si EMM ALCOHOL 3 f ER CENT AgelaUc R-cjwsllonEirAs- suniiannginetMamlHegula- iingutebieinaciis Alway Bought I! Promotes DisttonflieerM nessandRestjContainsnellbar Opiimi.Morphinc norMiuaal WOT MARC OTIC. flivptta Seta' JhiJema iiiiivkinuliStii AnivfertRemedv forConsfip tton , Sour Storaach.Dlarrlwa Worras,COimlsions.reverisn nessandLcss or Sleep. TacSimile Signature of tar. Centavh Compakt, new yuwiv. ' For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have s Bears the Signature of n .Rv In urn a mm AVER-B TO JOMM'TTING SJI CI E SO TOOK .NIQUfi COURSE O Us For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THK CENTAUR COMPANY. IKW VOBK CITY i a &aVJ li?s, VV M SELL Hay, Grain, Dry Mixed and Mnlsses Feed Also Flat Brand Corn Meai FOK. sLS USE "The Meal in the Red Bag" LET US QUOTE YOU ci w , P- , ' - "l t VV LiU- . '-'A, ti-i t i. . we. ru; ' life, . I e i,; f ir't s He hec; ' I hi "" 1 ; rl.-im .' '. " t " i;.. i. ji .i i l. o . . ii...- g ( . . 'lis r- ' '! I i . s r -:. reek eo 9. Th ..-e r : e ! t' .;t ,.i th" ' V 1 C . I. I'-" ' e . ' of nis ir. ,r-.c 1. 10 in. i ' ' " ig..i"-d find ;. ' " "" 'l ie I rl :' ji .. ' to (" I t : t . i . i . t" c s . ') la.' ' c 1 ' find f..r ' i r," ii : ti'rati re ..' '. I ! i : i ... . ., ii-.- ' . ' . e'i s ' ' :. e .'- t f t"- lc . i' ';..'. ' I i ! t i e . i n hi1 i .-. t':i... . ..i;'i I ,." -ve was to nd he h.iH been .t ;. s here, aid ;irtc - d.'s- j ' i'-J.' i the i t '.'. :! 1. e . it ed if my ie wo Id ill him f r S :i). . o.. i tin; ffv , h t t:." .'i'.kc ' elieved t'l.:! he s c eed cd in, some one v!io wo Id If tongue i i co te.!, or f cross, fever ish, conttij) -t"! ":ve "Oa!i foini i Srup ' F'f?s." bc.l i t" I I your rretf'd, peevish clvlci, See i lo-.iiie ii coated; this is a s,i: sign its lit lie stomach, liver ;i ml ho -vis : re ( losyi-d with so'ir w.sle. Wln-i !i-h-.., ).-.h-, fe.wish, i !! ol chl, lo. ill had, ll;ro.,i s. re. il'UMi'l fill . -!i e i or .1- I ii. ii :r.. I!y, hi.'. .. I ;:!.: ' i I b-jiil MA- I . . !iS, iiaJS AND j 1 I L . SMALLWOOD I i I I I 1' Pennsylvania Anthracite 1 Pocahontas Lump ai.d Sieai: Coal. Y rd Foot of Cra ven treet. -.1 ii H '-.i l . . . Ii: i n iii. i ' ii i.i i icw ho r.i l he i ' i I l ho s. iiii j iii" .O'.'l I' " i'l-; I i i I :,. !',. '..!, ......I yo, I,,..- : . I. ! '! I ..;.o I (";.! ': I : s : . ' ' i it ' . .:: i i . ," ; I Ce- TEE JOURNAL'S Fl WANT COLUMN It Worms the Cause of Your CiiiM's Pains. A foul, disagreeable breal'.. i rk circle aroiind the eyes, at times le i-i -is,., with great thirst; cheeks ms'-ed and I hen pali', abdomen swell' n v. it " sharp cramping ;..,i,is are all indict m ; of worms. Doni lei our cl ild - Kickapoo Yv'urm Killer ,i! give ire relief it kills the inrm a'.ilc its laxative elfeel iidd greatly to the health of your child by removin t' -danjieroiis and disagreeable .!. : ol worms and parasite.-; from the s 'teni. Kickapoo Worm Killer as a in 'th producer should be in every ho s, , ! Perfectly safe. i 1 ; : s- a l.ox twd. y. Price 25c. All Drupyist s or be ,, aih Kickapoo Indian Med. Co., l'hiia. or St. Louis. FOR KENT Two desirable houses, one 6 rooms ami one 8 rooms. Apply to ('. T. Hancock. 1-U 3 ti. WANTED Kery window and every r'oor in every house in the city pro tected against the cold weather that is now upon us, by installing our Rubber Weather Slips, a sure preventive. Reduces your fuel bill which is a largr item. tall us. will ephin. Tolson I. umber Mfg Co 'Phone 4.V.) 11.? .1 wks. TO CHANGE COLOR OF LACE White May Be Made Over Into Crsainy Hue, Just Now 33 Much m Popular Favor. Have you ever noticed that cream colored lace is usaaiiy more expensive than white hu e, even of the same pat tern '.' Not being able to buy any it iiiii lace cheap, it occurred to ine thai there mutt be ui.'iiL way of'ug while to c:ea 1. 1 ; .ked a f:'i-i ut hs-, and whe kjivo me the f II-Aiiit; ui ice, which 1 have since put into practice with fine results: Buy five or ten cents' uor'h of Fi-euch ochre (a pcwderi ;it. any i-aint Ktoie. M'v three paii. of ordinary whie taleuiii eo'. der wi'h one imri ot the ochre for a ligiit cream cdor. or. WANTED Hoy or girl who ran take orders over the 'phone. Ho preferred I. His coal and wood yard. Phone 47. 1-11 3 ti. LOST lift ween Star 1 In aire and Kress' store, silver vanity b x on chain initial I. If found pleas,- rel'irn In 127 Pollock street. 1-1(1 if. ORANGES- Oranges. Ili oranges and children size oranges, nn choice ''rape Emit at Special price- for on.: nec k. "Plume 53f (". K. hiieomb. I Id fi ti. if a darker shad, use more cell re. bow 1 i-ml iii!. 1 ii. in;, ii ii '1" ,ov '1 he a 1,. , i of Cl'eaiii i: I'm ii. mi . 1 Ii; I.. FOR RENT Desirabl, . Hu es to let over ISraiMinm's liroad -tint drug slot e. m' faci e; the street See I . i'-ro id si iv, 1 , t in EOK KENT --d.-si,-; i.I.I.. r, . ! , men, best , 11 ,i !,, ( 1 !, kc;l-on,l le. I',, 'Phone is; ''OR SALE -5(H) pec in ; ' "; Ji. Price so. ' " 1 h s. 1 i.s lor gen .ml P'wne ; 1 ': s'reet. ! I ' ti. '.-. 5 to 7 . V.. 1'!. ' 1 ! ' . ei '. HI .v.,i a id A- t , ,...t Phone 761 13 Middle St. VI 1 -,1' ;, A 1 .1 ;. ; i ie oi "t'.iliio, -i ... ' , .. I ij;'-," ' ii.-i'ii It. is dii ert io i. :o- b 1 '! ., children ol .dl age:; and I n 2,i m..i ,,, ;l. iul on the bol lie. Kenu inbir 1 here are coll iiterleits sold here, -I surely look and see th,.t yo.irs is made by the "Cali fornia I'ig S mp Company," Hand back with contempt any oilier fig ay nip. I a- New Bern FILING CABINETS Loose Leal Ledgers A General Line of Office Supplies M. Whitehiirst &Co. China's Temple of Heaven. China's famous temple of heaven Was formerly visited once a year by the emperor to give an account of his empire aud its affairs during the previous twelve months. This was set forth in writing, and the manu scripts were then placed in the fur nace and In that way consigned to the emperor In heaven. The temple of heaven Is one of the most beau tiful and Interesting Bights of pic turesque Peking. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the National Bank of New Berne, for the election of its Directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before them, will be held at their banking house, on the second Tuesday ol January, being the 13th day of January, 1914. The polls will be opened at 12 o clock and close at 1 p. m. G. H. ROBERTS, Dec. 10th, 1913. Cashier. 20c per lb. 20c 'per lb. M Genuine! Black Fruit ; Made With Twelve Different I Kinds of I 81 : traits and Nuts 23 Mi : caKe like tnis you can't get every day, so I:! g ; don't faU to get one for Xmas.j ill p Suet and Prices 3 1-3 lb B0-7 1-3 lb $150,-5 lb"$l 10 lb t2 Sj III . -: AT L."' ' ' . ' Hi C KAFER'S BAKERY r ? Phone 343 and 409 ATm a complete line of Lave Caket I I I t : . ' . s NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Olivia Ann Hunter, dec, late of Craven county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhib't them to the under signed on or before December 15, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This December IS, 1913. H. VV. Fisher, Administrator. ill llO.o - .1 I I s .,' I , I ; , .: ;,. utensils i ii-i, fill,, ,: i I j trni ;- ducts, . !! h -i ii M i n "i a an si or--furniture ami all 01 her h"-s in d proper! v of the I.i -r I'lhn !l lieorge, at his farm adjacent to the store in i'.'oi'lh ILtrlowe Craven en- , an the itli il.iv of anuai-y, I," it beitisi the hrst Tues day in Ja.iu iry, and from lav f ) dav thereifter mtil all 01 said person,! p-operty is disposed of. Sale begins at 10 o'clock a. m. John R. Howen sdministrator of estate of Jo n 11 George, deceased. North Harlow, N C. This 'tb day of December, 1 s 1 ii. r. . . . ,'t C-: -i (:- : '' e,.q.., . a-. I - - i.s-,,, , ,.: Ie I Ii.". . ,'' If,., be .vier ii NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX. Having qualified as administratrix of the Kstatc of J. VV. Moore, de ceased, late of Craven county. North Carolina this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate o. nid deceased to exhibit them to the indersigned on or before the 3rd day of January, WIS, or this notice wil be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. MRS. J. VV MOORE, Administratrix. New Bern, N. C. This 3rd day of January, 1914. e. oc:,. i .. ;. Ie r- ... :,!..,( hi ,;oi' :- l if; lie ! in '. I !h:'i".- . Pi me'. I I " v."! . e..i .. Hi t'l M I '. - V Ii" ' . ' : ' I :M ' co "'. '1 his Mi ; . .i w ;i a i. :ui -'!('. Of e.ii 1 1 iii w vb;,.;. I -.-;!. -or, '-'cvelty. i i I'll' ol' 1 e ill : ! : ol I lie s- . s 111 hllills ill Ole ' I'l- . : -i. ;.r th.!' IS '','hi'ieil wil h a I r r , . ,a Tin- h : t iiHl.eiiei! to i lie sh; o! a lolv'ioij sial'f xseihieti wiic i .;g heitil liesi-!--This scarf In to he ,!ra u about to hair and ncclc. win!, die Ima talis :n 'istiCHllj' off the shoulders Jeweled Garter Fasteners. Jeweled suspemied Barter fust .-n-ers are one of the modern unmans extravagant fancies. Some - of th. have pendant sellings dangling ifniu li' tn the question is, do they tichh " . Ie' fauoy, of course but in additioi in that, do they tickle? c'iic;; n ice , , ' 'M l I ;.:, - i " I I ' r' . : t ' i -IS i CK RENT l)(si,..l io niciri. t' Iiiisiiicss sv-ct i(ti, priite c'i L. all anil 'jiliuiie. t'.ill 'phone 7'h 'M ' K I 1 : "'is, - f.,r sale; . ie 1 :. I oo ii ; two sewn each, in good l": .itie!i, mod ern i onvenieiiivs, low price an. I easy trims. . T. II. M..ore, US Middle street. 12-.X .10 days. MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Parrot Buys the Paper. A parrot that purchases the news paper every morning is owned by Pa trolman Jerry O'ltrien of Allstoi street, Charlestown. a retired patrol man. Each night Mr. O'Brien leave: a penny outside the window sill, aim when a newsboy passes in the mon, Ing Polly shrieks, "Say, boy, bring li a paper!" The boy brings in the pa per and takes the peuny. Poston Traveler. Nearly Every Child Has Worms. Paleness, at times a flushed face, un natural hunger, picking the nose, great "hirst, etc., are indications of worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a reliable, thorough medicine for the removal of all kinds of worms from children and adults. Kickapoo Worm Killer in pleas ant candy form, aids digestion, tones system, overcoming, constipation and increasing the action of the liver. Is perfectly safe for even the most delicate children. , Kickapoo Worm Killer makes children happy and healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. Try it. Drug stores or by matt. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of N. H. Street, deceased, late of Craven county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at New Bern, N. C, on or before the 24th day of fDecember, 1914, or this notice will be f pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 24th day of December, 1913. N. H. Street, Jr., Administrator. 12-24. Planing Mill Now in Operation Rough Lumber any size and length at prices cheap as the cheapest good qual it; and prompt delivery is my motto. Will be pleased to bid on any bill 'of Lum ber large or small call or Write s E. W. Simpkins Caught A Had Cold. "1 ast winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he coughed was something dreadful," writes Mrs. Sara E. Duncan, of Ti'ton, Iowa. "We nought sure he was going intoconsump ron. We bought just one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that .ni' bottle stopped his cough and cured hi.- cold completely." I or sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Dog Brought Murder to Light. A dog detective caused the arrest of Fedor Khoreschko, charged at Bla godate, near Odessa, Russia, with the murder of his brother. The animal had attracted attention by visiting daily for three weeks the same spot in a garden where, howling dismally, it scratched up the soil until the dead body of the missing man was discov ered. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORtA Strengthen Weak Kidneys. Don't surfer longer with weak kidneys V'ou can get prompt relief by taking Electric bitters, that wonderful remedy praised by women everywhere. Start with a bottle today, you will soon feel like a new woman with ambition to work, without fear of pain. Mr John Dowling of San Francisco, writes: "Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Bitters prompts me to write. It cured my wife when all else failed " Good for the liver as well. Nothing better for indigestion or biliousness. Price, 50c. and $1.00. at all druggists (Adv.) 2nd Notice to Tax Pavers Your state and county taxes' are now past due. This is positiuely the last notice, your personal prop erty or real estate will oe levied on an early date; please call at once, settle the above, and save trouble and cost. This means you. R. B. LANE, Sheriff. Whenever Yon Need Oeneral Tonic Take Grove's - .. . tj The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QU1NINB and IRON. It sets on the Liver, Drives , out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and SoOds up the Who'e Svstetn. 50 cents.

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