i, ' , - r. ' ' ' U ' ' ' i Y .-'...;,- r, ' TVOL. LXII. No. 87 V' :,.M'K''h'i V"!" "c " V,t :'v" ::!"" '4 ; v'iV' " ) ' -Vv'-NiE'BERNrNCiTuDAY-Morning januart' ;f, v: f I FIVE CENTS PER COPT 3 ' 1 1 I'' :! 1 J I- hi , L IISE Every Can Jidate Foi Con " . grfess Should Have A t , , , Square Djal w TiirDPnPir'Q RIGHTS UP HELD Congressman From Third District Selected By 1 The Voters . 4 ,t. i t '-' , '.;! ' The Tw.rnAl voicd rlie scijiiiiu'iits of rbe iKiijotry of Ok. pjli'ir in in uiJi Sunday ' morning' vvln'ir it. is s..iil mat the hi'ldni of a t;i'.irurv v a? ihv usi . maunrr in--;ivliwh t' curt i rcpn.-m-ntaA five 'to (lit) in.-t (. ou?rt'M .'from tins ' Tbo. 'jiwjjile liavu, n tmurs put ; been ' v noml in jiu;u ;s of this kinJ, a few polinci.ui.i carry i lie ihe 'hsinct jiifct as vlioy dt-'sireil. TIh- dav wluii th!- can lie kui h i iit Iti tin. pi i yli" whb are' ruling H coiimry UAl?y nrid:ic the- popl'5 n-ba ire oing lo ulcCt hr mr n vr' iri 7 I -sit ia tfie t linir of tlic rri"-ilei!u llicitu. of ihti Sau to, hi CongivV and-in -ot.W offices There w nothing' do .neiiak'm a the vote on the people to ;he nw,n vhi?tn 1 fie public rloi-s jiol think stumhl he srnt' to olfipe. . ' A n'i-dr i'0',"l: oace s;iid: .t A wfiipon . ttiiit ?oiii!s dawd a. . As snowflakes tall unon, the sod: Ijut executes a fruerfu's ,wrll , k As litshqim' dt)rs tio will itl Cmd; A id Ironi iwitrtu'! "T door nt lock '(.Til shifcfil yffU-tis the tiallot bo,. It 13 ,ini.' UillH Bll IIIUI' isuuif n.-jve ; i ' tcv fear and ...tht-iri fear ,js1evident. tn . " the prchBnt" race for nomination for ..Congress five men have- followed the ; original announcement of Hon. Charles ' K. Thomas and have, rant their hat into nhe ring mid it is understood that an ; (4her onq is on thrt verge of taking this -l-ftCO. "'.;.'-. :' , ''.'; ' ' Vi Of (ourbt the iatc Is Opcno all coiftJ .; :;.:- ts.; No one is barred rom entering ';, but the1 people of the third district .- J. : are going 't ;ndt!te marf whom tlity t ' pant 'to Confn is. 11 It, is the people ( ' xvio'. will cast the votes and it ft the : ' .people vho have tie a undivided right to send whoever thrry, please to repre-. nt them them M , - , j i, ' I ron Chaiks R 'I honus, of this city, i' ,; ' M. Koonc of Onlow ' couhty and' Oeoige K- Hcod of Ooldbhovo, are , in , favor of h )hling " fi i primstrj, t. i., Qvej the entire district and decide -.upon i the election of a representative ia this , y . manner. "It is the piiqple of the:,entif ' district - ho wilf be represented and . , " i v naturally the entire A strict should have '( ''iva hand, in selecting iht Congressman. ' It is jider.itod that Kx-Judge O H. , (Juioh Jias a!d that' he h willing to I hav . a primary . in . graven countv. 4" However; Craven count v ii ndt the onfy 1 T 'one'in t'hik ditrfct and its people are k' ' not tho only-ones intcmied in the Cftn gretonai rf fiUt 'FiKf irttvs-reason : the t i ' Pu''r cne oniftMjn that the l)6ld- - ( '"K f 4 primary here 'feould bc entirely' 1 'ii''i'; l''ti divided witti two fxndidatK In 'the raiei. - . I- ;tK ' JIowo'CPi tbat makes' Iitttti .ot.'.,no;difl '''''tM11 'r Thoniag dottht'cb realizes, dnea'tor) Guion,' that part ofttb ':0f'.i(;,f&'4?5:.Sftc ier tt' his ptilittcal oppor I , vs ' netiti bit. thai: 13 not ;wofvyihg him; in ; r ' tint' l4as.r, , Ho bclie thai .the holding ':''ryVJ 1 primaV';aJfl over" thl diitrict v J 4 nd'square way of scaling the :';t-- 'UiX-'fituatiOrt apd h'e, George HQiMiGolds M''fM.0 Koonce of OtuJow ; . , are requesting : the. Democrat. Execur 1 : ''Si' -'';;',h tive Cqnmiittfte.to hold such a jrimary. .f y-; ' jji :.: -Thap "this w ill -be done, there little if -iV'ilS doubt for by coing this everjpv.man ' 11 '.'jn the rate h,t a fair a ltd hquae deal V ': ' V'vJ ;V' -"and th. .'voters are given their .rights '. 'i'1i.i?''.-'?''i"f:.''in betngt allowed to aalect the mansfcrhom.' fit. V: REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING ATLANTIC FIRE COMPAN f - The resular monrhlv mcet'n? ol.the JVthint it: Steam ire Fnr.ine Cor,tiany was I 1 t ' M. ' .uer )H t : ,ii:h tl. .slii'r. 1 11 ( ' . f t' 1 1 y 1 BIBLE OOri FEREGCE BEGINS . BT'-' TinrninAf r nininn.'. J f i . AI lAHtKNAULt liHUHliH FIRST , SERVICE CONDUCTED ' I AST NIGHT iJY REV, B. I. II'JGJE. i .'. 'i.f . . , .. V' '' ''" J' '' ' '' ' 1 he nrfif mfH'iV of two weeks' session of tlic B'uli! Conference to be held at the Tube; ie. Baptist church, took pLiu 1 1 ' i with Rev. B 1 a' y Hoge, of N'onill;, as ihe principal speaker of tba invasion.. Rev. Hopy is .' 1 owi'tfuL and Jiuent sneaker and his ;i, t.i'cva front Phil albums' ): "!.;)" c to l.tvo is Christ," was wvll dchveie... and also veil re ceived. One ('! the features t this ti i.fft 1 iicf is the ttii.irnn; of the old-time smics which si1 delighted our nind 111(1; hern. I.hsI niht as the strains of "rtfo in ih Anns of Jesus" Idled 'i lid vast audiLui'iuin there, was not a one present wl Wjs not ulad thai they had :i 1 tended. Ihei-e nieetuis, .which an held -for th purpo-ie of. deepening spin: nil "lite are also, a.- is usnafly 'the case, ivm- sectarian. 1 w- of the special themes of Rev. Hove will be. "M ho Work of ihff llolv Snirtl ' and " fhe Return. 01 Christ," IJie meetings are held every day at' 3 . clock and at 1 7 o'clock. 1 he public le inviwd to attend. . IHE PBI1! TUTOR" TO BE SEEN liERE SOON is ONE OF THE FUNNIEST PL'AXS EVER WRIT-'-' t-V '-"TEN. On Friday night, January lo, Prof. J, H. Bourdelais, assisted by the same cast that presented h Woman's Honor" so creditably last Thanksgiving night, will pieent A "Trivate TtiKtr' fof iyour ' approval. ;,s n This play is-very laughable, it be'nij the: escapade of two, qollcsfe boys who anfsuspended from school, 'and in order to fool the Old Aian thev hire a private tutor, and then the funny. situations, and then "some. . , The play will bo udt woith attending. The-mon'-y rweived frolpt the sale of tickets wjll be. turned jover - to the Peoples Concert Band, and as. this on gani7ation is the 'pridi1 of every one interested in-the advancement and up lift of thet-ity, there is-not the least doubt but 'th;it the aiidienceiwill. be a Jargif one ".',. i- Tickets are beimj sold by a nuniber of young persons at; seventy-five cents lor v thoi lower floor for, the bah 011 y , tn I- fifty cents PROMINENT GOVE G1TY CITIZEN iftVORS THDMAS SAYS TVEW BERNIAN IS FAV-,-' 1 ' ORET) , IN THAT. e ' " , SECTION, l - ;J. S.-'RobJiisoniVof.; ovt '.pity';.waa a"h)ong. the businesvisitoT-int the dty yesterday', uM. Robinson; is. yrte of the most prominent citizens of vthatec- tiofi and whe when asked by a 'JournalJ reporter, as t ,who:.wa tne lavonte of 1 that -: section. Jn t the ; Congressional fighl,he unhesitatingly answered Char let. R. Thomas.1 " , , t . . "The people Cove-City and suri rounding section,' .said Mr.' Rfiinsoii, ','have sceb.tbeTwork that Mr. Tlioma did while he was in Coigress, and know ing that affiliation .with 'that body fof twelve years haj 'made .him, . I'amijiar with ; every-! detail of-t the - work and placed him,( m line for, advancement on the, various committees," thev are anxious for him to go back, -and fully seventy-nve per cent. 'of thcm will cafst their votje for ' 1 " ' 1, ' ' .''DusinevH con, un. in-Vonr.'-kule town" are goo'" .,uj . Mr, Ivobin on, "Our Meiclia ring the hoi. int; to 'do a r idinini I rood on.! ve - j t.. , ,!ier rl'airr. ! cod lmsiiicHS (' ;i- ' .1 aiv c"- 't itatiily ' 4 'to . 'a r t iKil JS bIIIoIii To These Judge Daniels butes All Wrong-j 1 " ' Doinft. MAKES r :r .V . : S Robert ' 'ki'f&'J-' J AN ABLE j Jones ' Will' Go - On Trial 7 '.Today. ' ... iIh.if were not fot the Use, of dhigs and"whiskev, thA cn(iinat "courts t the country could .be1 abolished'' saitf Judge F. A. Daniels,' ysterday morije"1 ing in "iftlivenhg his charge to the jury at the opening of the Janttarv term 0 Craven county .vp'rior C ourt. Judge Daniels, whose .homo is m Goldshoro,. and who was a law partner of' till? I.i.n. ii:ol . h i K- ;:. A: cork, has- ntany trinds-in , Now Hern and these fleeted' hnu yesterdny. . He i- a jnrhlf(;f niiirUcd ulull.v and his chargi, which t'lll yet' biiiMv, -Cuieied al pans of the ctnninal law. was onr oJ tue best -Ver he; id an New Bern. ) At th conclusion of 'the ..charge tlH folloniiig yratii jury was drawn, kftef which 1 lie refills. r l'UMiii-'S wait taken up- .en. . (Miller 01 this eif , as foreman: W. II. ( .'11 ton, X. K. Kiel's J. J. Harpy, 1). H. Stalling, (". A. Ryihan, E. iV Daughterv. .. W. l-'eigel. M. P. AJd ridfv, V. W. Pale. . W, Ko.111?, H. 15. W:id.-worth, ). L. Smith, J. 'g. D..-pje, I). II. Gaskins, O. M. Willi?, . ( . Jenkins and M. V. Jenkins. 1 lie most interesting case on the docket at the present term of court is that 111 wrnrli Robi rt Jones-, a youtiir white man who caine to Nev. Hern about ' two years ago from Pamlico coiiniv, is chanted with having com mitted a criminal assault upon Mrs. . C. Hobbs, who live on jvrab Front street, this citv. Tins Js6 was not. called vesteraay but will probably be taken lip this . morniiicf. lours is a yoi;ng man and has doubt less been wayward during ms past life hut there is some doubt in tvie minds of the public as io whether he is guilty of the heinous crime with which he is charged. Attorney R. B. Nixon wil( represent Ihe young man' while V. D; Mclver will assist solicitor ?,C;' Abernethy. in the prosecution. ',' 1 .. At yesterday's session E.J. Blounty was found'giulty on a charge f'of forger and; was sentenced to a tern f six months on the. county roads. . 1 Ernest JHobbs was fpu'id guilty of carrying Concealed weaposs but judg ment-.was- suspended upon .payment of the cof.s. , . ; S:, Johnnie Jones, colored, wa? found guil ty of , adorning ; hi persOfM with a concealed - weapon 'and .' Wa fined ten dollars.' ..The tosts of thr cas'j were also j)lared on him. , ' , Dollie Moore,' charired wn.h carrying concealed .Wipons . was sentenced to four . months ion ,the" roads. , lleiirvThofiias, colored, cnarged with larceny., wasj found guiltv and wa sentenced to one year on the roids. E LOPEZ 'either ESCAPED OR CRUSHED TO DEATH BY CA E ' ' IN OF MINE. "V " v , Bingham, tltarij Jan. S.t-AIJ hopes of finding; JRatph' LopesJ: HxiH fojrs alive, in the' -Utah-ApK.iraine "were abandoned tonight' . 1 Sheriff . Smith witlidrew his searchers': front. theV jn tenor ' workings and the guards;, from, the portals, leav ing the mine unwatched or the first Clise im.e November 27, r;f'-:; ' 4 Altec killing ; tWA' deputies 111 an underground buttle on Nobcnibeit 21, making six in all he had killed within eight days,, Lopez .called to his .-pur- suera.Ahat niore than six men would have ro sacrifice their, lives, if they ex pected to capture him. No piore men were killed, but "that he had. escaped was conceded by his pursuers- tonight Sheriff Smith declared that hu sudden determination Tt. abandon - .Ithc search was'reached bnly' afcef ;he was satisfied," that :, the . desperado . had either bscaped or Jhad been trushed to -"rath by a cave rn which would, , pre- v 1.' h body being fbund.'.. However, mr ",y miners planned to begin a stairc!' on heu' o'n recount tomorrow, luipif ' f :'s body was over iooke : would vet i bout all the g t V IS ( ' ' to us." Attrfci I CHARGE ABANDON. ALL HOPE ;,0E FINDING OliTUi Sea Gives .Up' -Remains Of Wornran Sought AH Over The World. DISAPPEARED ON DECEMBER f ProbablyTPplice Have No Clue As To Manner In Which She Drowned. Was '. NcW V..rk, J: 11. S.r The ImkI of Mis Jessie E. Mc'ann, the voung settlemem worker win. di.ip;eartd iri.-m hrr Hrnk tyn lioihc j 11 -.1 a month ao. v. as gie.-1 Up by the ea today. Il ',i- .'.mud I'.' a watch ma 1 sin-tth alter d,.-i":l i.i Coney I b v : he h ifid. ii.iv.ii'. V ;,( ill!: 'I 1.1 it, (i storm. ' , ' l.o 15 imi.iersi..! ia" (lire-. ,m i'..)4;ii. ayi;'. ! of th" yo 11c; n'oinan '. in..: I p; vutitu by - i ', :i ,il the I' l'-N I I' 1 . r iinn!y : in,, w s Ii W -VV v. 4 MISS JESSIE McCANN. i initials "I. K. ,M."and bv article of ' i clothing Miss IvlcCann wore the day she disajjpeared. Miss'. MeCann 'was 'last seen by her family when she left home Decem- bre.4', supposedly to attend to settlement work, ditties' A few days' later her father ,,-a well-to-do business man noti fied the police of her disappearance and offered ,t,OQO. reward for information as' to her whereabouts. He also Had her photograph thrown on screens of mov ing picture theatres throughout the east. I The police today give credence lo the story of a woman who asserted that she saw Miss McCann the day af t,m her disappearance, Hearing a bathing pavii at Coney Jsland where the' body was found. There was no signs of violence on the .body, according'-to physicians who examined if, and the police have no clue as to the manner in-whi'h she was drowned. ' f : , praliifiT PUBLIC EXTENDED A CORDfAL " INVITATION TO ATTEND. ? AContftbured ) SV 's 'A cordihls invitation s- extended th the' public to attend the prayer meetings that are . beint; -held i this week at the Free Will Baptist (.fturch'' Mr Everett, the pastor nuT di:ussi. the following .juhjectsi.fir the week, To night .he wjlfapeak oil "The Sin agamst the Holy pirit ," Wednesday -night ','The Holy Spiiif Withdrawn." Thurs day iiight Vlntempertncv". a,nd, Friday njght the-Jsubjec.t will, i be- 'Church K&.-eutiak"-''' ; 'J' e j 1 f L,ast . night Mr; Eveicut..,Kpo1keV on tbe, subject of ."Blasphemy." ; vThese subject" are klL.oi: vitiiCimportasce and.a . large, attends nee is desired at oach service. Mt$ "bverett- wiR 'discuss' these subjects fron & Biblical ntaqdpoi & and will-- be'Hnterestvny nd '-helpful to the hearer, Friday riigjit IriimediateJ' aner jiuu .prayer arvicuy v Ul di ureal will have .their quarterjybusirtcss con1 vrence. ,s ' , , v . I 1 - Hi 11 j. . tin 1 1 1. ... j ; : . Many a poor tunc is played on a good - ' ':, -i' r i nean i a brave t, e ( en. "in t " k 1 FBEEWiLL- BAPTISTCHUfiGH Herbert M. Holbrook Succumbs In Brave Fiht For. Life. BURIED 1 SUNDAY AFTERNOON Miles, The Slayer, Remains In The County Jail. Washington, Jan. 5.---IIerber( M. Holbrook, who was shot by his parliiti R. II. Mile- in the I'alaec Barber sh- p enr'y ThurirfLiy morning, died at the i'ov ,'ie Meiiier!..! h'ispil.tl atiuda . ll.a.'i , cu-ie-l from intern..! Alior - ihe remaii 1 m ! ;i ia I 1 li'-y v, i -. !f' ho . .'.a; ! t .e iioe e ... I l-tici'i : s 'eel. ' .' n-.s h..t in 1 lie I liernii .rh 1 ere .u .1 I lull'.!. nU 1 1). I. "ia ei b 1. "i ill. i: .' siiikiii.' ;.i,.la iiuiiii and rr."i, til the cm! At b ,1 tl.i'Ae'l S'as )f 1 ' in 1 he ail 1 r- i'i'.ji-.- v,irs!: ..n l.l-l pes v. . . ex pie-sed for hi n e'e: ihiag .via .. an.'-e-i.o a'i..i av.;-. y. Af' .t ihe .. .'I s 1 i .l a 'Hie 1 , 1 i . 1 1.1. 'die, 1 skill I ili'e.ie he 11.1 .so..! i . . . ' ihi'iniit y o..tw-'."ii IfoiLiri'ok and .vliie earried to the ofti1-.' Hiount. wei.1 he , Thuiaday ujiiil Lie when lie was laR.n A before slated, the ,70k .vas : f '. John (1. lal-e.l J II day ii.. ,i e alti.non 10 t lie hsi oita I. cin.e-n-i have dis cussed pi aeue.i '1 v uotlting MiC r ini the shooting. I ha- been n:iiv:ersa!iy depiond aial symn.-.t'iy eo.'s out to tiiuse oeiiu ! t id iuVi J '.lies anuj,., t"o, 10 1 ue. laiiiuy 01 Ana s innv in i jail for t he c inti . j . The. enriri- eiiy i. saddened .1-. both prineiprds while oniy residents here for ' he p is! lov yt.irs have become pootdar, eich eiije-ying a wide circle of feiinds. Holbrook is a native of Hunters ville, N. C , a small town near Char lotte and is said to be about 25 years of age. lie came to Washington About three years ago and engaged in the barber business and las' year in connection with ,R. H. Miles leased the Palace Barber shop and were doing business together until Thursday morning when the dispute arose ending ill 'Hie shooting of Holbrook and his subsequent death, Holbrook. in No vrmler was happily married to Vliss Annie Bett Shell 01, one of the city's f-.ighly esteemed young ladies. 1 heir married life was hippy and joyous Holbrook was a manly fellow possessing trails of character that: always attract and draw. His eoi'ng is indeed sail but the ways o' provi dence 1 are mysterious and while we canneit understand, sonic swee we will. J.,v ! j 'Miles -haiU from Ktrshnu. and has been here seven I Uist year he married liss Faux, another one of the citv S ( '., years. ' Maud s nop- ! ular young ladies. The shioHng and its sad ending as berore st,.ted has cast a gloom over the city. Ihe funeral of Holbrook took place from his late residence on Bonner street Sunday Afternoon at three o'clock conducted by Rev. H. H Searight, pastor of the First Presbyiena i churth, o which the deceased was i eo.isistent member. ' JONES ' COUNT V , CITIZEN MAY ', THROW SHIS HAT. In i uni,iiunitf' X is undttstood thatdlnbthcf'candi- diitS for niinatlin aVep'reBfcntative to Congress Mrara ihe a Third District is to cafithij- hat ;into the rirttr and- cuir me laeov i, ins is tT01... tl. VVnite. Superintendent of . eVife "public schools of : PtJlcksVille,1' tones ount'i. . ji " Prot White Is swell known, lu lone' county and : t)as jnah' . friends, ' there ,wm sivc. Bun eiunr support. ll Pcofessor White', ehtcrs the race,-and it is believed that he will.' hern will h scv-cnV cattdidates in ' the "fight ; and the probability that another will enter. CliarioB . Wallace . bf ; Morehcad City has not formally' . announced that ' he will i.e in the fight, but his friends are U! ; him to enter and as"eyerj'body8 d it" he may lake .the plunge and r i the frav. ' ' 'Oi , Seven Hundred and Fifty Enrolled First . : ' "" Day. Pupils f- TWO TEACHERS ..'ARE Fifty Pupils Fail JTo mak ; pearance On f irst Day. w ' ' ' ri Seven hundred and fifty (n tytfi ' answen d the roll call at the o eniag of the New le 11 Public Schools lortlm . Spring Term. This ininitv.T 1 ll.a'i h.- uMi.il enrollment but or forty ; hu pupils have Ih t.iiacd :ii i, ane on account .11 -1. and i.'.il , -'t ! !'..r ! he i less turty 1 dv- less . nd- :i b r t lie 1 ' ' .'' pi OS- rr.i on the ii,ii',n':i.i dav. ! h . 1 '' 1. idi.;.o i I and fore, ! to r'r n'iu li e te. p.-.f. II. U. C'rae."). 1 !,-. .,, ; ) li-it'.'ij lorn of the schools, -'atc-d- 1 Journal n porter y-si'V.j t- al't.e-- 11:1 ihil ihe '.iirollmont 'vo.'.i! (-rol I 1 d.t n.i.tl: one hmJiel -i n i .st.-i-n.v- five i y th, c id of the week sua I that, in all pi 1! 'ability the two abieul teach f.-s Would be on hand and ready for work that tini". Th. first hfilf of th- 1'i M-i ,..,.,n is -on:)!, -t s.ieees. Fhe 1 ar lUec. 't ! '.es i.irger thin ever hi -for, and the ' ii?eaet:il 'deportemht of (lie entire scho 'V- Ivi; u-e.id Ii v,';l c II. k?s. I i.rl... 1. tl... 1.. '. !;..: r ... ... . ., .... , n 10,11,; ui l ie ivriri, tuai: me ;irv.' Icul 1- '.v r ild be In readiness by tho openi Ig jefate bat this was iiujxisdib'.e and tie trustees were 1 forced to inaee 'ih-r irrangoiiiunts. ., Howe.'er, trey satcrer.f.'i hi httint up iWiius 11 .be basement of the Clritlia bjildiag i nd 'hese proved entirely adequate to till ail needs. A 'inniber of new p'tpils an c-unin in for the last half of the term, and ;t is believed tjiat when all the regular pupils, in addition to the new ones, u 11-.. i . i .i ,. , ,nie euiuiieu i uai, uuve wilt lie a OUC one hundred and twenty-live p ipils in i Ik school. THE MCGREGOR MUSICAL Cipenetl a week's engagement .at ..the Athens today. Thii- is I lie most i tpeu sive attraction ever booked ai the Ath ens, and is, beyond doiii-. i lu best. l'e ry seat in the linint- .i- ... copied a id the aisles c-owdi-d '...si night long lefore-the end of th - m t show, i'v all means s e this ipleudid r,,ruianv. livery act piesented b the n is clean .nd refined romedv, and ni'.io: s,iid or done to offend am sensiijl.' PICTURES. Aside from en: hi.; injsic,! (iomisunv we have ,m e.xeell m oniedy picture program today as follows: "A Railroader's Warning." This is one of those thnbrio, hutri raising Kalem Western pntntes "Pathe Weeklv." Tiiese popular weeklies cm i int news ' t from-all over the world. M i: t a ml Jefl ' play a verv prominent part n: thecomii S section of tins'-pile. i'i ' "Cupldabd Throe. ..'v.-.i. t A roaring S. & A. com - iy ,v II acted . j in which the "tnngo" ii.iroduced.'' J A.l.,:.,..., an:i.. i.c -i. . . -.i.. - J miiiitvu,uii ja.i, snji ai uigii starts at 7:30". Same show i iaiinen " night at only 5 ind It) cents. Big show;1 and no advance in prices. :..v.5 REGULAR- MONTHLY MEETING , OF THE NAVAL RESERVES, y , -j, ' '! ""' . ' . ' " ' '.'"'' .y.V ,:r!V iThe. -regular meeting and drill of' the '';' New; Bern .division North, Girolina Naval. Reserves wa held io their ar-; ' mory,, Ons Crave it- Vtreet last iught.V At'the close Of the meeting refreshments were served to, the members and tliiisOj"' ; Were, greatly ..enjoyed.' ; t '&-g ''Kt1"' ,'''.;' S '. V " "''? -,,,U4't-' ; A .""-l.' -.'it-. : J . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HOLCt 1 v ; REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING ; i ti;- t h U "'-r: '-rr-Si ;t S The Crsven. County Board of Conu ' missioners held- their regular monthly ' meeting at. ( the 'court house in thistity yesterday. ? ,Thek morning session was consumed in the transaction of btiui'" i brought bafore them and in the af: noon xM uc auditing of bilU t plac . No ie Slice e .re l , s of unusual import I t f " e the- Board. .V ' . ,1 5

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