TliE L...IT L . , , 4 L.i i., ui u.-t L, i L i i k.i Li i i -- -. L SALE ON'.1' ;:.:COATS. i -Ltli LJ EL3 E.-..JTI a n ii city u 8 r kTVW rfuvQ i ATPCT MITCJ IT I UNITED STATES SENATOR MAR CUS A. SMITH, IS AT THE GASTON HOTEL. ' . ', SUCCESS MAKES HIT N -' NEW BERN. ' . - 'v lviore 9 X7 XPEC"TING a cold winter I .HJlaid up the biggest stock men, Misses, Juniors, Children and Infants ever seen in New ' Bern - ; ' , v V'Y ' , ' can't sell them because the weather has been too warm If I don't sell them within the next three weeks t hey will , be a total loss to me. I cannot and must not carry them over for next year. I have therefore decided to sell them, or rather GIVE THEM AWAY I . 1 rw ,1 At any price rid of them. at all just to get New Bern's MRS. B. ALLEN H 85 Middle St. Phoneji752 I- T0 J rjgj The Mill Men, the Lumber Men, the. Logging Men, the Boat Men, the Fishing Men, gg the Hunting Men, or any kind jjg of Outing Men: : : : we nave wnat you want; wnai you neeoano Maybe what you have been LOOKING FOR The old time Army Blanket, indestruc tible, made expressly tor Hospitals and other hard usages. Color Navy Blue. Sizes 1 3-4 yd. wide and ; 2 3-4 yd. long. Weight 6 lbs. $s iue. iisPEcim m is J. M. Milehell & Co. We welcome Lookers the same as Buyers CHMSTGIAS GIFTS FOR THE ENTIRE FAS ILY The early- Christmas buyer gets the good things. The perplexing problem ; what to give and where to buy fit is easily solved by coming to our store. - Something new and different, harder each day to find, especially something useful and good. Our Holiday , stock . ; is now complete ahd i ready for you. ' Try eariy Holiday shopping this year. .r ' s Respectfully ' - rr ' In Business Over a Quarter of a Century .-? "The Cabaret Girls.",, Harry Parker' latest New Vorks uccess; opened a weeks engagement at the. Athens . theatre last night and played to two capacity bouses. ' ' - r . - r fhis compiny is composed of eleven people, seven of .whom are girls,- and the show they put on is well worth the price of admission to the' theatre. In the performance . last night, : wfiich will be repeated to . night, r the ; stage setting is supero and t He costumes nsed are elaborate There are several good voices in the company and the work of the male member of the -cast is all that could be desired, . The picture program last k night was, unusually gooa. ine two-reel feature "Joyce of the North Woods" was one of the best ever seen ii'New Bern. Tonight there willbe anjjentire change of picture program, (Land a number of new novelties will beintro- duced in th vaudeville. BUYS NEW AUTOMOBILE. J. H. Meadows has just purchased a 1914 model, six cylinder Packard touring car. The machine is, one of the finest ever seen in New Bern. HELPLESS AS BABY Down in Mind Unable to Work, and What Helped Her. - " ... ,4.. $ :. Summit ' Point, W. Va. -Mrs.' Anna Belle Emey, of this place, says: "I suf fered for 15 years with an awful pain in my right side, caused from womanly trouble, and doctored lots for it, but with out success. I suffered so very much, that 1 became down in mind, and as help less as a baby. 1 was in the worst kind of shape. , was unable to do any work. I began taking Cardui, the woman's tonic, and got relief from the very first dose. By the time I had taken 12 bot tles, my health was completely restored. I am now 48 years years old, but feel as good as I did when only 16. " Cardui certainly saved nte from losing my mind, and I feel it my duty to speak in its favor. I wish I had some power over poor, suffering women, and could make them know the good U would do them.", ;, v.:; :.. y If you suffer from any of the ailments peculiar to women, it will certainly be worth your while to give Cardui a trial. It has been helping weak women for more than 50 years, and will help you, too. : Try Cardui. Your druggist sells hV Y Wriu in Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga, Tenn., for Sicciui Inttructieni on your case and 64-page book, "Home Treatment for Women," in plain wrapper. N.C. 1S1 tJThe classified page throws out a drag net fpr your lost articles. IJOut of many hun dreds of these ads an nually printed, scarcely ten per cent of the tinders claim rewards. : fJThere are many honest people in the world. f& Don't mourn your loss until you have tried the one best chance for its recovery. -Jj , Of lite ' it has been New . Bern's pleasure to entertain some- very dis tinguished visitors, and there are two such in the city, at the present- time. These gentlemen are United - States Senator .Marcus A., Smith, of Arizona, and his brother-in-law, -J, H.1 Holliday, of Cynthiana, Kyv.-,' -r " '. . Senator Smith is a. personal friend of Senator r.jFurnifold Y W-Y Simmons and his .visit to' this section is mainly for, the purpose . of . looking over the latter's jBne farm, in -. Jones - county and trying his hick' at shooting Borne of the wild game inthat section.; ' The visitors will leave this morning in company . with... James1. H. bimmons, Senator Simmons' brother, and, George Nicoll,' for Jones county," where, they wilt spend several days. While in the city Senator Smith and Mr. Holliday are guests at the Gaston Hotel. - CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED " with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the ' disease. Catarrh, is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure you must take internal remedies. , Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally ,and acts directly upon the. blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's- Catarrh Curt is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the . best physicians in this .country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the pest tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, " j. i.y. ..i.- : : "l : uung oimxij w iue mucous surgaces The perfect combination of .the two ingredients is what produces such wond erful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. ; F. J. CHENEY & CO, Props., Tole do, 0. v. , - - Sold by druggists, price, ?5 c. , Take Hall's family pills for const!- THE ANKUAL DiNTJER - TO BE HELD SOON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PLANS FOR ANNUAL GET TOGETHER MEETING. j The, annual dinner to be given, at the Gaston Hotel, by, the Chamber of Commerce during the week following Christmas.- This was decided upon last night when the Entertainment Commit tee of the Chamber of Commerce met to arrange for,; this occasion. - -M, D. W Stevenaon, chairman of the commiittee, presided oyer the meeting,'1 and those present exhibited a spirit of marked enthusiasm in the ap proaching event.,. Among the guests of ljonor will be Senator F. M. Simmons, Fred N. Tate, President of the' Just Freight Rate Association 1 of North Carolina; Fritz Sitterding, of Richmond,' Va., a large stockholder .and official of the New Bern Ghent Street Railway Company; Edward Britton, of the Raleigh New and Observer and rep resentatives from every ,' newspaper and commercial organization in North Carolina. . ' Y, The speeches of : the local men will be limited to five minutes. Among those ,who will make short talks will be: Attorneys, Ex-Judge O. H. Guidn;' for the city, Mayor A. H. Bangert; phy sicians, Lr. ; H. M. Bonner; pastors, Rev. B. F,' Huske; b&rikers, W. W, Griffin; manufacttirers, Clyde Eby; farm development,.' Munroe Howell; educators, S M. Brinson; general business, T. A. Green; Cqunty) C D. Bradham; Chamber of , Commerce, m the absences ot 1 resident . nyman first vice-president B. ,B. Hurst .w,H make thevaddress. M. D. W." Steven son will act as. toastmaster.. Y" A committee composed of W.YW Griffin and Jesse Cfcyypoole' were ap pointer to make, all necessaryvarrange ments for the dinner This event will be elaborate in every detail and noj thing will- be left undone which will in any way help to make it a complete Shopping r- Day s Y BEFORE : CHRISTMAS Wc Heard 'HIM" say he wanted a BATES STREET SILK SHIRT, the best Gift you could Give "HIM" . t ; ! A larae stock of Unn Hnndkerehicfs with the, new Initial. , Several different scyies beauties." . : . y , Useful Gifts;areithe Best from ithe ; V Shop That's Different 1 Willis MARKETS. Prices on the local market, quoted by the Coast Line Market.- 'v t Turkeys, 16c. . Geesei- $.35- per pair. - ; Chickens, grown, 80c. to $1.00 per pair. N . Young chickens, 50c. to 80c. - ' Beeswax,k25c. per ptfund,' r Bee, 9c. per lb. , - Pork 10c. to lie.. : . ' Eggs, at 32c. . , - -, -J Y " G. S. Hides, 11 c. ",r'l ' , Wool 1 1 to 20c. . ;-;. . ' Produce, as quoted by the New Bern Produce Co.: ( " '' ' , . Turnips, 6Sc. per hundred." . ,-J.ettuce, $1.25 to $1.50 per crate. T . Green ' cabbage," $1.00 per - barrel, v J Oranges, $2.75 o $3.00.: , V ,y,'r Onions,., $2.50 per .sack. . "fXfk'X- . Apples $5,00 to $6.25 per barrel. ; ! Y Local 'irWn,:'iui'(i'upted''by-.jco;AW.' Taylor &. Son:X;'MSMAr'' .,- Middling, 12 5-8e. ; Strict Middling, 12 3-4c'.; pood Middling, 12 ?-8 c. ; , !!! I m 1 I is on and crdwdsre tak ing advantage of our low prices. , Come "early and get what you neep at our loss and your gain D TT TT J. J. II Elk's Temple. - Dept. Store l I :! Si lit ; i 1 ! 1:1 Let Us Suggest BinburjOm Today we come forth with the sug gestion that you buy your Christ mas" Presents early this .: season now. , This is no new thing original with us but ; that It has , merit, and if carried Into effect will prove helpful . and beneficial to all you know Is a fact.' This old store , is ready ; as never before and ': we dare saymany .will be surprised to note the stupendous preparations we've made. , Come in anyway and let's talk Christmas. Vou'll find that no matter how early you start it will be none too soon. That while you are thinking of what you. will preeent'your friends ? v and loved ones with during holidays, that you. call at this store YYr,y: . r abd look our' line of Holiday goods over.;- Remember, your friends Y.Y -Y and lor'ed ones appreciate your using discretion in buying gifts -' , ' Y -! as much so as they do the gift oftentimes.' Jit behoves, you, there- Y,' f fore to buy such gifts as will he both serviceable and durable. Y . Y ; We have the most "beautiful designs In Jadies Writing Desks. : i.YY; r -obtainable which comply fully with the above-mentioned require ' " " , ; ' ments because they are serviceable, durable and beautiful, 'and ;r;'V' 'then w. have sewing baskets, quiet a variety of them, which - Y: tf" J - ' make a splendid gift. These, together with many other novel- ,Y, , ties you will find here toselect from.; In fact, m - th ' "Homei Furnishers" we are In position to offer suggestions and you can ;--v ' 'see a variety of Holiday goods as will be interesting and help - -'Y; : ' f ul In the selection of your gifts. . . ' v Y Y; S. YD EB FUR IT 1 - "The Cohic Furrisiers" V,J - - .. . - ,.;;.':. .... ... , - a . . ,v. Phone 229 ; -: . ; ' 59-101 Ciac Strefc t J. 0 i iTIZl J?M . y - v .M L MMlw t ut, ?T B ,mm i n, -tin i S 1 11 i i .i J fc - - 1 L - t, i-M .., , .m NOW IS THE TIME . . To select that Christinas Watch. A ' 4 ficod time pirco by its faithful per- r ! foriraance perpetuates plrr.nt mernoriPS cf ths t!cncr c .a thrcr ",h many . years, i , Our Watch steel: Is cc:r,pl:t3 Trlththe dif ferent ctyln r.nJ eizes in all Ameri can n: in 1 is J w h y m n y h h fr?nn hhw 1