I 1 ft 4 1 U:t j v : SUITE CDTJTTEE TO ' , m SOUTSPfllT VISIT WILL MAKE , INSPECTION . OF THAT POJNT AS POS-SIBLE JCOALING STATION 1 I . WILMINGTON, June 2; The traf :'fic committee of the Chamber of Com- - merce, of which Mr. J. Allan Taylor is chairman, has been advised by Senator v Overman that the Senate committee on location - of the proposed government ' coaling station -which Is likely to be es tablished at come point on the Atlantic coast will viit Wilmington and South port next fall ',- - ,. " ; Wilmington . and" ; Southport . have - united in an effort ta secure the coaling : station for the latter place. . These two "ports are working through their com- mercial bodies, Wilmington through the j Chambet , of Commerce and Southport through the .Commerce Association. ' Committees from both were appointed -some time ago. - The latter organiza tjon issued n attractive leaflet, setting - forth, concisely the many advantages of Southport for the coaling station. f The Senate committee will visit Nor- folk, ; Charleston, Brunswick, Jackson ville, and other .South Atlantic ports. WON'T REBUILD 'T ' , Plant At Oriental Wo'nt Be Re-. t Reports from Oriental ., are! to the? effect that tne , ten tnousana aoiiar pine knot factory which' was destroyed by fire there 6ne flight last week, will not be rebuilt and this decision on the part 'of the owner ' R 'A1': Dudley," is regretted by, the citizen of the -town." This , j plant which: inianufactu 4 volUrj paints, varmsnes ana metucines worn t1)')Ue kmrtsg; was' theJonly onC of1 its kind in &e would andwas dojog a thriving business up, until the time that it was destroyed W fire. The origV ol !t the : flames 'still remains W! in)4teryand the only:; soluUon is that. they were caused by spontaneous com bustion, caused' by the excessive heat and the dry weather. RAPID PROGRESS BEING MADE ON' WAREHOUSE Rapid progress- is being made on the construction .of, the- tobacco ware house. The walls have been erected tor the first floor and the flooring placed in' position. With the . present force employed It is expected that the build ing will be completed within a few weeks. TWENTY MARRIAGE LICENSES DURING MONTH OF may: There were twenty marriage license issued during the month of May, seven of which were issued to white people, the remaining thittesn were issued to colored people. - .Mrs. W. C. Gibbs, of Bayboro, re turned home yesterday after visiting at the home of Mrs. D. W. Basnight. You1 cannot expect a ficcd thing like this to last forever and we don't want a single one of you to miss this SALE. Do you realize that Saturday is the last day of this Eaigain Feast and the stock is as we predicted, fast disappearing. Take time by the forelock, Hasten here, where the saving pow er to you is beyond a doubt. BIG. : It is a good deal easier to save a dollar than it is to earn one so come. r i Today Is Linen Day This includes Table Linen, Bed Linen, Dress Linen arid all sorts of Linen and White Goods as well. All arranged out in the open for your close, critical examination as the values are without a doubt the best the markets of the world have to offer in good Linens. : , r Vacation Needs You cannot go far without a Trunk, Suit Case or Grip. We have a window full of these goods and more inside for you to make your selections from The June Brides will do well to look this line over Trunks in all shapes and styles, including Wardrobe Trunks. Suitcases and Grips, no matter if it is only a straw case, or a fine Leather, Linen Lined Case; we have it, and at the smallest prices you could hope to get good baggage WMircX'K ',-frV-i:t;f? . More Footwear Brought out for thevfir$t time and on display, marked and sized for your convenience. The prices are the smallest part about them. w - 5 ' -Clothing"-"' ( . :jv', . Better and. rarer bargains than you have ever had the good fortune to have offered you' in this town before. J NEWj HOSPITAL 1 V ' " " ' ' , " v ' Work ?6f Construction . Has Been - Started -' , .. Although the contract for the con itructiorrvof St;' Luke's hospital was awarded several weeks ago, work was not started on1 the building until very recently. The work of laying the foun dations is now in progress, . and it Is expected that the : matterial for the building will be placed on the grounds soon. - This building will be located on the cornel' of Broad and Middle streets, and, when completed, will be one of the finest hospitals in the State. ATLANTIC COAST LINE PUTS OH NEW TRAIN CHANGES UP SCHEDULE ALL OVER ITS EASTERN LINE . LOW RATES. A number of changes in-schedules went into effect yesterday on the Atlantic Coast Line which will be of much bene fit rn nil. . v a Sunday train will be inaugurated and continue until about OCpiClllUCI 13th, which will arrive at Wilmington from New Bern at 10:15 a. m., and leave for this point at 7:30 p. m. Nos. 59 and 60, which have hereto fore, been operated between Wilming ton and Sanford daily- except Sunday will hereafter be run every day between Wilmington: aOd Fayetteville only, ar riving at Wilmington at 10:15 a. m., and leaving at 6:30 p nvas at present. I,tAs previouly announced, the Flor ence local, began running daily, instead of .daily: except Sunday,, on May 3rd. This train leaves Wilmington at 6:20 p. and arrives at 9:55 a. m. , These Sunday trains will accommo date I the travel .-from and to nearby points to Wrightsville Beach and Wil mington's other -beach resorts and the Atlantic Coast Line has announced low rate Sunday vexcursions to Wilmington commencing next Sunday and continue ing until about September 13th, as fol lows, with proportionately ,, low .rates from intermediate points. Rocky Mount- $2.50 Wilson. A- .: - 200 Goldsboro. . 1.50 Mount. Olive... . 1.40 Warsaw..-., . 1.10 Burgaw. .-. '. 45 New Bern... 1.25 Jacksonville.; , 1-00 Fayetteville...,.- '.. -1.50 Chadbourn. 1.25 Whiteville. 1.15 Lake Waccamaw . 1.00 These rates are effective only for Sunday trains except that from Rocky Mount and intermediate points they will be sold for trains arriving at Wil mington 1:15 a. m., and 10:00 a. m. Sunday mornings and limited return ing to the 6:45 p. m. train on Sunday or the 3:40 a- m. train Monday. Children cry t FOR FLETCHER'S -JASTO R I A r THET E ION T HUNDREDS' WILL SPEND THE DAY AT THE SEASHORE- LOW FARES 1 LTabernacle .excursion picnic, Xck JcHi 'coked forward to for several days goes to Morehead City tomorrow. The train will leave the "ACADEMY GREEN" promptly at 8:00 o'clock- A. M. Returning will leave Morehead City at 7:15 P. M. The fare for the round trip will be $1.00 for adults and children under 15 years of agi- 50c. This includes a good old fas' lned country picnic dinner and transfrrtation to and from the beach free of c' arge. Arrangements l.ave already been made with Mr. Wade of Morehead City to use his pavilion at the Beach and boats have been chartered to ake the crowd to and from Morehead City. Bath suits and all the necessary ar rangements for surf bathing can be had at the beach and the fare to and from the beach as well as a big picnic dinner is thrown in with the round trip ticket. This makes the fare un usually cheap and in all probability as many as can be carried will avail The big dinner will be spread under the . pavilion at the beach on a long table erected for that purpose and a supply sufficient to satisfy the hunger of as many as will go has been, arranged for. The train will be charge of a Committee who will see that the safety of all who go is carefully guarded. There will be no rowdyism going on. The ex cursion will be run under the auspices of the Sunday School and every one is assured -a good, nice quiet helpful trip to the seashore. Tickets will be on sale at the train and accomodations have been arranged for a large crowd ld members of other Sunday-Schools-as well-as those who are members of no school are given a cordial invitation to go and partici pate n this day of recreation and en joyment. LARGE SHIPMENTS OF IRISH POTATOES BEING MADE , Large shipments of Irish potatoes are daily being shipped from New Bern to the" Northern markets. A large quanity of these potatoes are grown in Craven county being hauled Into the city by wagong. Some of them are shipped here by boats from the adjoin ing counties for shipment to other markets. FISH MARKET The Summer fish has arrived. Trout Star fish, Blue fish, spot hog fish, from the salt daily. Call and get quick service. Claims when I can obtain them. I A. W. WALSTON, 18 Middle st. Phone 747. n l Getting Middle Street, NEW- BERN; N. C.j TAKE IT IN TIME Just As Scores of New Bern People Have. Waiting doesn't pay. If you neglect kidney backache, Urinary troubles often follow. Act in time by curing the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills are especially for weakened kidneys. Many people in this locality recom mend them. Here's one case: W. L. Benson, 620 S. Second St., Wilmington, N. C, says: "My back ached nearly all the time and I couldn't straighten after stooping or lifting when I got up, I was very lame and sore and I noticed that the kidney secretions contained sediment. Soon after I used Doan's Kidney Pills, be fore long I felt better In every way and it wasn't long before I wasenjoying the best of health. My advice to any one suffering from kidney complaint is to try Doan's Kidney Pills." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Benson had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ATLANTIC COAST LINE "The Standard Railroad of the South". Passenger Traffic Department. REDUCED ROUND TRIP RATES WILL ME MADE FORMMMMM WILL BE MADE FOR SPECIAL QSCASIONS BY -THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE THE STANDARD .RAILROAD . THE SOUTH. OF THE RATES ARE OPEN TO THE - PUBLIC. NOTE! The first dates named are those upon which tickets may be sold, and upon which the trip must be begun, and the last date is the fiunal RETURN LMIT the last date opon which the original starting point must be reached. - j WASHINGTON, D. C June 2 and 3r June 7. WACO, TEX. June 3, 4, 5, and 6; June 22. HOUSTON, TEX. June 5, 6, and 7r-July5. ISLE OF PALMS, S. C June 10, and 11; June 17. ' ATLANTA, GA. June 13 and 14; June 24. June 24. CHICAGO, ILL. June 20, 21 and 22 July 4. LOUISVILLE, KY. June 22, 23 and 24; July i... BUFFALO, M Y June 27, 28 and 29f July 8. ATLANTA, GA. July 6 and 7; July 15. For total rates, schedules, reserva tions, etc., to any point named and for and desired information, apply to T. H. BENNETT, Ticket Agent, New Bern, N. C. T. C White, General Passenger Agent, W. L. Craig, Passenger Traffic Manager Wilmington, N. C. SUMMER EXCURSIONS TO NORFOLK VIRGINIA BEACH MOREHEAD CITV BEAUFORT. Round trip Summer Tourist. Week "End, and Sunday Excursion fares Season 1914. NORFOLK. Week-end $4.75. Sunday Ticket $2.50. Week-end Ticket on sale Saturday trains June 5th to Septem ber 12th inclusive. Limited to fa llowing Tuesday. No stop overs al lowed. Sunday Tickets on sale Midnight train Saturday night limited to leave Norfolk 9:00 P. M. Sunday night following. No stop over, no baggage, nor sleeping car accomo dations allowed. VIRGINIA BEACH. Add 40c on Norfolk rates, same limitations aa to Norfolk. MOREHEAD CITY. Season ticket $1.60; Week End $1.50; Sunday Ticket $1.00. Season Tickets sold daily May 15th to Sep tember 30th, 1914. Limited Octo ber 31st, 1914. Stop overs all points, usual baggage allowance. Week End Tickets on sale for all Saturday And for Sunday morning train, May. 30th to. and including September 13th. Limited to Tues day following date of sale. No stop overt, usual baggage allowance. Sunday Ticket on sale each Sun day -May: 31st to and including September . 13th. Limited return same date. No stop overs or bag gage allowed. BEAUFORT. Add 20c to rates to Morehead city, same limitations as , to Morehead City WEEK END INCLUDING HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS. . : Board and Lodging, Saturday sup per to .and including Monday break fast, and transportation. Rate $6.00 Tickets sold each Saturday, June 20th, to and including August 29th 1914. Limited to return Tuesday following date of sal. No stop ov ers allowed. Usual baggage allow ance. Extension of-tickets. Week end and Sunday ticket to More head and Beaufort can be extended on application to agent and pay ment of difference in rate. For further information apply to T. H. Bennett, Ticket Agent, Phone 737 or E. D. Kyl, T. M.; H. S. Leard G. P. A., Norfolk, Va. Timely Suggestions We can handle to advantage any requirements in Insurance such as FIRE, LIFE, Accident Burglary, Plate Glass, Live Stock, etc. aed will thank you for your business. Also have several good homes and desir able building lots for sals. VV. G.BOYD To Caie . oold in On i Day ke LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops Uw l ough and Headache and work oft the Cold. Drug-gists refund money if it fails to cure . W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 2So. V SIN A. CL Schedule f Following is the schedule lrom Neir Bern in connection with the new sei": vice. Lv. New Bern.... 9:35 A.MV Ar. Wilmington 12:50 P. Ml. Lv. Wilmington 3:45 P.Mt- Ar. Florence 7:35 P.M. Lv. Florence 8:00 P. ML Lv. Sumptr 9:30 P.MC Ar. Orangeburg 10:53 P.M. Ar. Augusta 1 -.40 A.M. Ar. Atlanta 6:00 A.M. Passenger may remain in sleep ing cars until 7:0C a. m. Rjturning the train leaves Atlan ta 8:00 p. m.. Central time; and ajp rives Wilmington 1 :15 p. m , and Ne Bern 6:45 p. m. Eastern time. Connections are made in the Un ion depot Atlanta with the " Dixie Flyer," (leaving there at 8:00 A. M.) which is a solid train to Chicago? carrying sleeping, dining and obaer vation cars; also through sfeepiag cars to St. Louis; and with the"Seatht Atlantic Limited," (leaving at 7:12 aw m.) a solid train to Cincinnati, carryiag; sleeping and dining cars; also threagb sleeping cars to Louuville and Indtaa--apolis. Connections are also made in At lanta with the Atlanta & West Potn R. R., for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans and the. Southwest; with the -Southern Ry. for Birmingham, Men-, phis and the West with other divert- -ing lines for points in South Georg ia, etc. For reservations, tickets and scheaV . ules, to any Western destination by this new and attractive route, by oM ; and reliable lines, apply to T. H. BEN NETT, Ticket agent of theATLANTIC COAST LINE, The Standard Rails -road of the South. - NEW BERN TO HAVE A HIGH CLASS MUSICAL ENTERTAIN MENT ON JUNE 5th. The Musical which is to be given by the Thespis Club, for the benefit of the New Bern Library, promises to be one of the best and most delightful entertainments that that has been here for years. They are now having daily rehearsals, and a program of the var ious selections will be given at an early date. Tickets will be put on sale to morrow. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASXORI A l R. EAGLE CIVIL ENGINEER Rooms 408-9 Elks Temple New Bern, N. C. Surreys and plans for land drainage and munici pal improvements a spec ialty. General surveys, maps, plans, specificotions estimates. mrt i