1 : 1 Children i-y &'1s;Trmii?i"liJi The Kind Ton Iiavo Alwsys" Bought, cud which hi a bc: n ' r t ; , , ' la use for;over 30 jrf.iV3.;5us bornefte l;;nat:ire t s '' . S: yty'-r:- 8o::al supervlsioa fcince It ir.'a:; . ';VtK:i;';? tfOf a4cA&X 'AlMw no one todecelvo yoti In C. i. -Vvi ifct Ail CbtmterIeits;ltoifaao-s'a:::d, nitst-o8-Sod ? ure bet ''O'ki-i- Experiments that tri.Ic W.tli tnd em'.an;cir tlie lteaL.li of i Infants and CbilliA Ettpcrience against Experiment. WhatiisCAS 1 0RIA . Cwtoria is a harmless snbstitnte for Castor Oil, Tar' ; sjoric, Drops and Soothing1 Symps.. It is pleruii. It contains neither Opmm,: Morphine nor otlr Narcotic ' ; aubsta.ice. Its ape is its guarantee, ft destroys Worms ' V end alla.vs Feverishnoss. Tor more than : thirty years it V ; has been in constant use for the rel'.af of Constipation, . Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and ; piarrhesa. It regulates the Stomach and l;oiyels, " w assimilates the Food, giYinjg' healthy and natural sleep. ,.' . rpne children's Panacea Fhe Mother's Fileud. CETJUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS p .Dears inc In Use For Over 30 Years Tlte Kind You Have Always Bought v TNI OIHTAUII OOHMVV, V OHK CITY. Jiff . ni?An .TFTIC f t 500 Uljftlf lilliJ ; These are not old rtyle or damaged thcH'4. They are Oxford and Punip iof the latest style and in all size. Our stock of mens low quarters in Douglas, Beacon and Kelly Buckley Cygolf Shoes is complete. I have , them in all the latest shapes. Tan, Gun m?tal, Patent Colt and Vici. 4 'Buy your EASTER SHOES now and saye money. 2 MIDDLE S STREET SAM JTHE,,BVSY,CORER-STORE ie ... I ' ' " "' III '- I II"" ; fl r"-- -M' ! K; Combination, Disc and Shovel Cultivator . One man and one horse do the work of , two. Light ,: '. . .' draft, strong, Servicable, easy to handla. jltt Corn., Cotton and Pea Planters, Guano Sowers, Grain V i ; Drills; etcRiding and Walking Cultivators. ; , HAY, GRAIN, FEED BuMis & NEW BERN, N. C. r- sVVIMI1 r? 1 1 - X I n a rs 1 1 ' i 1 4 I I I I 11 '4 t I 4 I - t S 4 II 4 1 I I : 4 I ( i ! i .MimMMMtHinMMl ' .. ' .... : L IT ' r 1 "; ' AND .... ''f -.4 ' f 1, icr FIpichcT's; oignaiuc ui Pairs Ladies, Misses and Children S rcpii Shoes 1-2 Price. UPMAN Gor. S. Front Street Parker 4 4 ( t. 1 nMiwnmMnHmnM .-...a f:; lid nil! U If 1 s: 1 1 t 1 1 ! yi 5 : 1 3 1 t ARM ERS OLD TIME BASKET :"V; PICNIC,! AT ACEBOROf SATURPAV,' MAY :V Every "body rne J' yith" ;eli filled baskets,' prepared for a day of fun and merriment. ;Th NeV Bern band will be here with lots of good music. The Farm-Life School ' quartette will as sist them. ?, '' : ' , .. ' .Speeches will be, made by County Superintendent , S. Mi; Brinsoai' who needs no introduction in Craven Coun ty, also Mr. B. E. Rice, General Ind. Agent of the' Norfolk and Southern Rail Road. Mr. Rice is a man who knows farmers,' is interested in farmers and farming, and is a splendid speaker, other speakers will, be here and their names will bev announced later. Vou will have an opportunity to visit the Farm-Life School. Now remember it is everybody's picnic, be here by 10 o'clock and Stay as long as1 you wish. FORMER NEW BERNIAN DIES IN TEXAS. Mr. James Thomas Mathews, of San Antonio Texas, a former Nsw Bern ian known to all residents of New B;rn as "Tom Mathews" died on April 13th, 1914 in the' 77th year of his age. He was a brother of Dr. John' E. Mathews of Wilmington, and an uncle of Assistant United States Attorney Ernest M. Green of this city,' who are the only relatives of Mr. Mathews now living in North Carolina. His death followed the shock of the death of a young son by his last wifj, accidently falling from a Derrick in the Sand Lake oil fields. 400 LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS OFFER SERVICES FOR WAR. CHICAGO, April 24. Warren S. Stone, grand chief engineer of the Bro therhood of Locomotive Engineers, has sent a telegram to President Wilson offering to furnish engineers, familiar oith Mexican railroads, to handle all woop trains at the front. Four hundred engineers have volun teered to operate troop trains for the United States throughout Mexico sho uld war be declared, 'according to an nouncement by Mr. Stone. The men were formerly employed by the Mexi can National Railway, but were dis charged when natives set up the cry "Mexico for Mexicans." FOR LIBELLING BLEASE. Editor of Columbia Record. Arrested on Two Warrants. COLUMBIA, S. C, April 24. Jam es H. Moore, editor of the The Colum bia Record was arrested this morning on two warrants, sworn out before a lo cal magistrate, Frank W. Blackburn, charging him with "wilfully and ma liciously originating, uttering circu lating and publishing certain lalse statements concerning one Cole I.. Blease." Mr. Moore was released un der a $5,000 bond to await trial. There are two specific instances of alleged libelous statements appearing in The Record, the datej being April 16th and April 21st, 1914. Each of the ar ticles referred to was published in the editorial columns of The Record and were in' regard to the proposed encamp ment of the National Guard at Char leston. In each alleged editorial utter ances had the effect to injure the said Cole L. Blease in his reputation, both personal and political. The State of South Carolina appears in both in stances as prosecutor. WANTED Experienced solicitors good proposition. Address C. L. Wil liamson, Gen. Del., New Bern, N. C. , V 4-232 ti. HELPLESS AS BABY Dow ia Hud Uubh to Work, anil What Helped Her. Summit Point, W. ;V-Mn. Anna Belle Emer, of this place, says: "I suf fered for 15 years with an awful pain in my right side, caused from womanly trouble, and doctored lots for it, but with out success. 1 suffered so Tery much, that 1 became down ia mind, and as help less as a baby.- 1 was in the worst kind of shape, was unable to do any work. I began taking Cardid, th woman's tonic, and got relief from the very first dose. By the time 1 had taken 12 bot tles, my health was eomnletelv restored. 1 am now 48 years years old. but feel as good as I did whea only 18. -,.: Cardul certainly saved me from losing my mind, and I feel it my duty to speak in lis favor. I wish I had some power over. poor, suffering women, and could make them know the good tt would do them." , . . - If you g ;r from any of the ailments peculiar to women, it win certainly be wortt yotir while to give Cardul a trial, it trj t -n helping weak women for mors tl;aa ID years, and will help you, too. " ;', .V. TryCaiJ. Yourflj-rfstsellglL vl I I .,. Ions., tor SHrimt mxttrn u our 6n and 44-paf Book, horns , uuul fur 1 omtn," in ptoia wraPr. It 0. Itl 1 k.'''--J:KW,?-- HliFjltRjSIIBJECTS! i I I IT IS THOUGHTTHATTHEYWILL BE TAKEN CARE" OF. MADRID, April 24. The govern ment's interest in the Mexican situa tion is naturally predominantly con cerned with the fate of Spaniards in that country. Premier Dato received your correspondent cordially today and expressed his gratification at the Willingness of the United States to protect the subjects of Spain. More than six hundred of these Spaniards have been repatriated on the initia tive of Spain, but the safety of many of them depends upon Generals Car ranza and Villa, and for this reason the inetrvention of the United States is of paramount importance. Senor Dato said the prospect of armed ac tion by the United States and Mexico causes the greatest concern here, as the consequences are incalculable. The government, he said, earnestly desired a peaceful solution of the trouble. Senor Lama, the minister of foreign affairs, was equally affable. He em phasized the fact that it was impossi ble to make any official declaration on the impending conflict as Spain was a friend of both the United States and Mexico. Letters and cablegrams to the news papers from Mexico have created the impression that the establishment in Mexico City of a committee formed by the American, British, French, Ger man, and Spanish diplomats would be able to protect foreigners. FIRE AND STRIKE IN SING SING PRISON. OSSINING, N. Y., April 23. Fire supposedly of incendiary orgin started early today in the enamelling shop of Sing Sing prison, a one and a half story frame structure some distance from the main prison building. The flames wsre confined to the one building. The loss will not be heavy. Yesterday 180 men in the knitting shop went on strike, probably because of the refusal of Governor Glynn to sign the one-year parole bill, allowing a prisoner to apply for parole after he had been confined one year. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S G AOTO R I A LADIES Have your facial massaging and hair treatment done at your residence For appointment, phone A. I. Blank leld Beauty artist, phone 295, P. O. Box 558. Special attention given to Sunday engagements. Spring Blood & System Cleanser During the winter months impuri ties ccujmulate, your blood becomes impure nd thick, your kidneys liver and bowels fail to work, causing so called "Spring Feaver." You feel tired, weak and lazy. Electric Bitters the Spring tonic and system cleanse, is what you need; they stimulate the kidneys, liver and bowels to healthy aaction, expel blood impurities and lestore your health, strength and am bition. Electric Bitters makes you fael like new. Start a four week's treatment it will put uoy in fine shape for your spring work. Guaran teed. All druggists. 50c. and$ 100. Unless your poll taxes are paid By May 1st you can not vote, f oo rota tax-i es must be pad at once or I will positively levy on youR personal property as the law directs- and sell the same tor your taxes Don't delay for this will be done as 1 must Inforce the law. , ' . ' R.B. Lane Sh'ff. Your poll - tax is paiu by May lstiii you can't vote in any (Primary or Election mmm '''i-'f; 'i''-'' ' TWsI eansYou tli.- ANNOUNCEMENT, I J. To the Democratic Voters County. I am informed it is being reported in certain sections of the county, tnat 1 am in lavor ol annexing a part of this county to some other county. This report is absolutely untrue. I am unalterable and eternally opposed to any such proposition. I stand for the protection and preservation of every interest of my county and peo ple, and to this end I will labor if I am sent to Raleigh as yo;ir representa tive. As to the stock law question 1 think is a matter for the prople to settle themselves and if I am elected t the legislature I will not take it upon myself as your representative to settle the issue. I am strictly opposed to ('raven county selling her interest in A. X. N. C. K. R. This is a very valuable asset and willcont inue to increase in value. gjrj ' $g C.. V. RICHARDSON. 4-22-tf. ATTENTIONjl. O. R. M.S. The Coimcil Ure of the second 'Dis trict will be kindled in the wigwam of Tan Tribe No. 18 in the Hunting Grounds of Washington on the 6th Run Flower Moon G. S. D. 42.?. Two sessions will be held the first at the 2nd Run 30th Breath Setting of the Sun. The 2nd at the 7th Run 30th Breath Setting of the Sun. All Redmen in the Reservation are cordi ally invited. 88 j. II. SMITH." J D. C.fof R 4-22-2 ti. Fine TAILORING Gleaning and Repairing S. N. CHADWICK 25 Hancock Street. R. R. EAGLE CIVIL ENGINEER Rooms 408-9 Elks Temple New Bern, N. C. Surveys and plans for land drainage and munici pal improvements a spec ialty. General surveys, maps, plans, specificotions estimates. WCEH Read Full Reports of War News Washington, Baltimore Philadelphia, New York, Richmond, Norfolk, Ral eigh and Charlotte News papers. We carry a full line of popular Magazines. GASTON CIGAR & NEWS STAND . J Edgar Wallnau, Proprietor Phone 48 A fine lot ol Coun try Dams, You Should Get One Before They are all sold iiiiiii fClOTOfl m G 1 tt tt t " n trvTrm t-'mWtfi of Craven I 1 1 1 f r f I A 1 1 1 ' i Sff '. ' BARBECUE 1 am having 5 fine pigs barhacued for your Sunday din ner. Don't miss a 142 J. B. Watson. choice cut. Phone AUTO -For hire, call 272. ('. Pools Livery stables night or day. W WANTED to hand bonks, school hooks. ( iaston. buy old and second Old libraries etc. No J. T. Gitlman, Hotel ROOMERS WANTED -One from Klk Temple. Apply to Tolson, 03 Pollock street. bh i(k C. LOST--Sniall black satin pocket con taining several receipts made out to Mrs Myrtles Hart I s. l-'imler will please return to Athens theatre. 41C-1 LOST Blue enamel Breast Pin, de sign, bunch of forget-me-nots. Finder please return to 10( Broad street. 4-1S-3 LOST Bill Folder, containing mon ey, on Hancock between School house and Depot. Reward if returned to Journal office. 4-15-3ti. FOR RENT House, provements, 8 rooms, section, 22 New St. the Shingle man. all modern im Best residence See V. F. Hill, Have just received ex tra fancy celery, tomatoes, cukessquash, beets, pine-apples, egg-plants, oranges, apples, bananas and cocoanttts. So if you want something good in the vegetable and fruit li.it-, come see me. and I will show vou a Fla., exhibit in the city of New B;rn. L.mons 20c. per doz., also all kinds of ice cream guaranteed fifty per cent pure creamat the Royall Ice Cream Co. Phone 33. 4-10. WANTED A COMPETENT LADY stenographer desires position about May first. Best reference furnished. Address S. B., Journal office. VILOETS AND ROSES, Double Violets, one dqlar per hundred. Kil larney, Rhea Reid, and other roses rwo year old hardy bushes, bloom this summer if planted now, 50c. each, j J. W. Waston, 34 New st.. Phone 353. 1 I FOR RENT Desirable rooms for j light housekeeping, No. 1. Blades aven ,ue. 1 , THE proper thing to do whenever you want a cook, a cozy room a first class stenographer, book-keeper, salesman of clerk is to let a Journal "WANT' AD get it for you. They are easy tc write and easy to pay for. TRl STKI-: SAI.K. MAY lo. 1H4. Pursuant to a certain deed of trust 'executed by Jesse 1.. Banks to I) K. 1 Henderson, lo secure a debt due Mrs. j Susan V. Tisdale which said deed i recorded in the office of the Register of Deed, of Craven County, Book ll5. Page 2l6, D. E. Henderson, trustee, will offer for ;ale at the Court House I door for cash pursuant to said deed the following lands; All that tract or parc-1 of land lying and situat d and being in the county of Craven and the State of North Carolina, near the town of New Bern, N. C, and being in lots N). 1 in Block F, on plat of land for merly owned by J. L. Rhein which plat is on record in Craven county, Regis gter of Deed..' Office in Book 12, Page 473. 1 Default having been made in pay ment of the debts secured, this sale will be made on Saturday May 16, 1914, to the highest bidder for cask at the Court House door in New Bern. This April 15, 1914. D. E. Henderson, Trustee. The readers of this p-tr will b pleased to learn that there is at .east ont dreaded disease that science has beea able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the m edical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. . Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in hi curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Sead for list of testimoa- ,'.' v'-VV:-'' - ' Address: F, J. CHENEY CO Toledo, O. ' :r; . f . r Sold by all druggints, 7Sc. , 0 Take Hall's family Pills for cosjti patioiw' Htii v Uniidron Ory ; fCR FLETCHER'S f. 'l .-T'V