'..-J every day in the year except Monday at 45 .Pollock -Street: ; " : CUSINESS OFFICE' 'PHONE, . NO.' 8"--.' . r :echXKiCal depart- f ' J 'MENT' :PHONE, NO, 50. t C. jf JLAND PRINTING COM- II K. Land.. II I. . Crutopler- ,i..:Managerj v t k Editor! SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One yearJ. .'. $4.00 Xrclcrrcd by ncasctvlvcs, riiilc'na y Pas!ry CfecSs. fc:lrrczr-l"2 la '.Continued Cou. -, Colds s..ti . chial troubles are deprt-siJng and. auk en the system Loss of weight and ap petite -generally ftflI6w. Get a - 50c Dottle of Dr. Kir. g New Discovery today.-; It f ill stop your corgh.". The first dose helps.. The best medicine for Stub born Cougluv Colds and all Throat and Lung Troubles.-- Mr.. D, -11- Brown, I WILL BE PLAC; i ; n FUNDS ARE ADAPTABLE' . FOR PURPCC ll'SiW Six months.. Three Months.. One Month 2.00 1.00 .40 CITIZEliS IVJlflT QUIETUS :. PUT Oil THE DOGS ,WG Of IS J A COMPLETE SUCCESS The Journal carries complete prcfe j CLAIM THAT THE HOWLS OF reports furnished by .tne Internationa-1 , jug CANINES ' ' DISTURB Ken. Service .in addition 'to covering-l ' ci immcD itwiuts! every section of Eastern North Caro-J ! ' . umm uj .v. i for several Sunday nignts past tne I canine inhabitants of several of the WEDNESDAY JUNE 3 1914 residential sections of the dty have made tne night Hideous wita sneir nowis I and walla and this has ao murli annoved Examining Morgan's book is more I the citizens of those sections that they a matter of curiosity than profit. Ihave come to the conslusion to take I the matter up with the authorities and , After putting Armageddon on the Lee if they, cannot put a atop to the . - . . r fx t. a ......... I ',-.. . , map tne luver 01 loudi was easy. disturbance.. Ihose wno are Kept awake bv the does claim that the owners i Kermit need not mind having his I of the animals can put a stop to their father present for nobody pays any Sunday night "entertainments, put attention to the bridegroom anyhow, j ting forth the argument that a dog will listen to its master's voice, and that The crop of excuses for not going if the owner will call them In and lock to church Is as abundant as usual. I them up when the midnight serenades begin that the -neighborhood in that The latest sea tragedy shows that I vicinity can rest in peace. The outcome ample supply of lifeboats cannot I of this unusual situation is awaited always Insure safety. I with interest. Still it is difficult for some people THE W. C. T. ARE TO MEET AT to get the phychologlcal business de-l presslon off their minds. GREENVILLE. .-, France is inclined to boast over having one automobile to every 400 population. But the United States had a million- cars in use last November, which represented one auto, approxi mately, for "every ninety-one persons. And every day the number has grown Convention of Grand Council of Carolinas Will be Held ' June 5th. - - Every loyal U. C. T. in North-and South Carolina is now thinking in terms of the English Annual Convention of the Grand Council of the Carolinas, Those who have figured in forcing wh;ch wi be he,d in GreenviHe on June a dissolution of the New Haven mono- Jt,'anj oth. - poly are called "philosophical anarch ists" by Mr. Mellen. And what are they who wrecked the road? Practi cal anarchists? The Greenville Council has tormu iated a splendid programme which will begin Thursday night, June 4th, with a reception and dance at the Chick Spring Hotel, and for which special prepara tions have been made. Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock will , The new Cunarder Aqultanla is on her ' maiden voyage from Liverpool to New York. Under the bright skies L,, the officjal opening of the con of June, Great Britain's biggest liner vent;on j the Grand ooera house, when ought f) make a speedy and triumphant Mavor Tohn B Marshall will make an voyage. . I address 0f welcome for the citv: Mr. B. E. Geer for the chamber of Com it war a ig Di.naer wr.en tne on- . ,, M, , Tho. fo the . Z is .: . r . .r- graasionai exect live vommnie2 laiiea n..,.,-fi r T P ,KiVl, toj seutc tre rrimary result useu at l junior Counselor E. A. Hughej will re oijc-s, ana unauy ;accoraing to tne ruies. .oonrf:. Hon . Wnh A " HcCsHomrh - . t v win n uvpr an annrpss ann urann v. nun w-aV: referred should do anything ex- Q Kuejter win deiiver an ad. ; eept settle it by the rules in accordanCIi;..0llp RvorH ,ii ne Balance oi tne aay win De ae with-' the vote; cast It would be a co- loses blunder. !, WHEDBEE AND ABERNETHY. ; The judicial 1 ton of t'.ls' ill- trict1' which met' In Greenville las: Thursday, certainly did the wlsp-thl ij In .'renominating Judg"e Harry W. Whedbee to s'. cced himself as-ijdge; to -business sessions and will b? closed by a banquet given by the con liention by the Greenville I Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber if-Commerce, In full aipreciation-of "the travehrig'men and their services, has entered .with char- , w, v.""""' .LU of the convention one of the most en- Tl n,rase" as '"'tl r- u,!- jovable and profitable to all.. The pro- trlcf In the Stats, has a better judge ammp ( tnaat ;nrh,APa .aa-,- kv .,t-.. i.r. ji i J ana uecier soiicut r man inesc, ana iney have made records : selves and to th. Whedbee had no opposition in the dis- . r,pms-n ColPr i Mr. Thomas trict, aim .i as seen ... auyauce o. me H pope of Greenville, and President convention that his renomlnatlon would E M. Poteat, of Furman University, be by acclamation. It was some different Greenville. This banquet promises to in the case of Solicitor Abernethy, sev- ' .f nartic..larnlpaSi.r to - I 1. 1 L a. 1 - I I r F . ne occupiea e ucr.ng me race against 0n Satlirjau-mnrn intr 9 short h..R - him.. All of them were good men, too, I se : u.hf,.H followed hv cither of whom could fill the position the grand parade After thj8 an aut0. u.e pr.,ar.cS ..irougHuut i..e mob,,e ride be taken around the district snowed tnat tne people in such ,.:fv anH a llinrhpnn sprWf1 hv rh Green. overwhelming rumber favored Aber- ville Councj, at the Country Club, which netny,.tnat wnen tne convention met . , . , ; r .t,Jcf .,: au oppos.uon yamsneu a..u ne aiso was frv rillha - c-., Parol na. Following Some ;- months aeo oetltJons f Mv.scatlne, Ala., writes: VMv wife was !sent to senator Simmons reoiietinir sick durlne the hot summer months and 1 t'le establishing of beacon- lichta in I honestly believe" Dr. .King's New I Neuse rlyar.- One. off the entrance to Discovery saved her life." : Good for j Hancock's Creek and alsw one off the children. 50c and $1.00, at' your Drug-1 entrance of Slocumb Creek, which it rtV ' '.- 1 1 believed will aerve h- ,V- - . I of the waters in that vicinitv. J !'k '. , ' " I Senator -Simmons nresr.nted. th .. ;n7'J SOUTHERN RAILWAY. - :r: jutions to the Bureau of Lighthouses, Premier Carrier . , of the - South. ,n tne department . of. Connnerce. r x -J The Commissioner has' advised Senator LOW ROUND TRIP SUMMER TOU- J Simmoas that the matter: has been ; RIST TICKETS NOW ON SALE TO carefully Investigated; and. Srhen fund "THE LAND OF, THE SKY" I become available lot the purpose, mea- LARGE CROWrS ATTENDED THE. ville., way WiibVlLLk, HEN- 8U wm oe taken to establish 4 light EXERCISE"- AT .NATIONAL I L-JiKSUA viLLt,- lUAWAY.'BRE. u me entrance of Hancock's Creek V " ... CEMETERY VAKU. HOT SPRINGS, , - - one off the entrance of Slocumb AND ALL OTHER WESTERN NOR- reek. .The Bui-caw is of the opinion (Contributed) II H CAROLINA POINTS.. . ; - - . I tnat the present Bght located off.Wilk- We have much to be proud of ow-1 Spend your vacation in the cool I11 n ... Point meets the leouirements tng to the great rush, that a trans. I mountains or western in ortn Carolina. I h navigation in tne locality of Cherry acted upon National Avenue Saturday I weelc , and Sunday excursion I rointt as vessels on the river at night, May 30th, The Home Comi n Weekroun1 tp tickets onale to Morehead (by passing reasonably near-the Wilk- and "Bryan Day." L';The Union Decb-1 Qtyt Beaufort, Wrightsville,' Wilming J lnson's Point , light,: will 'dear 'Cherry ration Day May 30th, all sisinj the J ton various other summer resorts. Point shoal. . o - C r 1 same road to the. National' Union I tor illustrated booklet, which wiu be Cemetery, and the way to the Fairif great assistance in planning your grounds made it a busy day in Newlfun,m5,, tripi and complete detailed Bern and still each of us made: pleasant jlnlormation, ask your agent, or. com- for the great crowds that attended I municate with,- both the Fair grounds and the Memorial Day Exercises. .-James C. Beecher, Post 22 rThe W. R. C No J, The D of V. No. J: .The L.. A. Society No.' L'.lThe .Lincoln Patriots, S, of V.pub and speakers! J. O. JONES, - Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. v- JET TIIE.CIEEW ' WE STAND-BY . the value . of our lumber : and1 whet? we say "we have some especially choice stock on hand ready itor "delivery,'' we know the tracde will accept the new joyfully and rapidly r So we advertise you to send your orders at once as - the supply this year Is limited. y' " - b. W.; Sim plans Phone 109 NewBern,N.C Chickens and Egf H. ; Sultan Compamr 30 Middle Street Iiw Best Hot Weather Tonic " JROVE'8 TASTElBSSehlUYORIC enHchcs Hie Jlood, builds op the wbole ayitcm and will woo lerfnlly streogthen and fortify yoa to withatantf - aftpreaiaC eifect of tbe-fcot jmsaer. SOc -: . Always Lead to Better Health Serious sicknesses start in disorders of I formed the line of march at the A. the stomach, liver and kidneys. ; The PROMINENTLY - - - MENTIONED AS A SUCCESSOR TO COL.' ' P. M. PEARSALL . , . - 1 i t Since Col. P. M. Peareall. the ore- R. Headquarters on Carmack Street I best correcUve and -preventive is Dr. j sent Clerk of the Federal Court- in this Right resting ori Broad street. As fol-1 King's New Life Pills. ; They Purify the! city announced that he- would hand lowing the dty officials Cavalcades. I BloodPrevent Constipation, keep Ll-1 In his resignaUon effecuve fulv 1. The Elm CStyr Band, The Buds ofverK,dneys,-and.Bowel8 in healthy I speculation has been rife as to whom iivuugc ui u. v., n. ucruig M wioi,,rui,i jvu uina uca.ui py i wuuiu uc ppo.Hea in JUS place. ' In- Open Hag and then above named orders I ridding the system of fermenting and I dications are .that .Walter Duffvr will inline. The road was finein some places I gassy , foods. Effective and mild..: 2Sc. I be selected to fill the office. ; Mr. Duffv it was very dusty, but for the sake of I at your Druggist. , . . , I was interviewed on this subiect ves- giving honor to those brave heroes I Bucklen's Arnica Salve for all Hurts. Iterday by a newspaper man and he a an sm ' , ' 7 -'.-. ..... .... - - - . :'--.-,. ... we placed nags and flowers over their I f -1 r ' i !-; ?. !:.'5: 1 stated that it was his intention to put graves, we had a hne day lor thelw,r"A111 nwiiuii iu UKAVJtiN lin- an appUcaUop for the office. Mr exerdeses.-AU the orders of the G. ' COUNT Y TEACHERS ' - Duffy has had much ' experience in A.R. were present and Jsaac'. Smith -. " handling the Clerical work and made a fine speech and so did Prof. The attention i of those teachers those who - are familiar with - will E. J, Hayes and all the oter5speakers'. who, have not enrolled in the Teachers the situation are of the opinion that he c aic K'nu iu way -null, wi as u - no I v-.t. .v.n , - wwmk ; wiiuulku i- .11 ocicicu. trouble with - the vehlcles.and the I vanceboro: Is directed to.SecUon 4167 automobiles, as each knew his" side I the School Law, - .v right and left. ; Many Umes the drivers I "The law is as followar. 'AU public would stop and wait on the precession I school ' teachers' of the state and all going and returning, v Old GJory wasM8n school and graded school t each seen floating in the breezes In honor of ers ar hereby required to attend our nations sleeping dead. The river I biennially some county teachers lnsti- was decorated at 9 o'clock" a. m.,' on ture or. accrediated summer school con- Saturday May ' 30; by the W. R. C. jtinuously fopsa term not less than two cemetery. - i-uu ..uies tu attena sucn summer i Miss Flirt-Jack told me last lilrht viter returning irom tne cemetery ! r ti.svxuie snau oe cause tor I ihat ! hia varv aif. w Rmw . . . . ' v . ' . v I ' - - , ' - " T" . I" ....... ' a une dinner was given to tne rost and I wwwug- any jcauier so laiung irom I iacr will WOO HBa OUT DOW. QSeer- to the G. A. R.i which was enjoyed, teaching in any of the public schools, I Sain life In. Bostoa TTtniwrlnt W, nc maiiK i.ie mayur n. n. uanirert l " kibucu bc.iuoib. oi xne for furnishing us with rcity officers, j state until, such teacher ; shall have There -were rover 3,000 attended the I attended, as required by law, some exercises-at the cemetery. The Buds county Institute or- accrediated school of Promise of the G. A. R. dinner will s herein-provided forw take place " Wednesday week. The I This law will be enforced and vou Patriots the same week. v tare advised to enroll . at ' once in the Flag Day. I school now being conducted by Dr Sunday June thai J4th being : flair Hlghsinith and Miss Harris at Vance- Day, -Monday June the -15th will beoro. kept. The Grand Army and all the I S. M. BRINSON, ministers anrl friends "are invited tn I . p' ... . '-'.- Coiintv Sunt be-present. Let eaclrtlover of the old m 1 1M3JI v 1 Malicious Hint x "Can yon tell me where I am most I likely to get good collection of fairy talesF v , " -" ' . "Ask any married man." Baltimore American, - The CHly lieL Doctor Demands ,v Doctors i buy Rubber i Goods' ; here, : because. they can find here., the kind of goods they want.They also send their" patients . to us because ' their patients Can " find the kind ! of goods the doctors want them -to buy, ' (- va r.v'i Our rule in buying Rubber Goods is to buy : the best that -are ' made-for strength, finish and wearing quality and, there V fore, we have the kind that the doctor and everyone who knows good 'Rubber Goods demands. Ouf prices are extremely low. -, . F.S. Ddly TO THE OF CRAVEN COUNTV I - flag display there from school house and I William Dunn,. Jr.,' left, yesterday l J 1 ti . " - I r . I-Ji rt , . I Meaaprsi .iarf--W-lira rhprr anfi K- F creduable lothern, I RtnvrA eir states. . Judge w . f tha (:r Apmnnstratnn. renominated by acclamation, ville Reflector. -Green- WAIT FOR CHECKERS . CONVENTION TODAY IN r CITY OF GOLDSBORO , . e Tndav the Fxerutive nnmmlt. tee of the Third Congressional District will meet in conven- tion at Gold8boro.for the pur. pose of declaring a nominee for Congress, Much Interest is being manifested here In the probable outcome. , Fancy Tomatoes only : SO cents - per Lasket,"at Royll's . this the visitors will be taken to the baseball park at which the annual game will be played. - - , ' The Greenville people are all deeply interested in the coming of the U. C. T. and have made extensive preparations for their proper entertainment. homes. Rev. John Everett ' Commander, Capt. Isaac,PoweIl, Adjt. afternoon for a visit to Chapel Hill. t. JF.1 H. Sawyer, left yesterday after- noon for a businejs visit to, Goldsboro. NOTJCSria 5 ALL CONFEDERATE. VETERANS .. . -Every member off jNe;w Bern Camp of Confederate Veterans Is requested t? meet at their headquarters in Wolf enden Hall at 11 o'clk this morning. i, , r -. -- I--"- , .:'ri..; -....,.;-- i .. ..! FOUNTAIN BEING INSTALLED IN CENTRAL PHARMACY The fountain to be used by the Cen tral Pharmacy is bdng ihstalled. -3'' This company was chartered a few weeks ago and will be tocageed in the I Fairview Hospital 'building - on the I corner of Queen and Griffith Streets. All fixtures will be modern and 1 up-to-date. . . WAATED A position as Bookkeeper will begin on reasonable!1 salary.' Apply at Journal office. " - - 6-2-lti. - TO THE VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTYI HAVE AN ABIDING FAITH IN THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE AND BE T LIEVE, THAT THEY OUGHT TO HAVE THE RIGHT TO TO SEEK.. THEIR REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE DIF-" CERENT OFFICES, WHICH BELONG TO THEM-e-PUBLlG-OFFICERS ARE. THE 'SERVANTS OF THE- WHOLE PEO--PLE AND KOT OF A FAVORED' FEW v IF I AM ELECTED 4 AS YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TO THE NEXT LEGISLATURE t I WILL-SUPPORT WITH ALL THE POWER . I CAN, : COM MAND A BILL. PROVIDING FOR A-STATE tEGALiZED PRIMARY. ri , -jJ1- . K YOURS TRULY .J . r.trf T i G. V. RICHARDSON, Dover, N, C. UiiH.llwn.,a.iMmM4Ht,uiaH'mmnN.iM.miiMi.. ... ..-.-" - .! . .... a.a.i ". - " A '- r .1 V ," I I 4 5.1 FOR HEARTBURN, Soar Belching, Poor Ap. petite and Constipation, you need - . .'. t ; oi r.i r.i one a;;5 : RED a''-, ' 0 " ' LIVER REGULATOR - (TH FOWDEB FORM) . It sweetens the stomach and purifies the" bowels. ! It Is a fine tonic ' fora torpid liver. . Helps digestion, makes you feel bright, vigorous and cheerful. , ' . . y . tJ.- " oio ar auunw. ' Mwa, uam Pnamtm. si.aa, . v , Art forth, taaala Mk the IM S oa tn, label. If voa emmak h iui 1 i. II. rtca, tlM ft eottto. Look tor tk JU4 Z Ub(T " " moanfer 4. H. ZEIUN A CO.. POr,'T. Lowe. MO. , Fins TAEOnKG Cle: nln and Repairing 25 Uanccck Street. Fctcl Gcs Explosion Ca Cocrd A S!:lp Scv;cr Gzs zzzzs FOUND Bicycle, owner can get samel by paying for this ad. . See H. Whit- ford. . - . . . 6-2-3U. II II ' a . ' . . I.I J aa i i ThT m T- n !:! m -lij '-) I I , I I 4 a. a . I ! I 1 I I f t I I I f t ... ' r i i . 4 ft 1 1 4 -a For Your Evening r a , :. iJ ' I CHECKERS IS ' IT . I 4 X t 1 4 I ' ( I M sjw - I 1 i i t