J 0 w. - u Ui4 u. 4 w,4 u Li to w L t 2s - ;,JsW I 1 fa .r'it. shoes '! ... ' . 4 ' f I V ' ' !! : ft i r U n n ! B! R ' . . , 1 CI ' 1:1 -: ';" !! 4 If.. (M6st;FashionpleJin our word for -.it; just come tjl and se for yourself. "Se standing of contestants in Victrola it (-1 v ISdmd shoe comp 1 . s.. TODAY ? VAUDEVILLE IlarVey W.'Smltltinrf FfankMarino,Jn "when. base, ineeta tfeqor." Mir, Smltb has a sprprisinIy deep base yioce ' abut the best ever heard on a vaudeville stage in this town. Mr.Marlno who is n Italian hasJaA excellent tenor voiec Both received round affer round bf applause last night. ' PAINT AND POWDER CLUB PRE PARING PLAY The play to be given on the 14th of April by the Paint and Powder Club,1 is eagerly awaited by the public. This is the first time these favorites have appeared for some time and it gives excellent saying that they will 5 PICTURES 5 "Another three eel special feature, today. v X -THE PARASITE . v , ' .(featuring Arthur Johnson.) r ; v . This subject is a very interesting one as well as edifying. - one.' It shows how a man and his wife tried to-blackmail a 'wealthy man, and the various plans -and schemes thejt resorted to, only to cull mate in complete downfall a sad storysplehdidly told;,.;; -i--'- - . Bronco Billy ahd Bad Man 5 k : PERSONAL Mr. Fisher of Riverdale was a busi ness visitor to the city yesteday. . . , ,' i'i be most enthusiastically received. The Js. S. Freeman of Washington was in ( Club has inlisted some new performers th city yesterday attending . tobiirfhre new stars added to the already aesSjfliatters. ' ;' .;'-.. I VkH tnown players assures a great jf 'success for the new play 4aF- Stilley. left , yesterday morning "An American Citizen." for a pusiness visit to Beaufort. - y' ' 1 Y J, Hawkins left yesterday for HdVelock. Star Theatre WARNER'S FEATURES entitled NEW BERN NO PLACE FOR PROF ESSIONAL BEGGARS 'County Superintendent S. M. Briti son spent yesterday in Dover attend--ing to busineis matters. R. E. Whilehuest left yesterday morning for a business trip to More head' City. - A feature Western drama, -with G, M. Anderson r Scotland Forever" A Vltagraph "Comedy-a good one too featuring Hughie gj Mack, the big fat comedienne YA tomorrow, another excellent picture from the exclusive ser- g vice, MTbe Rogues of Pris,'! a powerful detective story In , ; JM four ttxt:"r ' 1 i - v ' - , It? Matinee daily a 3:. Shows at night start at 7:45 and 9:15. ft M.;iMMSMS Si.i.SSJ4i..i S.w.rtw.w. ww MT:BEPA1D.8 . g 'i Yoiit CITY, TAX for 1913 is long past ; - J DUE and . MUST BE PAID" THIS MONTH, 1 wiu ieyy ana aayerxise mi delinquent City Tax, April 1st, 1914, and cost will be added. Respectfully, J. J. TCLSCII, : : City Tax Collector r w ( y The Ideal Porch 7." 'O' "IIc!:crf "fcomfortThas',won for itVplace. iTT r; !-b7n:7lbbcty, rircandom fo:t, 1 '"3 I. ;;:tinctive, crtioticandinviUn, r " !-C -:ito:::ih3line.t . 'ir 3 "Ai'7C:I ITLcry-'WALILING STICKIjYes, . A f - . .. 4 -y , . ; , i ir k-. II -- , .-.,! v.. . . : 's in ' abi:r. ';ncc, Now Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fields of Fort Barnwell spent yesterday in the city J U. S. Deputy Marshall Ange of Jacksonville was in the city yesterday confering with Commissioner Hill. W. F. Garner of Havelock was , a business visitor to the city yesterday. Mayor Bangert says that he would be the last person to lay any obstacle in a needy person's, way, but three is one thing that he will not tolerate in the city of New Bern any longer, and that is these professional beggcrs that go from one town to another with some pitiful tale. Two of these were asked to leave the city yestercjay. As a result of the request they took their departure on the West Bound train yesterday afternoon. POOR CONNECTIONS CAUSE TRAINS TO BE LATE . A. F. Garner, W. W. Roberts, and H.- Wyatt, of Newport were business visitors to the city yesterday. - Li t". Swain passed through the city yesterday enroute from Bayboro to Beaufort. As a result of poor connections on the Northern end of the road, train No. 11 due to arrive in New Bern at i 5:35 o'clock, was more than two hours i late yesterday afternoon. if PRESENTS MISS GENE GAUNTIER IN "COME BACK TO ERIN" A NEW RELEASE OF WARNER'S FEATURES IN 3 COM PLETE PARTS. ACTUAL SCENES TAKEN IN IRELAND NEAR THE LAKES OF KILLARNEY. The tender romance of a pretty Colleen who ran away from her Irish cot to win her wav in America. "MY BEST IRISH PICTURE" is the way Miss C.ene r.aunlier the noted actress describes this beautiful drama of Irish peas and life. dripping action pud benutilul photography, arc blended in this S'iperb prcdutticn, produced in the heart of Ireland, near tire Lakes of Killarncy, bv the ( .ene dauntier Feature Players. A FEATURE THAT IS A REAL FEATURE Not a dull moment from beginning to end. A plot tli.'t will make you sit up and take notice.. NOW A IIKAKTY LATCH AND THKN A SIGH. IN ADDITION TO THIS SPLENDID FEATURE: "THE HILLS OF PEACE" (S & A.) A WESTERN DRAMA KKATl'RI N'(" MARGUKRITE CLAYTON. WOMAN'S CLUB The City Beautiful Club will meet with Mrs. T. D. Warren, April 6th. at 4 o'clock. E. C. Duncan spent yesterday in the city stopping over on Beaufort to Raleigh. his: way from ! NEW ' W. D.' Allen, Edgar Bryan and Fred Bryan; of Havelock, -were business visitors to the city yesterday. LIGHTS PLACED CITY HALL IN THE t 'There have been five two hundred candle power hgrits put in the City Hall, to take theVlace of the old chan delier which has been taken out: A.. F. Midgett passed through the city-yesterday enroute from Oriental to Morehead City. F. "W. Stonewall. Ferebee left yesterday ' for T. D. - Warren returned . home last night j from Trenton, where he has been1 attending Jones County -s Court. H. W. Bell spent yesterday in River dale in the interest of East Carolina Lumber Co. - 'v S, M. Dover. Brinson spent yesterday in MArflNE NEWS - The' gas freight boat Wallace was in port yesterday." - , -...a The two mast schooner Eugene ar rived fn port s yestereay with - a cargo of potatoes, Y .', The gas freight boat Vance arrived in port, yeirterday from Atlantic with cargo of oysters. - ; , - The "gas freight boat '.Wave leave this morning for Marsha Uburg,, 'with cargo of geneal . mer,chndisei ... ...... . , : "' '. ..l J- 'j"-"-'-.' The gas freight boat Charmer left uestetday, for Swansboro with ca.go of mcchandise. - . The gas .eight boat Louise arrived in port yesterday from Trenton for.. r cf general merchandise. I 1 COMPANY IS DISBANDED THREE NEW ONES OFFER ; rjgsGL. SAVE SOME SOW. W.v-""iiJ- .mrnrn. 1,' r c.' ' -1 IN THE MmmMF bank moneV TURM WILL ANK Raleigh April 2. Adjutant Gener al L... W. Young -yesterday disbanded Company G. of Washington, member of the North Carolina Second Regiment: The company is retired because it failed to live up to the Federal pro visions. General Young is finding not trouble about a successor. Three an plications came in from Raeford, iniThe road to prosperity looks like an up-hill climb. It may b H)ke county; Lumberton, in Robeson, at first hut it kftftns p-ftttincr Ea.Rlfir. The np.arfir vcm. sxa county, and Whiteviiie, in Columbus the top the more joy you experience .in knowing that tsoo county. All are anxious to fill the va- , j i.il ,. C -n i -r j u 'T cancv caused bv the disbanded com- vou will be up and the climb will be over. Toward the" to Danv. v General Youmr has not derided the money you have in the bank begins to assist and boos! what Jie will do about ordering a new you. "Nothing succeeds like success, and everyone 'will pusr company tormed. ;., .' FAT THIN PRISONERS FREE; t OI?S STAY 1N JAIL .Knoxville, April 2- Seven of thir teen - pn't nera ' in the ' Blount Coun ty jail escaped through a , hole they made in a corner of 'their cage. --Five were too large to get through the hole. The thirteenth prisoner 'was in a scp erate cage. ; . -, Six of the seven who escaped cross ed the line into North Carolina. ' GETTING READY FOR JSASTER SERVICES The choirs of the. various churches in the city are how engaged in rehear sing music for Easter. The prospects are that churchgoers on that glad i 7 v "i te rreviHred to hear programs ' tvr-v I ' e rendered here. you the way you are going down or -UP. Make OUR bank YOUR- bank. . We pay 4 per cent interest on savings t New Bern Banking & Trust Co. r I am Closing Out My Entire SfocI ; : : of : ' Indies Tallor-lfcdc Coat Suits h 1-2 Pric h - ' All the latest styles to select from.:, .f ; f - All our fall 6tyles of Douglass, Beacon and Kell- - . ' Buckleys,. Cygolf. mens , shoes 4 are on , sale this ; ' week at a reduction of 33 1-3 per cent . .. . . .. 62 MIDDLE STREET Till t j i. v . V Gcr. 1 Test'