1 , " Ti 17 ' ' -, ' " U, ,,1,1 Jrrn " ' " " " 1 ' - ' ' '" ' I "UPLAND TOBN ' BITIVvn I ' 1 ' ' " -i' The Whip of Interest ; Drives the Reader On -1 V '"PUT DOWN TIAT whip, ' J . JV PATHER. OK Tit TAKE IT Drought in Greenville County, S. .-'':: -h' "w Is Severe. : .-: .- FARMER WAXTEtV-un.. r .. . . ...ilc larmer, With or-wuhout family, to take farm f "ice. rart ol cron alr,.. i j . " vv"te or come to see me quiCK. 1. H. Parker. NVu, R. M 5-28-3 ti. CSrwpri.-il Vtii I.V 1 s OKEENVILLE, S. C. Mav 29, From all section nt th ports of serious damage from the drought ROOMS FOR RENT For light House -t""t,t i" iuo nancock Street. uu.it nag conunuea nrarHra v nn broken since Acrll 12. Uola nd mm ie r. lnedr and will have tr rri i Cotton is suffering greatly, and truck paicnes are drying up. I he fruit crop seems to hp th nnh, tning yet uninjured 5-28-3 ti. ALL-NIGHT CAFE ROBBED. The Busy Bee of Rocky Mount Is short $360. In THe; Story of Waitstill W n T Baxter" ; By KATE ; DOUGLAS WlQQliy, Author of ."Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" It TO Be' Our Next-Serial (Special to the lournaH . ROCKY MOUNT, May 29.-Some- ume alter 1 o clock vestPrHa 1 - J j ...vimiig some one roDDed the all-night cafe the Busy Bee of $360 in checks and v-sji, wmcn represented the receipt a waiting deposit. The need of a safe was not realized until today, and on account of the fact of remaining open all of the tim unh some one on duty it has been found practicable to keen the lock and key in a desk drawer. Manager John Leludjs, left the cafe shortly after midnight, after making up tne DanK deposit for the morning, and flipping it. jnto a desk drawer,' went to his room for the TiiVhf. Di lrfnnr f tia night, while Mike Tu . io vii umv i iL - - t " 'I . uie caie, some one manipulated a key to the drawer, evidentlv whit f j " ii; w (13 I -i we tasK oi preparing ah order in the uicnen. and the fact was Hi i " uiovwidCU that the drawer wis unlocked, and the "gar dox containing the checks and money was gone. The matter has been reported to the pouce, wno are much at a loss on ac count of the continuous trade all night ... uiese cares, and the fact that little or at attention was paid to it. JUST RECEIVED A Complete Stock of Victor Victrola AND VICTOR RECORDS Latest Catalogue and List oi Kecoros in stock f ur- nisnea on application. cross, peevish. listless phSM coated tongue, pale, doesn't 4leep; eats sometimes very little, then again ravenously; stomach sour; breath fetid pains in stomach, with diarrhoea grindj teeth while ae-p, and starts upw.th terror al! 9,ggest a Worm Killer sonethini? that and almost evprv chA Kickapoo Worm KilUii. needed. old Get a box totluy. Start at once. V. - have to coax. a k',Vtvw Worm Killer i, a ranrl,, ft: LOST One dark brown 8 year nuue with one weak m. p;n. u.m-. please notifv menaml r..,r.;, i - . . v I . VY (I I U mer Murrill. Care of S. H F.xnel. w.i.n,. , ."V v, n xr ' F" """. -use oi your ciiUfl' ' v- run tit trouble. 2sc, at your druggist. FOR SALE One house large out building, fenced all new, and four lots on edge of city limits. Address Box 182 Morehad City, X. c. 5-27-4t FOR SALE Gas boat. M) 8 ft. Beam. 7 1-2 hr :. . 14 ft rowboat. Apply 50 Broad st. WANTED-Three small sets of Books to Keep. Ten years experience, atidtintr accounting. Address. Audit rC f Journal. ?.7A.,; e . . i iiy u 1UWI1S1U String bean,, 2 for 25c. Fancy cakes. ' Beginning May LlSIIOUl STATE id mm TAXES FOR 1914 i I Nn II garden peas, new Dotaatoe Sfra,K, ries and all kinds of fancy fruits and vegetables at Royalls, phone 33. Township at 1. the Courthouae. and continuing HOUSE Number 22 New Street for rent. Bath, sewerage and electric lights. All other conveniences, W. F. Hill, Shingle Man. 5-21-6U. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS iUnless Your Taxes are paid, by June, 1st, your property , be ad ver- tisedi, : This is positively your last notice. R; B . '''''"Mj'A-K''.vfc SHERIFF ASKED TO PARDON CARTER. President Will Be Approached in Be- nait of Aged Offender. (Special to the Journal.) VivccviLLh. S r Mo., tn .... ' . rresident Wilson will he aSk.H tn - . j uai - laott Mowed Carter, an aJH r County man, convicted here a week or I more ago of "moonshmintr " r,-i. : looks is a typical of the Kentucky colo InaLof Ooie Rearie's brownish hair, a goatee, and though ..vci..K mrce score, and ten heu cir,il,( as an Indian. He still Drotesfs h , ; - . " ' " noence of blockading Krnric ',u I . . O . - v. . . v. .1 hvic HI appeal to the President lri his behalf. HILL PONT Wait until vou are out of visiting cards, but look over your stock now and if you need any let us show you samples. Printed J-. Land Printing, Company. 4.1 1 . t . mrvugn tne montn ot May you are required undsr the taw to list H. M. Groves Auditor and List Talfrr M- Twnshp Small Hams & Picnic Hams at Dackburn WANTED Traveler age 27 tn ?n experience unnecessary. Salary, com mission and expenses allowed to right man. I. E. MrRrarl ru: j i vuivagu, marawarei "The Sporting Goods Man" JIMiddle Stiect, Phone 253 G. A. Farrow. Auto Transfer rn 100 rront street. Calls promptly answered, day or nieht. Sam.ml I ;n Manager, phone 765. YOII WILL SAVE YOUR CLOTHES If You Have Them Cleaned and Repaired By SOL UPW GIVEN RECEPTION Phone 733 OPPOSITE Tit S. Front St. GASTON HOTEL FOR SALE Two desirable lots on Riverside. Will sell both torefhPr separately. Telephone No address P. O. Box 80Q TO THE PUBLIC Our pay checks are exactly the same as other checks the party cashing same must know that the person tending the. i-V,oi, : o " - rv 13 the person lawful possessor. Mr. ; count should be asked as all our checks are good for their face value. J. L. Roper Lumber Company. A. T. Ger rans, General Superintencent. AND BUILDING MATERIAL Graduating Class Of New School Honored. Bern LANE A n most enjoyable occasion was the reception given Wednesdav at- the Gaston Hotel to the n,.,li ot the graduating class of the New Bern mgn school by Superintendent H. J Craven and the faculty of teachers. ine dining room had heen n,n. rlatefy decorated for the occasion and cne evening proved a most eniovable I one In every way. ACCEPTS INVITATION Editor Asked Our iw rw,.,.,.- " J viaiui Takes Board With Him. I I ' II I irvi . W i if i 'v i . SPECIAL Review Patterns Just Arrived ' 1; s Thfc'New Russian Tunic : x Skirts . " The "New'Paqu'in" ' Skirts . Vou cannot obtain theae, th latest novelties, in any othet pattern , You will be months ahead m atyle if -you adopt the ' new Faihion. --:Z . - i ib fa:::::i izzv : Ivl lvi irt ili 15 cent, " of the Celebrated. FICTCaIAL KEVIE7 .:;--vv,..- ,, :.:-y.s V-T S . t. ... . Kit -'.W mm (Special to the Journal) KINSTON, Mav 29. H. fiitB.. ton, editor of the Kinston Free PM and Henderson Mabe, linotype op erator until recently employed on the paper, engaged in an affray in front of vmce yesterday following a dis pute about' tools which the typesetter claimed he had left in the shop. Mabe, a husky athletic man, invited Brax ton, much lighter, to the street, Braxton went, with a" board. ... AffaT-tA' nTn..... r i .w " i -wvi unci wdru nan ' KravfAn rdsted, charged with an assault with a .deadly .weapon; -The magistrate renaea the warrant and tried both wr- an attray." WOOD- For suitable for phone 285. Company. sale. For dry wood cooking purposes call Wet Lumber & Box 4-26 PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES American Field Fence E.W. SMALLWOOD F.M.Simmons A.D.Ward SIMMONS & WARD Attorneys and Councellors at LAW Rooms 401 and 404 Elks' Temple NEW BERN, s : N. C. I AUTO For hire, call 272. C. Pools Livery stables night or day. D. G. Smaw tt. Successor to H. W. Simp son Funeral Director and AND E.V1BALMER w The finest Tub Butter in New Bern only 35c lb. Hackburn TOTHE TEACHERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. VILOETS AND ROSES. Donhle Violets, one dollar- per hundred. Kil- Office 68 Broad St Phone lfi7 larney, Rhea Reid. and orher rc. Rpirlana )fl c r'c ttt u u-j.. , ..... . . , --it. w j. i.u nmuy uusnes, Dioom this summer it planted now, 50c. each. J. W. Waston, 34 New st., Phone 353. FOR RENT Desirable rooms for light housekeeping, o. 1. Blades avenue. THE proper thing to do whenever you want a cook, a cozv room a first rlac. stenographer, book-keeper, salesman of clerk is to let a Journal "WANT AD get it for you. They are easy tc write and easy to pay for. Keep Bowel Movement Dr. King's New Life Regular. Pills, keen OF Wairt 5570 15cnu NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION . .7 PARTNERSHIP. V State of North Carolina" i Carterect County, , "Valentine TavW " " general Merchandise busl ness at Wit. N. C.i. have fc sent, this day,dissolved their'Co-partner- p.uh, in tne luture the same business 1 . be condupted by Valentine Taylor, " interest of Maltby Taylor in iaid business, in cluding all, accounts due the-aforesaid lirm, and has assumerl nil hk iik;i: ties, and obligations of the ftWof Tay lor Brothers. " . . All who are indebted - vy (ti mil please nake oavmnta Voi layior, and all roods. v9.; chandise purchased in the future will be charged to Valentine Taylor. fiiK ?5th, 'iyof May, 1914. MAt.DTY TAYLOR x '."I'lXn TAYLOR - i. "iiiS a iew i. lie rills, keep By order of the Board of Education stomach, liver and kidnevs in healfl,v the regular biennial Summer School , condition. Rid the body of poisons For Teachers of Craven County will be ' and waste. Improve you complex-1 held at Vanceboro, beginning May 25th '. ion b' flushing the liver and kidneys. I and ending June 12th. ("I got more relief feom one box of. j. A.iiioiniLii ui waKei "m,,& iiv. iiic ruis tnan any Forest College will conduct the schooL medicine I ever tried," says C. E. j rLT tf1 fes:ii ( i fMswStei m j -J i ""Three Vnlsiolir.""! Tl-kilrl oif-.-i I Hatfield, of Chicago, III. Druggist. 25c, at your and will be assisted bv teachers of rer ognized ability and experience. r The teachers will have comfortable rooms in the Farm-life School dormi tory. The teachers will carrv with them bed linen and towels. Medals will be furnished the teachers in the dininu . STATE OF NORTH rpni IMA NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION PARTNERSHIP OF room oi the Farm-life School. There will be no charee for tuition The only expense will be the $4.00 CRAVEN COUNTY. Nelson, P. Aneell and C. E. Hnnlro- trading as Angell & Hooker, and en' - mi. ,t,vu f Ma 4nKctt nuuiter, ana en- per week for room and board in the1 Eased in a wholesale rrnrr k.,: , , 1 w q vwwa j uuoiucag uurimiory. , .. ... .. at .Number 15 Middle Street. New For. other information, address Dr. Bern, North Carolina, have by mutual E . r I ' 1 - w j 'aawvuai . I iirlinnn - VanAKa-A TL- i f AnoAn J j . . eovernintr Institutinn will K Ar.j Pa " ...... v .wovnni .-wuifit uv nt me iuLure Llie same AnI ill t-olira i. . . . ! I : : Ml l . . . i tu uc present uusmcss . wiu. De conducted by C E mil lint rlav anH pAnf .;. U I J U 1. . .1. . n the first day and continue in attendance tne tun three weeks. . , -, The Pamlico CountV tearherd sr. expected to join with us in this school. -' , -S. M. BRINSON,"- - ' County Subt.: Craven Co. iv-1 wk. u. . vv, - -t (Adv.j PILES! PILES! PILES1 SVTLUAM3 INDIAN PILE OINTMENT fill curs Blind, Bleeding and Itckln PHea tt absorbs the tumors, allays Itching at one cts as a poultice, gives iuBtaut relief. ffor sals by all druggists, mail BOo and 81.30, , TSc-i;- .. r. . .nitC..-A Hooker in the name of C. E. Hooker ne Having purchased the entire interest oi iNeoison r, Angell in said business, includine all accounts due th ar. - tIU saw arm, and Has assumed all debts, liabilities and obturations of. the firm of - Angell & Hooker. ' All who are Indebted to the firm will please make payments to C. E. Hnot, and all goods, wares and merchandise purcliasea in the future will be charged to C ; E. Hooker, trading r if - Hooker. This 24th day of April, 1914. . Nelson P. Angell For the Rorscowner who contempi-.ttf oaintin his home this spri:-,- For the" Asiiii'4 These booklets tc!l most of the important things which should be knovm before contracting for thr - -rfc os bUy . ing the paint. "A stitch In tfaie saves nine!" has saved millions, oo it is with paint knowledge before spending those hard-earned dollar for the protection and beautifying of the home, knovr bout the proper condition of the surface to receive paint, know about the necessary qualities of a good paint which will save money in first cost and in years of wear. Then choose vour painter. I We sell-High Standard" Paint because it is the best paint we know about and we have gone into the subject thor. oughly It has the highest repu Ution among the painters, con tractors, enginears, architects and consumers wito have had tha opportunity to use it 1 - ; Free to Hooseowners ; Step around, phone of writ for these most valuable booUeta, Tolsonllumbcr 5 C E. Hooker. I