SUNDAY DOPE IIUl IE CITY . ... ATTlJXCONVBNTION WHICllWASELJiT WIN- STON-SALEM if;. At ' a- business " session ot ; the State Convention of Elks held la Winston 1 V - TL. ! MAMntn kit s.'..lskrtL , he officers were elected'for this term f and Charlotte 'named as the next meeting place Raleigh and Ashvillc ".'asked for the next meeting also, but - later " withdrew in favor of - Charlotte ' '' The following officers were 'elected . President, Mr. W. P. Beardslcy, of . Charlotte Lodge, No. 392; First Vice- President, Mr. Arthur Lyon, of High . Point Lodge No. 1 J 55; second Vice President. Mr. Louis Goodman. ol vWilimngton Lodgs No. 532; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. T. B. Kehoe, o New Bern Lodge, No 764, (relec ted.) . v v The new. officers were installed at afternoon session. - The New Bern delegation led the - parade and was awarded honors by the judges for having the best appearance in the oarade. but owning to the small delegation they could not win any prizes. . The following L a list of the dele- Sjatlon from New Bern Lodge Number 364: W. J. Lucas, T. Daniels, T. J. Mit chell. Jr., T. J. Marrtner, T. B. Kehoe, JI. T White, R. E. Davenport,' T. H.. Bennett,. 0. A. Kafer, E. F. Sraall wood. F. N. Pinner. H. F. Hanks, J3. Gteen.T. W. Felman, A. T. Willis, O Scott, D. W. Richardson," in lira held Jill SERIOUS CHARGE PETER CHRISTIAN ALLEGED TO . HAVE ATTACKED TWO WO .MEN IN THE CITY (Special to the Journal)'"' 'RICHMOND, VA., May 29. Peter 'Christian, a negro, was held for the 'grand jury to answer two charges of attempted criminal assault. In one case he is accused of attacking Mrs. Ida Woolridge, of 2307 East Franklin I street. '4 Mrs. M. -M. Moses of 2301 East Franklin Steret is his other alleged . . . . ''Christian,' who lives in the base-ment-of 2307 East Franklin Street, ? is alleged to have burgalriously en tered the room of Mrs. Woolridge and to have choked her severely in an 1 effort to prevent her from screaming and summoning aid. He Is also al leged to have handled Mrs. Moses very roughly. The date of this al- - leged offeii9fr"WasMay-j3d. Police: Sergeant Sherry,"" -of the First District, together with P'atrol- man "Red" Warrlncr, succeededijLi treating Christian late tonight. The man was identified by both women. ' He'ls" a 'negro of gingerbread co'm- ' .lvlAn r( morlltim li 1 ir d t anrl li r 1 1 1 rl with a small darkish moustache. He "' has no criminal record, so far as the v police know. PLAY PLEASED '"the Runaways" Was Capably Pre sented Large Audience ;Teddy" or "The Runaways" was presented by the Thespia Club at the-j-JVlasohic Theatre last night to a large and appreciative audience. This play is one of the best that has Leen presented by local talent to the theatre going people of New Bern, very member of the east carried out their part with marked ability and fre quently the building was an uproar. -.with applause.' . , J ' - Mr George Stratton as Jean M: "Lean carried her . part out creditably, ' bdng able to "fixit" in any emergency -while Mrs. J. B. Dawson, i as Mrs. Max Juniper delivered her part equally as welt. Miss- Eula, Cole was also to be commended for the maimer in which she;- handled , the part : of Victoria. Yvonne le Clair Bourdelais, , truly . played the part of the "Golden West" in the role of Texana. -, : .; . - J. H. Bourdelais as Max Juniper, " C A- Farrow as Alonzo- Willing, R. A. Richards, Jr., as Ted Keegan. J. B. Dawson as Sheriff Jim Larabee, " and W. F. Dunn and D. R. Morris as Two Deputy Sheriffs air handled their : parts in a creditable manenr. , DOVER Y FINALS CONCLUDED LAST NIGHT '. The' commencement exercises of the Dover' Hfgh School came to a close laat night. '.,- . ' The program for last night included a play by the school, "The Masonic ling,", which was well presented, each Member - of , the: cast handling ' their irts with marked credit, i ' T 5 r rt Hot Weather i TosJci i ' -r,ESSchiUTOSICwtichetl -1 - me whole aystem and will wo a and fortily jou to withstand it ttollhbotjmme. SOo, Said the little glass of soda To the city alderman, ; . r-".-.. ' ?'Plcas let me quench the thirsty. Remove .the legal? fan." - , -;- U it's wrong' to drink on Sunday Just a lemonade or dope, ; - .,. f Than it's -harm to chew tobacco " ; Or to blow-ihe rings of 3moke?. - : If it's harm-' 'to' burn "a cigar, ... . It's the samebf gasolene, ' vv : Then let me"1iave a soda: . I've got norhachine. . - - " i If it's moraTa 'that you're after, ; God bless' you in your work; '.; ; : But the dgaVand the soda ; V. Are the s'amtf'to Sunday clerks. -. We knowybll'clty fathers -: Just love to smoke and chew; But if we can't have a soda, . - ' ; It's no cigar for you. DECLAMATION CONTEST David Ferebee Wins The Henderson ' Medal. . George Green,-. Nathan Gooding, Fred Cohn, David Ferebee and Eddy Merritt, last night participated in a ebate in Griffin auditorium for; - the Henderson Medal, which is presented by D. E, Henderson of this city. ; A large audience was present to hear the debate and they greatly enjoyed each word delivered by the young ora tors. --. ' '1 Each one of the debaters had his subject well in hand and made his points in a -strong, forceful manner. However, after conferring among them selves the judges decided that David Ferebee was the winner. The medal was ' then : presented to Mr, : Ferebee by Mr. Henerson in a few well chosen words. CORPSE PASSED THROUGH THE CITY YESTERDAY", f The body of Mrs. Caroline McCotter who died near Fuquay Springs, in Harnett- county, . Wednesday, passed through the city yesterday enroute to Pamlico county for burial FRANKLIN, PIGFORD AND STUBBS ARE ACQUITTED (Special to -the Journal.) " . GOLDSBQRQ, N. C, ; May 29.-r ames Franklin, Leon Pigford, and John Stubbs, tried in Superior Court here today for the murder of Cullin Powell, in this city, about a year ago, were ac quitted. Defendants offered no testi mony, but moved for non-suit, which was granted by the court, on account of the weakness of the State's testimony. without having gone to the jury. APPROACHING MARRIAGE Miss Mary Hendren Wed. Soon To The- journal, acknowledges the re- ceplt'of 'the following invitation. Mrs. Elizabeth Mayhew Hendren announces tne approacning marriage of her daughter, Mary to Major Zebulon Baird Vance, "on Thursday, June the eleventh, nineteen hundred and four teen. New Bern, North Carolina. No cards la city. , , D ASTORIA For Iniants and Children. ' l&e Kind You Have Always BosgM Bear tha Signature oi HU3SE VAllTS : A Home Necessity, ' The .nurse1 looks tipoa a foua-.1 ' tain syringe as a necessity in,t every, home, "especially when her" presence is demanded there. '. It is just as much a necessity for " , every day health purpose. -The ' , fact js, it is just as important to bathe the lnaida of the bodyi as to' bathe the outside of the", body . and . the Fountain Syringe -is the only convenient appliance for; doing this. ..We cany." a variety of sizes, colors and ca paci ties, .qualities ranging from -75c, toT I2.00, and . every one is '. amply worth the price Asked.' I i: . vc i ;:Wi iil': TOE 'OTPEnFECnOiT lAirfflnEss : ' Though she . works next to the U stove, withirieasy teach 'of her : irons, she keeps cool and .com ' fortablel: Thats because.she ; ' -: uses a - ; " - -: " " - New Perfection Stoves bake, broil, roast, toasts every thing? r, any other stove will do, and they v cost less for hie!. No hanging of coaliihd ashes--all the cook-; , ing heat you .want, just when . you want it. I I , ; ; ; New Perfection Stoves arc made m l, -:h.. 2t 3,' and A burnef sizes.' '- Also a new . 1914 model No. 5 Stove, sold' con-" ' plete with', broiler, toaster, and fireless: oven Regular oven, broiler and toaster , can be obtained separately for smaller: sizes. Sad-iron heater and cook-bookJ free with evry stove. - ' - , . At : dealers everywhere or write direct - v for catalogue. ' - ' STANDARD OIL COMPANY WashuKrtsa, D. U Norfolk, Va. ' Uchmoas, Va.;-.- (New Jersey) BALTIMORE ' You Insure youf housa against firef-why not insure It against decay AM which is themostj durable Palnt made rand by far the most cnotnl ical because it's all Palntrandyou get two for one our color card' ex plains. -v . - - i y . :- For Sel'e By:v -NEW BERN BUILDING, 7 & Supply Co' toe nsnrr 6sr.ciiAiis;i gift : - it . . i . The Gift problem at Graduation Ume is satis-- s factorily solved by presenting to the young man or,' young woman whom yo wish to remember a bank a book with the name of the Peoples Bank on its covar . , No matter what position in life he or. she may te ' entering such aIft'cannot but prove valuable What- " ' ever his of her tastesr a bank account willjbe most -acceptable." t "JT. '!' '" " ' " We invite both savings and Checking accounts. ' Saving deposits front $1.09 upwards draw 4 per cent " compound interest. . - ' , Charlotte, N. C Cfaarlestowa, W.Va. Chsrlesloa, S. C Y12S" FOR YOU A 'ELGIN, WALTHAM V SOUTHBEND HAMILTON HOWARD .STANDARD ' INGERSOLL LONGINES (Swiss) 7CEEIE WDERE AT J. 0. Baxter's JEWELER" 0 D- Reserved seatsvfo the grand stand, for Saturday are selling like hot cakes at the Wood-Lane Drug Company, t.. : If you want a goad seat it is time to get busy, and buy' them while. you have the opportunity." " . ' . ; A Bteady stream of large- boats are running from the foot, of : Union .Street to the Fair Grounds, at ten Cents .each way, five cents for children Under 12 years of age. . " " " V These boats will run to-day,' Friday, and Saturday trom 8 a. mr, until the crowd has -returned froraseeings the fireworks at .night. i - The boat landing at. Union Stree will be brilliantly lighted at night, and a string-of electricjight has been extended from the ; boat , landing to the .grand stand at he Fair Grounds., i ; ," :.. . Transportation ten cents each way day, and night. Ty,' . - 1 ' -. NEW BERN TO HAVE A HIGH CLASS MUSICAL ENTERTAIN - MENT ON JUNE 5th.' , , , The Musical which is to" be given by the Thespis Club, for the .benefit of the New Bern Library," promises to be one of-the best and most delightful entertainments that that has been here for years. They are now having 'daily rehearsals, and a program pf the var ious selections will be given at an early date. Tickets will be put oa sale to morrow..-.;, f., TAKE IT IN TIME - : Just As Scores of New Bern. People 'A ' - Have.. - , Waiting doesn't' pay." ' J--- ,7t If - you neglect ' kidney backache, Urinary troubles often follow,' i Act in time by .curing the . kidneys. DoanU Kidney Pills are especially for 'weakened kidneys. "" ' ; Many people in this locality recom- mend them., - , " " . Here s one case: , - - -W.- L. Benson,"1 620 S." Second St., Wilmington, N. C, says:: "My back ached nearly all the time and I couldn't straighten -after ; stooping " or lifting when I got upi I was very lame and sore , and 1 noticed that the kidney secretions' contained sediment. : ' Soon after r used Doan's Kidney Pil1s,-be-fore long I . felt better, in every way and it wasn't long before T waseajoying the best "of health. My advice, to any one suffering from kidney complaint is to try Doan's Kidney Pills." ,. -' Price 50c, atoll dealers. ' Don't simplyi ask for-a kidney- remedy-r-get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Benson had. Foster-Milburn Co Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ""-' , ' ..t ; . SOUTHERN; .RAILWAY a Premier Carrier of the South . CHANGE ' TN r WINSTON-SALEM PULLMAN CAR LINE.v Effective Friday, June' 12, the ' present " Winston-Salem' Raleigh Pullman Car .line will .e changed to Winston-Salem-Beaufort -Morehead Id; City,. Pullman Car Line for the Summer season, and will continue r in effect until Saturday, August -22, 1914. ' ; .For further information,' reservations etc., communicate with, , - - 7 - - x " V " h Q Jones,, ' x - Traveling, Passenger-Agent, J . . rFRaleigh,.sC- FISH MARKET ;;Thc Summer fish has a'rrived. Trout Star fish Blue fish, spot rhog fish, 'from the ' salt daily. : Call and. get . quick service. . Claims when I can - obtain them. x?l xj s v A. W. AV ALSTON," 18 -Middle 'St. Phone .747. : -I - - ATIIENIA LODGE No. 8, K of P. Meets every Tuesday 3 p. m., over G?s Co's office, MiJIe St., J. R. White head C. C, J. II. Smith, K of R and Visiting brothers are assured cf cheva lier's welcome. cr.viri lcc2 No. l nr :c C? IIATIGNY lie 's s , J e 1 , fourth 'Weincsiay r' ' ' ft 7:C o'- clock h each mon ft. ' - j t fl - wony tor-- -'f - - j. iL'T":"'i( '..:.t; r, - y,T - ; c . ; I ' !. ' I . CAN EE SECURED AT THE V. 0( H LANE DRUG COMPANY'S " ' STORE. J: . !rom New the new eer-: v e, , a- r-j - , Lv.' New Dern...!-. 9:35 A.M. ' ' Ar. Vilhungton.....:...J.12:50 P.M. Lv.' Wilmington.:...;,...:..:...., 3:45 P.M.- 1 ., Ar. FloreBce"'.'..-!...;'...,..;;;-.;. 7:35 P.M. i : Lv. Florence.....:: . :00 P.M. ' Lv. Sumpter-.,..: , 9:30 P.M ' Ar. .Orangeburg.' --;.m10:S3 R.M. , , - Ar. AugustaXi..-.l:40 A.M. 'i Ar. Atlanta-. , 00 A.M. . - Pflsfipnoftr . niflV" remain . in "1pprw ' -f ing cars until- 7:00. a. m. v v ; - t. Returning : the train leaves Atlan- V. ta 8:00 p. rn., Central time; and ar-, ' Tfvpj vvi mnnirrnn j fi. lit., hiiii ivitur .. . .' Bern 6:45 p., m. " Eastern time.',. ' Connections are made in the Un; ion" depot , Atlanta with the ' v" Dixie . Fryer,,' (leaving there at 8:00 A. M.) ,' which Js a solid . train , to Chicago, ' carrying steeping, uimng ana ouscr . . r vation cars; also- ', through : sleeping .--cars, to St.-Louis; and with the "South ; Atlantic Limited," (leaving at 7:12 a. m.) a solid train to. Cincinnati, carrying sleeping .and dining -cars;; also through sleeping "cars to Louuvitle and Indian apolis. . " ' ' Connections are also made In At ;r. lanta withf the. Atlanta & West Point? , R. R.," for-Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans and the- Southwest; with the Zr ' Southern Ry, for Birmingham, Mem" -phis and the West with other diverg- s ing lines for points ia' South Georg- ia.etc'l"-1 7 ' ' T - For reservations, tickets and sched- ules, to any Western destination by ' j this new and attractive route, by old .k and reliable lines, apply to T. H. BEN NETT, Ticket agent of UieATLANTlC t , COAST LINE,. The Standard Rail road of the South. - . . ' . 'n,, SUMMER EXCURSIONS Ji-,rk to , 1 "NORFOLK - -f -VIRGINIA BEACH 7' t MOREHEAD. CITY, " BEAUFORT.' - - V ' Rounds trip - Summer Tourist, rV?"' Week End, and Sunday , Excursion fare Season 1914. - ' ' NORFOLK. ' 1 Week-end $4.75. Sunday Ticket . ; $2.50. Week-end Ticket on sale ; J Saturday trains Jane 5th to Septem ber 12th inclusive. Limited to fol- 1 (lowing Tuesday, ; No atop overs at-- ? lowed. x . ' V"''- " V-J ' Sunday Tickets on sale Midnight; 4 train Saturday night limited to : leave Norfolk 9:00 P. M Sunday night following.' -No stop over, no f baggage,, nor sleeping car accomo- ' , . dations allowed. , i f ' . - VIRGINIA BEACH. T : Add 40c -on Norfolk .rates, 'same 4"? limitations as to Norfolk. ' ' V t " MOREHEAD CITY. : -'1 ' Season ticket $1.60; "Week End Tickets sold dally May 15th to Sep- , tember 30th, 1914. 'Limited Octo-' J -her 3l8t,'1914. Stop overs alt points," ufiuu uuggnge auowance. ' " Week End Tickets on sale for 'iuMJ Saturday and for Sunday morning train .May 3Qth to .and including '" s day following date of sale... No stop ' r overs, usual baggage allowance. " w jiU' Sunday Ticket on sale each Sun day, May. 31st ta and Including September 13th. Limited" return, same date. No stop overs or bag gage allowed. - . - -Vj r - , .BEAUFORT..' - . - Add 20c to rates to Morehead dty same limitations as to Morehead City . . . " ' . WEEK END' INCLUDING HOTEL " " " ACCOMMODATIONS. ' K Board and lodging, Saturday sup . .. per to and including Monday break- -fast, and transportation. Rate $6.00 Tickets sold each Saturday, June . ' 20th, to and including August 29th 1914. . Limited to return Tuesday' -" following ate of sale. ' No atop ov era allowed. JJsual baggage allow ance. Extension of tickets. Week ' end and Sunday tickets to More- j head and Beaufort can be extended - ' on application to agent and pay ment of difference In rate. - - For further Information apply to T. H. Bennett, TlckerXgent, Phono 737 or E. D. Kyle, T. M.; II. S. Leard G. P. A., Norfolk, Va. - A Ik A '. C. . - 1 1 ' " - C ' ' 'T . 4 "-5 i 1