... 1 ft v I TVi V-'- iiv i i I b 1 .11 IL J ULlU ' v The Old Standard Grove's Tastdess chill Tonic Is Equally . . - Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up . ; ; the Whole System, For Grown People and Children. i'-i p'Afri'tjb rl; t ' ,..? -.i-u-i-v- '' rjr-'-' ;"',,-; 'V ',! ;. v. ...... .. . . .. . . ; .... -V.',. ,y ; ?-., a -Voa know what you ere taking when yon take Grove's Tasteless -chill Tonic s the formula is printed on every label showing that it contains the well known -tonic properties of QUININB sad IRON. It is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic wid is in Tasteless "Form, s It lias no equal for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Weakness, general debility -and loss of appetite. ; Gives Hie and vigor to Nursing ' Motdrers and Ps'.e, Sickly "Children. Removes Biliousness without purging. ; l&Jieves' nervous depression and low Spirits. . Arowses the liver to action and franfies the bloods , A True Toiric and Sure Apptwiet.' A Complete Strengthener. . ffamilrbobM be without it. Guaranteed by your Druggist tVe mean it. ' 50c ,A. ..i; ; ," -:'J.jI,Ji - V ' i'-'ii . . -"1:.;..-.A ,-' '-I .i1,- .. " Ji '" - MARINE .NEWS, i i , Y-&"$-, ','', r'lin'.1-Y' few . The gas freight boat Alfonso was in port yesterday loading a cargo of mer chandise fee Davis. 1 . The gas freight boat Worth Baglcy, left yesterday for Adams- Creek with a argo of merchandise. - - The two mast schooner J. D. Mason. vill leave this morning for Hobuckem . . a ll witna cargo ot mercnandtse. - . The gas freight boat Lena leaves nihisj ' inorning for Swansboro with a cargo of .merchandise.- The gas freight boat ConstituitSbn "at v fved in port yesterday from Whpittons 'Vtfie with a cargo trf cattle and country 'produce.- , J The gas freight boat Bessie May ar wived - in port .yesterday from Nofh iHarlow ior a cargo pf merchandise. SLAYER.. IS; KILLED-IN BATTLE WITH POLICE. ' (Special to the' Journal.) HAVRE, May 19. la pshol bat tle between the police and .two mur derers in the street to-day, one of the latter was killed, -and the second sur rendered. The murderers, lenown as Ffutz and Lacnbert had Hlled a chauf feur in Coimar. Alsace, then fled here, with the intention of taking passage to New Vorlc Frutz was killed. "' iHITS HUSBAND vAT TRIAL. , (Special to the Journal j YONKERS. N. Y-, May W. Mrs. Patrick McNulty, who outwehs 'her husband two to one, hit him in court when , he found fault with her house keeping. ATTENTION MOTHERS If You Have Or Know Of A Dell-.- cate Child Read This Letter. "Mr little daughter Louise, age 9 years, has always been delicate, an aemic, had no- apetite .and seemed ' 'listless, and we could not seem to find .. : Anything that would help her. Vinol -was advised and . she started taking - it six weeks ago and inside of two weeks she showed . a marked improvement 1 both jn appetite, vim and looks. ' Bei ing so well pleased with the results, I continued giving it to her and words fail to express my gratitude, and faith ' .: in Vinol both as a blood maker and body , builder As my child was an anaemic v .? -for so long, makesthe reason all the -stronger lor me to recommend it to .others in similiar ' condition." " Ceo. Munro, -Brooklyn,' N. Y, , ; ' Vinol restores health . and strength in conditions like Vthis-because in a natural manner Jt increases the appe- tite, tones up . the . digestive" organs, 'enriches the'; blood and strengthens .every organ of the body ; - i j .- Every bottle of Vinol is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refund ed. F. , S " Duffy Duffy, Druggist, New Bern, -N. C. 1 t ' . P. S. - For any skin trouble try our fSaxo Salve. .We guarantee it. - r If ;;? 7 ' ; rrrn ' RUMORED THAT HUERTA PLANG TO GIVE UP MEXICANS NEWSPAPERS SAY HE HAS SUMMONED DE-LA-BARRA ' . (Special to the Journal) ' VERA CRUZ, May 19. Mexican newspapers, this afternoon announced that Huerta' had summoned Francis- co Ue-La-Harra from 1" ranee to take oyer the presidency of . the .country. Dr. Urrita believes that Huerta's government will crash down within the next eigh. days.; . -r, Another report current tonight was to the effect that the bodyguard of the dictator had. mutinied. This report could not be confirmed. It became known, this afternoon that pain had ordered one of its warships to. tfys port in; order to 'protect its sub jects and to secure! the release of Senor Trabaga who is held a prisoner by the Constitutionalists at Tampico because he had refused a war loan of half, a million dollars. Denies Statement. (Special to the Journal) NEW YORK, May 19. Envoy Ra- basa, one of the delegates to the medi ation Congress to be ' held tomorrow at Niagara Falls, emphatically denied today the rumor that they had received any official communication to the effect thati Huerta would resign the presi dency. They -refused to discuss their instructions but stated that they hoped peace would be the result of the media tion. Carranza Scrappisrg 4 (Special to the Journal) DURANGO, May 19. General Car ranza was informed today by General Torres of a successful engagement be fore San Luis Potosi in which the Fed erals were defeated with severe losses. ", . 1 : ANOTHER CUTTER TO REPLACE SEMINOLE. The revenue cutter Seminole sails to day .for Baltimore, Md., and will not be seen in these waters again until Fall. Some other cutter, as yet unknown, will take. this. station during the Seminole's absence. The cutter (roes to Arundel Cove. Baltimore, to the government navy yard and depot there, to undergo repairs and alterations. : Captain Garden said -yesterday, In speaking of the departure, that the gymnasium 'on thegovernment wharf here ' had been completed and was ready for -the apparatus, which is be ting shipped from Spaulding this week. This is the gift vof Lloyd's, the well known - underwriters of England, and the. American : underwriters in ' token of the appreciation of the saving of the ' British steamer Alcazar, - which was grounded off Cape Lookout. . The apparatus covers all that is needed in a; gymnasium and cost $1,000, The building cost : the government $1,500. There is also a pool room-, in connec tion with? the" gymnasium. Wilming ton Stan 'v Fc::z?3 c? Ccr- - HOWS' THIS? We Offer One Hundred' Dollars Re ward, for any. case of Catarrh tht cannot be cured by . Hall's Catarrh Cure, ', F. J, CHENEY & -CO., Tolddo, P. . We, the unders igned, ; have ; known F. J. Cheney for the past IS years, and believe ... him - perfectly honorable in all business . transactions ; and finan cially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. 1 NATIONAL BANK OF COMMER CE, Toledo, O. v Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter' nally,' acting directly upon the blood and - mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials -sent free. Price 75 cents per botrte.' Sold by all Druggists. r . .Take Hall's family pills for const nation, " ,TO THE TEACHERS OF CRAVEN ' v COUNTY. j By order of the Board of Education the (regular biennial Summer School I For Teachers of Oraven County will be , held at Vanceboro, beginning May 25th and ending June 12th. Dr. J. Henry Highsmith of Wake Forest College will conduct the school nd will be assisted by teachers rec ognized ability and experience! The teachers will have comfortable roams in the Farm-life School dormf tory. ' The teachers will carry with them bed linen and towels. Medals will be furnished the teachers in the dining iroom of the Farm-life School. There will be no charge for tuition. The only expense will bs the $4.00 per week fcr room and board in the dormitory. For other information, address Dr. J. E. Turlinton, Vanceboro. The law governing Institution will be observed and all teacher are urged to be present the first day and continue in attendance the full three weeks. The Pamlico County teachers are expected to join with us in this school. S. M. BRINSON, County Supt. Craven Co, 5-10-2 wk. D. & S. W. (Adv.) Money Is man'-s greatest trouble If ihe hasn't any. Luck is too uncertain to sit around and wait for It It never Improves a woman's appear ance to put on airs. Perhaps next Asquita will be trying on the king's crown. Many a man can't tell black from white when it comes to a lie. It Isn't every man who can reap his reward without cutting bis fingers. We don't blame a bog for being a hog, but we blame a man for being one. Some people believe in keeping their troubles dark, others make light of them. An English scientist says that the world Is drying up. Unfortunately the orators aren't If Opportunity knocks at every man's door, as the maxim nas it. ner Knuckles must be pretty sore. Every time a man sows wild oats be gets a lot of innocent people to help him harvest the crop. . - As between the submarine and the aeroplane, it Is a tossup as to which involves the more danger. It Is proposed to use warships In South American trade. They ought to come In bandy to collect bills. ? Old Can't never- moved a mountain nor leveled a hill never built a sky scraper nor swallowed a pill. It rains on the just and the unjust alike, and the pity Is that some of both lack sense to come In out of it ' A London aviator took two men and two pigs as passengers on a recent flight And pork so expensive too! c c Cola STEAMER L B. SHAW ' Balto. & Norfolk to New Bern SCHEDULE Lve. Baltimore 1st 10th 20th " Norfolk following days DOCKS Balto Miller Wharf FootCarolineSt. Norfolk Jones & Co. Water St. New Bern J. B. Blades For Rate Addre R. Taylor. New Bern. N. C, Agent All kinds of Fresh Vegetables call 174 H.G.ARMSTRQNG STORE The Hygeia Cafe and Confectionery 133 MIDDLE ST. Exclusive Agents for that famous Velvet Ice Cream The Smooth kind. Served at Fountain or sold in any quantity Fruits- Cigars- Candies Phone 773 Si! its BOURDOAIS SCHOOL OF MUSIC Cor. Hancock and New Sts, in V4 I Piano, Violin, Wind In struments. lit :l Voice Culture, French, 1:1 Fvnroecinn its Hi m Kates upon Application m i:j TELEPHONE 722 KS K Hi A .. . 514 l l EAGLE CIVIL ENGINEER Rooms 408-9 Elks Temple New Bern, N. C. Surveys and plans for land drainage and munici pal improvements a spec ialty. ; General surveys, maps, plans, specif icotions estimates. N Fine TAILORING Cleaning and Repairing S. N. CTJADWICK 25 Hancock Street. Timely Suggestions We can handle to advantage any requirements in Insurance sucn as fiKU, Accident Burglary, Plate Glass. Live Stock, etc. aed will thank you for your business. Also have several good homes and desir ii hB''Jb ' NOTICE OF EXECUTOR, . Having qualified at Executor of the Estate cf David E. DeBruhl, all per sons holding claims against" the estate will present them. dulysworn, to the undersigned Executor pn or before the fourteenth day of April, 1915, or this notice will be plead in bar. All 'person indebted to the Estate will please1 make payment to the un dersigned. New Bern Bankim St Trust Co., Executor. ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE. Having qualil ied as administrator of the estate of L. N. Parson deceased of Craven County N. C this is to noti fy all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Vanceboro, N. C, on or before April 28, 1915, or this not ice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 28th day of April 1914. 0. McLawhorn, Administrator. TRUSTEE SALE Pursuant to the duties imposed by the deed of trust dated March 3, 1913. from A. J. Holton and wife to W. D. Mclver, trustee, securing the debt due Lida P. Duffy, recorded in the offi ce of the Register of Deeds in Book 195, page 244, the said trustee will offer for sale at the (Court house door at New Bern, on Mondav, June 8, 1914, the property described in thi deed of trust to-wit: All that lot ot land in Bridge ton described in a deed from J C. Rig don and wife to A. J. Holton dated June 10th 1908, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county in Book 1 71 page 442, on which said lot is located a plant for manufac turing washing machines, fticlt'ding all machinery, tools and appliances used in connection with the said factory or shop. Also three mules sold A. J. Holton by Lida P. Duffy. Default having been made in pay ment of said debt and alse having been demanded by Lida P. Duffy. W. D. Mclver, Trustee This May 6, 1914. I Spring Blood & System Cleanse During th winter months impuri- ; ties uccujmulate, your blood becomes I impure a nd thick, your kidneys liver and bowels fail to work, causing so called "Spring Feaver." You feel ! tired, weak and lazy. Electric Bitters the Spring tonic and system cleanse,- I is what you need; they stimulate the ; kidneys, liver and bowels to healthy aaction, expel 'Mood impurities and lestore your health, strength and am- . bition. Electric Bitters makes you i feel like new. Start a four week's treatment it will put uoy in fine shap for your spring work. Guaran teed. All druggists. 50c. andS 100 NOTICE OF DEMOCRVTIC PRI MARY ELECTIONS TO BE HELD 16TH MAY, 1914. Notice is hereby given that Dcmo ; cratic primary elections will be held 1 at the usual polling places in ("raven County on Saturday, 16th day of j May, 1914, for the purpose of nomi i nating a candidate for Congress from the Third Congressional District, and nominating candidates for the Gen eral Assembly, Clerk of the Superior Court, Sheriff, County Commission ers, Register of Deeds, Treasurer, Coroner, and selecting delegates to the County Democratic Convention and electing in each precinct a precinct executive committee, and nominating candidates for township offices, and that the polls will be openat the usual voting places in all precincts in the city of New Bern from 6 o'clock a. m., to 7 o'clock p. m., and that the polls will be open at the usual voting places in all precincts in the county outside of the City of New Bern from 7 o'clock a. m. to 6:30 o'clock p. m. This 25th day of April, 1914. S. H. LANE, Chairman Craven county Democratic Executive Committee. R A. Nunn, Secretary. xwth --u: f WE STAND BY the value of our lumber and when we say "we have some especially choice stock on hand ready for delivery," we know the tracde will accept the newt joyfully and rapidly. So we advertise you to send your orders at once aa the supply this year Is limited. ' '.! Health a Factor in Success. ; - The largest factor contributing to a man's success is undoubted!) his health. . It has been observed that ; a "man is seldom nick when his hi-w'cls are re " gular he is nc-'er well when they are constipated. For constipation you will find nothing qi.ite so gcod as Chamber- . Iain's Tablets. They not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the digrstion. They are sold by all dealers. Spring Laxative & Blood Cleanser - Flush out the accumulated waste and poisons of the winter months; cleans your stomach, liver and kid ney's of all impurities. Take Er.. Kings' New l ife Pills; nothing better for purifying the blood. Mild, non griping laxative. Cures constipationj makes you feel line. Take no other. 25c. at your Iruggist. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve 'r all Hutta NORFOLK SLEEPER Effective May 1st the New Bern ' Norfolk sleeper heretofore open for occupancy at New Bern at 9:00 P. M., will be opened at 10 P. M. For fur ther information and reservations ap ply to T. H Bennett, Ticket Agent, Phone 737. E. D. Kyle T M. U.S. Leard G. P. A Ntriolk, Va., 4-29-10ti F.M.Simmons ; A.D.Ward SIMMONS & WARD Attorneys and Councillors at LAW Room 40t n Elk Temple NEW BERN, V . YOU Will W US CLOI M i s If You H;.v Th. K ejif. SOI. I Phone 7.4 OPPOSITE. G. nd St. Just Re! d A Complete Victor - ,T AND ViCTOR r f s w. j s The Sportji Man. n W Phone 253. Hardi AN, BUILDINS MA TERI"T PAINTS, 0 VMM! America) Fern E.W.SKH able1 building lots for sals. Fresh Corned V E. W . Sim plans U.G.COYD Phone 109 New SerntN.C. at Ifeclfen o

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