"V TRE STRIKES MINERS S tfBfftat WwaS7wa 81 ;:; B0OZLAI3 H'2' X " '.':' FRAKKMEHKE ASKS : IMPORTANT WANTS TO KNOW "HOW! AGED WAS ANASTATIA." CAN YOU ANSWER? (By Frank G. Menke.) . NEW YORK, June '2. A question that perplexes fandom even more than "bow aged was anastatia" is the one, "is it the manager or the players that make for a winning ball team. ' NEW ; BERN -CITY Df WEST MANY RETURN TQ WORK FOL LOWING CONCESSION! END ,' PROBABLY NOT FAR OFF, ? V9 Next Game Today - Kington, 4 "All 'Stars o'clock'. LEAGUE STANDING OF CLUBS W L Singk Men 5 ' I Railroaders.. 4 2 Married Men 2 4 Ghent AsoOC.. .! 5 Yesterday's Score Single Ghent 4. Batteries Single Men McSorley & Scales. Ghent Mitchell & Bartling. Men Let's take the case of the Cincinnati Reds as one example to show that maybe v It's the manager. The Reds last year looked and acted like the worst aggre gation outside the graveyard. ; They t looked even worse for the 1914 season - because the Feds came along and grab ' 'bed off a pair of their, best pitchers and 1 tied anotherChief Johnson up in the courts. Further moire, they were minus the service of one Josephue Tinker, who batted 317 last year, and led the short ), etops of the league in fielding. - t Charley Herzog, 'the- peppery , e member of the Giants appeared at the , neim tnis season. . everyway leit sorry for him. -Aid whit happened?- Oh.W vertyV much, .only "that Hereogr with . even, a weaker team than that of last , year began' shoving his gang along at a , surprising gait right at the outset, and has, been keeping if upi He's been beat irig the leaders, just As easily"as hf has , been, beating the.tailender& Andrthe . beatings his team is .doling out are: not . flukes they are clean-cut overwhelm - ing victories in most cases. ,v L ' .Then there's Joe Birmingham, of the Naps,, Harry Davis as manager' of the y Naps, failed miserably during the first n . part of the 1912 season. . . Davis quit the job and. Birmy, took it up. . From that 1 time on the team played 100 per cent better baseball, and from the last of August until the curtain drooDed thev olived the he.rt hall in th A mpriran I Prominent League.' Yet it wasvthe same outfit that couldn't win for Davis. . " In" 1913 under the 3a me Birmy the Naps put up a thrilling fight for the , pennant', being in the race until the last two-weeks of the season. And now in 1914, with only on; of their pitchers gone and with their shortstop injured, the Naps are playing about the worst ball in the league. Hughle Jennings led the Tigers to three pennants in 1907, 1908 and 1909. -Then the team seemed to crack. The Tigers had the same wonderful leader in 1910, 1911, 1912 and 1913 that they . had In. their pennant wlnniig days, but ? they co; f'.i.n't hit a winning stride. Thty , made some Inglorious finishes in those r four years. And now Jennings is back in this ysar 1914 A. D. with a team that does v not lork very nn;ch 1 otter than that of -last y?ar and he's got a fine chanc? for the jjci:r.a:ii. The St. L:: is Brown havi beui "joke ball team fur many years. As . (Special to ths Journal.) : .'. CHARLESTON W VA t,m ? v . . - , ... , , . t-v .Yielding to' the contention of the; min--ers that the operating companies should collect union dues of the United Mine- pp , Workers of America, a number of coal companies operating on Paint Creek to-day signed working agreement that 33j reduced the number of idle miners to ,,, approximately 8,CO0. . . '' ,; .' lo'i.. . . ., .. . -y-'-'i 6 At oiner por ts in tne ivanawna coat I field agreement r ad not been signed but tne men were ct work as usual ana for mal settlement was expected before the end of the week. ' One thousand miners of the Solvey Collieries Company on Paint Creek obeyed the strike order, there being no intimationto day that the company-would sign.' ; - Work' was not suspended at the mines of the Chrlstan Collieries Company ; although the agrei- mnt- hail hfNn .lorti1 Tli. man i I mained at work on assurance of 'thi'Io- PR,T EARL .SLOAN'S j cal management that the director at a meeting in Lynchburg, Va., today would take action on the union scaleiw A Belief r that the strike would be of shoft 'duration 'prompted miners an operator 'to view the' situation' optiV SCHOOL OF OJSSC i; Cor. Hancock and New Sri & Piano, Violin, Wind In- fc struments. ( PLANS FOR WM i Voice Culture, French, . Expression. ' Rates upon Application . , .TELEPHONE 722 PIcnlir; of f cicel talfe RicMcs for your picnic basictteclktsni,.;; NOTICE TO COUNTY TEACHERS WORK PN HOME WILL BEGIN AT AN -' EARLY PATE " Robert L. Smallwood, -the New York w architect who waa awarded the contract to draw, up the plans for! the palatial home to be erected. three .miles out of Newern, byDr.-JEarl. S.:J51oanth millionaire liniment manufacturer, ii nnw ruraermA Ifl. wirlrlnar ah hmtk- a nA will have, theot ready at n early dateYg Dr. . Sloan left several , days ; ago for j Boston, ,Mass., .where, he ; wiU, remain for; a, few weeks . and then return. 'io' ew Bern ana superintend tne const1- ction olf hiahome and. the other building! which 'are Jo Jbf erected tm jh five hundred acres of land which 'he. .has purchased, i One of the unusual struts turet to be erected on the propertyj wiii . oe a looicout tower on uie jnver from which a view of the river for miles in eacn prect.ion , can.De secureav 1 .he, ennre estate, will jn every way equal that of the famous Bilt more property in western xsortA caroHna. INyiTATIONSjlSSUED i. .... . i 3f- Couple Are Wed."" Soon To The Journal acknowledges the re- cepit of the following invitation: "- Mr. and Mrs. Washington Fuller Wyatt request the honor of you presence at the marraige of their daughter ' J Jessie to v . Mr. Thomas Carl Ethrldge Wednesday evening, June Seventeenth nineteen hundred and fourteen at six o'clock "Edgewater" Brldgcton, North Carolina At Home after July the first Snow Hill, North Carolina. No cards in the city. j r; i Manufactured J?y. '. 5 ; IIEMIGAI; Y 5 Alid, caj Brnd"tof Paihi I " It's Bne f 6? brickwork and fen cihg-h's Sk'tWV"9' J All teachers are urged to be present at Vanceboro the ; first day of the Institute. T . v ; " 5 , 'f ' It is important that teachers have with thent all their text books. V These will be ;heeded in the Institute work, i ? " ' S. M. Brinson, Co. Supt. -x hrM f ;?.'-V"S-23-6ti 5 i'' y the v6rch it's coo-- T I T , NOTilCE Tnrrn J emicai 9 t - i e SI, NEW Phon. DaclSurnsite Beginning this datei I 'will vnot be responsible fdr ' any debts contracted by : my wife 1 Elsie -Roof Matthews. U0t v JG. T.- Matthews ? MORTGAGE SALE Pursuant to sTjxier of saJeconUined in : that " certain il estirtetmortgage executed" ' by T."S. v Jackson , to The Bank-of ntebor 'th ;um bfting tjorded in h!e Office -of ifhoS Register vraven yjcwy, fwni liouee dooi lnrjsew Ikfonflay the 22! May the hour of 12 o'clock all of the following1 (desenbeq property as conveyed in" the 'tnoirt gages follow- ing 'to-wi-F t certain StabrtgageVdeed Executed'. May ; 9,v 1911? aWd; bctrded Irt Book rS pagei 143, also another nortgagedeed executed Feb, 27 912Md recoraea in book, zuj page 7y. ' Also mortgage deed executed Jan. 1913 and recorded in Book i 193 page; 171. And in i description of jail this property contained in the said mortgages deeds see said mortgage ' to which reference "Is made. " . j f Bank of Vanceboro Mor. iiioi, peeas .or 1 I .... ' j 1 1 seu-at -tne -vpurt JjfBerHflon r.f Ifof Jurie. 1914.afc Summer jReasurVithcnSivnlW Discomforts I ! Indoo; HioistVCXi wheh the Vuclors Why not 'et, slcop,-'v there 'this summarf Thousands do 1t The eoef air-give appetitf and torees you to dreamlasa sleep because it bathes the ' -orves wnife you slsep. . It cores tham. - "Vudor Porch Shadae cost little. - They give air but ' kaep Out glare. 'You can look leaf through yodorfc bat not i uv. through them., Tbay 4at they Jtp "that IK lopk,HUor theyra atalnad, jbot painted, nett I i f,J It- H t ! i ti ' ;r . INew Dern:: 'H'V Macli"h Rjn;:iTii!iEio. me irurnisriers" Vanceboro, May 22 1914. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNT Y To each of you I beg to express a I my most sincere and appreciative thanks ATHENIA LODGE No. 8, K of P. I Meets every Tuesday 8 p. m , over Gas Co's office, Middle St., J. R. White head C. C, J. H. Smith, K of R and Visiting brothers are assured of cheva- lier's welcome. t ' . CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS K. ANUNNl ATTORNEYTLAW :, sPractice ' in the counties of f Craven,; Carteret, Pamlico, Jones, 0 and Onslow and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. : Office 50 Craven St..'" -Phone 97 New Bern, N.C. : depends upon the prop'er kind of a freezer. Our O. K.-Freezer will freeze your 'creath" in v half -the-time- the ordinary0' kind takes;' It , 'doesh'tirequife much eiertion to. wofk if ,! .Y6u I can save many a dollar'.' by.- making .your, own ' cream-to'say ' nothing 'of yourt health. See ouf show window for special prices. fw 't f-y GasMll Uardwcre and Rlill Supply , Co. 73-75-77 Middle Street - - - r . Phone 147 ; j.for the loyal support accorded me in OF HARMONY Meets second and the case of Charley Hewog, oftl.o Red', i.the 'at primary, and I assure you that, fourth Wednesday nights at 7:30 o' a lot of people felt pretty s .rry for Branch ;'n t,la future as in the pait I shall' clock in each month at Knights of Har Kickey when he took over thj job ,;f'ideavor to prove worthy and deserv handling the outfit. Rickey got under i,,ng ' the confidence you have reposed way with a team that looked weaker "Pon me' than ti e last place outfit of 1913, and ,. Rickey's learn has proved to be one'of . the big surprises in the American lea gue. The gang is playing real baseball. ; It's playing Is not streaky or its wins flukey. The games the Browns havej 'won are because they have shown sup i erior ability. . The Brook'yn Dodgers looked to have - a better team than last year. And when Wilbert Robinson hooked up with them as manager, many figured that the Dodgers would get away in the front ' and stick around with the select all the Yours sincerely, B. B. HURST. GRAVEN SUPERIOR COURT IS m'ony hall, corner Broad and Hancock streets, J. K. WilhV President; R. J. Disosway, Secretary; George Moulton, Financial Secretary. : NEW a a a , a BERN CITY- LEAGUE. Saturday Next Game New ve ge ta ble of all kind at Hack burns STANDING W Single Men 4 Railroaders3 Ghent Asso. 1 Married Menl ' a , a . a - .a OF. CLUBS L 1 . 1 3 4 ' P.C. 800 75 250 '200 '. - SEVERAL CASES ; WERE TAKEN UP AND DISPOSED OF YESTERDAY Craven county Superior Court is way down the stretch. RoLlnson had'1" session here this' week with Judge been with Mcuraw for many years. He ","was McGraw's understudy, and many figured that hewas almost as much . responsible for the success of the Giants successful leadership as. McGraw him- . self. ; But under Robinson the Dodgers do not' seem to be accomplishing any SOUTHERN :r RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South ' CHANGE IN WINSTON.SALEM PULLMAN CAR LINE Effective ; Friday, - June 12, . the V present Winston-Salem Raleigh Vk - a a a F. A. Daniels presiding and rapid i f "1Inlal, une w"' ie :cnangea to I vvjustou-oaiem-oeauion-moreneaa ;. City, Pullman Car Line for the Summer mi j ' I CASTOR I A . Tor Infanta and Children. Ih Kfci Yea H2Y3 Always EcM Bears the Signature of more than they did under Dahlen, whafwlth an assault with a deadly weapon. " never .was figured as any great shucks as a manager. . Going back about a dozen years one ' finds that the New York Giants used to try to see how far down thev could get in the race without actually falling. through the bottom of the league. - And then came John McGraw who has kept his men in the fight each year, and who on five seperate distinct occasions,' has lifted his men so high that it gave the American League champions a chance to come along and club them-on the xoco in the world series combat's. . ; rr HY NOT TRY DODUAM'A Frowrt and PorMv Relief In Every progress Is being made in the disposal of the large number of criminal cases which are on the docket. . ' ' Among those disposed of at yester day's session was that in which Nath aniel and John E. Moore, were charged ; rsmfoccuPATioN asIujSs-rC ' IBipURE DRUGS Vg . THERE ARE IN THESE KJV V . U N ITED STATES $$L " j - fe ' , ' V The Public Is The Jury , 1 From. Whom -We Ask A Favorable Verdict ' We endeavor to addpee evidence in ach aale we make as to - tf)e quality and dependability of our goods, which should be Incontrovertible in your deliberations as to the place to pur chase your needs in the drug line. GIVE US A TRIAL . Brad ham Drug Company in In thisase the defendents were found guilty and were each fined r fifteen dollars and taxed with the costs of the case. In the case of the State vs. James tsiacic, in which ; the detendant was charged with larceny, the State failed to convict and - the defendant was acquitted. - Just before the close of the day's session, Sarah Pugh,- colored, Las placed on trial charged with retailing spirituous liquors. This case will be concluded today. ' . season, and will continue v in j. effect I until Saturday, August 22, 1914. a For further information, reservations j etc, communicate with, ' &i&&&:XitJ. O. JONES, - 'ft'''ravellnis''''Pa8senger . Agent, . FRaleigh, N. C PILES! PILES! PILES! WILLIAMS INDIAN PILE OINTMENT. 7U1 eura Blind, Bleadlnir and Itching Plies, it abaorba tbe tumors, allays itching at ooca, aeta aa s pboltlce, girea Instant relief. Cafe and Confectionery 133 MlDbLE ST. Exclusive Agents for that r famous J - 1 Velvet Ice Crecn The Smooth kindj Serve at Fountain or sold in cr quantity : ; ' Frdb-Ci::rs-Cc:":; V7 i i From Office-Boy to President X7& all want success-f-To win, we ? must i , be quick, keen, alert, direct " , Takes up the'claclr, and adds ctimulant for a ctron z steady gait. the 1 -a, V, al - a.,i I - t v . 4 m it J. ''S '1 ml Packaga by Hail lOe. . for sale by all druggists, mail 60o and tlM. I C3.f Props. C:or:!:.-.3.0, 0 C!HV.:S i:rG.C0 PropSnCeveJun j, CL's 1