I t v have be n d'mied the J 'l a of publicity. The taaebull play- s are In the same boat Wooden shoes for New YorkerB are prophesied In the near future; how ever, isn't this carrying fashion's erlJes to the wrong extreme T ; : In the New Hebrides a baby island has been bora, which fact speaks rol Braes for the size of the storks that have their habitat thereabouts. Some people Just can't help being pessimists. Here, for instance, is the fellow who says the mild winter will mean higher prices for ice next dim mer. . ' ' . v. - If a man ' wriggles, " squirms and looks troubled when you call on him either he is very busy or he expects -yon, to ask for the five-spot he bor- rowed. ' " 1 " - Out in the state 'of Washington judge called a lawyer a cur and threat ened to beat his head off. ' Anything .to. keep up the decaying 'prestige of the courts. - - .'.f -v . Seventy million gallons of whisky ; tised by Americans in a year are ' mough to float a' battleship or raise a whole aquarium of spotted snakes s ..and purple lizards, u .' . '. And now upside-down aviation Is so -common in, Europe that- it fails ; draw a crowd. ; : Why not, then, back to the really- dangerous trick of flylqg right side upT r ': : A New Tork court has declared tbat lies told during courtship are no cause for annulment of -marriage- ."Let the buyer beware" bold good In the mat rtmonial transaction also. The newer buffalo nickels are so much better than the original that they , have been , suspected of being counterfeits. Is this a reflection on r 3 compliment to the mint T ' v. " After a man's wife beats him in the latest scientific mentality teat he con soles himself and impresses her with the beautiful thought that great minds inuetot necessity move slowly. ." j- -, i , --' 7 ' Why - worry any more because so many of the young women are expoa- . Ing their - wishbones to the weather. A New York 'doctor says that colds are caused by too much clothing. ' The only thing to add to the new kimono overcoats for men is to have them of some such vivacious color as yellow lined with purple, or they may i not fully carry out the intended freak effect, -.''", , The chief of the meteorological ob servatory at Kagoshlma, Japan, com ' mltted hari-kari because he erred . slightly in forecasting the volcano that destroyed the lives of so many of his . countrymen. Fortunately, no such cus- . torn prevails in our weather bureau A lua'n sent money with compound " Interest in Washington for the fraud ; ulent use for forty years ago of . three-cent stamp; ComDutina at -this .rate, It would be harrowing to think rhow long it would .take such a sens! : tlve conscience to make restitution for a smuggled diamond necklace or .''successfully evaded Income tax. It is an ill wind, etc. Egga are too expensive to throw at actors. , A homely woman la generally good- all women want to be beautiful. Absolute silence is. maintained In .Moscow club.", it is '.not a -woman lab. . t ' -. ' ' A Boston dog has. Inherited $1,500 a ' year. It is to be hoped. that, he won't squander tt..-;--?: ... - 1 - The calamity howlers win have ta stand aside as soon as the haaebaB opens. . Digestion by violet rays looks Vka an attempt to detena the aaemtDe cocktail breakfast. . There ia a good deal of truth in the saying. "A knocker never wins, aad a winner, never knocks." :-?;.;?:: "Know thyself Is 'good advioe, but If a man is married he -will find out all about himself anyway. "Spelling is a necessary evil," a contemporary. Depends on pretty the stenographer Is." ays how Berlin has a bank managed entirely by women. And yet a bank la sup posed to keep its affairs secret. ' And now they have introduced what is called the one-step dance. The one logged man can dance it to perfection. . Only fs-ven grams of radium in tht world? Fshaw! It will take more than that for one day's dope on base ball. Men's " TiPXt S. ' ". I 1 the sa c 1 I U)UtU t I i ii "1 1-y" t j c "l i is i; , I .... J V 1 Ik... l It i r I ; t V t " t C. Ii I i t 9 i a 1 t r t t' e v " i t r MORTGAGE SALE . Pursuant to a power of sale contain ed in that certain. Real. Estate, Mort gage executed by,, Henry Crooms and ' Peggie' Cicoms his wife to Sarah Reiz- enstene ; nd duly assigned . to Isaac H. Smith, bearing the date . IS day of February 1913., the-same being re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County in book 193, 199, I will sell at . the .Court Hpuse door in New Bern Nr'C, on Tuesday the 21 day of April I914yat the hour of 12 'o'efock : M., to the highest bidder for cash, all-of the following described! property" as conveyed in the Mort gage aforesaid, to-wit: All that certain-tract of land situated in the town of Dover Craven,- County N. -C. and bounded as follows:- . Beginning at 'a ditch and runs N. 71, W, 88' yards with Satin Freeman's line thence .N.. 20, E.'V 27 yards to a - stake, thence For stew,, the oysters should be S.-71, E., 88 yards to a ditcji, thence' carefully handled,, to remove all bits with said ditch to th; beginning -con-!0' Bne11 OT : pearl, perhaps, then taining one half acres more" or ' lesa,lwaBned nd to .J Tn being the wme land conveyed by deed "'JH0'""111 CM 1? ..j,-.. , -t " - u ,n i" milk hot add the seasonings to the dated first day, of, r December Qy$.et and pour over the hot milk; from Peter Hawkins to the said Heny, reheat Rnd serye at ono9 To have Crooms, which said deed is recprdedln1- t0od atw one must, have coo.l riuii book of deeds Number 174 Page,- 158 in "the office of the Register of . Deeds of Craven County. -?..' . ' ' ' ' Isaac . H. Smith New Bern, N. C.; Mar; 20, 1914. . j, i- ' , Mortgagee. YOITCAN'T GATHER. FIGS FROM ' . - THISTLES. , ; , -. Neither can you secure a decent,- eco nomical and lasting job of painting if your- paint contains adulterated Lin- seed O'l THE QUALITY ' IS NOT THERE, use. 1 You avoid all risk when you since you buy - the Pure" Linseed Oil YOURSELF at Oil price and add it to- the 2-4-1, the result will, be "positive, since YOU YOURSELF will have made it so,, by using Pure Linseed Oil. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU, 4 ' For Sale By -New Bern Building Supply Co. Cleopatra Monday at Star Thea tre -Five Reels . ; Local Markets A8'puoted by . The New Bern -Produce Co Irish Potatoes at $2.65 per bag. . , Sweet Potatoes at 50c. bu. Green Cabbage at $1.25 per bbl. Rutabagas at 99c. per 100. Onions at $3.25 perbag. Lettuce at $1.25 5 to $2.00 per basket. Kale at 40c. per basket v Quotations from the Coast Line , ' - Market. r- Beef at 9c. per pound. Pork at .9c. per pound. ,. , : - v Eggsat 24 c.per dozen. , Turkey, -at 1 7c per. pound. - ' Chickens at 50c. to 90c. per pair. Geese at $1.30 per pair .. ; , ' Ducks jat 85c per pair. - - Hides at 10c.- per pound. - - . -Pry Flint Hides at 14c. per pound. Salt Hides at 12c. per pound. It sornetlraes taxes & mignty ssa? tongue to get in a word edgewise. .. Beats the band how many relatives spring up at the death of a millionaire. The man Who thinks twice before' be peaks is generally the man of tew words. ; . - ' - - Nine-tenths of the wemea who cry at Weddings have . been . married thenv elrea. - " Cleopatra Monday at Star Thea treFive Kejt - CASCARETS" RELIEVE ' - SICK, SOUR STOMACH Move acids,, gases and ciogged-up waste from Stomach, Liver -' Bowels Cure Indigestion. . r Get a 10-cent box now. v - -That awful sourness, belching of acid and foul gases; that pain in the pit of, the stomach, the heartburn, ner vousness, nausea, bloating after eating dizziness and . sick headache, means a disordered stomach,, which cannot be regulated until you remove" the cause. It isn't your stomach's fault, Your stomach is at good as any. a,": ;..': Try Cascarets; they ' immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, ndigested and fermenting food and oul gases; take the excess bile from e liver ,nd carry off the constipated, ate matter and poison from the crads. Then your stomach trouble is ended. A Cascaert ' tonight will .'hten you out by morning a 10 t. box from any drug store will .1 your stomach sweet; liver and r-.-.. -r $yf f.ionths. Don't rams i I I i ALZAC says: 'If there la any- A. ' thing sadder ' than 4inrecog- niztid genius It Is a misunderstood stom ach." . f v THE OYSTER. Huxley's definition of the oyster Is "a delicious flash' of gustatory light ning." He, with nearly all lovers of the bivalve, will admit there is no cooking which improves itv It ia at its best In Its own liquor, fresh on the shelL milk and be lavish with the butter. : Oyster Kabobs. Put into a stew pan a small chopped onion, add a ta blespoonful of butter, and cook the onion until it is yellow r add a table spoonful of flour, a few chopped mush rooms, a teaspoonful of chopped pars ley and enough of egg, yolk to make the mixture stick to the oysters -when rolled In it Put a half dozen oysters on a skewer, then dip the skewer Into bread crumbs and egg until well cov ered. Then fry in deep fat Serve ft skewer to a person. Pigs In Blankets. This is not a new way of serving oysters,' but it is one which is well liked. Wipe good Sized oysters, season and wrap with a thin slice of bacon, skewer with a tooth pick and bake in' hot oven until the bacon Is crisp. : i , ' '-.- ? .Oysters Boiled Throw the oysters in the shells Into boiling water and let them boll for five minutes, then take up carefully and serve with melt ed butter. it&' 1 Oyster Rarebit- Break into small pieces a half pound of rich cheese, put Into a sauce pah with a table spoonful of melted butter and set on the back part o the range and slowly melt. ; Cook at pint of oysters until plump, then drain and keep them hot. Beat the yolks of two eggs, add the oyster liquor and the oysters, and stir in the melted cheese." Serve on the untoasted . side' of a piece of browned toast. ' ; Any cooked oysters, wheher escal loped, stewed or otherwise cooked, will make a good salad when chopped and mixed with vegetables of various kinds. When cooking oysters escal loped. It ia well to remember that more than two layers of oysters will never cook well, the Inner layer being undercooked. . SjftEN CABINET HERB is no preservative and no antiseptic nothing tnat keeps -one's heart young like sympathy, like riving one's self with enthusiasm to somat worthy thing of cause. '' ..'A FEW FROZEN DI8HES. Frozen dishes are quite as popular In the winter as in the warm weather, Here are a few worth trying: " , Coffee Frappe To a qaart of cof fee Infusion add six tablespoonfula of sugar. Strain through a cheese cloth and pour into the freezer.' As it thick ens add the beaten whites of two egga beaten to a stiff froth, and continue to freeie. Scrape down, remove the dasher and pack to ripen for an hour or more. . 1 . . , 5 Maple Mousse. Whip a ' quart" of cream until thick. Break the yolks of three eggs into a bowl and beat un til light, then add gradually one cup ful of maple sirup. Mix wail, then stir gradually into the cream, pour into the freezer without the dasher, cover and pack In ice and salt for four hours. ' 1 i ' . t 7 -v Lemon Sherbet Boil together two quarts of water, and a pint of sugar; cook until clear, 'skimming If neces sary. Squeeze the Juice from six lem ons,! add, a little of the grated rind. When the sirup ia clear pour In the lemop juice, add a tablespoonful of gelatine which has been softened in a quarter of a cup of cold water, cool and freeze. The whites of two eggs may be added in place of the gelatine if so desired. The ice does not melt eo readily and has more body It gela tine or eggs is added. - Maple Parfalt-To a pint of cream add a cup of maple sirup which has been heated with the yolks of four egga well beaten. When cool add the pint of cream whipped. ; Freeze and serve with nuts and a hot; , maple sauced " ; v;p:..j:;;;,N Lemon Milk Sherbet Take the Juice of three lemons, two oupfuls of sugar and a quart of rich milk; strain the lemon Juice, add a bit of rind, if It is liked, and when the sugar is dis solved, freeze. '"''": '""-... Another, fully as good as the above, Is three oranges, three lemons, a pint ; of cream and sugar to sweeten. JI BARGAINS in IC My Entire Line of Bicycles Con sisting "of 1 ' COLUMBIAN, RAMBLERS, ' RACYCLES, TVER JOHNSONS and other makes at following! CUT PRICES $75 COLUMBIA Chainless fully equipped. $6 $50 COLUMBIAS, fully equip ped.. $40 $50 RAMBLERS, fully equipped $40 $50 RACYCLES, fully equipped $40 $50 IVER JOHNSONS, fully e- quipped ! $40 $45 SEMINOLE, fully equipped $35 $40 ECLIPSE, fully equipped $30 By fully equipped I mean with best grade of handle bar, pedals, sad dle and tires, with mud guards and lamp and bell. Why buy a Bicycle of UNKNOWN quality when you can buy one of STANDARD quality for same price! x THE SPORTING GOODS MAN, 91Mlddle Street. 'Phone 253. Quality - Not Quantity Dackburn Timely Suggestions) We can handle to advantaee any requirements in insurance such as FIRE, LIFE, Accident Burglary, Plate Glass, Live Stock, etc. aed will thank you for your business. Also have several good homes and desir able building lots for sals. W. G. BOYD F.M.Simmons A.D.Ward SIMMONS & WARD Attorneys and Councillors at LAW Rooms 401 and 404 Elks' Temple NEW BERN, : z N. C. C. A. YORK ATTORNEY AT LAW ROOM 404 ELKS' TEMPLE J. LEON WHUAMS ATTORNEY AT LAW 126 MIDDLE ST. NEW BERN, : : : N. C. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the. counties of '. Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, Jones, and Onslow and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Office 59 Craven St. Phone 97 New Bern, N.C. YOU WILL SAVE YOUR CLOTHES If You Have Them Cleaned and Repaired By- SOL. LIPMAN Phone 733 OPPOSITE 76 S. Front St. GASTON HOTEL Fresh Dr omedary Dates and Date Nut Butter at Ifcckfc'jrn's. I LIUI V. M. D. Vetrlnarian Hospital for Animals in rear cf Sledge GaraeSouth rcnt Ltreet. New Bern.N. C. C:Zz2 next to Daris -7 z: 1111 1 11 imiiiirxx Ills U I II ft NIL III 111! I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I I I IIIIIIUIs I I DOUIUDELAIS '? ; SCHOOL OF MUSIC I Si! . Hancock and New Sts. b PianoVfoJin, Wind In- B Hirumenis. -; Voice Culture, French, SI Hi ih;' Frnrpssinn !! AAA ji Rates upon Application Jj i TELEPHONE 722 M 3? in Fine TAILORING Cleaning and Repairing S. Na CHADWICK 25 Hancock Street. E ft 174 FOR Tub Butter - 35c. Ib. Granulated Sugar - 5c. lb. Best Lard 15c. lb. Japanese Rice - 6c. lb. H.G.ARMSTRONG Hi i in BURT sX a Tknf vm m ArrLtK "a I iii AND gFEED D PHON I RUST PROOF KBUBBBBBM i $!SiS?5??Rii5?:55:;K5::::Mxs: Pi ASK FOR MEADOW'S MEAL in i ill 6! J. A. Meadows I I THE COMING fu un Mahogany has for a number of years maintained the distinction of being "The King of Wood" in the manufacture of fine Furniture. There is, however, be coming a popular demand for "Fumed Oak." , We predict that "Fumed Oak" is the coming finish in find Furniture It's beautiful ! Call at our store and see the line. :::::::?!- T1 J.S. MILLED - r4 "The Home New Cera 1 -iry- - . IT NOW Call 261 x Duffy Grocery Company All Pork Sausage Sliced Bacon - Prepared Ham Db. AUTOMOBILE DAY HOUR TRIP Our Automobiles are aU ways awaiting your call PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE RATDS REGULAR TAXI GAB SERVICE AUTO TRANSFER CO, 61 South Front Street PHONE 765 You Get The BEST IN PHOTOGRAPHY -AT- Oxley Studio 133 MIDDLE ST. i2 PI i i si FINISH FOR IE 1 1 mmi MSB BJ FUllfJITIIIlE Furnishers" Llcreiend City Drri Ctcra TLozt 774 Res- r' r'l. "t ir' i r"