-AS ALCOHOL a PER CENT AgclaWeRepara!!onfiris-! ting w Siomadis andBcgvetsoT; A.W.W,..,...,:fT., Promotes Dt&s!fankaW nessandRratrontatasiieitter OniuTU-Marplurte nar Mineral. KOT .NARCOTIC JnatSeti ' i in rfirl Remedy forConsfll tinn . Cniir Sbimarh.DlanhKl Yorms,C(OTusi!nisJwens nessaiidLOSsoFiLEtK t hcSmae SiMtiiriof '.- Qm Ceota'ir CommjcC: f TIT? . " m I bi For Infants and Children. The Kind YoiicHave Always Bough! Bears the ;xct Copy of Wrapped I i In X in rtni r- n"' rev raws ISj - wi ow nimm. iwi citt n ' ' i rii "villi s in I n Ul s-T t U-l k-J IS Cliick and Den Feeds Most perfect balanced poultry. Feeds on the market. Order any amount. Feed your Chicks Cyphers Feed and watch them grow. Now's the time. Dan Patch Horse Feed Sugar Cow Feed. are the best and purest money can buy. A. per fectly balanced food for stock. Alderman Satterthwalte seconded the motion. Motion 'carried. " ' ORDINANCE AND LICENSE COM M ITTEE. Alderman Satterthwalte, chairman, no report, .-.' , Alderman; Ellis, here made the re quest that the Mayor instruct the' Po lice to ascertain the names of the money lendirs in the city and eee how tnany have license and how many have not. CEMETERY COMMITTEE.- Aid crman Disosway. chairman," reported that the Pony Mower is here, and In use, and that same cost $70.00.'- Alderman Disosway, offered the following quarter ly report. , " .r . ' ' , ' ' a!-. -; " '.V:-May 14, 1914. To the Honorable Mayor, and -Board of '"' ' 'Aldermen: 'Y'r'f: . ''f"t' Gentlemen: :'''".'.'" l ''''?..:.- -f' : I submit my report for the quarter ending April 30th, of all monies received by me for lots and graves sold in the cemeteries of the City," and for which-1 hold the treasuerer's receipt.; v Cedar Grove Cemetery Lota , : f ,'440 Graves.....'.'. . .'.......7.1..'..... '16.50 Vault Rent 50 464.50 Greenwood Cemetery Lots Graves. :?o.oo ....................,,41.0(J , If .00 ....X464.50 575.50 Less 10"percent commlssion..,.....5.S5 TotaL Farm Implements Bunus & Parker Iiic v..:-: Www""""w ww--- ' :. 'SIS EII 1111,11 I iifiri Frw , -.m. MfWM.fww w : -SS as DUK1 m I I I .. 1 U - : :m Aivn ...f I I I . A .A . Ft 4 I W W 5lC SiZZ. 5 "V. 1 ro V A , hi ,53 , ASK FiR MEAL J. 'fii 1 A vieaoQws ! 1 1-1 II -.M. '"'""""A ; i FOR' V RENT 4 1 n I AfCB DWELLING HOUSE Now occupied by Mr. Church. He will vacate j j June 1st. . - i-'---i--r; V. APPLY TO T. J. Ttrnsr I I0NE 172 MIDDLE ST. i - I i 4 ft - .. 517.95 By Treasurer's Receipt, ' R. J. DISpWAY, : ' - " : Chairman..- . Alderman Satterthwalte,, moved that the foregoing report be accepted, and spread upon the minutes. . Motion seconded and carried. RAILROAD COMMITTEE. Ald erman Ellis, here stated that he over looked a matter under the Streets and Pumps Committee; that of re-surfacing East Fronf Street, and lower Pollock Street, from Craven to East Front St. Alderman Satterthwalte moved that the matter be referred, to. the Streets and ' Pumps Committee for. Investiga tion, and report back at the next meet ing. . Alderman Scott seconded the mo tion, 'i''-'1':-:. Alderman Blades offered the follow ing amendment: That the Clerk be in structed to insert an' advertisement in the two local 'papers for re-surfacing East Front Street,' ind lower Pollock Street. lotion seconded, and carried. ' Alderman Ellis, reported in the mat ter of-the New Bern Ghent Street Rail way Company, that the Committee recommended that no " privilege -be granted to any Street Railway Company to run freight cars oft-the. street's of the City. 1 Alderman Hall, moved, that the re port of Committee be accepted, and spread Upon the minutes. Alderman Satterthwalte seconded the motion. Motion carried. RIVER AND HARBOR COMMIT TEE. Alderman Satterthwalte, chair man, no rjport. PARK COMMITTEE. Aldermaa Hall, Chairman, no report.' SAXITARY COMMITTEE. Ald erman Brlnson, Chairman, nothing special to report, but the Committee requests further time In whldh to re port the matter of the Slaughter House. No objection entered as to the fore going request. o., ''.- -?".'". , POLICE DEPARTMENT- Atder man Dawson, Chairman, absent.-Alderman Scott, reported that the, uniforms for the Police Department has "been de livered and were satisfactory. '-r ".11 Aldernian Ellis, moved that on ac count of the efficiency In-the faithful discharge of hls duties that officer A.1 A. I pock, be advanced to Policeman No. 1 with a salary of $65.00 per-montl'?- , .'. Alderman Satterthwaite seconded the motion.' . .;"' .';". fi' a;i :.JU Alderman Dill moved an amendment Ellis' motion that the salary of the police man be raised $5.00, all aroundf: . " ; The amendment receiving nc? second, all members voting in the affirmative, the motion made by Alderman EUisrl was' carried. . " ", 2 ' ; M ITTEE. Alderman , Satterthwalte, no report. ' ' ' ' v, CITY PRpPERTY.rr-Alderman Hall no report. - , - ' ' ' '.- . UNFINISHED BUSINESS." No report. - 'iri'Si A?-'f:Ys:, ,y;s WATER AND LIGHT CONTIN UED. Alderman Blades moved that an advertisement be inserted in the two local papers, for ten days for furnishing 800 feet ( 10 inch cast iron Bell, and Spigot CU "A" water pipe,. 1 10 in. foot valval id 3 : 10 inchells. . . . v. f Alderman Satterthwalte ; seconded the motion, f V? ?. . : "i ; ' ? Alt members' voang la the affirma tive, the motion, was carried. fei NEW BUSINESS. Alderman Sat terthwaite reported that his attention has been called: to getting in Jmd out of Duffy's Field since the extension of the Colored Cemetery caused by the block ing of the streets by the Railroad, stat ing that it appeared that the test thing to do would be to request theRailroad to refrain from blocking B Street. Alderman Satterthwaite, moved that the city attorney be instructed to brinj suit against the Railroad to proceed to open up Guiori Street, and B Street eivinjr the Railroad thirty days notice ): Alderman JMades 'seconded, the mo tion. Motion carried.' : " Alderman Ellis moved the adoption of the following ort)l!i4.ncc: , Be it ordained .by the Board of Alder- men cf the City of New Bern: ; 1 Section l.That section 14 of Chap ter 3 of the ordinance of the city be amended .by "adding at, the - end thereof, the- following words: K "Provided, this section shall not apply to electrically lighted signs, erected andired In ac: cordance with the rules prescribed by the Southern " Eastern Underwriters Association. - -;; .f' v ; Motion seconded and upon roll ca.ll t'le same was adopted. . - , ' '- ' . STREETS AND PUMPS COMMIT TEE CO NT I N UE D.-7 Alderman Elllr, moved that the! Port Physician, ? Milk and Meat Inspector, and the two sanl tarv officers be notified -to be present at the regular, meetings in the months of May, June, July, .August, September, and Octdber''Vi':iiV: Motion, seconded and carried. ' CEMETERY COMMITTEE CON TI NUE D.' Aldermani Disosway 4 j-e ported lhat it was necessary s to have about 100 markers for the graves in the colored cemetery, and requested that the Committee be author! ted to act. ,f Alderman Satterthwalte moved that the Committee be empowered to act In the aboce matter. Motion seconded and carried. ':,... There would be.considerable travel in that vicinity, that; the: City: ; place an arc light at Primrose and Pasture Stsf Alderman Disosway moved that the matter be referred -to the Water and Light Committee. with power to act. . f Motion seconded and carried. The following report of the Milk and Meat I nspector was offered : ,: ? ",' New Bern, N..C-, May 5K 1914. To the Honorable Mayor and Board of Alderman of the city of New Bern: Gentlemen: ,-. ! : I have the honor of submitting ,my report for the month of April 1914 as follows: -'.'";;. .' .. ',,, 'ru- I have my restaurants shown on a percentage- basis as I have the meat markets, and soda fountains and dairies We will first take the condition of the meat markets, which J visit every day, and I find them to be according to my judgment as follows: . .. .! . !. !' A. Castet.......i-..,. .....U,...-.-...-.. .-.85 Isler........--.. ..,.....,......i.:.82 Boon.. ... .-. ......85 . Hawkins ...............75 Brim mage.... . . - . -?-65 Graham.. ..'...80 Saddler. . . .T.... ... .5 Gardner... , . -."85 Franks .,-...;........,., -.60 Simmons.. .... ----- 68 ................I, 80 ...... 75 ....... .......82 Jackson... . Davis......... Warrington .. Coast Line , ....................68 Fonville ......62 Price '. 1.... ...75 Wallace: ',. I-:.-....:.-..60 Cherry .....,.., -. ...85 Very little meat has been Comdemmed this month.- Soma has been condemmed at Casf-t's, but not on account of du- ease., ' .' - . " . , " . '.,, 'cix At Davis' about 50 pounds has been condimmed, but not on account of dis ease.',. ;:;;! ' -"'';-::'' Less meat this month has "been Con demmed than any other month pre vious since. I have been Inspector, in fact this is the first month that I have not fou nd any diseased meat at all. The Coast Line, at ;tfip Coast Line, I have found that he is keeping his mar ket in a much better condition,, and I think thathe will in the future try and keep his market up to the standard,' : At Frank's market, I find that he is makine improvements on his building, and I Jthiok in I short while lie will have it in a much better condition. fyrS. H if. r As I said before, yotl may know that a meat, market canno't be kept: like a parlor, and I do not expect, them to keep it as -vsuchj .1 only ask ,that they be kept. as clean as possible, and that Concluded on page i THE GLASS FOR llMillTHEjiASS -i.' r; icioUs.,'mouth-wateTing,..luscioussoda-- -s' - . .j ''.'-niT5fe.' ?! " 7VC ''''-'?-'' A.? Ss. wfe pure sodaV 'pWlruit flavors iind' heavy '. - ' ' r i11 '"--'sn -4 It W Lj i i . - .; ------ - ' .-' " f r "f" . -" ' ; if:. iiS.i-.V'.r- IS A fir .-. ,:" dairy cream V Caa you beat it? No, you ;-:t n" - ; ijrX, JfK cannot. Tfiat's why our fountain is sp -"" ; 1 ; p-' . ".'-" popular. : Join the thirsty ones today. j ' '" r 1 i " ' """C " ( " ' JrifaS-'jiX 'V-VThar ir "-i;'sri 'tn'thf hp'st it Vfnlierl -v-v;?- 'Vf '" W mtairi -br-im f ull of 'der -'.':';:i T TRUSTEE SALE : Pursuant to 'the duties imposed by the deed of triist date4 March: 3, ,1913, from A: Holton and wife to W..D. Mclver tnisteej ' aecuring j the -debt due Lida P. Duffy, recorded in the bfft, ce of the Register of Deeds inBook.l95j page 244, the said trustee will offer for, tale at thecoiirt house 'door at New BerooA Mndav, June 8, 1914, the property described In the deed of trust to-wit: All that lot of land in Bridge- ton described id a deed from J: Rig don, and wife to A..J. Holton dated June 10th 1908rTecOrded in the"office oi ' the Register of Deeds of Craven county in Book 172, page 442, on which said lot is located a plant tor manufac ti.i"T washing machines, including all if ' Inery, tools-and appliances used i i ejection with the said factory or IT. .. - ". t 1. ' ' ' o three mn! s sold A.J.' Holton iQW LOSE ANY TIME t3;suf;-yi-;o:'3(5';y r?3s,.j"5 mi ''f J1 Everv man looks forwa-d to being comfortably - fixed some ' . day, but whatever any man looks forward cannot be acquir- . ed over-night If you ;warit to be.comfortablyiixed, someday; ; you must begirt by starting af ba,nk account; liow, Your - - ' money is safe in the bank; and -your keen ' V . vi your balance in tae bank grow is- the thing that Will make it ; ; - ; grow. : w i! U. f;x!: .-a -:? ; " Sl xsiM :. : ' , -: U SRiiiininfl WiBiout Orflcrs ; RUNNfNO WITHOUT ORDERS7-BUT ON ATRACK , WELL V PROTECTED BY MODERN SAFETY APPLIANCES OPER- '., ;'. : ' ATED AND RUN BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE f I AM NOT A CANDIDATE OF ANY RING NOR AM I SUP . I PORTED BY ANY RINGSTERS.' I-BELIEVE THAT. EACH ; ... MAN SHOULD HAVE AN EQUAL RIGHT IN SELECTING y . PUBLIC OFFICERS, AND I ACCORD THAT, RIGHT TO . 5 t EVERY MAN. WE ARE LIVING IN AN AGE OF PROGRESS j AND INTELLIGENCE, AND A'MAN ASKING HIS PEOPLE " -i FOR THEIR VOTES SHOULD DO SO ON HIS OWN MERIT, .-' .' . : ' " YOURS TRULYi " . . v - - ' V" :'.- ' ' Gt V.' RICHARDSON, Dover, N. C. S3c 3C 3l ;'"CSSSSS3 C r ' P. V : Let Me FIT YOUR GLASSES : -'-' , 'i:U;:J-i;.- After haying made an examination of the eyes in or- rlor fn daformmo. tho oira h't'orrnr rf rof ia rtinn. trt hA' ' , ;'':; "j' v overcome. m&t& iiim n '. g f Gareless fitting of the frames often , causes , imperv q feet sight because the eyes do not focus directly on ft - - ; - 1 jf Ithe center of the lenses, r" :V ; ri : A- y S r 3 cz: "'::,:: 3 c zzs t 1 1 Mmm-r liiilSTiEVEilTliTEi 7- 5'.3 H Is 'What They All Say After They Have-Eaten Whiff ;.': rs 1:1 I ! Oa-.ICE CEIEEI isb: trca IhellNI it.-. ' FAT.:CU3 L'Li. Z2 CrZ:i:Ss mi t 1- - '.- . .:..'-I r-v- t i 1 O fi' f..-;"i frr-V-V 8 I ri--,-; m.U..(.mv: .vL.i. uw.l uuJ .' ,'-..-. 1 - ' Telephone us your ordr.- -We'll Deliver i i : n ii.'t -Lav! j been 'made la pay cf s-.!i t'.'.t end aise ' havir; j nJ. i ty Li.'a P, Du.fvi i V. D. Mclver, Trus'