' i i 1 i 2 i i : t M .. 4 I I ft I.I M !:! r 5 ' l. n ! ! ' t . ; J r a a Iff 4 J i liklfi i ire QUALITY and REFINEMENT J, " ,pl -i-iKcu 'iczures traav -m . - r -f " A t)li CH LQVE STORY" -"j"' .". 4 i I I I Jl : (SPECIAL FEATURE IN 2 PARTS V. One of the "SWEETEST STORIES EVER TOLD" that Will make .your heart pulsate. with that feeling of emotion i that will suprlse you indeed. - THe plot of this splendid feature Is well laid by its au-. nun io wenei inusi oeauiuui. i ne costumes most - 3 elaborate, being : the kind used by the Dutch 'years ao. - - 11 Produced by an a.11 "STAR" cast and fnust be seen to b , Jt ttppreciaiea. f. v ' 'r In addition, to, this feature - we - have four j:ST2';.lN TIME FOR WORK" . -r - - ' rf -(LUBIN) MELO-DRAMA. - , others-r KMOW ABOUT Dock Hurtt has returned home from the A and M Collage to spend the hum mer. - T- if C. p. Canfield of Morehead City, Z . , ' "j. . . ltr -y- TONIGHT' AT - yesterday at-', COMING H II T III T DA DIT .,- . i niii ii i ruiin u'i"ii i ,. iiiiit. V Hon. T. W., Bickettwho delivered an address at the closing exercises of the local high school Monday night, lefr yesterday morning for Wilmington, i- ,.r-V. -A.'.-..-, . v " -"7 ' '!. S. W. Ferebee, left yesterday morning for Stonewall. j - . WINKY;WILLIE'S TELEPHONE CREEE" r V , .(COMEDY) . , - THE BETURN OF PETER BLUM " IS- (LUBIN) -..- "A VILLAGE SCANDAL' I (COMEDY) F, Xf. -'Moni-i ing for Spencer. left yesterday morn- -J- J- TOIso'n, Jr., I aft ternoon for Goldsboro. A. F,. Bunting left yesterday after noon Tor a business visitjf'to Philadelphia. T. J. Whitehead, of Lynchburg, Va., spent yesterday in the city attandine to business Enfetters. was a Dr. Ernest W- Dunn. Mt voctonlav morning for a professional business vuit j RIVERSIDE ii ' -j P .Books; of Havelock. business visitor tn the d.j'.. if I VHlia'm H. Bain, left last night for Goldsboro. H. W. Simpson, a former rpcirlont I of Niw Bern but who now resides in is ln tne city attending business. to ' "COMING FRIDAY ?TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM" (IN. FIVE. PARTS), v. THE . MASTERPIECE " OF , MOTION PICTURES FROM THE BOOK BY A. T. ARTHUR. t ' IF ' ITS , "QUALITY", AND NOT "QUANITY" YOU ; PESIRE YOU WILL NEVER BE DISAPPOINTED AT THE - siAK inn, hume or UUQU PICTURES AND PER 1 ! - " FECT PROJECTION. s ' . as.-uiu i.w.....;.;CS..t:5.; ltd Washington, N. C C. D. Blades, left vesterdav for Philadelphia by way of Wilmington i where he will spend a few days. ' '-' Miss Jordan, who has been teaching I In the graded school, left for her home lia Bennettsvllle, S. C. yesterday morn ing. ' Mrs. Madie Moore, and Miss Lena Steven returned! home to Oriental I after a visit to the city. CLUB CITY IS TO BEAUTIFUL MEET CAPTAIN CRAPON DEAD End Came At His Home On lock Street Last Night Pol- , Sta'n George M. Crapon died at his home, Xo. twelve Pollock street, last night at the age of seventy four years. ,-. The funeral services will be conduc ted from Christ Episcopal church tihi,s afternoon at 5 o'clock by Rev. B. i F. Huske. The interment will be made ln Cedar Grove cemetery. i Captain Crapon is surviv.d by wite, one son C. M. Crapjn and two' daughters Mrs. J. R. Garrell and Mrs. D. W. Roberts. j Captain Crapon was a mpmh.r nfi The Riverside City Beautiful Chib the Masonic order and will be buried i,ij a,!!, ,tn i nuiu a nieeiing on Wednesday at "" ""- Honors, ne was also a 4 p. ra., at the home of Mrs. J. W. Craw-' memher of the New Bern Camp of ford on Pasteur Street. Confederate Veterans. imperial Urchrstra in a sh-t and classical concert proceeding' the dances. This orchestra lias been nren gthened by the addition f Mr. McCair cornet, and Mr. Peterson, violinist ln addition of Messrs. Kidder, piano Honrlne, vulin, (Vapon, Trombone and Taylor trap drums. The class of music dispensed by this orchestra in both dance and concert is something seldom found with any amtisement enterprise. They are just simply untjiuhable as far as quality goes. Forth-five minutes spent in our Airdome seem like ten. The nirti.BM. his are the gems of the film makers art- A two reel feature, "The Squires Son," and "In the Spider's Web-" Two shows every night. ar; on Pasteur Street. urged to attend. DID YOU EVER READ CHECKERS? I , ; 7 -V- n iv 'tft 5 ? S 1 ' CyJ r' zSir i I. Mrs. W. J, Penny, passed throueh the I r . . I Iclty yesterday morning enroute home to Wilmington from Roper where she has been visiting her brother Rev. I. W. Pollock. Mrs. A. T. Mitchell rplnm tr, hr I home in Washington after a visit to Miss Elolse Grantham. , VETERANS TO ATTEND FUNERAL THIS AFTERNOON All Veterans are requested to meet at the corner of Pollock and Craven streets this afternoon at 5 o'clock to attend the funeral of the late Captain George M. Crapon. Open Seven Days gad Nights to the Week is the place for that Delicious FusserTs Ice Cream. We have cream all the time now and all first chass fountain drinks. If you haven't tried our delicous milk shakes you have missed a treat, for they are made from pure Jersey milk. We also carry every t! good to eat. Cigars and candy a spec ially. The place for white people only yours to serve. fil. C. E. Taylor Prop. LUNCH ROORH l TT J v r V yVi-.- Ecys 8ud girls an-l 3 . L other: large shln- ment of Gocycles i .has arrived, get " busy, cut out cou- il FU11" "ciuw . nave some reliable per son to sign it, bring it: to The Dailv Journal w here I 1 I I f 51 Miss Alice Craven. I morning for Rldgecrest where she will I join her mother Mrs. H. B. Craven. Miss Mamie Meeks. left vesterHav morning tor her home at Rldgecrest. Mrs. E. T. Carter and children, left yesterday morning for their future home I in spencer. Miss Mary Louise Tones, feft vbc I terday morning for Chapel Hill where she will spend a week visiting friends. Mrs. Eleanor Smith and Mrs. S H Boyd, left yesterday morning for a visit I several weeks to Virginia Beach. MEWED III TEED A GENERAL II -TAKE COOVE'S The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Eauallv Valuable as a General T: i OIUC " equally tv . , ; usc jcis on tne Liver. TMa af ia EnHches the Blood and Builds up' the WholeSystem. ForGrown People and Children. properties Of OUININE arid TRrtM t j wc" Known tonic sd is in TssteLs FoItst '5' Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite: cjZ lull'J' ndFer, iugueri ina Pa . R,vvi. rt,.-u -- 'Kr 10 jNnrsintr ' trrJ J- S. Basnioht Dartf- : -H!i "luS"-"vennanit. 50c v vu Forty Dajr and Forty Nights We are goffig to give away a Junior Range So the most successful little girl under twelve years of age. The contest will begin June 1st and end on July 10th. Call at our store anj leam. how to win this real Range. Miss Ruth Da I... t " w JIUO UCtll visiting Miss' Jeannette Hill, on Na tional Avenue, returned hom to Kins. I ton- last evening. Mrs. W. R. Styron and . Mrs. rattle Gaskill. of Durham passed through the citv last Pwnm earoute to Morehead Citv where th l :i. . . . - . . . ' win spena several days visiting rela- I 11VC3. i i m 3K in Nev Bern Journal, ' O '$K -v;-1 hereby fcgrei to subscribe for the Daily Journal r-sl months to W delivered to . . ', s , . -'.-A ,7,: ..and to pay the carrier, 10 centi per week J ; SigneArL'..-.,....?--., .' D$tK5-it Gocycle io "be given to. I 1;; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Case and baby I passea through the city last eveninelJJS enroute to Beaufort from Norfolk where they have been visiting relatives. iifli! 9 I 514 i9 CHECKERS IS COMING CiSSQpgaiSXpiiflBBEBSSli Picric Baskets, 5 10 & 15c, & d. uackbuni la aometmng new in Men,s Shoes built especially for the fellow with a flat foot. Try a pair. -Cf e Taker for the " : : -"City will be located at,.. - -' ' " the Gounty Gourt House A during the month of -May"'? , r to receive your Tax List. A failure to list Y? ill Cause V - you to be indicted and - fined. r- : ' id 7 1 U3T Ti 'IO I Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local aonlicatinnv ' " """'"l reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one-way1 to cure deafness, and that is bv ; constitutional romoi'o Ljeafness Is caused by an inflamed con- Si aiuon ot the mucuous lining oftheEus-Jjfrf tarhlan Tutu . TO. t.:. : : I f - , mreu tiu vuoe 18 ln flamed you have a rumblincr imperfect Bearinir.; and when it i. Orely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless tne inflammation can be taken out; and this tube restored to ita normal condition.' hearing will be destroyed i ever; nine cases out of ten are caused Dy iatarrh, which, is nothing but an in flamed . condiaon of the mucous sur- taces. ;4tv v';.5il-Ut-X v- -We will gfve" One Hundrwl TVltar. for any ease of Deafness (caused by taiarrn; mat cannot be cured by Hall's catarrn Lure. Send for circulars, free. -F- J- Cheney '& co., Toiedo,o. aoiq Dy JUruggists, J5c. ":iUjm Sl lake Hall's Family Pills for consUDa , HAVE YOU SEEN , CHECKERS?. - Ohildren' Oryr - FCT FLETCHER'S C AO TO R I A 1 i 13 SI s i 1 I ft iillp is--?- i P I 1 si S