F.II.Simmons A.D.Wrd s:".:"s & vAOD Attorneys and Councellors at LAW Rooms 401 and 404 - Elks'' Temple ' ' NEW BERN, ; t.N.C. C. A. YORK ATTORNEY AT LAW ROOM 404 ' ELKS ; TEMPLE Dr. King's New Dl. cuvny is know u everywhere as the remedy which will surely stop a cough or cold. D. P. Lawson of Edison, - Term, writes: ''Dr. King's New Discovery is the most wonderful cough, cold and '. throat and lung medicine I ever sold in my store. - It can't be beat. It sells without any trouble at all. It needs no u int.'tee." This is true, 'because Dr. " in tV ,w Discovery wil relieve the . fv.i-t , ! stinate of coughs t and :.cld!t; :- ''iij( troubles - quickly helped ' by its - rue. You should keep a bottle in the h.mse 'i i! K tuii.: u i.i "California Syrup of Figs" to clean the bowels. J. LEON VnUAHIS ATTORNEY AT LAW " . .. 1 '. - 126 MIDDLE ST. : NEW BERN,. : : : N. C. - .v. i.i. u.-- ... . : - Veterinarian Hospital for Animal3 111.) - East Front St. New C;r:i,' 'Mother! vour child isn't naturally N" G Office phone Z5f cross an Pcevish- " -Sce tongue is Residence Phone 912. " Vated; th!s sign itsjittie '- 'stomach, liver and bowels need a cleans ing at once. ' ' ' , - " ' 2 When , listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat sleep or act naturally, has stomach-ache diarrhoea, remember a gentle liver and i i . it i . i jM j : . i i uuwa Licensing snouiu h j ways De me lamily, 50c. and 51.00. AH Druggists J piumpi. uciivviy 3 first treatment given. 1 . 2 or by maiL .... - mymOItO. Will De plCSSCa - Nothing equals "California Syrup of nucmen oc .o.t rnuaaeipnia ro Did OH any Dill OI LUKl- gs for children's ills; give a teaspjOn Or 31. lOUIS. . ".. . Hai- InMa niMnll rwitf I till, and in -l frx hnilra -alt tlio mil ' Wrlt-a .1 waste, sour bile and fermenting food .t, , J which is clogged in the bowels passes oit a. w. aim plans 1ni1.'.B - - r 1 playful child again. -All children love this harmless, delicious "fruit lasative," PlaningiMill Now in Operation Rough Lumber any size I and length at prices cheap at all times for all the members ot. the 3 the Cheapest good Jlial "To Let t:.d loncsomest j.!aca la the world." , That Is. what was said - the other day- In much more solemn and oLl clal language by tho British govern ment. It lay hidden In the announce ment that bids would be accepted for tho leasing and exploitation of the whale fisheries and guano fields of the Nightingale; Inaccessible and Cough Islands, for Included among these Is Tristan d'Acunha, that remote little rock tucked away In the South Atlan- i it.- . v j of L W :.rE, l ( . J, late of Ciav i county, .North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceac-d to exhibit them to . the under signed on . or before the 27th day of January 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar' of their recovery. .All person in debted to said estate will please ?- SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Premier Carrier of the South. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES AC COUNT VARIOUS SPECIAL , ' . OCCASIONS. R. A. NUNN , ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, Jones, , and Onslow and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. . , n Office 50 Craven St. Phone 97 New Bernr N.C. Turkish Baths Carlsbad Method Benefical in the Treatment 4f Rheumatism. Gout. Sci tlca, Lumbago Neuritis. . undersisned Neuresthema, Kidney and Skin Disorders j Dr. Ernest W. Dunn OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 1 ' 20. ilO-!llELKS TEMPLE ' Hours 9 to 12: 3 to 5: 7:30 to 8:30 I Offic. Phone 194. Residence Phone mpn JUS H ' New Orleans, La.t - Mardi Grasl Celebration, tickets on sale' February i 17th to 23rd inclusive, - final return limit March 6th, J914. From' Raleigh ifo.d; ooiasDoro fto.n; Jjurham '$26.75. Mobile, Ala. j, Mardi Gras Celebra tion, tickets on sale February 17th to 23rd inclusive, final limit, March 6th, 1914. From Raleigh $23.45; Goldsboro $23.55; Durham $23.30. . , ' . Pensacola, Fla.j Mardl Gras Cele bration, tickets -on sale February 17th to 23rd, inclusive, final return limit March 6th, 1914. From Raleigh $23.00; Goldsboro $23.55; Durham $22.80. Atlanta, Ua.: Annual meeting Im perial . Council Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine May 10 to 13th, 1914, tickets on sale May 7th to 12th, inclusive, final limit May 20th, 1914. From Raleigh $12.90; Goldsboro $13.85; Durham $12.70. . For complete detailed information, sleeping car reservations, rates from r other points, etc., write or wire the J. O. TONES. Travelling Passenger Agent, Kaleigh, N. C. . rimic tcKcn treses t,;1 ?evei: fails . e-ffect a ,ood "in- v..va s,de" cleansing. Directions for Rabies, 111 Piil J?ll rl la : f children of all ages and grown-ups are Dccliturn's New Figs, Dates and Raisens. L B. Hack- Phone :: 174 Granulated jSugar 5c.. per lb. Cranberries ISc. per qt. Frankfurt Sausage and All Pork Sausage" H. G. ARMSTRONG plainly on the bottle. - Keep it handy in your home. A little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for, a -50-ccntv:,, bottle of .'California Syrup of Figs," then look and see that it is made by the - "California Fig Syrup Company. Counterfeits ar being sold-, here. - Dont be fooled. , r v ' ' Children Oryc FOR FLETCHER'S . ; -CA3TORTA 732-A D. G. SMAW (Successor to W. H. Simpson) PUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER . . .PHONES ADDRESS -'JRes . 829 28 So.F. St. ' Office 16? 68 Broad St. DON'T buy a BICYCLE, Pair of Tires, or any Bicycle Sun dries until you have inves - tigated our stock. We are An a position to save you .-.money. L. H. CANNON - Cycle Co. Fifi m One Small Farm 3 from New Bern South side 'of Neuse River. Splendid location- Will sell at a bargain. See me at once. Best Treatment for A Burn. If for no other reason. Chamberlain's Salve should be kept in every hourehold on account of its great value in the treatment of burns'. It allays the pain almost instantly; and unless the injury is a severe one, heals the parts without leaving a scar. This salve is also unequaled for chapped hands, sore ftirmlf. an A Hienaea. nt Vi a alr?M Dm.. miien 25 cents. For sale hv i all Ae&m. Adv.) , v NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Olivia Ann Hunter, dec., Mate of. Craven county, North Carolina, thjs is to notify ,all ' person having I claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the unde signed ; on or , before December 15, 1914,, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their Recovery. All persons indebted to said estate wiH please . make immediate payment. This December 15, 1913. i r-. t . H. W. Fisher. ,' '" - ..Administrator,;. tic, thousands of miles from South make immediate payment. America and Africa, the nearest main lands, and long known as the lone somest spot on the face of the earth. St Helena, where Napoleon died a captive, is lonesome enough, but Tris tan beats even St. Helena. - . - Its only communication with the rest of the world Is by means til occa sional ships which touch at. its, shores while engaged in whale fishing. The population consists of a handful of people, descendants of shipwrecked mariners, English soldiers who .be longed to the troops who guarded Na poleon, and, women from Bt Helena., In spite of or possibly on account ot Its -r Isolation, life on Tristan d'Acunha seems to be enough.: Uneventful it Is, , MRS DAISY ANDERSON, - ; , r .', Administratrix. Vanceboro' NJ 'C.,' ' :" . ' This 27th J day of January, r 1914. t . NOTICE of' administration; Having . qualified as administrator of the estate of W. H. S. Waters, de ceased, late of ' Craven county State of North Carolina: this is to notify all persons havine claims aeainst the estate s of said deceased to exhibit pleasant them duly verified to the undersigned but one " on or .before January 12, 1915, or this J - notice will be pleaded in br, of their recovery, " ' v All persons indebted to su'd estite of the conditions made by the wi" p.lea5 make !mmfte Payment' . " i government In Its call tor bids . ' T?"" January12,1.91; - - ' of the events that do not occur Is the commission of crimes., For, years no serious crime has been recorded in the Island' annals. One British Is that those obtaining- the lease of -" ' ' w- VY- Lawrence, the whale fisheries must agree to have K- WUUamson, Administrator. every whaler they -send out touch at 1 - - i Attorney, f the lohesomest place in the world and -."'I'.' . thus keep up Tristan d'Acunba's com- J ,, , , ' ' ' ' ' ' " j munlcauon : with the rest of ., man kind. ' , . - FlowerS CUT FLOWERS Designs of any kintj, Corsage Boquet from,"Hammond"the largest and best Florists In the South. Mrs. Gertie Matthews, Local Rep resentative, 93 Craven St. ' j' New Spring Percales M. W. FODRIE. in all the Bnhl stripes- 21 0-lPEllftlP-l 0 Real Estate Agent Office oppo- ' IIM - ' JL flllViVLf JLV Agent urnce oppo site Gaston Hotel Phone 84 Res idence; phone 850 Office Hours 9: 30 to 11 a. m. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD NOTICE OF MORTGAGEES SALE OP REAL ESTATE. DEITY I WOULD NdT OFFEND Child's Idea of. Everyday Politeness ' .. Applied to Alt Cases and v.'.' To a normal hlld all things and people, ' even those most highly . en dowed and wonderful, are to be taken simply. ivTd a .polite child, for exam ple, the rules of everyday politeness are sufficient for all cases and needs. A medical missionary recently;' re turned from India tells the story of a sweet little girl, who was -much troubled by the prevailing plague of mosquitoes "What doe's God' make them for V she asked. ' ' - - " J " . ' " Told that the Divine purpose In the matter was : unknown, ' but that such purpose undoubtedly existed, the little pne pondered silently for some mo ments,' Then; "Do you suppose J could . ask him about It when I go to heaven?" she Inquired.- "You see, I'd Just love to know why we have to have mosqui toes, but I wouldn't ' want the good Lord to think' me rude.",.' : " FREE BATHS ; . Hot or Cold at. the , Midgette Hotel ? ORIENTAL, N. C. located on the banks of Neuse river where you get the breeze all the time. Hot and w Cold ! running i waters Screens Serve the best food : ; In Pamlico County. ; Special, rates by week; - ? - Home of. . the ; Traveling- men. . . Route of the "NIGHT EXPRESS" Timely Suggestions a"fteation 0NLY and Schedule In Effect Jan. 11th, 1914. the following hgures published as are not guar- We can handle to advantage any re quirements ih INSURANCE, such as TIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, BURGL- ARY, PLATE GLASS, LIVE-STOCK, '.etc., and will thank you for your busi ness. Also have several good homes " and desirable building lots for sale. W. G. BOYD TRAINS DEPART. . Beaufort, 9:05. a. m. and 5:43 ...vw.....w..;$....s lit v SCHOOL OF MUSIC i t Con Hancock and New Sta. 5j? ) TELEPHONE 722 - S i " t?:'J- .;. til Piann Vnire Pultitro t I Elocution and French I Si? m By virtue of the power confer red in that certain deed of mort gage executed to the undersigned by J. A. Eubanks and Willie B. Eubanks, his wife'dated 23rd j day of December 19 10 and reg istered in the office of the'Regis- ter of Deeds of Craven County, N. C.; in book 184, page 51, on m. and 5:45 I "vwuiu u uciauii, in uic paytucui i of the indebtedness thereby se cured, I will on Monday, the 2nd day of March, .1914, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the county court house door in ; the . cit:y : of and I New Bern, N. C, sell to the i highest bidder for cash, at public auction, ; the. following'. d( scribed n! and 4:30 lot or parcel f land, lying situate ana oeing in tne viuage ot. fort From Norfolk, 4:05 a. so. and 5 :3 J Barnwell, said county, and bound- P' ' v.'.. v ;v,;'.::,-o. led and described. as follows: Be ginning at a stake near :a water oak on the' south side of ; Neuse For p. m. . , . For Goldsboro, 4:05 a. m., 9:10 a. m and 6:20 pi m. For Oriental, 9:30 a. p. m. For Washington and Raleigh, J2-.30 a. m. and 2 25 p. m. , . For Washington and Norfolk, 12:30 a. m. and 9:10.a. m. TRAINS ARRIVE. From Beaufort, 8:45 6:20 p. 'm.r ;,.', ;;?-::,'; From Goldsboro, 12 :28 a. m. and 5:35 p. m. , .From 'Oriental, 8:52 a. p. m m. a. .nw 9:00 COAL Penasylvcnia , An- I thrccitc . Pocahontas Lump and Steam Cosl. Yard Foot bf Cra- ven Street; HOLUSTEMCOX Plionie : : From Raleigh and' Washington, 4:05 a. m. and 11:42 a. m. i,': Vevm- (iirthtrit infnrmfltlnn ; ttt tea vation ofiPullman , Sleeping ; Carl road, the upper corner of tle pub- i i v,oet Mor.ryA M,,o? Hi Space,; apply to T; H.Bennett,T. he school lot and. runs south 40 I, - ' t- i ?,'A.. New Bern. N. C. Nearly Every Child Has Worms. ., Paleness, at times a flushed face, un natural hanger, picking the nose, great hirst, eta, are indications of worms Kickapoo Worm Killer is a reliable, thorough medicine for the removal of all kinds of worms from children and adults. Kickapoo Worm Killer ia pleas ant candy form, aids digestion, tones t' stem, overcoming, constipation and .'re v, ing the action of the liver. Is j i f ily safe for even the most delicate n. Kickapoo Worm Killer makes i happy and healthy. 25c. I.' Try It. Drug stores or '. I" kapoo Indian Medicine '.ia and St. Louis. west 12 poles with line of public H. S. LEARD, J General Passenger ; Agent. W. A. WITT. ",' General Superintendent line south 72 west 8 poles j thence school '; lot to A. M. Carl 'a line; thence, ;yrith "said jA. iM.rCart's ..' Norfolk, Va. jdu in save, youj ifiGlOTHESi; If You Have Them CIeaned and j : 11 11 Repaired By 'Vv- ; SOL. LIPMAI1 : Phone 733 .'.v 76 S. Front St. OPPOSITE GASTON HOTEL" south 52; west 9 poles to the Fort Barnwell road; thence north 140 east 23 poles with Forrt Barn well road, to . Neuse road ; thence down Neuse road, south 50, east 6 poles to the beginning, contain ing I acre, more or less, and being the eame lotconveyed j to J. A Eubanks by W. R. Sau!s and Maggie Sauls, by deed registered in said office in book 180, page 170. This 30th day of January, 1914 ; M, D. LANE- - . ' , Mortgacee4 I.' ;By;R. -A. Nunn. Attornr'.'. and;'-"; 1L. - ' - Bank Salaries. - To enter the service-of the Bank of England a candidate must be nominat ed by a director, be ot good moral character, pass a qualifying (not com petitive) examination and be-between eighteen - and twenty-two ' years'' old. The first year his salary is $500, and then it rises at the rate of $50 a year; At the end of the: fifth year he pro ceeds to the fourth class or else leaves the service of the bank. According to figures furnished by one of, the bank's officials, the average pay at- the end of ten years la $1,000. At fifteen years it Is $1,800, twenty yeara $1,646, thirty years $1,946; . after that the senior clerks pass to $2,150.' The staff and special posts, numbering about 100, are won by meritorious'service. The high- est ealary is paid the chief cashier, and Is $15,000. The chief accountant draws. $12,500 (ind there are several appointments ranging from $7,600 to $3,600. Agents of branches receive up to $iz,ooo. There is a pension system to which the clerk does not contribute, but for which he is qualified after ten years service. Moody's Magazine. . a f fc-. i ll ) v mj . i i3 . rr " .;' a ' ::tu::J Still Room for Reform.' 1 "Samuel," aaid Mrs. Sternwife, "you have not yet told me what good Te solve you have made since your birth day." . - . - ' . "Why, my dear," - protested Sam. "you know that I have no email vices or bad habits at all. Don't you know that you have Induced me to stop card playing and smoking and drink ing and going out nights, and every thing else I used to think that I want edtodof. f Yes, my dear." answered Mrs. Sternwlfer "but it sometimes seems to me that you read the advertisements of liquors and cigars with a sinful sat isfaction. It would be better for you if you should sternly and. firmly re solve to shun them hereafter." ;-; And poor Samuel shrank farther and farther Into the nice new -house coat that she had made for him trom her old dolman.' ..; :rvS.;;;.-... .v E. Made the Library a Laundry. The Public Library . arorij r'y conveniences of which its r.atri-3 Era "tiot slow to avail themsclY'-", t "t it Is doubtful if any other ! r ! i gone to the length of cm -who arrived .there after a i iTippin;-, .wearing a - dirty i'v t " Llte s;.li gloves. TLa a:."--' cf so?p tr.l I t r ia t-3 l;rr:-y woj.:.roc-i - ' " i r.:.t f t 9 re--- ' ". ' ; I r' ' ' I 1 . . ' ; ' i i v r a i t''.1' ; i i l ::' I i. i' i t:fe.-KM- T Sampson " Grove ; Company ; . HAS :-'. FOR SALE :. r 1,000 Pecan trees, fancy, paper shell budded - varieties. ' .Three -years -old 5 to 8 feet high, 60 cents. Two .years.; old 3 to 4 feet high, 50 cents" " -iThesci tress produce large paper shell- nuts, such as the i'Schiey," "Stewart,' "Delmas,n -'Vandpnian,'"' 'Success." -Prices quoted include packing F.' O. - B. r Boardnlan,, FJa. Address Sampson ' ' -Grove Co.", Boardmanj,- Fla.i or .Virgil Walker, 79 Pollock street,:, ew Bern . N. C '" - : - - ' . B - - - s r . - Don't forget we have" the Spring fads in Jewelry. J. 0. BaxterJeweler, "''. ,v-r y$j- Fir.2 SL 1 , Cleaning and P.cIrinS - sl ri CLw".'.:ia 25 Hancock Street. Important Change Effective January . 13th and 'with; Train No. 16 leaving New Bern 12.30 a. m. January 14th. 1914. the nmonf Puiliian !c( cr Car Line now operated between Col! ,boro and Norfolk will be err ' "n !.a above laTn , - . ""A .v" eiv i i tad Norfolk Line. ' Ti ti jismay occupy car at New Eern, northbound any time after 9:00 n. m., e.Tective Tanuarv 13th. nacn. ay rnwa in sleeper at New Eei n '-(" in. effective Tanuarv 1 " ' " j car leaving Norfolk Jar . m. . For futlu 'tiT. II. Bennett, 'r';one 737. D. Kyle, Tr " : -- Va. S. "Leircl, C. ! i: 'i . et Nor- f -A 'it