uurmug Bcusa- . lion and other disagreeable forms of ecze ma, tetter, sajt rheum and skin erup tions promptly cured by Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. Geo. W. Fitch f Mendota, 111., says: "I purchased a box of Dr. Hotison's Eczema Oint- i aient. Have had Eczema ever since the . Civil War, have been treated by many doctors, none have . given the benefit .that one box of Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment has." ; Every sufferer should try- it. We're so pdsftive it wilt help you we guarantee it joi money refunded. ; At all drirggists or ufa mail,. 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical . and Stj Co., Philadelphia Louis. v Even a deaf man. has a good tar isr some kinds oft music. ASTORIA IS 7or Infanta and Children, liia Kind Yea Im Always Bought Bears the Signature of NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Mother Of Eighteen Children. , "I am the mother of eighteen children end have the praise of doing more work han any young. woman in my town," writes Mrs. C. ' Martin, Boone Mill, , Va. "I suffered for five years with - stomach ' trouble - and : could not : eat as much as a biscuit without: suffer ing. I have taken three bottles of Cham berlain's Tablets' and am How a well woman and weigh 168 pounds. I can eat anything I want to, and as much as I. want and feel better than I have v.; any time in ten' years. ?1 refer to . ay one in Boone Mill or vicinity and By virtue of the power conferred in that certain deed of mortgage executed to the Undersigned by the Vanceboro Steamboat Company, Inc., dated 8th day of Deptember, 1908, and registered in" the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven' county, N. C, in book 163 page 347, on account of default in" the fjayment of the indebtedness thereby secured, we will on Monday, the vSth day of January, 1914, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door of said county, in the city of New Bern, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at public auction, the follow ingfidescribed tract or parcel of land lying situateand being in the said county 4n Township No. One, adjoining the lands of R. C. Cleave, A. M. Williams and others, bounded as follows, viz., beginning at a light wood stump near the edge-of Swift Creek, running thence to the channel "of said creek, thence down said ' creek seyehty-five feet, opposite two small cypress trees;, thence tito said trees; thence to a stake on the side ot the main roaa; tnence seventy five feet .up said road to a stake; thence a straight line to the beginning, containing about a . quarter of an acre, more or less, and being the same la.nd conveyed by R. C. CleVe, A. M. Wil liams and Fannie Williams to Vanceboro Steamboat Company, by deed dated 22 April, 1902, and registered in said office in book 141, bage 145. y ' This 3rd day of December, 1913. t 'J. B. Harvey, - . - , McRay Dinkins, . - i : B. . R. Warren, " - Mortgagees. . ' By R.-A. Nunn, Attorney. 12-4 1 mo. ed, at an early age, to renounce" the ' vanities of the world, and that dur-i ing the nine years of his seclusion in Ceylon he became' absorbed in the! study of Buddhism. In time he at-1 tatnul hn n I.J .. f i. which means "the man who possesses Konds For Sale, the wisdom of he three worlds." , This priest was assisted in the or- Sealed bids will be received at the ganization of the monastery in Swifc ffi"e of-the undersigned, in New Bern, zerland by a German co-religionist, by N- i-ntil Tuesday, 16th day of a priest from Burma, and by English December, 1913, at 12 o'clock m. and Dutch converts. Thus five men for the purchase of Twenty Thousand iormea ine nrst wuaamst brotnernood Dollars "Public Graded School Bond ,, Pr M 1,16 lraamonal issued by the City of New Bern, N. C. 'tt" Mr," :r: P'aWe 30 years after the first would undertake no tiv. nn,n.n. of JU,V' 1913' and bearing interest da. the Swiss authorities nlaed no oh. at thc rate of five Per centum per annum Btacles in their way. I wnicn sa'd interest shall be payable ; . 'semi-annually on thc first days of Jan SCIENCE OF HOTEL KEEPING uary and July of each and every year ' at such place or places as may be 8wlse Youth May Be Said to Have aKrecd upon by and between the Board Revolutionized Methods of the i Aldermen of said city and the pur European Hostelries. ' chaser of said bonds, so long as any of said bonds shall remain due and un Like many another mighty enter- paid. Said bonds to be of the denomina V I , nteis na tion of not more than One Thousand nE SSTJ ft' ? Wh.16 id6a DM nor less tha" "e Hundred had its origination in the brain ol a n , , , . , Swiss farmer boy, Cesar Ritz, whose P,la ch- asf may be determ.ned father tilled a small holding. The son, - the Board of Aclermen, and shall however, had larcrer Ideas. Tnkinir un ''ear on their face the words: "Public hotel work at the beginning in a very Graded School Bonds." All the cou minor capacity, be developed a most pons thereon .shall, after maturity, wonderful sense of color, form and be receivable in payment of all taxes taste in every respect, and he brought dejits, dues, licenses, fines and demands the art of hotel keeping In Europe to a due the city, of any kind whatsoever, higher pitch than it had ever been be- whirh sha ,)e ssed on thc face fore. Indeed he revolutionized hotel f , , . , , keeninir in Rnlnnrt nH H l,f saul bonHs' In a" othcr respect. that revolution has irrarlimllv shown t!,c sai(I bonds shall be in such form its influence all over the world. Ritz's as ),,ay be aSrccd uPon by and between first enterprise was the Rita hotel in thc Sai'' Board of Aldermen and thc Paris, which he started about 1897. purchaser thereof. ine second venture was the Carlton i mined check lor a sum equal to hotel of London, and the next was one per cent, of the amount of bond V. TM t I T i. ... - , . . .... vuo iWM ul xjuuuvu. in eauu oi tne Did tor as evidence ol good iaith must many Kitz Hotels already built, build- be filed with bid. u. p ior were is a separ- mdcn are invited to submit form wi iwai cuuipuny wuicn nas lurnisn- r u j i , C1ithahll,n, th:k., of bonds ad coupons to be used. While the central orenniatinn th The r,ght to reJect any and all b.ds Carlton Investing comDanv. In all is rescrved cases holds the common stock and a BV order of the Board of Aldermen controlling interest. In this way all of the City of New Bern. the local companies are made to work This 3rd day of December, 1913. unitedly and in the interest of all. F. T. PATTERSON, ' . 12-4 to 17. City Clerk. Nursery Porcelain. . Ungrateful; indeed, Is the small child who has not an appetite for its NOTICE OF REMOVAL OF BODIES 2 r ,S,rT ,V FROM CEDAR GI er daintier. In addition to the well- rirvipxiri v known Dutch and Normandy babies LtMtitKY, diBDOrtine themselves In hlne. hriarht green or red garments upon a pure Notice is hereby given to all persons white or a pale green background, are holding deeds for or claiming to own the loveliest of mugs, cups, porridge lots in Cedar Grove Cemetery in the bowls and bread and butter plates in city of New Bern that the Mayor fine china, hand-painted with flowers and Board of Aldermen of said City ana animais. -men tnere are Jap were bv the General Assemhlv nf North nese sets bearing small Orientals in Carolina at the special session 1913 : CSniBdren Cry for Fletcher's ,;vn..vSss The Kind. You TIavo Alvr-s Bought, and v hk-h han boon in use for over i'O y :::-sf has borne the sir-naS tire of ttad lias been niatla -tinJ v I.'.h per f r x-sonal supervision since its infancy.. "&f7, JUCA Allow no oao to deceive you in U:i3. All Couxitcrfeits, Imitali':;s asxl ".'iist-aH-good " are bwt iJ.xperiiuents tl:at tfllle with and endanger the liealili of intfuiits and Children Experience against Jxperiiucnt flowered kimonos and queer shoes, and Chinese potteries showing what authorized and empowered to remove manner , of dishes the Chinese child lVe dea! bod,es of a" co,ored Persons eats out of. Among individual sets how buried in said Cedar Grove Ceme- cotftisting of a milk bowl, a spoon tery and to Properly and decently and a bread rack are some very love- re-inter said bodies in Greenwood ly outfits In finest . Haviland china Cemetery in said city and that such banded and decorated with gold, and bodies will be so removed after the In strong contrast to these are sets in first day of January, 1914, unless wnite French ware almost wholly cov- the next of Win rinvi or Hivit "1CU Wllu Bayiyuowerea aeB1gns. of such deceased nerson. or the owner i of such lots, show cause why such re . Poor Charities. movai should not be made on or before mere are cnanty societies, as ail -j the world knc,ws, that only give to the n r, . , .. . dollar they take in, most of their sub scriptions going for salaries to officers and investigators, for expensive rent als, etc. Richard March, the charity expert , of Denver, was condemning these char-; Itlen. Ha raM- ! A ,., U,.J .. 4 V t.UKlSlMAS AXXL JM!,VV UAK the other day: - . I - muliuak. - 'Don't you think this blue overcoat at.Af cauukmuin a akis with the strapped-in back is too new via the and fashionable, George, to give ATLANTIC COAST LINE, away? ,. , The Standard Railroad of the South. It s the agent of the Alpha Incor- Tickets will be on sale fro m all ooints porated ChariUes thaffl at the door, on the Atlantic Coast Line to all points lsnt itr ' " cv. f nk; j b This 3rd day of December, 1913. R. J. DISOSWAY, Chairman of Cemetery 12-4V till 1-1-14. Committee. ' Tea, . dear.' j , "Then let the coat go,' said George. Planing Mill . Now in Operation - wiii vouch for what i say.", Cham-I and length'at prices cheap f-J srtaia's Tablets are for sale by all .Ut Uannao. AnnA filers (Adv.) , " I " - litj and prompt delivery Is teaman a eirl uses 6n. voun. 'mOttO. WUJ be pleased ' A. A kill ber large or small call , or Write an to make another feel bad. You have a right to think a lot of I kings you have no righttosay. , E. W.; Simpkin "I took two of Chamberlain's Tablets WkzU tfOU jCcl '.SSSt ast n-,ht, and I feel fifty per cent. tiredi ied or despondent it is & t i.rr fan I have for weeks," says .nr 'n m need MOTT3 NERVL.UK2 J. J. Tl' lone of Allegan, Miwh. 1 . They renew the normal vigor and J'T! y ere , certainly a fine article l;ra wortn hViog, B sure and sst lor - -rs." Tor sai,-riyn driers ":z Z !:rvcrme HI! J east of the,. Mississippi rivers, including It'll be old enough and' old-fashioned Washington, Cincinnati, Evansville and enough before it gets to the poor dub (-'oKfor'aU trains Dec. 17, 18, 19, 20, that'a shivering or it now.'" . -: 21 22, 23, 24, 25 and 31 and Jan. 1, ' 1 1 - - limited returning Jan. 6, also to many -Indian Matrimony, Old and New. points in the Northwest and Southwest, The matrimonial advertisements ae- on Dec. 20, 21 and 22, limited returning cepted by the Indian papers occasion- Jan. 18, and from points in Va., N. C, ally 'bring oat the contrast between and S. C. To Havana, Cuba, on Dec, the old order of things and the new. 20, limited returning Jan. 6th, 1914. Here, for example, la an lnvitatlow Passengers must reach original starting froma paper" to the Punjauh UlustraV point b or before midn;ght lng the old: "Wanted, a suitable match Hmits specified : -for a Sareen'boy of thirteen of a high-... . : - , , . . '. ly respectable family. The girt must For rthw -P-rhculara, ; echedules, be between seven and eight years of reservations, etc, apply tp ticket agents age, and should be well connected.' Atlantic Coast ; Line, or address, By the side of this may be put an ex- W. J. Craig, Passenger Traffic Man ample of the other kind, an advertise- agery Wilmington, JI. C. - ; v ment Inserted In the same paper by T. C White, 'General Passenger one Ram Singh Ray of Dharamsala: Agent. " 1 ' " ' ' v. "My good friend, an educated, young, , ' . ' .. possessing robust health, wealth and ' . ' independent . lleiihood, aged thirty two, bachelor, wants to marry a girl decorated with, civilization aud sound health no distinction be- ; tween Hindu caste,'' " Yy .T . Ohildrea Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Castoria is uoric, JDi-)5 contains in substance, wnd aliayii r 3:as lieeii i.i riattiloito.v, Diarrlru a , assimiiai'-s v The Cbiitiiv at Is CASTORIA Iiai'UTVss substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- ' aiKl ;!:!iiiis' hymps. It is pleasant. It itlior Oy.Kin, Moriliine nor other Narcotic its ;;-) Li its guarantee. Jt destroys Worms '.vorishi:s.s. Tor more than thirty yt-ars it i : use for the relief of Constipation,'i Colic, all Teething Troubles and it vc',ulats the Stoniai-h and Iiowels. -3:c Fond, givin?? healthy and natural sleep, i'; P. : acear-The Mother's Fiiend. SEfUL CASTORIA ALWAYS rf-iEears the Signature of e.' -J si Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPAIVY, NKW YORK CITV. sua For Prompt Delivery P$!T Mm GROEEflT CO. This is no cut price Store. Our goods are strictly first class. We have the goods if you have the price- Call us. Dully Grocery Co. Phone 261. Our Latest Styles in Douglass, Beacon and Cygolph MEN'S SHOES Have Just arrived. We also offer 85 Ladies' Tailor-Made Coat Suits at 1-2 the original cost price They are samples and can't be duplicated at the price. SAM LIPMAN Cor Middle and South Front Streets. Bryan Bloc Date-Nut Butter, something new, composed of se lected Dates and Nuts. A delicious spread for bread -Hackburn. Ka-Ko and Do -Ne-Do the new preparation ior making cakes and crullers, now in-Hack- burn. After-Supper Games Are best by Rayo-light Kerosene light saves young eyes that are priceless. The Rayo Lamp is the best kerosene lamp made. No smell, no bother. Easy , to clean and re wick can be lighted with out removing chimney or shade. Dealers everywhere, or write v for descriptive circular STANDARD OIL COMPANY WMhington, D. C (Nw Jemy) Charlotte, N. C.1 Richmond, V. v BALTIMORE Charleston. W. Va. v Norfolk, Va. ; ? K Charleiton, S. C . ' 1 I 4

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