.a ... f'iT n" if rv' AVERS THA KK OUTCLASSES . , ' THE UNCANNY QEOR- V GIAN.LYONS COBBv "7 ' ' (By Frank O. Meoke.) . New'Yorki May.' 7. We "have, with us' today ancient 'but "still ",honorabh. . m'izz as to hich gentle.nan is the mori, valuable ,.to a ttair- Walter Johnson, the pitcher, person, or Lyons Cobb,,whi . i -Ana .vivt h 5 tier hiir nitrh."'- A'1 ; '' The1 answer is simple Johnson -v i far'more v arable, dsSpitc the wonder - t full uncanny, all-aw-iiq ability, ot th ; Ceoreian. ' ' aj , ' " " J"'- . Cobb, marvelous though he Ts, is but oie Coir in a machine of nine cogs. His -' position as ai out neidtr torcct .am Xv snare only a portion oi tne aeiensivt r play, - But a pitcher is the -main cog ' the real ccg,', Uppn him stands the great- '''' est pyr liuii vi auic uwimibc '. 4 i , every defensive play -of the game de ' pend&first upon him 'and his pitching but little offensive work on the part o' .'mj. his team mates to bring home a victory. "' But'if the" pitcher fookles.'.iind the op- tofina tn' hatfir arnnnrl , his I -m nnJ alnnfa 4-h A,.irhr.a I sfrkrolr Ann. 'ii irr- Usually. ..IMVt-ccuo hw..i.iciifc a :uvivai .aeainstthe team that wins that wob-, bling pitcher,' rtNot nc the Federals pried open the ' season ana outarew most oi tne organ ized Majors has Ben Johnson rushed to ' the ore with any remarks about "joke. Nor has Garroloua Garry Herrmann murmured "blooirrblooir" when any- ' ones mentioned the Feds. And Charles i jj Holiday Ebbets, the Brooklyn magnaterJ no longer grins from ear to ear, no longr er holds his sides to suppress boisterous v giggles when somebody hazards the re mark that "it looks as if the Feds are There." - ' The Whip of Interest: ; Drives ths Reader Oh BLEASE S RACE IS ALMOST RUN HE MAY RETIRE. (Special to the Journal.) Columbia , S. C, May 7. That Gov ernor Blease will be beaten for the Unit- red States Senate tor E. D. Smith is the strong indication of the incomplete report s from th forty four county conventions. It i.s believed from the-ie reports that in the State De mocratic convention to be held here May 20th, Smith will have the support at least 250 delagates as against about SO delegates for Blease. At the expiration ol his term as Gov ernor early next year, Blea's will be merely a private citizen. NOTICE , As is our usual custom, we will com mence the Summer Sunday delivery of ice, the first Sunday in May. The wagons will make one delivery of ice Sundays until further notice. Our patrons will kindly help the drivers by having their money or ice tickets convenient, also ice boxes and refrigerators ready for ice, as a minutes delay in each house means hours late on the end of the route. Very Respect fully, N. B. Ice Company, 5-2-10ti. A. Cook, Supt. -PUT DOWN THAT WBIP, FATHER. OR I'LL TAKE IT IRON YOU1" In "The Story of Waitstill Baxter B KATE DOUGLAS WIQQIN, Author of "Rebecca of Simnybrook Farm" It Will Be Our Next Serial John McGraw, whose fame through being hit' ''from behind" has almost overshadowed the fact that he's the $30,000 manager of the Giant Giants, . boasts of ths greatest collection of base stealers in captivity Hock'' the new third sacker, stole fortv-threebease while, with Mobile last year, and is running wild this season Merkle pilfered 35 sacks in 1913; Bes cher, 38; .. Murray, 35; Burns, 40; w,,-, o , . . . . McGraw seven regular With a grand a,ucluw,t creuBine lonowing report tor tne City treasurer: Trc Report .-I2747.23-. 501.96.. 1486.06 598.65.. 3886.81 2245.27 887.41 CITY OF NEW BERN, N. C. REPORT OF TREASURER FOR MONTH OF MARCH 1914 GENERAL FUND Balance on hand 2627.88 Balance on hand 2627.88 from J; -J. Tolson.-- 2392.05 j..f 5019.93 1133.12 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Balance on hand 3-1. 1734.68 from J. J.' Tolson.-,.... 1012.55... day some rowdy youths boarded his PLICE DEPARTMENT train.' In the polite, refined manner uix that subway guard use (at times) Jim,Mrom J- J; Tolson.. 1012.54 asked the youths to' desist. They de- '"'J Jr"?;0",-" r- ji ji.ci UEr l ilel L Balance on hand 3-1 13.42 from J. J. Tolson., 1012.54 99.12 829.46 169.66 W. & L. DEPARTMENT from F. Scott.-... ;. 2691.55 from L. Harris.,.. 274.92 Balance on hand 3-1.... 2903.13... 5869.60. 5374.40. COLORED SCHOOLS Balance on hand 3-1.-.,...... 267.75 from C. Lupton..: 71.50 .W 339.25 SCHOOL FUND , Balance On hand 3-1 : 705.60 J. J. Tolson 1687.01 BOND INTEREST Balance on hand 3-L....'. 1427.97 from J. J. Tolson. 1687.01 . GREENWOOD CEMETERY Balance on hand 3-1.,.. 18.37 from R. J. Disoswayj 18.90 CEDAR GROVE CEMETERY Balance on hand 3.-1 O, D.J..4 .111.78 from R. J. Disosway...-.". 131.40. SINKING FUND . . Balance ion hand 3-11- average of something like 38 bases. Jim Coffey, the Irish , White Hope, -who journeys soon to England to scrap I with Bombardier Wells, the oft bom barded English heavy, entered the jingl through accident. ' He harpooned a job as subway guard soon after arrieine here from Erin. One sisted not. s Whereupon, Jim waited for a station stop and then began heaving 'the youths off his train. He did it with such ease and dispatch that.he won the . admiration of Mike Donovan, the old !- LVJ.UAC WVllib AtgULVl f -VV IftV W W . V" - train.', ; " Mike walked to the vestibule and en gaged Jim in combat. ' Mike told Jim . that he thought he had the makings of a fighter in him. ' Jim wasn't sure, "Conie up to the New York Athletic Club and 1 11 Rive you a try out, in- , vited Mike.9 " J ;Jim came.1 Mike showed him a few 1 tricks in the fighting game and then , matched Jim with a husky perrson who , had "white hope" hopes.. . Jim knocked all the hope out of that fellow in two rounds.' Then he went home, wrote out '.his resignation:' jrom the subway job and has been keeping his huge frame i within the pugilistic spotlight most of the time since, 485.20 339.25 ... 2392.16 705.60. 1687.01 3114.98. 1500.00 1614.98 37.27 19.62.. 25.40.. 53.93.. 1475.54 1475.54.... 11.87 34.31 1475.54 MEETING OF THE SEVENTH SE NATORIAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION rursuant to action of the Seventh benatonal Democratic Executive Com mittee, at a meeting held in the City oi iNew Bern, W. C, Thursday April the 30th, 1914, the Seventh Senatorial ij.iuiiaiii- convention is called to meet in the City of New Bern, N.C, at the Court House on Wednesday, May the 27th, 1914, at twelve M. o'clock, for the purpose of nominating two senators, and for such other busi ness as may come before the Convention. -i u. Uradham, Chairman of the Seventh Senatorial Democratic Ex- cutive Committee. J. K. Warren, ecretary. If you dont want to laugh, don't see Mrs. Rufus Snitters, Friday mgnt. Child Cross? Feverish? Sick? A cross, peevish, listless child, with coated tongue, pale, doesn't sleep; eats sometimes very little, then again ravenously; stomach sour; breath fetid pains in stomach, with diarrhoea: grinds teeth while asleep, and starts up with terror all suggest a Worm Killer sonething that expels worms, and almost everv child has them. Kjckapoo Worm Killar is needed.! et a box today. Start at once. You won't have to coax, as Kickapoo Worm Killer is a candy confectipn. Expels worms, the cause of your child's trduble. 25c, at vour druezist. YOU ARE INVITED TO HEAR EDISON'S New Diamond-Disc Phonograph The Latest in Music The Greatest Phonograph in the World Come in and Hear it Play, Then Decide The Inventors Invitation Let the Public Hear and Decide 8 fiSBg 8'- Tj v . MORTGAGE NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA By firtue of the' poer of, sale coiw tained in that certain mortgage def 4 made by Edward Hall to Fratk J French, dated November 8thr;"'19Jj; retonled in the office of the Mgitter of deeds of Craven county, injBoofc 184 page 417, on acroi nt cf default in the payment of tSe i;,debtedne thereby s. -cured. I -RjlJ on Friday, the 15th day of May, 1914, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon at the Court House in the City of New Bern, N. C , sell to the highest bidder for cash at pLI lie auction the following desciUefl piece, parcel or lot of land Ivin and being in Craven Countv, State afort said, described and defined as !tilc to wit: That certain tract of lanV n tie County and State aforesaid n tl South side of N'euse Road, adjoinirg the lands of D. (; and George Daily, William Mosely land and T. J.Frenct containg TEN ACRES more or less,, being the same land purchased by 1 J French from Caswell Wood, said dittf being recorded in the office of U. Register of Deeds for Craven couitf in book 116 page 59, to which rein ence is made for a more complete dt.- lllls tn aay Qf ApiU l9M- F. J. Frencl, Mortgagi Geo. T. Willis, Attorney. Wm. T. HILL "The Sporting Goods'Man" 91 Middle Street, Phone 253 NORFOLK SLEEPER DECIDE YOURSELF The Opportunity Is Here, Backed By Testimony. By New Bern Testimony. Don't take our work for it. Don't depend on a stranger's state ment. Read New Nern's endorsement. Read the statements of New Bern's citizens. And decide for yourself. Here is one case of it. F. P. Avery, Spencer ave, Ghent. New Bern N. C, says: "I have no rea- sonto chance mv hich ooinion nf Doan's Kidney Pills which I expressed through 'the local newspapers some years ago. I began using this remedy procured at Bradham Drug Co., when Effective May 1st, the New Bern- Norfolk sleeper heretofore open for occupancy at New Bern at 9:00 P. M., will be opened at 10 P. M. For fur ther information and reservations ap ply to T. H. Bennett, Ticket Agent, Phone 737. E. D. Kyle T M. H. S. Leard G. P.A Norfolk, Va., 4-29-10ti F.M.Simmons A.D.Ward SIMMONS & WARD Attorneys and Councilors at LAW Rooms 401 and 404 Elks' Temple NEW BERN, : : N. C. Spring Laxative & Blood Cleaner Flush out the accumulated wast and poisons of the winter month;;, cleans your stomach, liver and kid ney's of all impurities. Take Ers Kings' New Life Pills; nothing betti for purifying the blood. Mild, noa-' griping laxative. Cures constipatioaj . makes you feel fine. Take no otht. 25c. at your Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for all Huns, New Irish Potatoes; just received at Hack-burns B BOURDELAIS SCHOOL OF MUSIC 1 Cor. Hancock and New Sta, Ijf g Piano, Violin, Wind In- 8! struments. B Voice Culture, French, 13 It! Exoressi'on. 11 3:S lii lit tt Ti.A. . .. j naies upon Application g 5il TELEPHONE 722 ?! NOTICE OF EXECUTOR. Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of David E. DeBruhl, all per sons holding claims against the estate will present them, duly sworn, to the undersigned Executor on or before rn tnnrtitonth -i . . A : 1 ,mr I was suffering from kidney complaint this notice will be plead har All person indebted to the Estate On deposit in National Bank- 23501.21 23501.21 1" 10722.52 Health a, Factor In Succeaa. , ine .argest lector contr.ouung ,, a 0n h New Bcrft Banki & TrU8t Company.. man success is Undoubtedly his health. I on fc ' t ' . man u seldom sick when his bowels are re-1 gular he is never well when they, are constipatea. r or. constipation you win find nothing quite so good as Chambers Iain's -Tatleta. They not only move the bowels but improve the. appetite jand strengthen the digestion. . They are sold by all dealers. - '".t We Arc Noy SorvinS V 12778.69' . 5074.32 7486.03 218.34 J. 12778.69 , , V , A DAD LIVER roba yon of energy, strength and ' ' " , ambition. To rid yourself of the btuden, take . J to i a;troti;ay: v : : LIVER R GCU LA TOR 1 - (THS POWDKB FORM) , r It ia a fine strengthening medicine for a torpid liver, Th weakened organ responds promptly to its powerful reviving influence. It corrects the stomach ajid digestion. Purifiea and regulates the bowels,' Drives and cheerful Tr ? feeling, makes you feel bright, vigorous r ' 'iff- t ' . m aiAura. mh umi mmhw " tti.. i.A,,k .k. ! i 9 i-k-r - : -, ... . ifrio, (1.W ft fcettlt, J. H, ZZiUit A CO., PROPS., ST. Louia, MO. . UT1 and backache. It cured me." If your back aches if your kindeys bother you, don't simply ask for a kidney remedyask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Avery had the remedy backed by hom .. testimony. 50c all stores. Foster-Milburn Co., P -ops., Buffalo. N.Y. TOTHE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS r OF CRAVEN COUNTY ' I desire to announce my candidacy for County Commissioner, subject to the will of the Democratic Voters' at the Primary on May 16, 1914. And tof assure the Democrats of Craven county, that if I am nominated and elected, I will endeavor to promote the welfare the, whole county,: for the good of its people. Yours Respt. . ' H. A. Marshal will please make payment to the un dersigned. New Bern Banking & Trust Co., Executor. J. LEON MJJM1S ATTORNEY AT LAW 126 MIDDLE ST. NEW BERN, : : : N. C. The Hygeia Cafe and Confectionery 133 MIDDLE ST. Exclusive Agents for that famous Velvet Ice Cream The Smooth kind. Served at Fountain or sold in any quantity Fruits- Cigars- Candies Phone :773 STEAMER Balto. & Norfolk to Lve. Ar. 2nd 4th 6nd New Bern SCHEDULE Baltimore' .- m . Norfolk ,' New Bern - ' DOCKS , ) ; Balto. Miller Wharf FootCarolineSt. Norfolk Jones & Co. -. New Bern . . I. B, Bladea . For Rates and Schedules, Address R. Taylor, New Bern, N. C, Agent r jil1 tit,'; are paid By May 1st you can not vote. Yourother tax-i es .must be pad at once or I will positively levy on jiS personal pprty as the law directs and sell the same for your 13XBS . YM ; Don't dclav for this will be done as I must Inforce; the law. -r ' -c'i ' R.B. Lane Sh'ft Pineapple chunks 15c, the can, L B. Hackburn Hardware AND BUHDEVG MA TERIAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARNiSQES . Americcn Field Fence MY. OU1W00D PILES! PILES! PILES! WTUJAKS INDIAN PILE OINTMENT mil etna Blind, Bleeding and ttchlng Piles, It abeorbs the tnmore, aJlays itching at ouue,. sots m poultice, (tves lnstsnt relief. : . Far sale by all dmergtats, mall fiOe and tlM..

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