9 -A ) ; NOW AND THENr In the first picture is Seen the Battleship South Carolina, one of the Navy's largest vessels--The second is a picture .of the Constitution ine secouu v essei uuiil t vy u.- a. nv V--"- aw' r ANNUAL uUNVtN UN U. To Tclll Daniels, etc. loopholes in a brick warehouse oppo site the landing. It .was a single vol ley of infantry fire. Mr. Daniels was instantly killed in the pilot house; Mc Chesney was seriously wounded and several others on the uppen deck, in cluding myself, slightly wounded. The boat was headed down the river as rapidly as possible and as we got in midstream - the federal men aboard took refuge and returned fire. I think the Confederates retreated to Tranters Creek, where the force of which they were a part was . stationed. Captain Gray of the Georgia troops, who oc cupied the warehouse, had intended to capture the boat without firing a shot I" have 6ince learned from a re liable source, that a nervous man pre maturely discharged his piece, start ing the general fusillade which wrought havoc with the boat's crew and pass engers. "It was a most unfortunate event. Mr. Daniels, who was just entering upon the prime of life, - was a quiet, high-toned gentleman, coutreous ia the extrerre. and esteemed by all who knew him." WELL KNOWN HORSE TRAINER IS DEAD. KINSTON, N. C, April 24. While he Was being prepared for an operation in a local hospital, lat night, Ambrose B. Cox, aged 42-, a planter and horse dealer of Cove City, N. C, collapsed and died 6o6n. afterward. Cox had been an inmate of the hospital for a month and was under treatment for .bladder trouble. He was well known here. The body was taken to Cove City, where a wife and six children reside. MEMBERS OF MISSIONARY SOC IETY TO ATTEND FUNERAL The members of the Woman's Mis sionary Society of Centenary Metho dist church are requested to meet in the church parlors this morning at 10:4S-for the purpose of attending the funeral of the late Mrs. George Hender son, Sr. Hopkins of Lansing City National Bank Accused After Suicide. LANSING, MICH., April 24. Ac cording to a statemont issued by the directors of the City National Bank to-day, Fred J. Hopkins, cashier, who committed suicide yesterday, had em bezzled approximztely $57,000 of the Bank's funds. President B. F. Davis of the Bank said that Hopkin's peculations did not cover more than twelve months. 0. C. THIS STATE PRESIDENT WILL ASSIST IN THE CEREMO NIES 5c. for 10c. La Marca Cigar today at Bradham's. DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFED ERACY TO MEET. The Daughters of the Confeder acy will please meet this morning in the ladies parlor at Centenary church at 10:30 o'clock, to. attend the funeral of the late Mrs. George Henderson, Sr. Box paper special today 34c. at Bradham's Broad street store. At noon today in their hall on South Front street of the New Bern chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy the annual convention for the Thir teenth District will be held. This district includes the chapters in this city, Trenton, Morehead City, Kins ton, Washington and Pollocksville. The principal event of the day will be the address by Mrs. Marshall Wil liams, State President of the U. D. C. The Sons of Veternas and the public in general is extended an invitation to attend this convention. The. Barr's fine candy 29c. per box at Bradham's today. A TIP TO CAREFUL DRESSERS TVE QUIT WORRYING ABOUT WHAT IS THE LATEST STYLE- IN WATCH CHAINS AND COLLARS. IF YOU WANT TO LET PEOPLE KNOW THAT YOU ARE THE REAL THING NOW, YOV VE GOT TO SMOKE TEAM WINS'AGAIN DEFEATED WILSON YESTERDAY BY A SCORE OF 5 TO 3. Local baseball fans will learn with pleasure that the baseball team of the New Bern High School won another victory at Wilson yesterday afternoon when they defeated the H'gh School team at thai place by a score of 5 to .V McSorlcy and Scales did the pit ching and receiving for I he locals anil reports received here last night were to the effect that I lie game av an ex citing one, especially thrilling w.i- llie playing of IJrit cliaril . Today the New Hern t. ini got- i., Kaleigh where lliey will r hat with the High School team in thai city and there i- eer re..-..n 1.. I re lieve 1 hat anot hi r i toi ill i -e 'theirs when the frav is oer. 19c. La Marca Cigars at 5c. to day at Bradham's. FUNERAL OF MRS. GEO. HEN DERSON, SR., THIS MORNING. The hour for the funeral of Mrs. George Henderson, Sr., has been set for 11 o'cluck this morning. The ser vices will he conducted by Rev. Kuc- lid McWhorter, from the Centenary I Methodist church. ft IS j NEW PHARMACY FOR NEW BERN. ; 'i : MORTGAGE NOTICE STATE' OF.-NORTH CAROLINA,; ' CRAVEN COUNTY. - '. r: . By virtue of the power of salei con tained in that certain mortgage deed made by Edward Hall to Frank J.' French, dated November '8th,"' 1911,' recorded in the office -of the register ' of deeds of Craven county, in Boole 184 page 417, on acco-int of default in the payment of t he indebtedness thereby s. -cured. I will on Friday, the 15th day of May, 1914, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon at the Court House in the City of New Bern, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for cash at pub lic auction the following described piece, parcel or lot of land lying and being in Craven County. State afore said, described and denned as follows to wit : That cerruin tract of land in the Coi.nty and State alorcsaid on the Soeth side of Neu-e Read, adjoining the lands ,i I). ( ,. ,! t ;,.orge Daily, William Mo-els !.,:; ,,.,d r J.Krenceh co-itaing TH. .-UR1 more or less,, being the s.niie land pi.rchasc-d by T. J ! reneh fr,,, Caswell Wood, said deed Ning rcca-.hd ia the office of the Rigi.-ter i Deeds for Craven county in book 116 page 5, to which refer ence is made for a more complete des cription. Thi, 14th day of Apii', 1 '-" K. J. French, Mortgage Ceo. T. Willis, Attorney. Children Cry TOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA (Special to the Journal. ) RALEIGH, April 24. The Central Pharmacy of New Bern Jwas incorporated today with twenty-five thousand' dollars authorized capital and two makes yo fee fin thAiiennH -. . t. .. ! 1. I I I - invu.iauu Vy LIT. I , . A. Catton.Mrs.G.A. Caton and D. E. Henderson, of New, Bern. Dr. llargett left yesterday afternoon for a professional business visit Caswell. Spring Laxative & Blood Cleanser Mush out the accumulated waste and poisons of the winter months; cleans your stomach, liver and kid ney's of all impurities. Take Dr. Kings' New Life Pills; nothing better for purifying the blood. Mild, non griping laxative. Cures constipation; e. Take no other. 25c. at your Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for all Hurts Several big Bradham's. Specials today at New Irish Potatoes just received at Hack- burns NOTICE OF EXECUTOR. i Having qualified as Executor of the fj Estate of David E. DeBruhl, all per-; SJ BODRDELAIS sons holding claims against the estate SCHOOL OF MUSIC win present, mem, auiy sworn, to tne rj undersigned Executor on or befcre 5jS Cor. Hancock and New Sts. S3 the fourteenth dav of Aoril. 1915. or Hi t. m Ill this notice will be plead in bar. ! All person indebted to the Estate S5 will please make payment to the un-lRl T r u , g dersigned. 1 1 Voice Culture, French, !: Piano, Violin, Wind In- K strumcnts. New Bern Banking & Trust Co., Ji Executor. 55 THE CIGARETTE j v S v : OF quality r x J -L ' ' ' ' r f' ' ' - VAUIAStE COUPON IH CACH PACKAGE . '$ List your State and county taxes for 1914 No 8 Township at the Courthouse. Beginning May 1, and continuing through the month of May you are required under the law to list H. M. Groves Auditor and List Takcrr No, 8 Townshp F.M.Simmons A.D.Ward SIMMONS & WARD Attorneys and Councellora at LAW Rooms 401 and 404 Elks' Temple NEW BERN, : : N. C. 0 ASTORIA for Infants and Children, liie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 7 J. LEON WHIMMS ATTORNEY AT LAW 126 MIDDLE ST. NEW BERN, : : : N. C. 1 CI Kates upon Application gf lit TELEPHONE 722 am The Hygeia Cafe and Confectionery 133 MIDDLE ST. Exclusive Agents for that famous Velvet Ice Cream The Smooth kind. Served at Fountain or sold in any quantity Fruits- Cigars- Candies Phone 773 Pineapple chunks 15c the can, L B. Hackburn Timely Suggestions We can handle to advantage any requirements in, Insurance such as FIRE, LIFE, Accident Burglary, Plate Glass, Live Stock, etc. aed will thank you for your business. ( Also have several good homes and desir able building lots for sals. - . T.G.D0YD Hardware AND DWLDEVG MA TQUAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISIIES American Field Fence EWrs:.IAllWfirtD f ' ... . ' ! -l"' -I ------ ''..- -v.. - .... -. -::' ' . " , ' rt , . ,. ',r. o' .".V',"1'4' i -4, ft

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