TRUSTEE i. SALE ; -y Pursuant to the, duties imposed by "i the deed of trust dated March 3, I9 13. , from A. J. Holton, and wife to W. D. ' Mclver trustee, securing ' the 4 debt 'due' Lida P.' Duffy, recorded in the am f" f of the Register of Deeds in Book 195, ' ; page 244, the said trustee will offer for ' sale at the i court house door at New Bern, on Mondav, June 8, 1914, the u property described in ths deed of trust . to-wit:' All that lot of land in Bridge s ton described in a deed from ). C. Rig i'don and wife to A. J Holton dated ' June 10th 1908, recorded in tht office ot the Register of Deeds of Craven county in Book 172, page 442, onwhich ' said lot is located a plant for manufac turing washing machines, including all machinery, tools and appliances used in connection with the said factory or thop. Also three mules sold A. J. Holton by Lida P. Duffy. Default having been made in pay ment of said debt and alse having ; been demanded by Lida P. Duffy. ' W. D. Mclver, Trustee This May 6. 1914. BUY YOUR SWEEPING POWDER , AT HOME ANT1 - DUST ' ' Manufactured By TARRO CHEMICAL COMPANY Also cheap Barn and Roof Paint It's fine for brickwork and fen cing It's a-Wood Preserver. Tarro Chemical ' Company Phone SI, NEW BERN, N. C. R.A. NUNN - ATTORNEY AT LAW ' Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, Jones, and Onslow and in the Supreme ard Federal Courts. Office 50 Craven St. Phone 97 New Bern, N.C. I New vegetable of all kind at Hack burns A. C. L Schedule Following i the schedule from Nev Bern in connection with the new ser vice. Lv. New Bern 9:35 A.M Ar. Wilmington 12:50 P.M Lv. Wilmington 3:45 P.M Ar. Florence 7:35 P.M. Lv. Florence S:00 P.M. Lv. Sumpter. 9:30 P.M Ar. Orangeburg 10:53 P.M Ar. Augusta 1:40 A.M Ar. Atlanta 6:00 A.M Passenger ' may remain in sleep ing cars until 7:00 a. m. Returning the train leaves Atlar, ta 8:00 o. m., Central time; and ar rives Wilmington 1:15 p. m., and New "Bern 6:45 p. m. Eastern time. , Connections are made in the Un ion depot Atlanta with the "Dixie- Flyer," (leaving there at 8:00 A. M.) which is a solid train to Chicago carrying sleeping, dining and obser vation cars; also through sleeping cars to St. Louis; and with the "South Atlantic Limited," (leaving at 7:12 a m.) a solid train to Cincinnati, carrying Bleeping and dining cars; also through -sleeping cars to Louisville and Indian apolis. Connections are also made in At Janta with the Atlanta & West . Point R. R., lor Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans and the Southwest; with the Southern Ry. for Birmingham, . Mem phis and the West with other diverg ing lines for points in South Georg ia, etc.'; " . 1 -!; 1 Ttr PMAnrqfinna ir,lraa on1 a h Ail. fy t'Jniea,;; to ; any Western destination . by 7 -.; thin new and attractive route.' bv old COAST LIinE. The Standard Kail- road of the South. ' Xi't TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS ;.':M'MO CRAVEN COUNTE ,.; ' i J: $ ,i hereby, announce my ; candidacy ". for the Legislature, and. respectfully ' f 'ask' all democrat of Craven County .f .' to' give me their support." The primary is called for Saturday June 27th 1914, from sunrise , until - sundownfimijl I: would ' appreciate , the work of my friends' at the" polls on that day.v Very '. Respectfully, ,zs, . :. G. A WHITFORD. . A TAKE: IT IN TIME Just Aa Scores of New Bern People Have. Waiting doesn't pay- ' ,''. If you neglect kidney backache, Urinary troubles often follow.. . ; -,' Act in time by curing the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills; are especially for weakened kidneys. ' - , Many people in this locality recom mend them.' Here's one case: ' . ... W. L. Benson, 620 S. Second St., Wilmington, Nr C. says: "My back ached nearly all the time and I couldn't straighten ; after stooping or lifting when I got up, I was very lame and sore, and I noticed that the kidney secretions co" jed sediment. Soon after I usei Ooan's Kidney Pills, be fore long I felt better in every way and it wasn't long before I wasenjoying the best ot health. My advice to any one suffering from kidney complaint is to try Doan's Kidney Pills."- Price 50c, at all dealers. Don t simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Benson had. Foster- J lilburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Deafness . Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucuous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out, and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo.O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's FamilyPills for constipa tion. T LINE PUTS ONINEW TRAIN CHANGES! UP SCHEDULE ALL OVER ITS EASTERN LINE LOW RATES. A number of changes in schedules went into effect yesterday on the Atlantic Coast Line which will be of much bene fit to all. A Sunday train will be inaugurated and continue until about September 13th, which will arrive at Wilmington from New Bern at 10:15 a. m.. and leave for this point at 7:30 p. m. Nos. 59 and 60, which have hereto fore been operated between Wilming ton and Sanford dally except Sunday will hereafter be run every day between Wilmington and Fayetteville only, ar riving Wilmington at 10:15 a. m., and leaving at 6:ji. p. m as at present. As previouoly announced, the Flor ence local began running daily, instead of daily except Sunday, on May 3rd. This train leaves Wilmington at 6:20 p. m., and arrives at 9:55 a. m. These Sunday trains will accommo date th-. travel from and to nearby points to Wrightsville Beach and Wil mington's other beach resorts and the Atlantic Coast Line has announced low rate Sunday excursions to Wilmington commencing next Sunday and continu ing until about September 13th, as fol- lows, witn , proportionately low rates from Intermediate point3. Rocky Mminr. ' ,. , , $2.50 Wilson. 2.00 Goldsborof Mount Olive Warsaw Burgaw -1.50 .1.40 .1.10 45 New Bern.... 1.25 1.00 -1.50 Jacksonville- Fayetteville- Chadbourn Whiteville La.25 11.15 Lake Waccamaw ...,1.00 only , for These rates are effective Sunday trains except that from Rocky Mount and intermediate points they win be sold for trains arriving at Wil mington 1:15 a. ' m.,' and 10:00 a. nt. Sunday mornings and limited return ing to the 6:45 p. m. train on Sunday or he 3:40 a. m. train Monday.; ,1! f '' i Hr " Quality not quan 4 itt'HackjL)Ui:ns rORIA lor Infanta and Children. Jh tJt.i Yq E:T3te:;s Bears the Signature of Rubber ' There are aliments you can often cure-. easily without medis;: i cines simply,, by applying, heat,?; For' example--Headache tooth-; ache, earache, and you can fre quently check ; a coldfor cough by applying heat by means cf a hot water bsttle. " . . ; You can always ro'lave ? that detestable annoyance xi cold feet in bed for a hot water bottle is a SPLENDID BEDFELLOW , One of the latest ; means of effectually curing constipation which is a result of intestinal disorders is by means of internal bathing, using a fountain syringe and alkaline solution , under;, a docter's orders. These two use ful articles should be in every home. We are headquarters for them. F. S. Duffy ST. UOHN'S DAY ? Masonic Celebration ; - , ' r OXFORD, N. C. ; 1 . ! Weddnesday, June 24, 1914. Low Round Trip Rates. Special Excursion Rates via Southern. Rail way, Premier Carrier of the South. SPECIAL TRAIN FROM RALEIGH - . AND DURHAM Leave Raleigh ; 1 Leave Durham ' Arrive Oxford . Leave Oxford return. Schedule . and rates 7:30 A M 8:30 .AM $1.00 $.100 9:50 AM .5:20 P M from Goldsboro, Greensboro, and intermediate points as follows: Leave Goldsboro 6:55 A M $1.50 ' Sslma 7:40 AM 1-25 " Raleigh 5:50 A M 1.00 " Greensboro 7:30 A M 1.75 " Burlington 8:12 -A M 1.35 " Chapd Hill 8:20 AM 1.00 Leave Durham 10:00 A. M., special train, arrive at Oxford 11:00 A. M. Returning this train will leave Oxford 4:45 P. M., connecting at Durham for all points East, and West. Rates and schedules in same" pro portion from all intermediate points. For full and complete information, ask nearest agsnt, and large flyer, or write, J. 0. JONES, Travelling Pas senger ' Agent, Raleigh N. C. LOCAL MARKETS. As Quoted By Jacobs pany. And Coin- Irish Potatoes $2.50 to $2.75 per bag. Irish, potatoes new $2.75 to $3.75 par barrel. Sweet potatoes 65c to 75c oer bushel. Lettuce $1.00 to $1.50 per basket. Beets, 5c to 6c per bunch. ( . Squash 75c to $1.25 per basket. Beans $1.00 to $1.25 per basket. . ' Cabbage 90c to $1.25 per crate. Onions $3.0Q to $3.25- per bag. New onions $1.00 to $1.50 per bas ket. ' ' f.'1 - Quotations From A. Castets Mar ket. Beef at 10c per pound. Pork at Hie per pound. Eggs at 18 cents per dozen. Spring chickens 40 cents to 75 cents per pair. , " ., . t Old chickens $1.00 per pair. , Hides at 10 cents per pound. . Salt hides at 11 1-2 cents per pound. . LEAGUE.' NEW BERN CITY Next Game "Wednesday Single , Men vs Ghent. STANDING OF CLUBS, p '-v -;,.' W . L P.C Single Men ,J5 1 834 Rallroadera 4 2 .667 Married Men 2 5 286 Ghent Association -.'2. 5-' 286 " PANAMA CANAL HAS 'CUT V ? TOLLS OF SUEZ, WATERWAY. Stockholders Find Fault Because They ; Get 'Dividend of V " Only 33 Per Cent. " , . PARIS, - June; lO.The Sues Canal management was censured for the first time in years at die annual meeting to day, when the usual 33 per cent, divi dend was declared.. Some shareholders demanded to know why the amount was not larger; ! '' f;- Charles Jonnart, President of the com pany, said, the. sues V-anal tolls nave been reduced 10 cents a ton to meet the rates fixed for Panama, although" he as serted that the Panama Canal will have little effect on the Suez Canal. i a Rensedy Oils EISLIDTiB ..(sues cm c;;;:ers LACK OF SAFETY APPLIANCES , WHEN ELLA HACKETTf FELL ' ' ' INTO RING ,. NEW YORKJune 10. The Rintl rg brothers, owners of the Barnum & Bail ey circus,- are defendants J; a $10,000 suit brought- by. - the. ' mother" of - Ella Hackett," the nineteen ysarold "eques trienne , who was killed in - Madison Square Garden April 1, while; rehears ing an aerial actv .J '. ,- 2 . The girl,; who was the daughter of Dr Clarence Lv Hackctta dentist, No. 153 East Forty-third street, was preparing to do an aerial "loop the loop"- when she fell thirty-five feet to the arena. . During the .accident,; which happened after the matinee performance, only a few per formers were jn the garden, arfiong them a sister of .the young woman,' also -a ri der. ' ' c In the suit, which, is brought under the Employers' Liability act, the Ringl ing management is charged 'with neg lect in not having nets, under the- tra peze and failing to provide a safety belt for the girl.- William La Monte, a member of the Bird Mill man troupe, is named in the complaint as having, been. Miss Hack- ett s instructor and having permitted her to attempt the loop without, safe guards, although she had never accom plished the feat. The police who were, called to the Garden were informed that Miss Hackett wa.s opposed to burden ing the trapeze with a safety rope. , i . Mrs. Clarence Hackett, mother of the girl, who was appointed -administratrix by the Surrogate, is bringing the action in behalf of the next of kin, nam ing herself, her husband, and two daugh ters, Mrs.; -Belle,, L. Freitag and Mrs. Sara L. Van Skark, , '- . . , NEGRO WIFE SLASHER SENTEN " . CES HIMSELF. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, June 10 Fred Walker, colored, was sentenced to seven months on the Pasquotank counJ ty chain gang this' morning for cutting his wife several days ago. Walker slashed her with a razor and left her for dead. He fled as soon as he committed the crime and then wrote her a letter telling her where- he was. The police got hold of the letter and picked him up. Judge Turner allowed him to impose his own sentence and he said- that he would be satisfied if he got out of trouble by Christmas. ; He was committed to the roads with an order to release him on Christmas Eve. " SLIGHT THROAT OPERATION ON PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER. Miss Margaret Went to a Philadel phia Doctor for H Treatment. (Special to the Journal.) v i . PHILADELPHIA, June 10 Miss Margaret Wilson, the unmarried daugh ter of the President and Mrs. Wilson, came to Philadelphia today to undergo a minor operation of the throat. - The affection has interfered seriously with her singing, which has been highly praised. - She came in this morning from Washington and went almost, im mediately to the office of her physician, Dr D. Bradem Kyle, No. 1517 Walnut street. She left in an automobile and passed .the afternoon and night with Philadelphia friends. ' 't A postoperative examination of the throat will be made Thursday by Dr. Kyle, after which Miss Wilson will re turn to the capital. ' BEE STINGS THROAT ALL WAY ?7 t.-r - TO STOMACH. ' . BQULTJER, COLO, June 10y--A bee which,: flew down the throat of John Andrews, a farmer, kept its sting going all the way to the farmer s tomach Andrews may die' of blood poisoning, his physician says. - - ,' 1 MISBRANDING FIRM GIVEN $50 K .'5l- V. S. FINE. . WASHINGTON, June lO.-i-A fine.of 50 and costs Was imposed opon the Weid manCompany, of Cleveland, Ohio, for '.shipping misbranded -peppermint b-LTakej Plenty -of Time to Eat. . ffThere is a saying that "rapid eating slow suicide." If-you have formed the habit of.eating too rapidly yon are most likely suffering from' indigestion or constipation,, which will result eventu ally in serious illness unless corrected. Digestion begins in the mouth.' Food should . be thoroughly, masticated and insalivated.' Then when you have 'a fullness of the stomach or feel dull and stupid after eating take one of Cham berlain's Tablets. Many severe cases of stomach trouble and - constipation have been cured by the Use. of these tablets.' They are easy to take and most agreeable in effect. ' Sold by all dealer.- t 1 Lc;s cf Arpet:: ,r. , -PI., ,'.,pr,'.., ln:. r , V -:rr3 Summer Pleasures without Summer v Discomforts Indoors it's sticky and moist ; On the' porch' it's" coo when the Vudors are down.. s i " Why not ea Bleep, live there this snmmerf " Thousands do lu The cool air gives appetite and,, i forces prou td dreamless sleep because it bathes the , ; trves wWj you Bleep, It eiuvs thero. . ' j i ' Vudor Porch Shades cost httle. Theyjgivealr but J keep out glaref ;" You can look qu through -Vudors,, - but not in through theme Tney .asAhey, "thjt new looklfor they're stained, not painted; nor, j S. HSILLEH Jhe'Home N ew nern - :: . . Successful Ice MllMIMMJI)MMlLW.WI.ftBtfM1flH1lirT'fffB Ll"ll I """MB depends .upon, tha proper kind-of a -freezer. Our O. K. Freezer will - freeze your cream';in half the time the ordinary,, kind 'takes.; Itv doesnrt "require much exertion to work it. You , can save many a . dollar : by making your own creaih tQ say nothing" of your health., 1 See ' our show window for special prices. ' - . Gaskill Hardware and Mill Supply . Co. 73-75-77 Middle Street -i 1- - -Phone 147 STEAMER Balto. & Norfolk to " New .Bern , -SCHEDULE Lve. Baltimore, ' It 19th 20th .' Norfolk . N following days DOCKS alto. Miller Wharf FootCarolineSt. , Norfolk ; Jones & Co. Water St New, Bern ; J, B. Blades , f SHALL THE PEOPLE RULE? 1 " I am informed that Mr., James .A. Bryan, in addressing the magistrates, and commissioners of Craven county, last Monday, June 1st, said that Mr. G. A. Whitford would' be the next repre sentative from -Craven countyi CThe time has been -when the Colonel could call a few men together at his home, and behind closed '.doors, name the county officers, but that day has passed.' ' ' The people' demand the right to name for themselves, the officers who are to represent them, and in this day and time no man or set of men can take this right away from them.;, 1 f - -Colonel, you have named your man, now let us hear from the people. ' ' ". - G. V. RICHARDSON. d-4-tf."-; Fresli s 75 ct. PER BASKET ' Sliced Hams, Bone Removed 3Cc;lb. Suar ' 5c. lb. i!.c.::::5T:' Feaclie 1 j-i r , . F Furnisliers1! A City iviorenea' Cream Making FOB SALE my oeauuiui nome situ ated on Slocomb ' Greek with 550 acres of land well drained and fit to, grow; uuy iiuug . ilia 1 grows in this, section.- Come see it or address . , ; ; Wimiim Buys I " 1 Havelock N. C. - H. r. um CIVIL ENGINEER -Rooms 408-9 Elks Templa - Surveys and plans for land drainage and munici pal Improvements a spec? ; uutjr vcuuoi bui vvySf maps, plans, specli icotions estimates.' - -t 1- i &SMT t viiAus ana r ' - SURVEYORS V u ? Survey, Maps, Plans, Esti- mtt-p '-i. Hf itllri1 '-Tv- ' V J . ll.WUlVIUi Y , M.MJJL provements; Reclamation and Development of Wety Overflowed Land. etc.. - - ' New Ecrn, N, C. lUw ,. t Hp f r D. "" V 1 mm - i

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