...L L. ATCIIED THEM FROM IN FRONT OF PASSEN . T i GER TRAAIN. Green&boro. Ian. 29. Lizzie Reid, a negro woman of this city, may be a candidate for a. Carnegie hero medal and prize. Yesterday afternoon she saved from death, : at the risk of her own life, two white children playing on ' the track of the . main line , of " the Southern Railway Company.. The ., ;hiildren were one of Mr. and Mrs. "J. I, Medearis and one of Mr. and Mrs1. VV.'C. Ogburn, who li'e on Chestnut ! street. I , . The children had strayed from liome pn the line 'of the railway north of the Summit avenue cros. sing and ;; had . their playthings ' -on thetrackt The negro woman was crossing the railroad - some -distance from the children and also heard the train approaching. ;$he ran : for ; the - children and reached them in time to throw one off the track - and t take- the other off in her arms. A little -wagon that one of the children held to was struck by the train and torn into pieces. .This shows how near the train was to the children. The engineer apparently 'never saw the youngsters on the track. - . 1 tl.e oilier with his hands, he Rets as much music out of them as a brass band and orchestra combined. Time and again did he respond to encores and it was plainly evident, that his efforts to please pYoved successful. ' Smith andFarmer "pulled some new' ones" ".on -their audience, and ; one 1 could iot . remain from being amused.' J. ,They have ;. a repretoire of ' jdkes and sells that would mane a horse laugh. The female member of this duo has a voice of rare technique and tone, and her rendition - of sev eral:-, popular selections ' brought down the house, ' X If this week's bill at the Athens is a fair sample of what is in store for the future, patrons "of that theatre. may look forward to some real treats airduring the remain der of the season, . and i. : .. , . . . of detail. Within the Law exj i .'is the story of a pretty young-American girl who, innocent of wrongdoing is "railroaded" to prison sac rificed to the need of an "example' against theft. ,,. She emerges and tries to be honest, but the police persecute her and drive her from the haunts 'of , the decent peoptet Denied the right to live honestly she adopts safe methods of crime. remaining always technically "within the law," but preying-at will, on society under that cloak PHYSICIANS ENDORSE . ,:NOL. VI for FAMOUS DETECTIVE WAS UPBESSED JT PUY "WITHIN THE LAW" MADE A HIT WITH WILLI- ,. AM PINKERTON. ;; NOW BE SEEN HEBE 'THE ., ATHENS x THEATRE HAS HIGH CLASS EN "; " TERTAINERS. ; r New . Bern got its first taste 1 of Keith's vaudeville yesterday afternoon, and it can truthfully ' be said that it proved satisfactory. ' Only three cities in North Carolina -Charlotte, Wilmington and : New Bern, are favored with this high class of amusement and the theatre-goers of this city are indeed fortunate. ; : The Athens theatre was crowd edy esterday afternoon and last -night to hear Raphael Gualano, Jthe accordion soloist and Smith and Farmer in humor and ong. .The work of the former proves unquestionably that .he . is . an artist in his chosen line. ' Playing When Bayard Veiller's absorb ing new American play, "Within the Law," the current dramatic sensation of New York, which The American Play .Company is to present here at the Masonic Theatre on February 5was given its '' initial performance at the Princess , theatre, 1 Chicago, last Spring, perhaps the most inter ested and enthusiastic person in the large and critical first-night audience was . William A. Pinker tob, the internationally r famous detective who enjoys good drama tic entertainment as keenly as solving a mysterious crime.. So delighted was Mr. Pinkerton with the applause and ; the : play re ceived at its premiere that he could not restrain himself from expressing to its author his opin ion that "Within the Law" is the most impressive drama he has ever witnessed. Mr. Pinker ton warmly "commended the pas sages of the play treating of police methods, life among . successful thieves, tactics of shrewd black mailers and general , conditions in the "underworld" of society. He expressed, admiration for the fidelity to nature and the accurate f: msiSt'i-ti. S.'ii'V';;;-.w.v:: VAt 1 4 : i i J 1 t 1 I 1 I 4 "ts : 1 1 ' ' -! - i i 20c per lb. 20c per lb. ; Genuine Dlack Fruit Ca!ie f Hsdc With Twelve Dillcrcht, Kinds of ' ' Fruits and Nuts Cake like this you can't get every day, so don't fail to get one for Xmas. . Sues and Prices; 2 1-2 lb 50c 7 1-2 lb $150,-5 lb $1-19 lb?$2 I I I I M -AT- KAFBR'S BAKERY Phones 243 and 409 Also a complete line of Layer Cakes I f S a ; 4 I I " I I ; m ( 1 X 1 ' ' ' a 1 ts MttafstM(a To Create Strength and v' Pulmonary Troubles. Run-down, ; debilitated 'people those who need strength, or who suffer from chronic coughs, colds or bronchitis may find help in these letters.' c . . , Dr. C. L Dreese, GoshenT N. Y., says: "In cases where the curative influence bf cod liver oil is needed, I prescribe Vinol, which" I find to be far more palatable .and effica cious than other cod liver prep arations. It is a worthy cod liver preparation in which a physician may .have every ' confidence?" " Dr. L. B. Bouchelle of Thomas- ville, Ga., says: "I have used Vinol in my family and in my v general practice with ; the most satis? factory results. I ts exceedingly beneficial to those afflicted with bronchial ofl pulmonary troubles, and to create strength." ', Dr. W. N. Rand of Evans Mills N. Y., says: "I want to say that I have used and prescribed Vinol in my practice and it will do alt you claim for it and more." -We return your money if Vinol fails to help : you. - F, S., v Duffy druggist, New Bern, N. C. P. S. For children's Eczema, Saxo Salve is guaranteed truly wonderful, y . - SAYS SO IN AN INTER VIEW GIVEN THE JOURNAL. . If ' the farmers down in Pamlico county do not make some money during the "approaching season, it will be on account of unexpect ed bad weather between now and that time: "J. R. Hodges of Orient al,, one of the prominent farmers and merchants of Pamlico county, was in the city this week and he talked interestingtyof the prepar ations the farmers in that section are now making for the spring crops.' ; ' , 4 . . ' ' While farmrng is ,an absorbing topic with Mr.-Hodges, he takes a keen interest in political activities in. .theCdistrict, especially in that county and, -coming : in contract with many citizens of that section, his opinion is worth a great deal. 'What do- the voters down your way think of sending Hon. Charles R. Thomas, back to Congress" Mr; Hodges was asked by a Jour nal ' reporter. "I have talked with a large number of the voters down in . Pamlico," . said Mr Hodges,. "' and J ' find that Mr Thomas, is the f avprite of many of them.. . They. know of his ex cellent work during the time that he ' held .office and they want to send him back." v- When expressions-'such as the above - are made by - men who are . leaders : in their . community, it can easily be seen thatMr.Thom as .has the support of the .major rtj 6f the Demodratic voters all over the District . , - : . Perfect Dyeing. Olorless Dry Cleaning. . . . Garments a Specialty. Ladies! U . nc:2L .son; imvn . . ' ' " ' 31 and 33 Middle Street W. SKINNER, Pro. Phone 222. :, , L. A. SKLNNER Mgr. BIG LAND SALE. Several Small Farms To Be - Disposed Of. be Condiments Hava Value. - .. It la said that hunger la a good aaee; but the condiments are by no meanato be neglected. If food la to be rellahed. . The yarloua flavoring aeeda and leavea, truffles, mushrooms and the llkaj even If they have no food value. Tender food more palata We. Every housewife abould get ac quainted with a variety of them. On February 7 . there v will another auction ' sale of note in this section. This will be the sale near Reelsboro, of several small farms from the property ; known! ,.i . l - a . i. if as tne i. r. noiton iana. - - t i The sale, which r will be co'n-i ducted- by" the "East Carolina. Realty and Auction : Company will take place on Saturday nyirnH ing at . 1 1 o'clock," and 'the 'mblic is extended a cordial invitatibtt, to attend. There will be two :auc. tioneers and music by brass band.' v.r.'. - Habits. Like flakes of snow that fall unpe ceived fcpon the earth, the seemingly unimportant events of life succeed one another. At the snow gathers togeth er, ao our Btfblta are formed. No sin gle flake that -is added to the pile produces a sensible change. So It is bf little tbinga that a man' cbarao- tar la molded. Exchange. - ': :l ' . C ASTORIA For Lifants and ChZdrea v In Usa Fci Over CD Ycztq Always bean the Signature of To Stop the Cough Cure the . Tickling Bprmy or mop tht Uiroat with the wonderful antiseptic, OR. PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OK,. 'It Cures in One Dar. Ful direcUoas with each bottle. 25c. 50c. '1.00 i l 9 i TT . . . ? . T aP TT mm 'i Li i acd unOI New stcck arrives, we ere selling dl jpcscb cents atfycsr own price. . Coats, sdlSa-Dresses, Wdsts, Conest ecfFricelcntcn est stcnicrd cocis. fell vbeCier yea I:-vc il:z rcciy r.cey cr net, we ere tere to do Illness ilzzzz yen. Gl TIE -LT.7 nr.r. ' 111 w. f c "a "J - MAM1MMSMMaalgsialMisl ' ' Origin of "Umeuelne.T ' ' ' The word "limousine" noV applied generally to cloned automobiles, orig inally meant the woolen cloak worn by public carrlera in Fraflce, later the word came to mean the top or can opy of the carrler'a cart; then -the whole cart, and finally any reticle with an Inclosed apace for paasengera, Popular Mechanics. - 8endlng 8tampa. : ,- ' When enclosing a stamp In a let ter. Instead of moistening t e corner to attach it to the paper. Just moist en a spot In the center. The removal of a amall part of the adhesive sub stance from the center will not impair the rest of the stamp, whereas the corner la very often destroyed in de taching. 1 , a.tr :3-:iiy,v-Y I SICK, SOUR St OMACH.5v ? ; f ; ;"' INDIGESTION, GAS OR Time It! 'Tape's Diapepsin" make . your upset, bloated atomach feel fine In five minutes. "Really does put bad stomachs in order '"really does" overcome indiges tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness in five - minutesthat just that makes Pape's Diapepsin the lar gest selling stomach regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments into stubborn : lumps, yon,., belch gas and eructate sour, , undigested food - and acid; head is dizzy, and aches; breath fouU tongue coated; your inside fi led with bile and Indigestible Waste, re member the moment "Pape's Diaper gin" comes in contact with the stomach all such . distress . vanishes. It's truly astonishing -almost marvelous, and the joy is its harmlessness. ",r .; A large fifty-cent case of Pape's" Dia pepsin will give you a' hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your.duggist hands you your money back. It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated. It belongs in your Lome should always be kept handy ii c: 2 of a sick, sour, upset stomach J 'ili'2 the day or at. night. It's the rj'ilckest, surest and most- harmless stomach doctor in the world. . Ml fM. UUiiL 1 1 v' EFJAniELWAREe 1VE DAVE, FT, Gasldllllardware end tlill Supply Co. C 73 75-77 Middle Street Kcv Bern - Kcrlli Cafclina xxxxxx.-j-xxxxxxxxxxx?a.xxxxxx XXVS XXXXXXXXXXXiC : One Pair ol Eyes is All You Get. , This is sufficient reason why you should take care of them. You are dependent on them for a life-time service. Proper glasses should be secured at the first sign of failing vhion. Our optical department Js ready to help you. U'f . .: ', ''SAM K. EATON, ' i . " . Optometrist. " wyvwvwv www cxaBBBOcsBaBtsoesi V SWiaSBaVWv TWHrSTrfpr ! DELINQUENTS Those that have not paid their City Tax delinquents. 19 13 Tax is past due. Pay yourCity Tax now.Save me expense, and you the1" annoyance of being dunned. ' THE TAX MUST NOW BE PAID If not I will be compelled to levy oh personal property, gar nishee, advertise and sell sufficient property to satisfy . the tax and cost. Please don't delay, but ; call' at once and pay your City Tax.- ' ' ' ' " V . . , STATEMENT OF VOUR City TAX T I Tvl City Tas Collector , i HAS BEEN MAILED TH-VOU wsjfcsi:ej pMi.pewN-i.am smsspo -mm"mm ma WOOTTEN - MOULTON i r 1 - -h v " : , , Have the very latest equipment for making pictures of family groups. Night or day. at their own home. : : : : : . zaa riaaaza r::::r i "I 1 III Those All Pork Sauc-e at 15c. pound? can't be beat at any price. per We have the' best PICKLES in the city Try them and see for yourself, :: We haveSoi' r-1 Cr daily. Tlaco j - - f;ra trial. c4 '!1"-3 almost J Lj !?TI:3 XI: