Children Cry for Fletcher's 73 TAKE UP ENGLISH CUSTOM Serving of Afternoon Tea Has Becom General With American (ioikmw Repast Made Simple. 1 f r TT ixum 1 M ) the Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the eigrnatnre ot jf and has been made under his per- jfjBf . gonal supervision since its infancy. X&t&jrTcbZc&M; Allow no one to deceive you in tins. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are but Experiments that triiie with and endanpr the health of Infants and Children-Experience against fcxperinieitf. What is CASTORIA fontains neither Opium, Morphine nor o(Mr Narc Stenee. Its age is its guarantee. ."nJe and allavs Feverishness. For more than thirty years It has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, AVind Colic, all Teething Troubles and KaSnea!' i regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, givinff healthy and natural -sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 4fA In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have AIysci5Uflht Tiio niidtnm of aervinff tea has bfr almost as sreneral with Ameri cana nowadays as with their Englisn relatives. The difference in large ctties especially la that tea hour Is frequently spent at fashionable tea rooms or hotel restaurants, u ne vari ous occupations or pastimes which afr trart wnmen to the shopping districts or the theaters in the same neighbor hood incline women to "drop in" for light refreshment near where they chance to be. At the large hotels mere is likely to be a table set wltn lempir lng confections, spun sugar baskets and flowers that delight the eye, wnuo the pastries are displayed. In the home the matter of serving tea for the family group or the casual caller Is a simple hospitality easy to adopt With a tea kettle and an alco hol lamp the beverage may De orewea in a few moments. Lemon, sliced, and loaf sugar are the general accompani ments, and only wafers that may be bought need be added. It Is considered better form nowadays not to serve hearty or "mussy" dainties for callers wearing gloves. The daintiness ol appointments ia essential. A large mahogany or wicker tray, In lieu of a silver one, holds the service, which is brought into tne room Rt. the time of serving. Small stands with two or three shelves for holding- as many plates of crackers or bonuona nr a convenience for serving, ix is also good form to use small linen 01 damask napkins smaller tnan are useo tnr limrhpnn or breakfast. Ihese may be hemstitched or scalloped and are in the best style when ornamented with a small embroidered initial. In fittinc lenses its necessary! to "Hit a very small target." Most anyone can hit a barn. J. O. Baxter, Jeweler and up-tician. North Carolina, Craven County. In the Superior Court. C. I.. Spencer vs. Timothy Horner. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION'. WORN UNDER THIN C'-0USES Dainty Accessory Made on the Line of the Old-Fashloned Corset cover, No Longer In Favor. Pennsylvania An thracite Pocahontas Lump land Steam Coal. rYard Foot of Cra ven Street. IHOLLISTER &C0X hPhone : NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX. Havine Qualified as administratrix f tli Estate of I. VV. Moore, de ceased, late of Craven county, North Carolina this is to notify all persons havina rlaims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of lanuarv. 1915. or this notice wil hr. nlearied in bar of their recovery. 'All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. MRS. I. W. MUUKb, Administratrix Wi JWn N. C. This 3rd day of January, 1911. MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 Hardware AND BUILDING MATERIAL By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Craven county in the above entitled action. I will, on the nrst Mondav in February, 1914, it being the second day. at 12 o'clock m., at tlu- court house door of said county, ... i - i I f..- .c.K sell to tlie nignest oiuucr im .--"' to sati.-fy said execution, all the right titlp :nul interest which the said de fendant has now or has had heretofore in the following described real estate to wit: All that certain (ract or parcel ol laud lvint and being in No. 7 Township, Craven county, at or near Kiverdale station, bounded as follows: Bei;iunine at Martha Allen s upper .. r comer, in the right ol way on me A. & N. C. Railroad, running trom thence southwestwardly along this old line of Turkey and Cannonj line, to his corner, in Laura Ricks line, thence northwardly with a line of land tormer Iv beloneincr to Timothy Horner, to a corner in Clifford Simpson's line, thence eastwardly along Clifford Simpson's line to the riuht of way to the A. & N. O Railroad, thence southwardly along the riuht of wav of the A. & N. C. Railroad to the bet-inning, containing four :,rrps more or less, being the same land described in a deed from J. J. VVoklen den and wife to Timothy Horner, re corded in Book 170, page 594. This the 16th day ol December 1913. R. B. Lane, PAINTS, OILS AND ' VANISHES American Field Fence F W. SMALLWOOD n f. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of N. H. Street, deceased, late of Craven county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exniDit them to the undersigned at New Bern, N. C, on or before the 24th day of Dtcenber. 1914. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate win olease make immediate payment. This the 24th day of December, 1913. N. H. Street, Jr., Administrator 12-24. There are a number of dress acces sories which a clever woman can put together with her own nngers wnicn win Bmarten a wardrobe wonderfully things which are very costly it bought In the store. Among tnese are th f&ncv under waists made on the lines of the old-fashioned, tight-fitting corset cover. These under waists are very necessary with thin blouses, and not only must they be very decorative, tin annnort as well, as flimsy nel and chiffon blouses demana someming to cIva line to the figure. ThPHfl smart waists are maae ot ttoavr coarse net. and bones are set in a casing at the seams. They reach Just in tha waist line. Although tne reaay made ones come without sleeves, one may add the little sleeve cap which is so useful in disguising the presence of Hin shield. Triah lace is a favored trimming to outline of the neck, and is set in me- rtoiiinna across the shoulders ana bust. They may be made of heavy hnrohfirs' linen trimmed with cluny or torchon lace. Others may be em broidered In eyelet design, iney should fasten in front. FlowerS CUT FLOWERS Designs of any kind, Corsage Boquet from "Hammond"the largest and best Florists in the South. Mrs. Gertie Matthews, Local Rep resentative, 93 Craven St. 210fhonel9 2nd Notice to Taxi Payers Your, state, and county taxes are now past due. This is positiuely the last notice.-. Your, personal prop erty or real estate will be Isvleti . on an early- date; please call at once, settle the stri'e,' and save treble and cost. This means, yen. n.B.LATiS!:eriIl Planing Mill Now in Ooeration Rough Lumber any size and length at prices cheap as the cheaoest good qual itj and prompt delivery is my motto, will oe pieasea tn hid on anv bill of Lum ber large or small call or Write E. W. Simpkins GOWN FOR THE DEBUTANTE I Nothing Could Be More Appropriate Than This Dainty Afternoon i-took of Shadow Lace. Thn nnirit of youth with Its elusive i charm has been the inspiration of the designer ot wis dainty afternoon frock of shadow lace. Bodice and skirt are worn over a white slip, the sleeves are left transparent The bodice is ex tremely plain, hav lng for sole trim ming a double frill "val" lace edging, running directly down the center front and held by a row of pearls. The elbow sleeves have a narrow ruffle of lace, as finish, joined to the sleeve by one seaming, and the nnck Is finished by a narrow lace-edged collar of fine batiste. The skirt has a triple flounce of the lace. Girdle and neck bow are of soft white satin. i 1 One Cent a Word THE JOIRNAI'S WANT COLUMN Cash With Order Worms the Cause of Your Child's Pains. A foul, disaifreealik' breath, !;irk ir.-l.-s around the eves, at time iVvtr- ish. with emit thirst; check- Hushed and then pale, abdomen swollen with harp cramping pains are all indications f worms. Dont let your child sutler Kickapoo Worm "Killer will give sure relief il kills the worm while l :. ff,..-i -.r.-a ilv 1" t he IS il Vl.,ii health of your child liy removing the lannerous and disagreeable tifect ol worms anil parasites from the system. Kickanoo Worm Killer a- a in-aim producer should be in e ei household Perfectly safe. Buy a bo I. 'day. Price 25c. AH Druggist's or by mail. Kickapoo Indian Med. Co., Phila. or St. Lotus. FOR SALE Fresh lioine-made orange mann.tld.K-, trapi-fruit marmalade, kunKitat jelly and preserves, kiimquat butter, nuava jelly. Apply t Mrs. T. W. Broaden. 14 1-2 Pollock street. Thone 87a. 1-30 1 wk. SMALL farm for rent, on Xeuse road, at fork of Kellair road, miles from town. Twenty acre i i -. i - i eared, uoo.i ihiikiiiii;. r.. .-a. .aticasier or (",. 1). D.iil, New Jcrn. 1-2'' 4 ti. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Ilavinr aualificd as administrator f the ette of Wm. B. Green, drcsased, late ef Craven county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at New Bern, N. C. on or before the liret day ol December. 1914. or this notice will be ! lJ : l- rx( ittU'tr rivniinrvi All JlCrtUCU 111 Li. "ifi""-" persons iiulebtcilto said estate will please make it. .mediate p.-.y iii. m . This the 1st day of December, I'M ). K. Armistead, Administrator. V v r i i. Attornev. 12-2 ,U dys FOR RENT Four room house .5 acres land, Neuse road, 1 1-2 miles Irom cuv. Only i-o.u.) a month. Ceo. I). Hail, New Bern. 1-2J 4 ti. Electric Bitters Made A Nw Man Of Him. "I was BuiTering from pain ia my stomach, head and back," writes H. ' P A larnn liyef and kidneys did not work right, b':i four Dottles oi xiecirio dhw ...;ida n?6 feel like a new man." oaioc tn rTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. You read about the symptoms of eve strain. That's easily told. Correcting the Strain? lhats different. J. O. Baxter, Jeweler and Optician. YOU WILL Mi YOUR CLOTHES If You Have Them Cleaned and Important Change ? Effective lannarv l.?tli and with Train No. 16 leaving New Hern 12.30 a. in. January :14th. 1914, the present Pullman Sleeper Car Line now operated tipfmpon f.r.lflcborn and Norfolkfwill be2cnanged on theJabove date to New Bern and Norfolk Line. Passeneers may ocenpv car at New Rem northbound anv time after 9:00 p. m., eflective January 13th, passen vers mav remain in sleeper at New Bern j -. g. until 8:00,a. m. effective January ,13th., first car leaving Nortolk January ltli 9:00 D. m.lFor futher information apply to T. H. Bennett, Union Ticket Agent, 'phone 737. t-sSl E. D. Kyle, Traffic Manager, Nor folk, Va'fi-i . S. Learl, C.encral Passenger A- gent. FOR RENTTWO rooms, newly iirnished in desiralile location. For information apply at Journal d'lice. Only men need apply. 1-29 3 ti. ROOMER wain -.1. Coo,! !o, .- lion. Due Mm k from I .Ik, '1 t-.n- )le. App!' Pollock .-treel. 1-2S 6 li. FOR RENT - A modern seven room buildinu with all comenien- ces. No 8 Griffith street. Per manent tenant desired. Apply to Dr. G. A. Gat on. 1-28 tf. -Repaired By- SOL L1PMAN Phone 733 76 S. Front St. OPPOSITE GASTON HOTEL DR. EMUETT NOTICE Wood. wood. Drv stove wood. For quick service 'phone 273. Big Hill, the Shingle Man. FOR RENT Desirable rooms for light housekeeping, No. 1 Bladesjaven ue. tf. ATTENTION Book-keeping work wanted, systems installed, changed from single to double entry, work guaranteed. Address "B," care of Journal. tf- FOR RENT Two story modern home with 30 to 60 acres of land, withi one mile of New Bern, suitable for trucking or any kind of farming. C. D. Hradham. 1-16 2 wks. (SXSXJ Phone :: 174 -FOR Granulated Sugar 5c. per 11). Cranberries 20c. per qt. Frankfurt Sausage and All Pork Sausage V. M. D. Veterinarian Hospital for Animals 103 East Front St. New Bern. N C. Office phone 455, Residence Phone 912. A niitrk-aetine. Dowerful nut cracker patented by a Texan may be clamped to a table, a lever pressing Jaws squarely together. The value of the grindstones and riulDBtones Droduced in the United States last year was the greatest In the history of the industry. A rabbit eannlnK factory has beeu started in Arcentina in the hope of ridding some portions of the couutry of a pest in a profitable way. THE proper thing to do whenever you want a good cook, a cozy room a lirt class stenographer, book-keeper, sales man or clerk is to let a Jo irnal "WAN 1" AD" get it (or y. They are easy to write and easy to m lor. 11 TTift law crives the finder no title to lost property until he has made a "reasonable effort -to find the owner. 0 The reasonable effort is to aavemse u ra tKe"LostandFoundM tlumnl AbrJy the go ule. Careful Manicuring. When the nails have grown auflll- cently long to be filed It Is necessary that they be treated carefully ana arnntlT for oulte some time. In order that the tender cuticle and nails are not broken during the work. A small, thin, flaxihle file should be used in filing, and I would advise a girl who Is trying to rejuvenate her nngers to use only home made preparations on them.--'' if the flnrnr n&lla will break in spite f nil that la being done for them. they should then be anointed thickly &t nleht with the following panel OrKwiimrtflr of an ounce of pistaohe on, eight grains of fine table nit. eight and a quarter grains eacn, m twwif amiA main and alum and SO grains of white wax! melt the wax over a water bath, then fltlr In the oil. ramoTe from the bath and beat in tne powders, which should bare been pre rionsly .sifted together. ' "Tunno" PattlooaV Quite the newest thing in the pettJ- coat line is the Tango." It is made ot two widths, the seams at the sides. lj.C.fllST WANTED F.very window and every door in every house in the city pro tected auainst the cold weather that t- now upon us, by installing our Rubber Weather Slips, a sure preventive. Reduces your fuel bill which is a lar-e item. (all us. will explain. T.iT-on .Lumber Mi's. T! ,n..- 1 l 1-1.5 ,i k. i'OR RENT Deir.i!.l. ollic-s to let over l!ra'!han's Uro.ul -ne.-i dr u; store. 11 lacin- tlu-sir :. l, (i5 llro:n! r.-. I , t il ' . 1-7 .?u l. New Spring Percales in all the light stripes- -Hackburn's The latest in White Crepes'at Haekburn's THOUGHTS TO LIVE UP TO It Is a great thing in times of trial to have merged In some re spects our private interests in the greater interests of the common life. Horsfall. Reflect upon your present bless ings, of which every man ias many; not on your past misfor tunes, of which all men have some. Charles Dickens. We are never more like God than when we are doing good. Calvin. I am glad to think I am not bound to make the world go round; But only to discover, and to do With cheerful heart the work that God appoints. Jean Inge-low. KOR RENT d.-i. able ,., for ;.-n- llcmeu, best l.-v.iion, H--'h ' 'P!i-cie Kea.-onalle. J- Rolh-ck Mr.-.-t. 'Phone 1-4 ti. FOR RENT Desirable room, near business section, privilege of bath and 'phone. Call 'phone 730.-a ICOAL White Calton Crepes in plain and plaids at flackbnrn's Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general trengthenln tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC,drWe out MalarU.enriche the blood, build up the uton A true Tonic For adults and childrei Ma DEFINED Chaperons Between two fires. Wife One who always believes the worst. Lorers Eres Magnifying glassest hssbands eyes mlorosoope. gob A sovnd made hr women, ba bies, tenors, actors and drunKea men. Smart Bet FACT AND FANCY I Bpeoulatioa leads to peentattlon. Just received a Barge Load of Peertsylvania Anthracite Free Burning Furnace, EGG, Stove, Nut and Pea coal : : : We ilia ve on hand at all times Solint and Lump Col for the grate and stove; al so the very best Pocahon tas steam coal. ELL I S COM. AND WOOD YARD Union Point,' Phonel47 silt to the knee.

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