"V . ""TLa Kir.1 You Iiavc Alwr.;-3 lirmgirt, ctwl which has been - ta l a for over CO years, lias borne Jhe signature ' - ; Las been ru-Alo under Lis peri Jf' .Tt--- Banal ettpcr'Isioa 610 R tflp"? . :!. ? Suzfj'CUcJuM - Allow no one to deceive you la th.S - - All Counterfeits, Imitation and " tlnst-as-good ' are but Experiments that tvliks n'tii Atid enf.anfTor ihe iiruUU of. ' , Inlants and Chiidieu Experience against ExYrimeiit. , si rJliat is C ASTORIA...; 1 ' Cfestorla Is a harmless gnbstltnt 'lor Castor Oil Pare- ; - " goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. :. It ; i " contains neither. Opium, Morphine nor otbar Karcotlo ' V substance. Its gre is itsr guarantee. - It destroys Worm, and alia j s Feverishness. For more than thirty years it v lias been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, .... Flatulency, Wind Colic, all . Teething Troubles and : Diarrhoea,. it regulates the Stoniav'h and Ijowels, , " assimilates the Pood, giving1 healtliy. and natural Bleep . , -iVTJbo Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. v ' c:ui;:s CAStbrilA ALWAYS ) Bears the In Use For t)veir 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought If y ou warit to buy a farm :Jf you want to sell a farm.- ', Mf you vyant to buy timber land Ifyou want to sell tlmberland . If you want life insurance . - If you want accident and sick ; benefit Insurance v .; " SEE X T. D. MOOSE . v;:hi you mm A GOOD DEAL -. . In the day time, and feel dull, lazy and discouraged, you have e very symptom - of - a torpid liver,,"--.: - - Simmons Red Z liver Reg ulator (The Powder Form) is a fine tonic for a disordered liver. - It acts promptly.' s: The bilious impurities which have interfered with the free action of the liver are driven out, the stomach - is - cleansed and strengthened so that' it can more thoroughly digest food. The bowels are purified and a regular: habit re-established. It is a splendid medicine for the whole system, Promotes a feeling of .:, energy, ..mental activity, and ; cheerf uL spirits. 8old by Deabrs, Pries, Urge package, $1.00 Alkf.rU. fennin. with h Red Z on tb. hb.1. II' you cannot jet it, remit to ni. we will f end by ma! I f,ottpid. Simmon. Li..r ReffQlator It rji. potaplo iquid lorm for tlio.. who prefer Ik viPric.. 1.00 pet koine, look for In. Bi Z laael. . J. H. za::i t CO., Prop&, St Louis, Kix- Ohildron Cry izi rLETc:;:rs CAOTOPJA ' DOVER AND SOUTHBOUND RAIIRAD. : , -' ' Traffic Department.' ' . SCHEDULE OF TRAINS CARRYING PASSENGERS EF FECTIVE SUNDAY, rEDPvUARV 8TII, 1914, 1 ' South C 1 Trains .7 5 STATIONS. , 6 8 j.n. a.m. - a.rti a.m. "5 i' '3 Lv. Dove:i. 7:55 7:55 ' : ' , r ,7:C3 7:43 . i S T. ' :s 7:31 ' 7:35 : . 7 r .s 73 7:27 : : " V. it ' - 7:12 7:18 r t i. a iri : v v. J ' Lv. ' ; t f .; ... - - i Signature Of T148.- Middle St. Dealer in Real Estate and v Insurance 80Y LOCKED IN FRUIT . CJIB HuALLY SAVEO SUFFERED FROM HUNGER WITH . LUCIOUS FRUIT JUST BE- " . t'tiYOND HIS REACH . ir t i " w.Cranford K J, April. 2,--Locked in a: refrigerator car with tempting - frilit that 'was barred from his reach by steel gratings, Benjamiit Wickman, 14 yrs. old, -"Suffered from hunger . for - three days, on- a journey, from Jacksonville to New York. ...He told of his experi ences .; here, today - in ' a s- magistrate's court., -. A year ago. the boy's.parents moved from New York, to. Florida; - Hi said that r week' he yearned to be back in New fork, so he. climbed into a load ed refrigerator car in Jacksonville just before its doors - were rsealed, .and it was attached to a north bound train. : Early . on the first- day of the ride the boy attempted to get to' the fruit but steer gratings of the pooling com partments barred the way and for three days he went hungry and thirsty until the. car was opened ' neaf here and he was found.' ' ; .''' t Notified of ' Benjamin's ' adventure, his Uncje, Charles Wickman, 'of jNew York took, charge of him.. , .1 - i t. TO OET PID OP MOSQUITOES ton can Sleep, Fish, Hunt or attend to any work without being worried by the biting or singing of Mosquitoes. Sand-fiiea, -Gnats or other imects by applying to the face, ear and hand., DR. FORT&& & ANXisEPTIC i HALING OU. ti North Round Trains. L J .'.i'VjK'IK.'"'. ( The Newest Wrinkle Out r.. . i" j ,.,Ji . . , Get,: Some, Reli able person to Sign the Cou pon Below and Then Bring it to . . Tl:z JouiriaS And Get a GOCYCLE I : Tea to take THE JCU.J:AL. fcr Kix (6) -: !.3 J r the car- i ... - ! , J tO 13 . . . . 4 t ' amased Text The physician la becoming a cico- tist. He is no longer a dogmatist. The- rarious schools of medicine are in the throes of their final straggle for exis tence. R. L. Wilbur, M; D. A man may be a theorist and yt blunder; the man that is not a the orist, and especially the man. who prides himself on not being theorist, la sure to blunder. Fabian Franklin. A man's philosophy is the moat Im portant thing About him. It determines everything he does. For it is the mold from ' which his thoughts take their hape; andt thoughts are deeds la the. frtstle. Bonck white. : bmrbbi nerer smaerstanas n rery other man does , the thind which he himself would not think of doing. Everyman, if he Plays golf, billiards, pool or any other game, nerer goes so well, as he did the last time he played. Everyman when he was a boy was a devil of a fellow. Neither htmseU nor any one else dreamed that . he could ever torn out so welL Everyman lets his wife have her own way until be is tnorongniy roused and then he tears things up so Everyman says when he talks about it to every other man. Lire. APPROPRIATE BEVERAGE . For sailors Port For gossips Mnmm. For pugtliis Punch. For undertakers Beer. For monks Benedictine jptC For married couples Half and hsJf. Llpplncotfs. ARROWS AND TARGETS ' If there were no double standards, there would be no double lives. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days your druggist' will refund money if PAZG OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in6 to 14 day. Tbe first application gives Ease and Rest. SDc. THE UTILE FLY Is alwayj looking for trouble, always trying to crawl through the screens and in a good many cases succeeds in getting through; He finds a stumbling block when he tries to get through the kind of screen ' wire that we are selling. Call phone 147 and we will call and get measur-ments. Gaskill Hardware and Mill Supply Co. 73-75-77 Middle Street - - - - Phone 147 " ' j 1T : 1 Plants Corn, Peas, Beans, Pea- nuts. Ptents every hill, breaks ho J see d strong si mple, t he perfect I r planter, Guano vatprs. Come ! stock. " - "A t pi A 7. V , r , FEATURE PICTURE r AT THE V STAR THEATRE TODAY '; The Star, theatre has another fea ture picture for today. . Their pro gram, which appears' in. this issue of the Journal, is an interesting one. E. M.. Koonce of Jacksonville, and H.'.Gibbs of Oriental, and C. S. Wallace of ' Morehead City, passed through . the city yesterday returning home from a business visit to Golds horo. Spring Laxative & Blood Cleanser Flush out the accumulated waste and'' poisons of the winter months; cleans your stomach, liver and kid- ney 8 'ol all impurities. lane or. Kings', New Life Pills; nothing better lor purifying the blood. Mild, non- griping laxative. Cures constipation; makes you feel fine. Take no other. 25c. at your Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for all Hurts. Cooked brains and Her ring Roe, both line for breakfast, Hackburn AND BUILDING MA- PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES American Field Fence . W. SMALLW00D rn Sowers-Gulti-: i in and see ; our J n rVt . .TTTTTTr 1J " iiiiilL ,Tir o S 1 Hardware I wmtf, M FOR SALE A few loads ofl'fi horse-stable manure. " No saw dust Apply to 10 Pollock.- st-eet, J. Hahn. - . 3-3-3 BEAUTIFUL, hyacinths and Narc ssus, in variety, for immediate di ivery. Choicest double violets for East e freshly picked $1,00 per hundre J. W. Watson, 34 New st.. Phom 353. 4-3-3t XTED A COMPETENT LAD stenographer desires post tic about May first. 9Bt reteAen' furniEhed. Address S. B., JOulCni office. HOUSE & LOT for ale on ea terms. Close to business section. . A dress B. Care of Journal. 3-31-3t ii COMPETENT stenographer and typ writer with Civil Service experienci desires work. Cood copvist. .Addres l "Renew" care of Journal 3-31-', LOST Money Saturday night Broad st. with Miss Amanda SiJ name on envelope, Finder please i to Miss Small at Journal office celve reward. FOUND Some money owt have same bv indentifviie a Mo.- this ad. Apply to 23 Ed VILOETS AND ROSES,- Violets, one dolar per hundre ldrney, Rhea Reid, and othevl rwo year old hardy bushes, blot'J summer if planted now, 50cS J. VV. Waston, 34 New st., Phoh. . mJ FOR RENT Desirable roon. light housekeeping, No. 1. Blayei s. - . THE proper thing to do whenever yt want a cook, a cozy room a first ( stenographe.-, book-keeper, sales of clerk is to let a Journal "WA" AD get it for you. They are easyA write and easy to pay for. FOR SALE Regal Roadster in good condition. For price, a auto. Box 26 New Bern N 3-26-, WANTED Combination Prii Pressman on Morning paper.I io uany journal iew tserjL! naimtu to seel at a practically new, Liervoven pil good condition. For further in tion, apply to Box 197 or phd FOR RENT Dwelling No. ou meicau street. rossessio April 1. Apply to No. 110 street. lOJ) JMaMasiSSSIstSBSlAaaai B01IRDP AIS school Cor. Hancock and New Piano, Violin, Win! I i I struments. Voice Culture, Frenl F.Tnroccinn Rates upon Application TELEPHONE 722 R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties Craven, Carteret, Pamlu-o, Jon and Onslow and in the Supr3 and Federal Courts. " . ' Office 5) Craven St. Phone 97 , New Bern, 1,1 BEAUTIFUL I BE YC : DESCRIPtlONj Send . 11 Bill by- Mai' aad we ;. will deliver viaft Pare! 18 lante- foots of Beautiful A seyeh inches in diameter wheil oom. , We -have three . t chcesorws.-vri-;-;.;':- S Whltecrest Farm, R,F. I Viiii. New Be" i.by i eye re Jk we ri D

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