FJie Kind You Ilave Always Bought, and wluch has Jbcca. la use for over 50 yec?, has born the signature c , ' ' jincl has been made trader Jiis.per i ." sonal supervision since its infancy ' &a&jUc4A! Allow no one to deceive you ia fc-faSl All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good are hut , Experiments that triflw with and endanger the health, of f Jnlants and Children Experience against Experiment, l , VJSidi id CASTORIA : Casforia Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare fcoric. Drops and Soothing Syrups.;., It is pleasant. It ! i contains neither Opium, Morphine nor otb?r JNarcotio .; eubstatice. Its age is its guarantee. 1 1t destroys Worms -i ind allays Feverishness. For more than, thirty years it lias been in constant use or the relief of Constipation, ' . ' Flatulency, "Wind fiolic, all : Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. If- regulates the Stomach . and, Bowels, . Assimilates t-ho Fq,od, giving healthy and natural sleep. "" The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend, s. . : : 'cr:uiris,'b ASTORIA always fkarS te Signature of In Eg l"cr Over 30 Years The Kind Vou Have fl a ' i ' ft 20c per lb, V . 20c per lb. Genuine Black Fruit Cake Made Willi Twelve Different Kinds of -M-iiFruits;and:Nufs' v- ' ' ' Cake like this you can't get every day,'o . don't fail to get one for Xmas. I I KAPER'S" Phones 243 and 400 Also a 5- 9 uSSt.W ..: 3 AaftAjfJtiw..?j.Lt.. t i - - m - ' " - - i I Within a oifeTof f :: 1 1 Aim -r-" r . ... - 4 . X X - r rf - r r -'V " " " r V--" ; One fourth Cash, balance 1,2 and 3 years. ' U. :ik soil, clay f i-.!icn, will .'grow anything. Good r.I:::2by .Ci-c;3 D:3. Two auclioneers. Valuable ii-vj clVvJ ulsuy. ' r . ; . Fr ce trip from New Bern By Railroad to Reelsboro V nnd Free ride out to Farms, which- are only 8 miles from the city and on the Railroad. Yoii ,can buy cnecr rJlcf them at your own price. . . if . Mi ' Always Bought ,- rsi 11- lil BAKBR Y & Pi complete line of Layer Cakes a several c- - . . ; - -j' Reelsborp, N. C. fork ana b'ay River roads, Known LP. Ilolton lands O'clock A. M. ." SilnJ MM CO. t . Up-to-DaU German City. ... ' Furth, a Bavarian city of 70,000 pop ulation, a suburb of the city of Nurem berg, has bad in operation for more than two years a municipal garbage incineration plant that Is regarded as a, model of its kind, and which, in con nection with a modern System of garb-' age collection, makes the disposal bt garbage of this city not only the least offensive and most sanitary . possible, but also a matter of actual, although1 small, profit to the municipality. ; ' Humanity Much the Same. ': There . is not much difference be tween the various races. If you went into a gymnasium, for instance, where men from all the civilised white races were dressed, alike and none of them spoke a word, it would be hard to dis tinguish the men from ; England, and America from those from France, Ger many or Italy. The clew wo have now to the different' races i mostly in the clothes and manners and lan guage. 'iry'Kp Character Revealed by Thumb. A short thumb, tapering at the tip,, denotes an inconstant, changeable na ture, particularly In matters of the at fecUone. : A man with ' a tapering thumb cannot- concentrate, and has; consequently, little continuity, .In addi tion to being unpunctual and unable to work except in spurts. Such a' man- takes up many '- things, but ' finishes, nothing properly, and often makes oth ers suffer from his indecision. ' , Plum Pudding an Ancient Dish. The exact origin of the English plum pudding 1b so obscure it is dif ficult to obtain any information other than an occasional note in records covering the early part of the eigh teenth century. It is supposed to have been in use many years before this, but the first mention of "pudding! made from flower and raisins" is found Under the date of 1711. Palms Grow Over Burled City. Over the site of the ancient city of Memphis, once the fair city of the world, now buried by a thick deposit of Nile mud, Btand stately palme, which yield a luscious fruit Over the city the peasant Egyptians carry on their agricultural pursuits, and the palms yield the entire food of the peas ants during large parts of the year. Osage Orange. The osage orange is a native of North America and is generally used as a hedge.' In some instances it at tains a height of 60 feet The fruit is not poisonous, but is seldom, if ev er, eaten, being filled with a woody fiber and a milky Juice which, is far from attractive to the taste. of Goose Creek as the 1 J 8oftenlng Effect of Sickness. - v There is something in sickness that breaks down the .pride of manhood; that softens the heart," and brings it back to the feelings, of infancy. Who that has languished, even in advanced life, in sickness and despondency; who that has pined, on a weary bed in the neglect and loneliness of a foreign land; but has thought on the mother "that looked upon his childhood," that sm4dthed his pillow and administered to his helplessness T Washington irving. - To Exploit Brazilian Forests. The Immense forests of rosewood and other hard and valuable woods found in the southern part of the state of Bahla, Brazil, which have never before had a thorough trial in com merce, have tempted three American companies to begin exploitation. . Con cessions have been obtained from the Brazilian government and operations begun on forest land . abutting on small rivers flowing into the Atlan tic. Where Living la High. , Those who complain of the high cost of living would have reason for a much more pronounced howl if they lived for a short time in La Pas in Lower California. Butter is never sold for less than 65 cents a pound and during the seven hot months of the year fresh vegetables are not at all obtainable. Ice which is manufac tured in La Fax sells tor two dollars a hundred. Easy to Make Happiness. A philosopher says that the true secret of earthly happiness is to en joy pleasures-as they arise; for that man who can keep his eye on the bright present, while it is bright tastes the cup of sweetness prepared for him; but we are prone to look for ward to dark objects, while we should be enjoying those that are more agree able. Surely. "Did you ever notice," said Mrs, W. Peck, "that about half of the pic tures in the photographers' windows are of bridal couples? I wonder why they always rush off to a pho'.ogr pher's so soon? " "1 fancy the hus band is responsible for it," said Mr. Peck. "He realizes that it Is about his last chance to ever look pleasant" Rich French Possession, French Guinea is regarded as one of the richest of the French West African colonies. Konakry, the capi tal, is the port through which almost the whole of the export and Import trade passes, and improvements are being made to facilitate the constantly Increasing trade. Burial Place of Mark Twain. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain) is burled in a beautiful cemetery in Elmira, where he lived with his fam ily while be was writing many of his books. The members of his family, his wife and two daughters, are buried in the same plot Animals In the Family. "Everybody In our family's some kind of an animal," eald Bobby to the amazed lady visitor. "What nonsense! she exclaimed. "Well," replied Bobby, "mother's a dear, my baby sister is mother's little lamb, I'm the kid and dad s the -goat." One Good Turn. "Don't you know, Emily, that it is not proper for you to turn around, and look after a gentleman?" "But, mamma, I was only looking to see if be was looking to eee if I was look ing," Fliegende Blaetter. As Shakespeare Said. : "What is the meaning of the word adage?" the schoolmaster asked. "A place to put cats into," was the boy's answer. - "What put such an idea into your head?" "Well, sir, doesn't it say in Shakespeare, 'Take the poor cat in the adage V" - ' i Made It Out a Big Job. Jude Johnson repaired a broken win dow pans in his house today and then came downtown and told the reporters he had remodeled his house. Atchi son Globe. Them Was the Days. Kvery man likes to say that when he was younger he was quite handy with his mitts. Also that he was a- devil among the girls. Atchison Globe. . : ' Unlike Majority of Mankind. C v " The philosopher who discovered that sweet are the uses of adversity prob ably liked caviare and olives 'the first time he tried them. v-w:- : - Telling of EvIL i .. v : ' Never tell evil of a man If you do not kno it for a certainty; then ask yourself; "Why should ! tell ltr Lavater. .hM ' izii'' t k . -m1- : ,-. , v ?vA:.-Wlse Preesutlon..vs;"i i It is the part of wisdom for the lady to find put before marrying whether the gentleman already has a wife. Omaha Bee. .. , j , . t He Feels Most " " ' lie who has most of heart knows most of sorrow. Bailey. . THE JOURNAL'S WANT COLUMN One Cent a Word Eskimos Puzzle Science. No satisfactory solution of the ques tion of the origin of the Eskimo has ever been given. Whether they came from Asia or from North America, whether they are related to the more Southern American Indians or to the Tartars of the great Asian continent Is still open to debate. Good Advice. Mother-ln-Law "The doctor said I was all run down and needed strych nine as a tonic. Now, I don't want to take too much. How big a dose do you recommend?" .Son-ln-Law (hopefully) "I wouldn't take more than a gallon to begin with." Dally Thought Every volition and thought of man is inscribed on hie brain. Thus a man writes his life in his physique, and thus the angelB discover his autobi ography in his structure. Emanuel Swedenborg. Wlae Lady. Small Boy (to charitable lady)--Please, mother says she's much bet ter of the complaint wot you gives 'er quinine for but she's awful 111 of the disease wot's cured by port wine and chicken broth. Vast Deposits of Potash Salts. Geologists have estimated that the great German deposits of potash salts, practically the only important ones in the world, will last at the present rate of exploitation 600,000 years. Family Pride. Maud (to governess, after having received a well deserved whipping from her mother) It isn't the smack ing I mind, it's it's mummy making herself so ridiculous. Punch. His Didn't Stick. "Robert," asked the teacher, "did you throw any of those paper wads stlckin on the blackboard?" "No replied Robert. "Mine didn't stick." Judge. Fair Offer. We are willing that women shall have the last word if they will let us retain the last cent. Haverhill Ga zette. Pennsylvania Far In Lead. Pennsylvania's coal production Is al most as great as that of the other twenty-seven producing states. Color Perversity. Some men paint things red when ever they're blue. Any declaration that policewomen are f no use is a base libel. The chief of the Los Angeles force has put his feminine squad at work mak ing paper flowers to use as decora tions in the central station. Next year's Nobel peace prize should be awarded to that Italian sci entist who Invented a means to de stroy concealed mines and torpedoes. No surer way of preventing war al together than continue to invent those destroyers of destroyers. The mayor of Chicago has declared against the horizontal plume or other trimming of the kind for women's hats. He says the perpendicular plume Is all right as long as It ob serves the building limit, but he is going to maintain the right of citl zens to walk or stand in public places without having their features swept and dusted by hat trimmings. Here la another instance of how male tyran ny exercises the political power which men monopolize. INDIGESTION ENDED, STOMACH FEELS FINE. Time "Pape's Dlspepsin'"' In five minutes all Sourness, Gas, Heart burn and Dyspepsia gone. Sour, gassy, upset stomach, indiges tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you eat ferments into gases and stubborn lumps; your held aches and VQii feel sick and miserable, that's jn you ' realize the magic in Pape's JJjuin,: It mikes all ttomach mis ! ft-Jttk in five minutes. tit' T 8toniac" 's m s continuous rw I you can t get it regulated pleakvpfoe your sake, try Pape's Dia' pepsin. It's so needless to have a bad 'stomach make your next meal'a favorite food meal, than take a little Piapepsin. There will not be any dis tress eat without fear. .It's because Pape's Diapepsin "really ,does" regu late, weak, out-of-order stomachs that gives it its millions of sales Annually. ' Get a large fifty-cent, case of Pape's Dispepsin from any drug store;; It is the quickest, surest stomach relief and cure known; It acts almost like magic it is a scientific, harmless and pleas ant stomach preparation which truly belongs to every home. - v Cash With Order FOR SALE, at bargain, Barnes safe, 42 meters high. Good as new. Can lie seen at A. T. Willis Co.'s store, 128 Middle street. See F. E. Brooks, or address P. O. Box 316. 2-6 3 ti. FOUND solid gold Masonic Pin. Owner can have same by identi fying and paying expenses. T. A. Atkinson, 14 Geofge street. 2-6 3 ti. SIX ROOM house for rent, No. 11 Change street. All modern conveniences. For information. Daisie D. Edwards, N. S. R. R. 'Phone 189. STORE AND DWELLING COM bined for rent. 133 Broad street. Possession given at once. Apply to R. E. Davenport. 2-3 6 ti. FOR RENT House, 188 Middle street, six rooms, including bath, also nice kitchen and pantry, large yard and garden. Apply to Mrs. Charles Duffy, 120 Pol look street. 2-3 3 ti. FOR SALE Six choice lots Riverdale, well located, facing south; also one line lot and two new, nine room dwellings Nation al avenue., moderate price. See V. ('.. Boyd, 104 Pollock street. 'Phone 258. 2-1 3D dys. S. COPLOX AND SONwantthree lad-es for positions in their milliners- department March 1st. Ap ply at once for arrangements. PHYSICAL CULTURE for girls. Miss Windlcy's physical culture class for girls meets every Mon day and Saturday afternoon at 4 p. m. in the gymnasium of Christ Church Parish House. Terms S2 per month. 2-1 6 ti. FOR SALE 1'resh . home-made orange marmalade, grape-fruit marmalade, kumquat jelly and preserves, kumquat butter, guava jelly Apply to Mrs. T. V. Brogden, 14 1-2 Pollock street. 'Phone 287a. 1-30 1 wk. FOR RENT Two rooms, newly furnished in desirable location. For information apply at Journal olficc. Only men need applv. 1-29 3 ti. ROOMER wanted. Good loca tion. One block from Klks Tem ple. Apply 93 Pollock street. 1-28 6 ti. FOR RENT A modern seven room building with all convenien ces. No 8 Griffith street. Per manent tenant desired. Apply to Dr. G. A. Caton. 1-28 if. FOR RENT Desiral.le rooms for light housekeeping, No. 1 Bladi's a ,-en-ue. tf. THE proper tiling to do whenever you want a good cook, a cozy room a first class stenographer, book-keeper, sales man or clerk is to let a Journal "WANT AD " get it for you. They are easy to write and easy to pay for. WANTED Every window and every door in every house in the city pro tected against the cold weather that is now upon us, by installing our Rubber Weather Stips, a sure preventive. Reduces your fuel bill which is a large item. Call us, will explain. Tolson Lumber Mfg. Co 'Phone 430 1-13 3 wks. FOR RENT Desirable offices to let over Bradham's Broad street drug store. All facing the street. See "Geo. Eubank, 65 Broad street, City. 1-7 30 dys. FOR RENT desuable rooms for gen tlemen, best location, Bath and 'Phone Reasonable. 25 1-2 Pollock street.. 'Phone 383 .: 1-4 6 ti. FOR RENT Desirable room, hear, business section, - privilege of bath and 'phone. Call 'phone Cures Old Sores, Other Rtmedies Woat onW ; Ih wont cases , n- matter oftaw lotiar ttandiur. ire cared by the wonderful, old teliible Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing' OiL It relieve Pain and Pnis tthe Mtmetime. 20. Jnc fi on

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