LITi r I 1l i v 5 ,.'i'"V-A-'.-. i-' I 1 ''':' I J -.'V: 1 1 ' J. Henri Bourdelais5;g:g Tueisdaiy Ajpril 28 i Benefit New Bern Circulating Library v MasonicThcatrc - Pricc5Cc. i m THE STATE ARE SOON TO MEET TIMELY ADDRESSES WILL BE " MADE DURING THE SESS IONS IN RALEIGH. RALEIGH, April 24. The KSlh annual convention of the North Caro ina Banker's association will be held n Raleigh May 12 to 14 The association will convene Tues day evening at 9 o'clock, in the hall of the house of representatives at the Capitol. The program for the convention promises to be of interest to all bank ers who can avail themselves of the opportunity, to attend. Hon John 1 Skelton Williams, comptroller of the cur rency; Charles W. Tillett, of Charlotte, and Col. John F. Bruton, of Wilson, will be the principal speakers. The subjects upon which they will talk are of great interest to the banks of the state at this time. Reduced rates have been secured on all of the railroads, on the certificate plan. The Raleigh bankers have provided many social features for those who at tend, and as the capital city is known throughout the State for its hospitality, nothing is more certain than that every person who attends the convention will be delighted with the social features. Strengthens Weak & Tired Women "I was under a great strain nursing a relative through three months' sickness" writes Mrs. J. C, Van De Sande; of Kirkland. 111., and "Electric Bitters keot me from breaking soon. I will never be without it." Do you feel tir ed and worn out? No appetite, and food won't digest? It isn't spring weather. You need Electric Bitters. Start a months treatment today; noth ing better, for stomach, liver and kid neys. The great spring tonic. Relief or money back, 50c. and $1.00 at your druggist. Cooked brains and Her ring Roe, both fine for breakfast, Hackburn ONE YEAR IN JAIL. Punishment Meted Out To Nor folk Bookkeeper. NORFOLK, April 24. Tried in the Corporation Court upon an indict ment charging grand larceny G. A. Hep tinstall, formerly employed as a book keeper for Smith and McCoy, ship builders, was convicted yesterday and his punishment fixed at one year in the State penitentiary. Heptinstall was accused of embez zling $5,900 belonging to Smith and McCoy while he was employed as bookkeeper lor that concern and hav ing charge of the cash. His specula tions, it was charged, extended over a period of eevrral years. He is a native of Washington, N. C. The dcfandant was represented by Attorneys Jamts G. Martin and Thom as H. Willcox. He was prosecuted by Commrrn-'ralth's .Attorney Shackle ford and Paul Kcar. VANCEBORO SCHOOL COMMEN CEMENT. Vancebcro School Conijrencenient will be held on May 12th and 13th. The Dover High School will take part in a debate on Woman Suffrage also in Atheletirs. PLENTY OF GOOD LEFT. SEATS Despite a very Iarj:e f rst day sale of reserved seats fcr The Iron Master yesterday, there are plenty of good ones left both on lower floor, and the balcony. So in the meantime let us urge you to attend to your purchase today, as it looks as if they will all be sold out performance, next Tuesday night, the 28th. MORTGAGE SALE Pursuant to a power of sale contain ed in that certain Real Estate, Mort gage executed by, Henry Croomsand Peggie Crooms his wife to Sarah Reiz enstene and duly assigned to Isaac H. Smith, bearing the, date 15 day of February 1913., .the same being re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County in book 193, 199, I will sell at the Court House door in New Bern N. C, on Tuesday the 21 day of April 1914, at the hour of 12 o'clock M., t the highest bidder for cash, all of the following described property as conveyed in the Mort gage aforesaid, to-wit: All that cer tain tract of land situated in the town of Dover Craven, County N. C, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a ditch and runs N. 71, W. 88 yards with Salina Freeman's line thence N. 20, E. 27 yards to a stake, thence S. 71, E. 88 yards to a ditch, thence with said ditch to the beginning con taining one half acres more or less. being the same land conveyed by deed dated first day of December 1906, from Peter Hawkins to the said Henry Crooms which said deed is recorded in book of deeds Number 174 Page, 158 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County. Isaac H. Smith New Bern, N. C, Mar. 20, 1914. Mortgagee. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS V .. ,V TRICT. ' i At; the request" of. many Democrats from -various sections of the district T hereby announce that 1. will be a can didate in the next Judicial convention for the. nomination for the? office of Solicitor for this, district.;' Respectfully, R. A.? Nunn- At the solicitation of many friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for Commissioner from No. it', Town- ship at Craven county, subject to the Democratic primary . tp , be held . May 12. If nominated and elected,!, hereby pledge '; myself to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Thaiikuig;'';mxji:fndV,i9sadvaBce (6r any assistance rendered m in the coming primary," I . anv?: Respectfully, " I C. J. Heathy Ernul, N. C TO THE DEMOCRATS OF CRAVENl COUNTY, N. C. CANDIDATE OQPPAGE I would be glad to represent the peo ple of Craven County in the next General Assembly and trust that the party may see 'fit to nominate me in the coming primary for the county. If I am nominated and of "course elected, it will be my greatest desire to represent the people of the coun ty wisely. I believe that-1 know the county and the administration of its affairs in detail, and therefore can be of fervke to my constituency. G. V. Richardson 3- 28-ti Dover N. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY I hereby announce myself a candi date for renomination for the office of Sheriff of Craven county, subject to the . Democratic primary to be held May 12th 1914. If nominated and elected I hereby pledge myself to dis- TALKS TO VOTERS My Countrymen : . i As I have formerly announced my candidacy for a legislator ' and wish ing to keep my "name fresh' in your memory, I am again -writing to say the old pot is boiling and I am' anxi ous to secure the crown of 1 honor at your hands. - As I am a young man born of Am erican parents, brought up under the teachings of democracy, even in the days of rebellion and to the present, I am proud to point the honor which my "parents have accepted at the hands of so liberal a race and t.o those willing to place my confidence and -work for the good cause, and for such demo cracy am I appealing for my country and oiy race, that which so great a people cannot refuse the lifting hand of youth which is the pride of our country. And in the same strain I ask the la dies, old - men and our younger gen ration for their careful thought aned kind word. I, in return, promise to watch the future fight for the honor best of my ability, as I have in the pasfT Thanking 'the Democratic vo ters for their past support and solicit ing a continuance of same. Very Respectfully Richard B. Lane TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY APPLICATION FOR THE PARDON OF ROBERT JONES Application will be made to Governor of North Carolina for' the pardon of Robert Jones, convicted at the January term of the Superior Court of Craven county for the crime of assault and trespass, and sentenced to serve the term of six months in the county jail. All persons who are op posed to the granting of the said par don, are invited to foward their pro tests to the Governor without delay. This 23 day of March, 1914. Carl Daniels Attorney.' We keep Grape Juice in Pints and quarts. Dackburn vVhenever You (Need a General Ten Take Grove's . , Tti CtlA Standard flrnwtn TnstplM". ng before the date of the fhilj Tonic is equally valuable as fc .cneral Tonic because it contains int cJl known tofrft oropertiesof QUININE The price fifty cents, and the cause , Malaria e,,, Hnilds no the Who'e System. , 50 cents is a good one, so get busy. t t- A BANK WITH A BEI D is not necessarily an old bank. The rapid growth this institution has enjoyed since its establishment is evidence of the high degree of esteem in which it is held. , ' , We invite your account, assur ing you unquestioned safety, , and the, most modern equipment for the transaction of your banking affairs. -J ;i4;ItUi litiii" ifiifiuniifinnnnnnmiinin - i ! ; i 1 ' !J M1 fl S t ! II !,.. .i n n A n.n.M!M . U . 1 ? .1 . .. t . ,u J iiuuuuuu mc wuw ui love in xni" charge the duties of the office to the' . , ... .... ld land of chivalry which' we hope all nations would regard. To the business men keeping hi mind our awakening farmers and their dependents, I will legislate to- the best of all interest by not leaving the laws of Christianity which teaches, a thing tha hurts no one and does some one good, accept of it (and a thing that hurts some and does no one good is evil, shun it.) While feeling with joy the outlook for my success I will thank any one to bring to my notice should one of my worthy opponents raise any question that would be de trimental or poison your mind of me, so I can answer in open fold in honor or regret to my sponsors, With wishes that I could look each man' in the face and ask him for his support, I with unbound faith in you, must say I cannot do so, from lack of time and business. Hoping' of getting better acquainted,, I amn ' D. W. Coppage, Vanceboro, N. C. (adv.) I hereby announce myself a candidate for renomination for the office of regis ter ofDeeds of Craven county subject to thes Democratic -primary to be held Tuesday May V- 1914. If nominated at the ' primary and elected I will give my best endeavors to conduct the duties of the office with the same efficency and -courtesy have etrived to in the pact. Thanking the Democrats of Craven county, and assuring my lasting grat itude and unbounded appreciations for their past support, I am.Truly Yours, Stephen H. Fowler. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY FD - Q First I desjre to thank theDemocrats of Craven county for their past support of me for the office of County Treasur er and to assure' them of my grateful appreciation. I desire to announce my candidacy for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the will of the democratic voters at the Primary on May 12, 1914. and to assure the Democrats of Craven county that if nominated and elected I will conduct the office in the same man ner of courtesy and efficiency as I have tried to conduct it in the past. Yours respectfully, B. B. Hurst. ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE DEMO. CRATIC VOTERS OF CRA VEN COUNTY Having under the appointment; of Judge Whedbee, served for the unex pired term of W. M. Watson, as the Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven County; I respectively announce my self a candidate for election to the office of Clerk of Superior Court of Craven county, subject to the Democratic Primary on May I2th, 1914,'.' If elec ted, I ' promise to perform faithfully the duties of the office with juniform courtesy. Respectfully, W. B. Flanner TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS ' , OF CRAVEN COUNTY 1 t hereby announce myself as, a candi date for renomination as the Demo cratic candidate for Representative from Craven county in the North Car olina General 'Assembly, subject -,to the action of the Democratic primary May tt.:;.,'' While' regretting that the press , of business makes it impossible for me to make house-to-house . cany ass of the conaty, v J refer the .' Democratic voters to Dry past record in tht Legis lature for my qualifications to worthily represent them.,"' . , , i , If nominated and reflected,! promise to jerve the people Of Craveft county to the best (if my ability as ' I have done ill the .past. j:jirTU,r j u;, : :,. : ,.;'r :g; a, wutford., KXskiiv N.' C;i. April 8th, i914i :Is .alway j lookinsr for trouble, always trying to crawl .throujrh the screens and in a" good many, cases succeeds in getting through.. He finds .a stumbling block when he ; tries to get through the kind of screen wire that we are .'. soilings :Call phone HTand we. will call and get measure ments, i ' . GcsIJIl Cardwac and Pll;Su;Iy 1C0. - 73-75-77 Middle Street f - - Phone 147 28 51 fe?J Porch isa very desirable spot during . T rg ' the -summer if properly shaded and fnr-t nished , comfortably ( This arrkngement ' , ; can he. had for mefe trifle of cost and ; 53 these Springdays suggest .the advisability, jj y of equipping your porch ready for the hot, , sultry Summer days--We have the best to SrJ" be had. ,,Y - ' "v . ' - 1- . J. S. MILLER Furniture Co; "the Home Furnishers": Phone 229 99-Middle St. 7g THE PEOPLE'S TICKET At the request of many of the voters of Craven county the following gentle men have agreed to run for the posi tion of County Commissioners and we hereby present their names to our people for election at the coming prim ary of the Demcratic party. J. W, Biddle, Geo. K. West, Henry A. Mar shall, , Harvey B. Wadsworth, . Gee Dixon. . The people of the county )tnow these gentlemen and inow them well, and we feel that in their hands the expense of the county will be greatly reduced and its every interest faithfully ser ved and protected. . Let us go to the polls on' the day of the primary and elect them by a rous ing vote. Many Voters. ' , . TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS I am a candidate for renomination for,' Office 'of county Commissioner, subjects to the Democratic Primary. I have tried to serve the county with fidelity and if re-elected will perform the duties of the office to the. best Of my ability. Sincerely, .'. u . . ' . t " . ' ;C. DVBradnam Look to Vour Plumbing.. C .You know what happens in a house in whicH. the plumbing is In pow condk tion everybody in the house is liable to contract 71 typhoid j or some, otatt fever. The digestive organs perf x the same functions in the human b jd as the plumbing does for the house, tad hey should be kept in first class c dition all the time. If you have ssjj trouble with you'r digestion take Chan berlaln's Tablets and you are certain to get quick relief.! For sale by all dealers.'- - ',' . TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS s OV, CRAVEN COUNTY r : - desire to announce my candidacy for County;;Commissioner,'; subject .to the will of . the Democratic Voters 'at the Primary, on May 12, J914. And to : assure the Democrats of .Craven county; that if I "am nominate4 and elected, I ;,; will fendeavor to , promote the welfare of the whole county1, for the good of its people.. Yours Respt, - J, E. Daugherty. - . i s M.Vfr. '- - ! ! ::..:. ' 'i h PROTECT YOUR INCOME. - (This , check is Only , One of the many checks " received .every week in NEW BERN by " OUR . POLICYHOLDERS. V THE PROVIDENT LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY, OF CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE is the FIRST COMPANY to offer protection to the daily wage earner in the South and today it has more working men insured throughout , the South than ajl other Health & Accident Insurance Cempan iescombined doing. business of it's kind. The enormous amount of business the Provident now lias in force has been gotten and, maintained by prompt and fair deal ings lyith it's policy holders. . " '', ? N .' -A t r ' . WE GUARANTEE satisfaction to all whom we deal with. . We offer $50.00 reward to anyone who produces a just claim unpaid. J --j, J , , ' The PROVIDENT is doing business with all the' large LumI ber Companires throughout the South. We have letters from these Companies ecommending and en dorsing our Insurance, .v - ' ' ' t - .KJSkWealso daily receive letters from "the employees thanking u ; : for the good Our Insurance has been to them and Families. n -1 4 t It is the intention of our Company to bring this Insurance i .f before "every laboring man in Eastern North Carolina! We wou A .,: , therefore ask the Insuring public to investigate our Standing and methods of settling: our claims. ' ' - ' , ; We have a more liberal and attractive Commercial policy -i wnicn we oKer to the business men of Eastern N. C. , ; . :An investigation of this policy will convince you of itV meW it.' This Class of Insurance protects your Bank Account while 1 MS resume your ' ydii are sick, or hurt, or pays your bills when you: ; ' .. . Those' whom might wish Insurance, to'help them white' they :' Bve wouid find that we are able to offer them a Cleaner and more i.Vtf:',f attrfctive! contract .than any competing Company.'-" T .. . j. Any imormauon wouiq be gladly furnished anyone address-; .-. ; "g . ik. viacKourn,, aox MS, New Bern, N. c ,"i 1."'. ; 1 . 1 ( 1 - , I 1 S I I ; v - ii v v? ; ,,'.'t;i i. 1 v 1 . , 1 - t - v. - : ';v... .r. - . .4 . -r. . : .- x f ... . v." ., . . : , j 1-,. ', Do you find it necessary to close them every now and then or bathe them for relief ? These are symptoms of tyestrain of a nature fraught ; with serious consequences if not attended to." Let me demonstrate to you the vaule of long daily experience in Expert Eye Testing aad the correct fitting Of glasses for eyestrain. . ' " , t,;4 f:'',: -f;-;- I j I 1 ' k I I i i 4 . 1 : i' ', K it f